Hollosi Information eXchange /HIX/
Copyright (C) HIX
Új cikk beküldése (a cikk tartalma az író felelőssége)
Megrendelés Lemondás
1 japan (mind)  8 sor     (cikkei)
2 Re: Hungarian revisionism (mind)  25 sor     (cikkei)
3 Re: Still Life (mind)  29 sor     (cikkei)
4 Re: SCM reorganization, round two and a half / Re: Stil (mind)  19 sor     (cikkei)
5 Re: separate HIX group (was: Still Life (mind)  16 sor     (cikkei)
6 Re: Hungarian revisionism (mind)  13 sor     (cikkei)
7 Re: Hungarian revisionism (mind)  10 sor     (cikkei)
8 Andrei Arsenevich Tarkovsky (mind)  18 sor     (cikkei)
9 Be la Bacso : The Witness (A tanu ) (mind)  13 sor     (cikkei)
10 Ex-Monty Pythons new movie (mind)  24 sor     (cikkei)
11 Re: Ex-Monty Pythons new movie (mind)  18 sor     (cikkei)
12 Re: Hungarian revisionism (mind)  36 sor     (cikkei)
13 Re: SCM reorganization, round two and a half / Re: Stil (mind)  38 sor     (cikkei)
14 Re: SCM reorganization, round two and a half / Re: Stil (mind)  46 sor     (cikkei)
15 Re: separate HIX group (was: Still Life (mind)  20 sor     (cikkei)
16 Re: Still Life (mind)  20 sor     (cikkei)
17 Re: Ex-Monty Pythons new movie (mind)  27 sor     (cikkei)
18 Re: Be la Bacso : The Witness (A tanu ) (mind)  28 sor     (cikkei)
19 Re: Andrei Arsenevich Tarkovsky (mind)  13 sor     (cikkei)
20 Hungarian Citizenship (mind)  13 sor     (cikkei)
21 JOKE STATION---Jokes Served Here (mind)  50 sor     (cikkei)
22 Re: Hungarian revisionism (mind)  16 sor     (cikkei)
23 Re: SCM reorganization, round two and a half / Re: Stil (mind)  54 sor     (cikkei)
24 Re: Be la Bacso : The Witness (A tanu ) (mind)  6 sor     (cikkei)
25 Re: Hungarian revisionism (mind)  19 sor     (cikkei)
26 Re: Hungarian revisionism (mind)  27 sor     (cikkei)
27 Re: Vatra romaneasca,manifest (mind)  279 sor     (cikkei)

+ - japan (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

lehet hogy 1-2 magyar e'l japa'nban... azok ko:zu"l egyet ismerek amelynek jo
486-os van e's nagyon keres nexust a s.c.m. vita'kba keru:lni... jobban i'r 
mint e'n... :)  van valakinek javaslata hogy kapcsolhatna be az internetbe?
(nem aol,compuserve, sem prodigy... sem egyetemista).


+ - Re: Hungarian revisionism (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

In article >,
Peter I. Hidas > wrote:

>THE main thing is, from the point of you of peace in East Central
>Europe, that the government of Hungary today and the political parties
>of Hungary today are not revisinists and do not demand such nonsense
>as the independence of Transylvania, which is obviously the first step
>towards the unification of Hungary and Transylvania.What is important,

Really?  This is like saying that eliminating positive discrimination
equals negative discrimination.  In otherwords, nonsense!
Actually, I spoke with a few Hungarians from Transylvania myself, who
were equally wary of joining Hungary with being joined with Romania.
I bet there are also a few Romanians in Transylvania who are not so fond
of their backward cousins in the Regat.

Of course it's needless to say that a majority of Hungarians in the
mother country are also not excited by the prospect of millions of
Romanians incorporated in an enlarged Hungary. 

So yes, Transylvania is sufficently different from both Hungary and the
Regat to qualify for a separate existence, should her residents so
desire.  But I doubt it's realistic at this point in time. 

+ - Re: Still Life (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

In article > Gotthard 
Saghi-Szabo > writes:
>My oppinion is, if there is any division of the Hungarian groups, 
>that should be based on a similar system to that of used in HIX , or the 
>structuring of the USENET groups - topics, and not providers.

I support this view.

>[...] Someone said 
>1, "put HIX into a separate group, I do not read it anyway" ;

This is what kill-files are for.

