1. |
Helsinki Committee Human Rights Watch (RADOR - eng 15 f (mind) |
14 sor |
(cikkei) |
2. |
hungarian newspapers??!! (mind) |
7 sor |
(cikkei) |
3. |
marta sebestyen (mind) |
19 sor |
(cikkei) |
4. |
Re: "I love you" in many languages Re: Please help tran (mind) |
40 sor |
(cikkei) |
5. |
Re: The Hungarians in Transylvania (mind) |
51 sor |
(cikkei) |
6. |
Re: "I love you" in many languages Re: Please help tran (mind) |
43 sor |
(cikkei) |
7. |
ANy inexpensive hotels in Budapest? (mind) |
8 sor |
(cikkei) |
8. |
Re: Helsinki Committee Human Rights Watch (RADOR - eng (mind) |
34 sor |
(cikkei) |
9. |
Re: Korrekt politikai musor a TV-ben? (mind) |
39 sor |
(cikkei) |
10. |
Eszperanto rendezvenylista (mind) |
6 sor |
(cikkei) |
+ - | Helsinki Committee Human Rights Watch (RADOR - eng 15 f (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
(Agentia de presa RADOR) wrote:
>THE ASSOCIATION for Human Rights' Protection in Romania - Helsinki
>Committee calls on Romanian parliament not to pass the bill concerning
>foreigners visiting Romania, in the form it has been drawn, but to make the
>changes needed to warrant the Constitution supremacy, in accordance with
>the internal and international laws on human rights, which Romania
>ratified. RRA-RADOR, February 14th.
Does anyone on the list know what exactly is contained in the proposed
Charlie Vamossy
+ - | hungarian newspapers??!! (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
Dear colleguas!
I need contact-addresses from hungarian newspapers.
Any reply is greatly appreciated,
Many greetings,
+ - | marta sebestyen (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
Hello, bonjour,
I would like to buy one CD of Marta Sebestyen. What are your
suggestion ? Pocrypha or Muzikas (? I am not sure of the name and
spelling) ?
Please, write me to my e-adresse :
Thank you,
Karim Aguenaou
Karim Aguenaou
Department of Physics
McGill University telephone : (514) 398-7027,6529
3600, rue University telecopie : (514) 398-6526
Montreal, Quebec
H3A 2T8
Die Sprache eines Volkes ist seine Seele. (Fichte)
La langue d'un peuple, c'est son ame.
+ - | Re: "I love you" in many languages Re: Please help tran (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
> writes:
> Subject: Re: "I love you" in many languages Re: Please help translation (3 Wo
rds !)
> Date: Fri, 16 Feb 1996 20:52:29 +0000
> Organization: Coventry University
> Lines: 6
> Message-ID: >
> References: >
.com> >
> NNTP-Posting-Host: godiva.coventry.ac.uk
> Mime-Version: 1.0
> Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII
> X-Sender:
> In-Reply-To: >
> Xref: ifi.uio.no soc.culture.kenya:882 soc.culture.korean:76596 soc.culture.k
uwait:6322 soc.culture.laos:6928 soc.culture.latin-america:41281 soc.culture.le
banon:41102 soc.culture.liberia:738 soc.culture.maghreb:11821 soc.culture.magya
r:19695 soc.culture.> malagasy:805 soc.culture.malaysia:68332 soc.culture.mexic
> On 15 Feb 1996, Farah Mohamed wrote:
> > Waan ku jelahay in Somali
> >
> >wo ai ni in Mandarin
> >
In Norwegian; Jeg elsker deg and/or Eg elskar deg
In Swedish: Jag a¨lskar deg (It is supposed to be an 'a' with two dots over
In German: Ich liebe dich
In Danish I belive it is: Jeg elsker dig (not quite sure about the spelling)
What is this frase in Korean?
I have seen that it is: Na sarang ner
And what about: Nanu^n tangshinu^l sarangimnada
I am not surprised if this is wrong, but I would like to know the correct one.
+ - | Re: The Hungarians in Transylvania (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
Matyas ) wrote:
: In article >, (Al
exander N. Bossy) writes:
: |> On Feb 10, 1996 00:39:47 in article <The Hungarians in Transylvania>,
: |> 'Anthony Malczanek >' wrote:
: |> >After World War I, the Treaty of Trianon in 1920: Transylvania
: |> >becomes part of Romania.
: |> >Hungarians living in this area become a minority.
: |>
: |> Hi Anthony:
: |> You've got to be careful in what you say. While the Hungarians were the
: |> politically dominant population in Transylvania (as they were throughout
: |> the Hungarian half of the Dual Monarchy) before Trianon, they in no way
: |> constituted anything approaching a majority of the population in
: |> Transylvania (nor in the Kingdom of Hungary, for that matter).
: |> Consequently, they did not "become minority". They had been, and continue
: |> to be, a minority.
: Hi Alexander!
: There is one thing (at least) I don't really understand concerning these thre
: why should the Hungarians (and those writing from a non-Romanian point of vie
w) be
: the ones who "have to be careful in what" they "say". Anthony made a statemen
: he believes. You cannot prove by any means that Romanians have always been th
: majority in Transylvania. I don't know about any historical evidence proving
: this up to very close to Trianon (and then it still was a rather close call).
: So I think you should also be careful in stating that Hungarians "had been an
: continued to be a minority" in Transylvania, because their minority status
: has only developed as the result of the sneak-invasion (migration) of Transyl
: by Romanians. So I think that this kind of interventions of yours are purely
: propagandistic. They no way fit into the picture of many other postings of yo
Hi Matyas
This term "sneak invasion" is interesting. Does this mean that the vast
vast majority of people in North America are sneaky invaders? Any
minority or majority status anywhere usually stems from sneak invasions
or sneak demographics (high birth/low death).
