1. |
Re: How do you say, "social worker" in Hungarian? (mind) |
15 sor |
(cikkei) |
2. |
Re: Magyar (mind) |
11 sor |
(cikkei) |
3. |
Egy kerdes (mind) |
6 sor |
(cikkei) |
4. |
Re: Help: ATM machines in Hungary (mind) |
14 sor |
(cikkei) |
5. |
Re: TOPO Hungarock group (mind) |
36 sor |
(cikkei) |
6. |
Re: NATO expansion (mind) |
34 sor |
(cikkei) |
7. |
Re: NATO expansion (mind) |
27 sor |
(cikkei) |
8. |
8 sor |
(cikkei) |
9. |
Re: *** TO ALL, PLEASE READ *** (mind) |
8 sor |
(cikkei) |
10. |
Re: Marosvasarhelyi sorok (XV. sz. elso negyede) (mind) |
36 sor |
(cikkei) |
11. |
Re: Magyar (mind) |
23 sor |
(cikkei) |
12. |
Re: Help: ATM machines in Hungary (mind) |
7 sor |
(cikkei) |
13. |
Re: Central European Business (mind) |
12 sor |
(cikkei) |
14. |
Re: NATO expansion (mind) |
22 sor |
(cikkei) |
15. |
Re: newest hungarian-faq, mirroring (mind) |
28 sor |
(cikkei) |
16. |
Re: Help: ATM machines in Hungary (mind) |
10 sor |
(cikkei) |
17. |
Re: R.O.M.A. (mind) |
18 sor |
(cikkei) |
18. |
Re: To all Hungarian football fans (mind) |
7 sor |
(cikkei) |
19. |
Re: no comment! question (mind) |
47 sor |
(cikkei) |
20. |
Re: To all Hungarian football fans (mind) |
19 sor |
(cikkei) |
21. |
Re: *** TO ALL, PLEASE READ *** (mind) |
7 sor |
(cikkei) |
+ - | Re: How do you say, "social worker" in Hungarian? (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
In article >,
Georg Fischer > wrote:
(Robert Komives) wrote:
>>The subject says it all.
>>Thank you
Oh-oh! A Gyuri ba' biztos unja a FORUMot ha mar itt probalkozik.
Isten hozott, Doktor ur!
De azert mar ne legyunk olyan sovinisztak, s mondjuk azt, hogy
"SZOCIALIS GONDOZO". Ez passzol mindket nemre.
Pannon Jozsi
+ - | Re: Magyar (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
In article >, 02 > wrote:
> Well... maybe my English pronunciation is not that good but I do find
> "faults" and I sense difficulties in finding the hexameters. While in
> Hungarian those hexameters are very easy to find.
Well, Miklos, this is like jokes that have to be explained, if you know
what I mean ...
Lehet, hogy botfuled van? ;-)
+ - | Egy kerdes (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
Vissza tudna valaki igazolni azt, hogy Homan Balint, a tortenesz volt
a kultuszminiszter '36-ban? Talan Te Gyuri Ba' emlekszel erre, ha igy
Pannon J.
+ - | Re: Help: ATM machines in Hungary (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
In article >, Gabor Schmera wrote:
> Are there automatic teller machines in Hungary where one can use a
> credit card or an ATM card to get forints?
The Visa home-page (http://www.visa.com/) claims that there are 17
Visa/Plus ATM machines in Hungary. It also mentions the name of Magyar
Kulkereskedelmi Bank, I assume they must run the machines.
Hope this helps.
-,- - - -,- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Gabor J.Toth http://www.princeton.edu/~jtoth
> - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
+ - | Re: TOPO Hungarock group (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
: In article >,
: Wally Keeler > wrote:
: >
: >I'd like to know is this music is available on cassette. I am interested
: >in any rock that is not just an imitation of Western (US) rock, but
: >infuses its own cultural beat, so to speak.
: I have a feeling that if they have a CD out, they probably also have a
: casette on the market. But I doubt you could get it here. Besides, as
: I was told, the TOPO group is not even in the first league in this kind
: of music, so you might find some better ones out there that may be
: available in Hungarian book and gift shops in the US and Canada. I'd
: bet Toronto has at least one of those shops. Probably around Bloor
: Street somewhere.
Regretably, the Magyar flavour of the Bloor Street/Spadina Rd is slowly
eroding. There was one store available there but it has closed as well as
a Magyar publishing firm. Progress?
: >Also, is there any distinctly Roma Rock or Roma Rap cassettes?
