1. |
Re: Looking For Hungarian Word Processor (mind) |
22 sor |
(cikkei) |
2. |
Re: *** HUNGARY *** #419 (mind) |
33 sor |
(cikkei) |
3. |
The Usual Suspects (mind) |
20 sor |
(cikkei) |
4. |
re: WWW <--> Usenet (mind) |
48 sor |
(cikkei) |
5. |
Re: Karch Kiraly (mind) |
23 sor |
(cikkei) |
6. |
Re: Karch Kiraly (mind) |
23 sor |
(cikkei) |
7. |
re: WWW <--> Usenet (mind) |
29 sor |
(cikkei) |
8. |
Fine Hungarian Wines (mind) |
18 sor |
(cikkei) |
9. |
Washington, DC - Homage to Bartok - 50 years 09/15/95 (mind) |
26 sor |
(cikkei) |
10. |
Re: re. RE. hungarian suicide rates (mind) |
12 sor |
(cikkei) |
11. |
Re: The Usual Suspects (mind) |
18 sor |
(cikkei) |
12. |
Consultants (mind) |
5 sor |
(cikkei) |
+ - | Re: Looking For Hungarian Word Processor (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
Frank Semetko ) wrote:
: I've been successful using macros and the codes from the character map in
: windows. Works fine for occasional use, and it gives all the Hungarian
: "ekezets" except the long u. I work from Word, and in this way you stay
: with the standard U.S. keyboard. If you want more details let me know.H & G
: BROWN ) wrote: : Hi:
: : Does anyone know where I can download or order a Hungarian Word
: : Processor? Magyar/English preferred. Any assistance appreciated.
: : Thx
: : Howard
: : --
: : *********************************************
: : | St. Petersburg Fla.
: : H & G Brown | Only I Know When
: : *********************************************
: --
: ========================================================================
: Frank J. Semetko Columbus Ohio USA:
: OR
: ========================================================================
+ - | Re: *** HUNGARY *** #419 (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
: =======================================================
: Felado :
: Temakor: Magazine article on winemaking in Hungary ( 6 sor )
: Idopont: Mon Sep 4 20:57:17 EDT 1995 HUNGARY #419
: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
: There is an article on Hungarian winemaking in the Sept. 8 issue of Awake!
: magazine. If you would like to read it, contact Jehovah's Witnesses in
: your area at the local Kingdom Hall or by telephone to receive a copy.
: Clay Shannon,
Huh! It sounds interesting. Do you think it is possible to get a copy
without risking any attempt of theirs to persuade me to join them in
their religion?
By the way 'wine-making' is rather looked upon in Hungary, because it
implies the manipulation of the wine. I know, because my father is a
wine *producer* himself.
My further question is: what is the local Kingdom Hall? Being in England
does it mean perhaps the hall of the Qeen's house (although she has more
than one...) Or does it refer to King Jesus' kingdom?
I also don't have the Jehovas' phone number. To compensate myself
I might buy a bottle of Chardonnay on my way home...
*Hedvig Hegyi EMAIL: Tel +44-171-269-3348
Biomolecular Modelling Group, Imperial Cancer Research Fund
44 Lincoln's Inn Fields, London WC2A 3PX,England FAX +44-171-269-3479
+ - | The Usual Suspects (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
I've just seen the movie with the above title in which, to my surprise,
a Hungarian mafia (mob) played a somewhat important role.
I thought this idea rather odd, considering that even the Hungarian
underworld is run by Ukrainian and Chechen gangsters. But be that as it
may, at least in this movie the Hungarian talk sounded authentic,
obviously spoken by Hungarians. I recall only one thing that sounded
strange to my ears. In one of the opening scenes, the surviving
Hungarian gangster said something like "En tudom ot" insted of "En
ismerem ot." This means "I know him" in English. In other words, the
"know", in this case, was translated to Hungarian as "tudom",
not as "ismerem". What I don't understand is, how come the Hungarian
actor or dubbing speaker did not notice this obvious error. It's like
in German mixing up the words wissen and kennen.
Well, so much for my big beef tonight. ;-) Otherwise the movie is quite
an unusual suspense, requiring a thorough concentration to understand
the finer points of the intricate plot. I recommend it.