I am not known in SCR for being careful about what I say, but Alexander's
point is that accuracy is vital when discussing sensitive points.
Wally Keeler Poetry
Creative Intelligence Agency is
Peoples Republic of Poetry Poetency
+ - | Re: "I love you" in many languages Re: Please help tran (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
In >,
o.itesm.mx> write:
> Path: news.NetVision.net.il!psinntp!psinntp!psinntp!howland.reston.ans.net!ma
> From: Ana Lilia Garcia Perez >
> Newsgroups: soc.culture.kenya,soc.culture.korean,soc.culture.kuwait,soc.cultu
> Subject: Re: "I love you" in many languages Re: Please help translation (3 Wo
> Date: Tue, 13 Feb 1996 13:30:09 -0600
> Organization: "Instituto Tecnologico de Monterrey, Campus Queretaro"
> Lines: 7
> Message-ID: >
> References: > > <4chifh$q
> > > <Pine
> <Pine.SOL.3.91.960202075058.1433K-1
> > <Pin
> NNTP-Posting-Host: campus.qro.itesm.mx
> Mime-Version: 1.0
> Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII
> X-Sender:
> In-Reply-To: >
> Xref: news.NetVision.net.il soc.culture.kenya:307 soc.culture.korean:2635
soc.culture.kuwait:370 soc.culture.laos:191 soc.culture.latin-america:877
soc.culture.lebanon:1151 soc.culture.liberia:226 soc.culture.maghreb:219
soc.culture.magyar:763 soc.culture.malagasy:103 soc.culture.malaysia:2741
> On Tue, 6 Feb 1996, Faryde Lara Rodriguez wrote:
> > Attibabbaus in arabian
> > Te amo in spanish
> > Ti amo in italian
>17/02/96- ani ohev otah' (boy to girl)
ani ohevet otha (girl to boy)
+ - | ANy inexpensive hotels in Budapest? (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
Could someone recommend any inexpensive and nice hotels in Budapest?
Please send any info directly to:
Thanks a lot,
+ - | Re: Helsinki Committee Human Rights Watch (RADOR - eng (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
In > Charles Mikecz Vamossy .
com> writes:
(Agentia de presa RADOR) wrote:
>>THE ASSOCIATION for Human Rights' Protection in Romania - Helsinki
>>Committee calls on Romanian parliament not to pass the bill concerning
>>foreigners visiting Romania, in the form it has been drawn, but to make the
>>changes needed to warrant the Constitution supremacy, in accordance with
>>the internal and international laws on human rights, which Romania
>>ratified. RRA-RADOR, February 14th.
>Does anyone on the list know what exactly is contained in the proposed
From another s.c.r article:
Dl Dinu Zamfirescu a criticat prevederile nedemocratice ale recent
adoptatei Legi privind regimul strainilor in Romania. Potrivit legii,
toti strainii sunt obligati sa-si anunte prezenta in localitatea de
sedere in termen de 48 ore. Dl Zanmfirescu a apreciat ca aceasta noua
restrictie ne indeparteaza si mai mult de Europa si este o rusine pentru
cei care au propus-o si au aprobat-o.
Something very similar was in effect during the good old Ceausescu days,
but I don't remember if the delay was 24, 48 or 72 hours.
Dan Pop
CERN, CN Division
Mail: CERN - PPE, Bat. 31 R-004, CH-1211 Geneve 23, Switzerland
+ - | Re: Korrekt politikai musor a TV-ben? (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
(Odor Tibor) wrote:
>Korrekt politikai musor a TV-ben?
>Tegnap, vasarnap, a Fur Lajost vagy egy oran keresztul beszeltettek
>a TV-ben. Semmi szokasos, ellenzeki politikusnak kijaro belepofazas,
>semmi komolyabb inszinuacio, semmi szelsosegesezes, antiszemitazas.
>Nem ismertem ra a TV-re. Tenyleg ilyan jo lenne az uj media torveny?
>Lovass Istvan kicenzurazasa csak kezdeti vegrehajtasi nehzseg volt, a
>rossz ertelmezes es nehany ostoba utovedharc kovetkezmenye?
>Vagy mas, meg egy paktum, meg egy kis arulas?
>Mi a velemenyetek?
>Odor Tibor
Igazandibol nem tudom, milyen paktumrol vagy arulasrol beszelsz, de
boldog lennek, ha felhomalyositanal...
Egyebkent nehogy azt hidd, hogy az elozo kormany alatt ez nem igy
volt, vagy a kovetkezo alatt nem igy lesz. Szerintem a hatalmon levo
kormanytol szinte termeszetes (legalabbis Magyarorszagon, a Balkanon
es meg nehany del-amerikai banankoztarsasagban), hogy nem hagyja, hogy
az ellenzek csak ugy beleszovegeljen abba, amit tesz - plane, ha ilyen
tobbsege van.
Az MTV politikai es egyeb musorairol egyebkent megvan a velemenyem, es
nem hiszem, hogy ez csak annak a kovetkezmenye, hogy a TV-nek nincs
eleg penze. Sajna, ma ebben az orszagban, ebben a regioban minden
szaktudason felul all a partallas. Ez a donto a privatizacional a
birosagon, mindenhol.
Ne haragudj, hogy ilyen pesszimista vagyok, de hat mitol legyek
Erdekel a velemenyed, legyszives valaszolj vmit!
+ - | Eszperanto rendezvenylista (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
Egy erdekesseg, de esetleg hasznos is lehet: az eszperanto rendezvenyek
teljes nemzetkozi listaja, a szervezok cimevel, esetleg e-cimevel vagy
ottlapjaval megtalalhato a http://www.odin.net/esperanto/ lapon
"Kalendaro" cimszo alatt.
Szilvasi Laszlo