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>I've just seen the movie with the above title in which, to my surprise,
>a Hungarian mafia (mob) played a somewhat important role.
Hungary never had a "maffia" inspite of being near to Italy for 1000 years
>In one of the opening scenes, the surviving
>Hungarian gangster said something like "En tudom ot" insted of "En
>ismerem ot." This means "I know him" in English. In other words, the
>"know", in this case, was translated to Hungarian as "tudom",
>not as "ismerem". What I don't understand is, how come the Hungarian
>actor or dubbing speaker did not notice this obvious error.
The actor was obviously NOT Hungarian
>Joe Pannon
It is typical a Holywood goof misleading the American viewers, just
like the invention of "Frankenstein" or "Count Dracula" in Transylvania
There was no such person (I am a count from Transylvania) but I am
repeatedly asked about Drakula's life story. Neither is there a Hungarian
maffia with a Holywood accent ("en tudom ot)".
But the film makers live in a strange virtual world where everything is
possible. I have seen a Western movie some years ago where some Indians
wrist watches. And how about ZSa Zsa Gabor who was born in Austria and was
an Austrian even if Hungary was occupied by Austria at that time?
Austro-Hungary did not mean that Hungary was a willing participant, and Zsa
Zsa has never been a Hungarian. We were occupied for over 50 years by the
Austrians since our freedom fight in 1848 was squasht by Austria with the
help of Russia.
When I first arrived in the U.S. I was asked three questions by somebody.
First, "do you play the gipsy music with violin?", "no" I said, "I play the
piano" His second question was "do you ride on horsback without saddle?".
"no" I said, "I am a pilot flying airplanes" .His third question was "do
you like the famous Hungarian actress Zsa Zsa Gabor?". I replied "no", "I
don't like Zsa Zsa Gabor". My friend then declaired "You are certainly not
a Hungarian".
C'est la vie...
Janos Koplyay
Molecule One Scientific Research Institute >
ecrivait dans :
Molecule One Scientific Research Institute >
wrote in :
This group is called soc.culture.qc. That means it should talk about
Quebec's culture. This is also one of the rare french group of the
Net. This means that your posting should not have been done in English
or that it should have been related to it's orientation. Stop cross
(Jarek Zaremba ) wrote:
>Molecule One Scientific Research Institute would be interested
>in receiving email from pharmaceutical co.'s and health insurance
>firms, interested in participation with our proposed research.
>Molecule One Scientific Research Institute plans the operation of
>"ambient clinics and environments", on a 24 hour basis, for the
>public's benefit. It would be interesting for us to hear from
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_/ _/ _/_/_/_/ _/_/_/_/ Roger-Daniel Laberge