>Zoli Fekete said:
>2, Hollosi Jozsef will provide a two-way mail-to-USENET service 
>   (gating) only for the soc.culture.magyar.hix group, and not for
>   any other group
>Probably the best solution would be, if we find a person/organization -
>who would provide two-way-gating for the Hungarian USENET group/s - without 
>further or at least with some logical structuring.

Already done: HIX archives show a list SCM. I suppose you suscribe by
"mail ", offering an easier news-to-mail than the usual way
(described in "finger ").
The mail-to-news would then be by "mail ", thus equivalent to

-- Olivier
+ - Re: SCM reorganization, round two and a half / Re: Stil (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

In article > "Zoli Fekete, keeper of hungarian-faq" <f
> writes:
>Gotthard Saghi-Szabo > wrote:
>>So far I have heard two, not too convincing arguments for the divison 
> That's because you closed your ears ;-( for THE argument: for properly settin
>up the bidirectional gatewaying it's desirable to separate HIX out.

No, it works well the way it is, with a HIX/SCM list along HIX/TIPP etc.

>[...] some of us who read some of HIX [...]
>And some who would read it may want to do it separately (notice the very
>different character of the Usenet posts and the email digests).

Yes, this choice is already given now: digests on mail/gopher/WWW (WWW having
the bonus of accent handling), or separate news articles under hun.* (which
the whole world can access on a few Hungarian machines, as I wrote previously)

-- Olivier
+ - Re: separate HIX group (was: Still Life (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

In article >  (J
anos Szamosfalvi) writes:
>HIX articles and regular posts are very different in nature.  With 
>regular articles one can just read the subject line to decide whther
>it's worth to spend some time to read it, or not.   With the HIX 
>posts this is not possible. 

This is the advantage of the HIX groups under hun.* !
I think the real issue is to have more NNTP servers offering hun.* to
everybody. Surely Hungarians abroad could organize and quickly set
at least one in every Western country? This is a challenge that could
be discussed on TIPP or GURU, with participation of Kiss Gabor, the
creator of hun.* (and I think the admin of the Hungarian Eunet backbone,
that is traffic to/from Hungary is a problem he is concerned about...)

-- Olivier
+ - Re: Hungarian revisionism (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

On 28 May 1995  wrote:

> So yes, Transylvania is sufficently different from both Hungary and the
> Regat to qualify for a separate existence, should her residents so
> desire.  But I doubt it's realistic at this point in time. 

Why be so pesimistic ?!  I am sure that your ilk can stir up some trouble
between 'Erdely' and Regat, given suficient time and opportunity.  
After all, a variety of nefarious interest groups have converged succesfuly 
and managed to split Yugoslavia and make a mess out that part of Europe. 
As they say: 'Divide et impera !'

m. cristian
+ - Re: Hungarian revisionism (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

In article > Sorin Tuluca 
ohio.edu> writes:

Some have answered about whether "the border is open" or not for minorities.
But the point is, it is a terrible thing to tell people that a solution might
be they abandon the place where they were born! (showing us that the pseudo-
VR manifesto is not far from reality...)  Never, never mention this if you
do not want them to feel unsafe and demand as much autonomy as they can!
-- Olivier
+ - Andrei Arsenevich Tarkovsky (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

I was wondering if any of you have a complete list of Tarkovsky's movies, 
including the date he made them and the novel/book his scripts were based on.
Our library has a very poor selection of his art. 
Just a reminder, Tarkovsky (died in 1986) has made several great movies, 
among them ... 
Aleksander Rubljov - about the famous Russian icon painter
The Mirror
Solaris - science fiction based on Stanislaw Lem's novel
.... etc.
Thanks for your help in advance,

personal email,          mailto:
Hungarian-American list, mailto:  
WWW,                       http://www.glue.umd.edu/~gotthard
+ - Be la Bacso : The Witness (A tanu ) (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

Several of my friends have seen 'The Witness' from Hungarian director 
Be'la Bacso', while visiting Hungary. The movie is a sharp satire about 
life and justice during the 50's in Hungary - the acme of the communist 
personal  cult there . They would like to show the movie to their friends 
in the  USA, and we would like to know if this film is available either in 
English or with English subtitles in VHS format.

personal email,          mailto:
Hungarian-American list, mailto:  
WWW,                       http://www.glue.umd.edu/~gotthard
+ - Ex-Monty Pythons new movie (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

I have read last week, that ex Monty Python Michael Palin, John Cleese 
and American actors Jamie Lee Curtis (Tony Curtis' daughter) and Kevin 
Kline are teaming up for another comedy (they played in the movie 'A fish 
called Wanda') . 

