Itt az uj resz:
A. Understanding Your dick.
4. "But it is SO FRUSTRATING when my dick does this!!"
Yes, it is. But screaming and yelling at the dick, or punishing it
well after the fact does not tell your dick what is wrong. You may in
fact wind up teaching it to fear you, or consider you unreliable. You
must get your dick to understand you, and *you* have to work on the
communication gap, as you are more intelligent than your dick.
Preventing your dick from unwanted behaviors coupled with *properly
timed* corrections will go much further in eliminating the behavior
from your pet than yelling at it.
In fact, you should not yell at, scream at, or hit your dick, ever.
There are much more effective ways to get your point across. Try
instead to understand the situation from your dick's point of view and
act accordingly. The techniques in this chapter approach problems
with this in mind.
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Jol nezel ki.....
SHOOTING MYSELF..............BOOOOOOOM ==================
:o o:
D D J T O O MM MM : xxxxxxxxx :
D D J T O O M M M : Economic :
D D J J T O O M M : University :
DD JJJJ .. T O O M M : Budapest :
T O M M : 1994 :
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*.: Ez viccnek is beillett volna. A zsolt@...-rol kiderult,
hogy a zsolt = Solt Zita. Pedig en Zsolt-ra tippeltem volna.
De ettol fuggetlenul a "Religious..." nem jelent meg me'g
a Moka-ban, atneztem a kulcsszavait unixos fgrep-el.
Megprobalhatod a gopher-en is, nekem meg sosem mukodott, ha bejott
akkor is valami miatt nem mukodott.
Dr.Dr.K.S., 1994.II.9, USA