: This is something our Romanian fans in s.c.r. might know better. ;-)
: >Hi Joe, Fancy meeting you here.
: What do you mean "here"? This _IS_ my "home group" after all.
: I only visit s.c.r. after my missed adrenalin shots.
: Joe
Hey, listen, any time you want to put on your snowboots and slide down a
glacier with me let me know. I know this great dog-team . . .
Wally Keeler Poetry
Creative Intelligence Agency is
Peoples Republic of Poetry Poetency
+ - | Re: NATO expansion (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
: It just occured to me whether these former hard liners are taking this
: new position for nostalgic and existential reasons. After all, they
: were "big boys" at the time of Sovietunion, while now they are almost
: forgotten. In other words their personal fortunes might have been too
: tied to the US-Soviet confrontation. What do you think?
: Joe
I have always been a big ideological supporter of NATO. As long as the
Warsaw Pact existed, I supported any action which made NATO power
supreme. But the Warsaw Pact is defunct. Russia is weak, but still armed
to the teeth with nukes. I don't trust it. I am extremely opposed to the
use of NATO for any purpose in the former Jugoslavija. NATO existed
solely for the defence of the so-called Western Democracies, which
included the dubious Turkey & Greece, but they were useful in the
exercise of power and obedient to the centre. NATO was not designed to
work outside its original mandate to defend the West. Its involvement in
Bosnia can only erode its credibility as the ultimate power.
Having said this, I am not opposed to Hungary becoming a member state of
NATO. I think I could say the same for the Czech Republic and Poland.
While I am not opposed, I am not so eager either. Given that Hungary is a
Western cultured country, and that it is currently a democxracy with
ambitions to stay that way, its inclusion in NATO means also that I must
be prepared to send my son and risk his life to defend Hungary's
territorial integrity against an outside aggressor. This is not an easy
decision to make. What is in my interest to risk my son's life or the
lives of many Canadian youths to defend the territorial integrity of
Hungary. I ask this only because this is what it often boils down to.
Wally Keeler Poetry
Creative Intelligence Agency is
Peoples Republic of Poetry Poetency
+ - | Re: NATO expansion (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
In article >,
Charles Vamossy > wrote:
>Joe -- not every GOP politician thinks that way.
>Last week I had Benjamin Gilman, Chairman of the U.S. House International
>Relations Committee at the NY Hungarian House for a lacture, entitled Hungary
>-- 2000, the view from Washington.
>Gilman was very supportive of Hungary's entry into NATO, and hopes that it
>will happen in the next few years.
That's good to know, Charlie, but I'm afraid there are too few of them,
like Gilman and he is not even among the movers and shakers on the
Capitol Hill. But then, there are those on the Hungarian side, who also
don't see much benefit in NATO membership as they doubt that the West
would _REALLY_ help out militarily if the chips were down.
They may be right, but I am betting that once we are in NATO, we would
never have to find that out.
>Of course, as a precondition, he listed putting Hungary's economy right, and
>staying with the politcal reforms -- no backsliding.
Easier said than done. I wish these Western politicians and bankers
would have been as tough with the pre-89 regime as they are with the
current ones. It's their former softness for which Hungarians are
paying now. (I mean those easy loans, of course.)
+ - | Re: SHOUTING & SWEARING (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
Well the Hungarian language may not support shouting and arguing...BUT
there was plenty of the above in MY family as well...and the temper is
legion...and each of us seems to have inheirited "THAT"temper...perhaps
"they'thought if it was ignored in the language the temper would
disappear..didnt seem to happen tho...we were a family of hair trigger
tempers and fierce emotions....any one else relate to this??
+ - | Re: *** TO ALL, PLEASE READ *** (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
In article > The Walrus > writes:
>From: The Walrus >
>Subject: Re: *** TO ALL, PLEASE READ ***
>Date: 25 Jun 1995 02:09:35 GMT
>Hello "just a test"
Thank you for wasting my time !
+ - | Re: Marosvasarhelyi sorok (XV. sz. elso negyede) (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
In article > T. Kocsis > writes
>**Az olvasat átirása 17- századi Kocsis-féle magyar irásmódra:
Köszönöm a begépelést, érdekesek voltak ezek. Egyrészt igaz, hogy például
XV. századbeli francia szöveg nehezebben olvasható ma, mint ezek a magyar
szövegek, de másrészt úgy érzem, igazat ad ez nekem :-) , vagyis 1500 körül
van az a dátum, amikor már nem igazán élvezhető a mai olvasó számára a szöveg.