Also, if you like John Cleese, one of the funniest interpretation of 
Shakespeare's 'Taming of the Shrew' belongs to him. In the BBC's 
Shakespeare series he playes Kate's husband - he is hillarious, as usual.
Try to get it and watch it!

Which brings me the question - how popular are these guys in Hungary.
I remember years  and years ago there was only one Monty Python movie 
around -
Gyalog Galopp : Monty Python and the Holy Grail
(Almost as bad of a translation as 
A nyolcadik utas a hala'l : Alien ;-< )
How is the situation nowadays, and , what are the titles in Hungarian of 
these movies (Life of Brian, etc ...)? 

personal email,          mailto:
Hungarian-American list, mailto:  
WWW,                       http://www.glue.umd.edu/~gotthard
+ - Re: Ex-Monty Pythons new movie (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

In article >,
Gotthard Saghi-Szabo  > wrote:
>Which brings me the question - how popular are these guys in Hungary.
>I remember years  and years ago there was only one Monty Python movie 
>around -
>Gyalog Galopp : Monty Python and the Holy Grail

  Wrong. Brazil was around quite a while (which is a MP movie -- took
me a while to find it in blockbuster video). I don't know the exact date,
but it was about a year before 1984 showed up on a British film week in 
Kossuth cinema (it was under K. Grosz -- probably in his last year).

Gyula P. Szokoly ) -------------------------------\
|  When I am weaker than you, I ask you for freedom because that is according|
|to your principles; when I am  stronger than  you, I take away  your freedom|
|because that is according to my principles.                 -- Frank Herbert|
+ - Re: Hungarian revisionism (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

In >  () writes:

>Actually, I spoke with a few Hungarians from Transylvania myself, who
>were equally wary of joining Hungary with being joined with Romania.
>I bet there are also a few Romanians in Transylvania who are not so fond
>of their backward cousins in the Regat.

If they exist, they hide themselves pretty well, since nobody managed to
find a single Romanian wishing an independent Transylvania.
>Of course it's needless to say that a majority of Hungarians in the
>mother country are also not excited by the prospect of millions of
>Romanians incorporated in an enlarged Hungary. 

What if Transylvania could be obtained without the millions of Romanians?
Of course, they would have to colonize it with other people, but they
already did that once, a few centuries ago, so it won't be a problem to
do it again :-)
>So yes, Transylvania is sufficently different from both Hungary and the
>Regat to qualify for a separate existence, should her residents so
>desire.  But I doubt it's realistic at this point in time. 

And nobody managed to prove that her Romanian residents have such desires.
Dream on, Joe.

But, the whole point is that an independent Transylvania is a business
of her residents and the Romanian state, not of some Hungarians residing
in the USA.

Dan Pop
CERN, CN Division
Mail:  CERN - PPE, Bat. 31 R-004, CH-1211 Geneve 23, Switzerland
+ - Re: SCM reorganization, round two and a half / Re: Stil (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

 (CLARY Olivier) wrote:
>In article > "Zoli Fekete, keeper of hungarian-faq" <
> writes:
>>[...] for properly setting
>>up the bidirectional gatewaying it's desirable to separate HIX out.
>No, it works well the way it is, with a HIX/SCM list along HIX/TIPP etc.
 Well, 'well' is apparently a matter of opinion ;-). With all the misdirected f
ollowups and other mixups it
would be much better to separate, and it would also avoid the confusion over th
e SCM list carrying only the
non-HIX fraction of the newsgroup traffic!

>>[...] some of us who read some of HIX [...]
>>And some who would read it may want to do it separately (notice the very
>>different character of the Usenet posts and the email digests).
>Yes, this choice is already given now: digests on mail/gopher/WWW (WWW having
>the bonus of accent handling), or separate news articles under hun.* (which
>the whole world can access on a few Hungarian machines, as I wrote previously)
 But this is not the choice I'm talking about now, for you don't get the newsgr
oup separately: this way you
have to skip or killfile (with serious performance hit on many systems) the HIX
 stuff when you read the
newsgroup proper; and typically you have to choose a different server to access
 hun.* - unless you chose
reading everything from the hungarian server, slooooooooooooooowly. Besides, go
pher is a poor newsreader and
WWW is not very good either (hopefully it will be one day, but who knows when).
 Furthermore, I think 'the
whole world' above means only full-fledged Internet connection (ie. in contrast
 to internationally carried
hierarchies, you can't get that via UUNET or other uucp/email providers), and n
ewsgroup accessibility is
normally much wider than that.
Zoli , keeper of hungarian-faq
	SIG under construction!
+ - Re: SCM reorganization, round two and a half / Re: Stil (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