Joe Pannon
+ - | re: WWW <--> Usenet (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
On 5 Sep 1995, Jozsef Hollosi wrote:
> Kedves Gotthard:
> Azt latom, hogy a soc.culture.magyar irasat ugy kell erteni, hogy
> van egy pointer, ami a > cimre mutat
> (es amint az idezett leveled is mutatja, remekul mukodik). Bar egy pointert
> meg nem neveznek sajat irasi lehetosegnek, de hat ez egyeni dolog.
Kedves Jozsef,
A pointer - A University of Texas mail-to-News Gateway - valoban
remekul mukodik mint lathatod az elofizetoink altal visszakuldott
levelekbol ( Te is ezen keresztul arasztod el a soc.culture.magyar-t a
sajat publikacioiddal ). Ez barki szamara elerheto es joval kenyelmesebb
mint a HIX jelszoval mukodo www-to-usenet oldala. A magyar csoportok
jelenleg csak olvashatok es valasz kuldheto az eredeti postazonak - szinten
jelszo nelkul. A teljes www/mail/usenet interface a napokban elkeszul,
dolgozunk rajta.
Addig is, a legtobb hely szamara kozvetlenul is elerhetoek a magyar
csoportok a kovetkezo URL alatt HIX-tol es HunOR-tol fuggetlenul :-)
Ha vegeztunk a teljes www/mail/usenet interface felallitasaval, szivesen
elrhetove fogjuk tenni mindenki szamara a kodot. Tesszuk mindezt azert,
hogy az infomatika egyelore legszabadabb foruma meg veletlenul se essen
egy kisebb csoport iranyitasa ala - legyen az a tied vagy barki mase.
Egyebkent, tobb olyan magyar csoport van amely a WWW adta lehetosegeket
kezdi egyre jobban kihasznalni. A legtobb csoport azonban csak nehany
honapos multra tekint vissza, ellentetben a Hollosi I.E. tobb eves
multjaval. Jelenleg amerikai egyetemek forrasait hasznalod, erre
barmely egyetemi csoportnak is lehetoseg van.
Mindezeknek leginkabb a magyar olvasokozonseg latja hasznat. Vegre, HIX
is kezdi kovetni az elvonalban jarokat, lattam mar ti is elkezdtetek
hasznalni nehany, mindenki szamara hozzaferheto szoftvert. A neha tobb
napos kesessel erkezo Mozaik, manapsag mar csak egy-ket nappal korabbi
hireket kozol, es a tobbi...
Tovabbi sok sikert kivanok neked es mindazoknak akik kedvet erezenek
kiprobalni az uj media adta lehetosegeket,
+ - | Re: Karch Kiraly (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
In article >, ()
> I often see Karch Kiraly play professional (beech) volley ball, but I
> don't recall the TV reports ever mentioning his Hungarian background.
> From his last name he could be n-th generation American and thus far
> removed from the old country. However, his first name Karch suggests
> the Hungarian nickname for Karoly (or Charles, in English), which is
> Karcsi, pronounced as "Karchie". So I suspect that's how he was called
> at home and it got abbreviated a bit in American usage. That would mean
> probably first generation American.
> Does anybody know here about his background?
> Thanks,
> Joe Pannon
He lives in San Diego County. If I'm not wrong, his father was a water
polo coach and that's where vollyball comes in. I think Karch was born in
the USA and he's first generation American.
Steve Mihaly
+ - | Re: Karch Kiraly (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
In article >, ()
> I often see Karch Kiraly play professional (beech) volley ball, but I
> don't recall the TV reports ever mentioning his Hungarian background.
> From his last name he could be n-th generation American and thus far
> removed from the old country. However, his first name Karch suggests
> the Hungarian nickname for Karoly (or Charles, in English), which is
> Karcsi, pronounced as "Karchie". So I suspect that's how he was called
> at home and it got abbreviated a bit in American usage. That would mean
> probably first generation American.
> Does anybody know here about his background?
> Thanks,
> Joe Pannon
He lives in Southern California. If I'm not wrong, his father was a water
polo coach and that's where vollyball comes in. I think Karch was born in
the USA and he's first generation American.
Steve Mihaly
+ - | re: WWW <--> Usenet (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
Kedves Gotthard:
En nehany egyszeru dolgot jegyeztem meg azzal a mondatoddal kapcsolatban, hogy
> HunOR-on van ketiranyu (olvasas + IRAS) WWW-kapu a magyar hun.*
-------- === ..................................................