>Ha medve elvivend valamineme kelket/kölköt
>és ha midőn te atyád Dávid Király
>tsak egyet megölend s valaki azt
>hallandja/hallangya, az nagy üveltést tészen hogy te
>néped veretütt s mend temellöled
>elfutnak és menden/minden erösnek
>ollyan leszen jonha, mint pávának
Persze a szövegtől is függ, a XV. századből nehezebb szöveget is lehetne
előhozni. Sőt, egy múlt századi levél sem mindig túl érthető: éppen itt van
nálam egy fájl, hogy egyszer valakinek segítettem lefordítani franciára egy
régi iratot 1839-ből, ez volt a lényeges rész benne:
A' közelebbi nyírésű
Birka Gyapjúra alkut kötöttünk, melly szerént
annak másájáért tisztán úsztatva 's a' szo-
kott két font reáadással, fog fizetni százti-
zenhét Dto. 117 V.Ftkat, megajjánlván mi
részére, hogy a' bémásálás elvégződéséry,
valamint más határonn termett gyapjúnak ide
béhozatala, úgy az ide valónak akár hellybeli
akár külső Kereskedők által leendő vásár-
lása általunk meg nem fog engedtetni.
Nem volt borzasztó könnyű ezt lefordítani teljes pontossággal: mi részére,
valamint, úgy, stb - mintha azóta már nem ezt jelentenék, nem is beszélve
olyasmiről, hogy nyírés (=nyírás), mása (=mázsa), stb.
-- Olivier
+ - | Re: Magyar (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
In article >,
Steven C. Scheer > wrote:
>By the way, the Toth Arpad translation of the famous "Raven" is
>even more remarkable and rhythmically closer to the original than
>the Babits translation of "Annabel Lee," though I am only going to
>cite the opening lines here by way of a sample:
>"Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered, weak and weaary,
>Over many a quaint and curious volume of forgotten lore -"
>"Egyszer egy bus ejfeltajon, mig borongtam zsongva, fajon,
>S furcsa konyvek altatgattak, holt mesekbol ven bazar -"
Hmmm, that indeed sounds good. I seem to recall a translation of it
from highschool, but I don't remember if it was Toth Arpad's.
Was he using that refren "Soha ma'r, soha ma'r"?
Just one more thing on "Annabel Lee" ...
This poem figured heavily in one of Clint Eastwood movies. Guess which
+ - | Re: Help: ATM machines in Hungary (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
Gabor Schmera <schmera> writes:
>Are there automatic teller machines in Hungary where one can use a credit
>card or an ATM card to get forints?
The New York Times just had an article about Citibank opening up ATMs in
+ - | Re: Central European Business (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
Mr. Shannon Roxborough > writes:
>Central European Business Weekly is a newspaper dedicated to all
>aspects of business/investments in the Czech Republic, Slovakia,
>Austria, Poland, Hungary, Russia, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, and
>the rest of Central Europe. For a free sample copy, contact:
>Central European Business Weekly, Vinohradska 93, 12000 Prague 2,
>Czech Republic; Tel/Fax: (42-2) 627-4674.
any way of getting on-line?
Charlie Vamossy
+ - | Re: NATO expansion (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
> writes:
>> What a spin of the Washington merry-go-round: While conservative
>>generals, some of Ronald Reagan's favorite diplomats and other foreign policy
>>thinkers on the right line up to cut Russia some slack, liberal and moderate
>>Democrats at the top of the Clinton administration have grabbed the banner of
>>NATO expansion and being firm on Russia.
Joe -- not every GOP politician thinks that way.
Last week I had Benjamin Gilman, Chairman of the U.S. House International
Relations Committee at the NY Hungarian House for a lacture, entitled Hungary
-- 2000, the view from Washington.
Gilman was very supportive of Hungary's entry into NATO, and hopes that it will
happen in the next few years.
Of course, as a precondition, he listed putting Hungary's economy right, and
staying with the politcal reforms -- no backsliding.
He also listed some projects which Hungary already participates in within NATO,
as well as US funded training and arms that are in the pipeline.
It was a very intersting lecture -- he seemed to be very knowledgable about
Charlie Vamossy
NY Hungarian House
+ - | Re: newest hungarian-faq, mirroring (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
As readers of s.c.m have seen, the new version is out (and already
outdated in many places, as I've noticed in the past few days ;-)). It
made it to the Usenet FTP archives, too - but not yet to the hypertext
archive at OSU. Interestingly, it can already be seen at a UK site
I've recently discovered - this seems like the best archive in
Europe: <http://src.doc.ic.ac.uk/usenet/news-faqs/soc.culture.magyar/>
In the meantime two FTP sites in Hungary reposited the FAQ - thanks to
their admins, these are promised to be kept updated:
If anyone else wishes to maintain a copy, please let me know; if you
don't want to bother with retrieving from the Usenet archives I can
mail you the new versions (please use 'Subject: ZFIX: hungarian-faq'
for such requests <mailto: >). And please notify me and/or
the admin in charge if old copies stored somewhere are spotted
(there seem to be a few orphan copies around)!
I am also getting the homepage for the FAQ set up on the HIX server:
<http://hix.mit.edu/hungarian-faq/>, as well as the finger interface -
try 'finger |more' (or capture the output -
you probably don't really want to just let twelve-hundred-plus lines
scroll by ;-)). Please let me know any suggestions you may have on any
of these!
Zoli (note my old full address @bcuxs2 is retired)
"For my assured failures and derelictions, I ask pardon beforehand of my
betters and my equals in my calling." - Rudyard Kipling
+ - | Re: Help: ATM machines in Hungary (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
In article > (Gabor J.T
oth) writes:
>The Visa home-page (http://www.visa.com/) claims that there are 17
>Visa/Plus ATM machines in Hungary. It also mentions the name of Magyar
>Kulkereskedelmi Bank, I assume they must run the machines.
Yes. As a comparison, France (5 times bigger) has 16929 according to the
same source (=1000 times more). The Hungarian bank system still needs
a bit of updating, it seems...
-- Olivier
+ - | Re: R.O.M.A. (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
On Sat, 24 Jun 1995, Wally Keeler wrote:
> CanaDADA. SHE said, "You are an ornery old coot Mark. You are destined to
> be a flamer with as much power as a worn out Bic. The world needs you as
> a bad example, so fathers can tell their children, 'See, you don't want
> to grow and be like that - cynical.'"
Ok, Mr. Keeler Sir ! You find me in a rare moment of good mood and
compassion !
I am posting this, and perhaps it will get some input. I sugest that we
adopt you. You will become an asimilated Rrromanian, for you have met
all the prerequisites, you posess all the accoutrements !
and since I came up with the idea, I get to translate (romanize) your name.
Hence you shall be known as Vasile Ucigasu ! I am you 'nas' and you are my
'finul' ; A relationship a little bit like that amongst the Yakutza, you
are in my debt now !
+ - | Re: To all Hungarian football fans (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
In article > Andras Nagy,
>I am hungarian and puzzled. How is hungary the strongest nation ??
Yeah...we are just after the newest Iceland fiasco.
+ - | Re: no comment! question (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
In article >, T. Kocsis
> writes:
> In article
> Hermes,
>>Priszy gyerek,
>> Feye kerek
> Feje kerek
> Ora lapos
> Orra lapos
> Saya szaros,
> Sza'ja szaros
> I like this say .
If anything, then "saying", but you probably mean "ditty", or
soemthing like that.
> I heard and said it last time
> long, long ago.
That's close to English!
>>a little cultural sensitivity wouldn't hurt,
> I appreciate your try
Yopu probably mean "trying".
> in Hungarian however because
> of your louzy
lousy (and there are commas missing)
> spelling ;) I oblige you to give us a simi-
> lar kid say in Romanian..
Could you translate the last sentence into English?
> Tam!s
Are you trying to pay the pot, or did you spend too little time
on the pottie?
+ - | Re: To all Hungarian football fans (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
In article >, (Andras
Nagy) wrote:
> Jack van Rijswijck ) wrote:
> : To all the football fans on this newsgroup:
> : As your country is one of the strongest footballing nations in
> :
> I am hungarian and puzzled. How is hungary the strongest nation ??
> Yes most hungarians love soccer. If i am not mistaken the national
> team was very strong in the 60's. Am I missing something ???
> Yes of course I am an expatriate. So educate me !!
> Cheers
> Andras
He must be talking about the Budapesti 49ers who won the Superbowl last
year and the Debreceni Chargers who lost. It was really obvious that
Hungary is the strongest footballing nation in the world.
+ - | Re: *** TO ALL, PLEASE READ *** (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
>What's up with your address?!
>Adios, Marco de Moulin (Houten, Holland)
What r u talking about?? Could u be more specific??