(1) (2)
nevezetesen, hogy a
(1) HunOR-on van "az en ertelmezesemben" azt jelenti, hogy tenyleg ott
van, nem pedig csak egy pointer van ott valamire, ami tenylegesen mashol
van (ez nem jelenti, hogy jobb, vagy rosszabb, csak azt, hogy ott van,
vagy mashol van)
(2) a VAN "az en ertelmezesemben" azt jelenti, hogy van, nem pedig, azt,
hogy a "napokban elkeszul, dolgozunk rajta", mint ahogy ujabb leveledben
irod (ez nem azt jelenti, hogy az uj ne lehetne (majd) nagyon jo, sot
jobb minden letezonel, csak azt, hogy jelenleg nincs)
A kozel 50 soros valaszodbol szamomra leginkabb az derult ki, hogy nem
azonosan ertelmezzuk a magyar nyelvet, igy a jovoben hasonlo felreertesek
elkerulese erdekeben megprobalok tartozkodni a kerdezoskodestol.
Sok sikert a jelszo-mentes (azaz feladocim-ellenorzes nelkuli) WWW->Usenet
gatewayhez! (csak nehogy valami bugyuta alak elkezdjen rola
hamisitott leveleket bekuldeni feladoval...)
+ - | Fine Hungarian Wines (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
There is an interesting article in the September 95 issue of Business
Central Europe (published by The Economist) about some individual quality
vintners who have emerged to meet the needs of private restaurants, wine
merchants and foreign interests in Hungary.
The article talks about Jozsef Bock, who has a vinyard in Villany and
makes the Bock Cuvee and the Sommelier Cuvee. There are other vintners
as well who make fine wines, as opposed to the more common table wines we
are used to buying here in the US.
I wonder if anyone has information on this and other vintners. Also, I
wonder if there are any publications (in Hungarian or English) that carry
articles about quality Hungarian wines.
I would be grateful receiving your e-mail or posting.
Charles Mikecz Vamossy
+ - | Washington, DC - Homage to Bartok - 50 years 09/15/95 (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
***[Greetings from Hungarian-American HyperNews]***
***[ http://mineral.umd.edu/hahn/ ]***
Washington Music Ensemble Embassy Series
Friday, September 15th, 8pm
Embassy of the Republic of Hungary
3910 Shoemaker St., N.W.
Tunde Gaal, violinist
Eva Pierrou, pianist
Music of Bartok :
Rhapsody, Roumanian Folk Dances, Violin Concerto #1
and Kodaly:
Adagio and other piano works
Tickets $24.00
info/resv (202)625-2361
( As far as I understand, the Embassy is only the room
provider. As of that, $24.00 might be a bit on the
expensive side, comparing to other similar concerts in
the DC area - taking into account the acustics of the
Embassy's hall )
+ - | Re: re. RE. hungarian suicide rates (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
If you think about it those hungarians who are in their sixties now were
born and grew up during wwii, were young during the most rabid years of
communism, lived through 1956, experienced abrief period of optimism in
the late seventies and early eighties and are finally finding out that
living is harder after the fall of communism than before. pensioners
after a whole life of struggle can hardly make a living. it's enough to
make anyone to want to commit suicide. of course it still doesn't
explaine why it is higher than in other east european countries. could
it hate to do with the fact that hungarians have considered themselves
"better" than their eastern neighbours, believing to belong to the west
instead the east?
+ - | Re: The Usual Suspects (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
: I've just seen the movie with the above title in which, to my surprise,
: a Hungarian mafia (mob) played a somewhat important role.
: I thought this idea rather odd, considering that even the Hungarian
: underworld is run by Ukrainian and Chechen gangsters. But be that as it
: may, at least in this movie the Hungarian talk sounded authentic,
: obviously spoken by Hungarians. I recall only one thing that sounded
: strange to my ears. In one of the opening scenes, the surviving
: Joe Pannon
I was suprised by that angle too. Adding that where was some turkish
connection too ( The main boogie man was of a turkish extract). Is ther
a hungarian community in Ankara? Considering that there were a foe
of this turkish guy. This is kind of interesting cause I know that there
was a refugee camp near Ankara, (with Hungarians in them, of course).
Great movie !
+ - | Consultants (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
The Global Group is an international business consultancy. We are
interested in expanding our contacts in Hungary and are seeking people in
Hungary or with knowledge of Hungary who are interested in stimulating
more effective business cooperation between the U.S. and Hungary. Please
contact Dr. Chris Kuehl for more details.