 () wrote:
>> This is not what I said, of course. As a matter of fact, Jozsi is getting
>>ready to start a bidirectional gatewaying system for SCM proper.
 In the meantime I found out that the HIX-SCM list has been operating for four 
now (check out eg. 'finger '), and Jozsi said the official
announcement is due on Tuesday.

>Oh, that's interesting!  How is he going to practice then his "pokhendi"
>censorship he pulled on me the other day?  It doesn't make much sense to
>impose his personal "filter" at the FORUM gateway.  Not to mention his
>other, technical filters, such as the 99-line limit he imposed on it.
>(Though personally I have no problem with it, as I hate to read too long
>articles, anyway.  But sometimes there could be a legit reason for
>that.  So I would prefer voluntary restraints on article size.)
 As for the gateway, this is typically the kind of question that ought to be as
mailto:, not here. Since that's not his list he's unlikely 
intervene, just like he doesn't into HIX-HUNGARY.
 As for the FORUM list, you're still profoundly confused (after all this time ;
Jozsi supervises that, setting some rules he thinks best for serving its users
smoothly (often only after strong prodding, as was the case with the lenght lim
it -
which got installed only long after many of us complained about the volume gett
out of hand). Voluntary restraints had been tried and failed. Those who like it
use it the way it is, those who don't can use whatever they like. If you want t
o, the
good folks at panix would certainly assist setting up your very own list; heck,
I can help you with that (if you're willing to take the grudgery of administeri
one, that is)!
 Since the RFD won't be coming before the summer break is over, this HIX-bashin
serves no constructive purpose, so count me out for now ;-(... In the meantime 
can ponder over differences between things like (slight) editorial control and
censorship (which is practically impossible on the Internet, certainly so for a
single list-administrator).
Zoli , keeper of hungarian-faq
	SIG under construction!
+ - Re: separate HIX group (was: Still Life (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

 (CLARY Olivier) wrote:
>This is the advantage of the HIX groups under hun.* !
>I think the real issue is to have more NNTP servers offering hun.* to
>everybody. Surely Hungarians abroad could organize and quickly set
>at least one in every Western country? This is a challenge that could
>be discussed on TIPP or GURU, with participation of Kiss Gabor, the
>creator of hun.* (and I think the admin of the Hungarian Eunet backbone,
>that is traffic to/from Hungary is a problem he is concerned about...)
 This is a good idea (no wonder I suggested it early on :-)), and I think all
it needs to get going is to make it carried on some servers in Austria, from
where it would be picked up a lot easier than from the HU backwaters. Then the
major providers who are carrying most every hierarchies from all around the
world would have it, so if you subscribe to them you'll have it (without
relying on your connection to HU sites). Still, most sites wouldn't carry such
a limited special interest hierarchy, while we can get most to carry a
mainstream Usenet group - and a locally accessible newsgroup is much better
than remote NNTP.
Zoli , keeper of hungarian-faq
	SIG under construction!
+ - Re: Still Life (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

 (CLARY Olivier) wrote:

>>[...] Someone said 
>>1, "put HIX into a separate group, I do not read it anyway" ;
>This is what kill-files are for.
 Killfiling about half the articles in our newsgroup doesn't sem like a
desirable option to me.

[HIX-SCM gatewaying]
>Already done: HIX archives show a list SCM. I suppose you suscribe by
>"mail ", offering an easier news-to-mail than the usual way
>(described in "finger ").
>The mail-to-news would then be by "mail ", thus equivalent to

 Jozsi mentioned to me that he did not mean it to use for "Usenet-rich"
countries, we'll see in the announcement how it is actually going to work. 
Zoli , keeper of hungarian-faq
	SIG under construction!
+ - Re: Ex-Monty Pythons new movie (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

On Sun, 28 May 1995, Gyula Szokoly wrote:

> In article >,
> Gotthard Saghi-Szabo  > wrote:
> >Which brings me the question - how popular are these guys in Hungary.
> >I remember years  and years ago there was only one Monty Python movie 
> >around -
> >Gyalog Galopp : Monty Python and the Holy Grail
>   Wrong. Brazil was around quite a while (which is a MP movie -- took
> me a while to find it in blockbuster video). I don't know the exact date,
> but it was about a year before 1984 showed up on a British film week in 
> Kossuth cinema (it was under K. Grosz -- probably in his last year).
> Gyula

Brazil is not considered being a real "Monty Python" movie. The only 
connection it has with them is director/writer Terry Gilliam and 
actor Michael Palin.  It is as much Monty Python then as 'A Fish Called 
Wanda' or 'Time Bandits', both of which was available before 1990, the 
last time I was up-to-date with movies shown in Budapesti cinemas. 

personal email,          mailto:
Hungarian-American list, mailto:  
WWW,                       http://www.glue.umd.edu/~gotthard
+ - Re: Be la Bacso : The Witness (A tanu ) (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

On Sun, 28 May 1995, Ivan Weisz wrote:

> Yes, the movie is available in VHS format, in Hungarian with English subtitle
> I live in a small midwestern town, with no significant Hungarian immigrant
> population, but this movie is available in every good video-rental place, tha
> has a half-way decent collection of foreign movies.
> Chances are, that if you call around in your town, you will find it at some
> place. If not, any decent video rental place can order it for you. (assuming
> that you are willing to buy it)
> Good Luck
> Ivan

thanks Ivan. My friends have tried at Blockbuster and some other larger 
video rentals around D.C.,also, at Tower records/video and at the 
Border's book chain - they were unsuccessful. This will give them some 
hope :) 
Take care,

personal email,          mailto:
Hungarian-American list, mailto:  
WWW,                       http://www.glue.umd.edu/~gotthard
+ - Re: Andrei Arsenevich Tarkovsky (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

The whole list is:
	* The Childhood of Ivan (Ivanovo detstvo); based on some novel, but
	 I can't say it for sure; 
	* Andrej Rublev;
	* Solaris; based on Stanislav Lem novel with the same name;
	* The Mirror; autobiografic movie;
	* Stalker - 1979; science-fiction novel of A. and B.Strugackij put in a
basis, but the plot is very different;
	* Nostalgia - 1982;
	* Sacrifice - 1985;
Best regards,

+ - Hungarian Citizenship (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

A friend has a question:

His father was born in Budapest, but he was born in a different country.

Can he apply for Hungarian Citizenship?

If yes, what must he do to start the process?

If not, why not?

Kosz szep a valaszokat elore.

+ - JOKE STATION---Jokes Served Here (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

Dear brothers and sisters, 

Once again I am posting my on-going foreign language translated 
to English statements taken from a book (which I will not 
reveal).  I hope, at least, you get a smile out of it.  So here 
we go:

In a Belgrad hotel elevator:
     To move the cabin, push button for wishing floor. If the    
     cabin should enter more persons, each one should press a    
     number of wishing floor.  Driving is then going      
     alphabetically by national order.

Outside a Hong Kong tailor's shop:
     Ladies may have a fit upstairs.

In a Rhodes tailor's shop:
     Order your summers suit.  Because is big rush we will      
     execute customers in strict rotation.

A sign posted in Germany's Black Forest:
     It is strictly forbidden on our black forest camping site   
     that people of different sex, for instance, men and women,  
     live together in one tent unless they are married with each 
     other for that purpose.

In a Zurich hotel:
     Because of the impropriety of entertaining guests of the    
     opposite sex in the bedroom, it is suggested that the lobby 
     be used for this prupose.

In an advertisement by a Hong Kong dentist:
     Teeth extracted by the latest Methodists.

In a Norwegian cocktail lounge:
     Ladies are requested not to have children in the bar.

                                          Stay tuned for more,

                                          Baabaa naan daad
+ - Re: Hungarian revisionism (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

In article >,
Hermes  > wrote:
>After all, a variety of nefarious interest groups have converged succesfuly 
>and managed to split Yugoslavia and make a mess out that part of Europe. 
>As they say: 'Divide et impera !'

Nobody had to stir up anything there.  Collapse of iron fisted communism
did it all by itself.  After all, Yugoslavia was only a 75 year old
artificial monstrosity in the first place, an attempt to join Byzantine
orthodoxy with Western enlightenment in a single country; a concept dead
on arrival.

As to 'Divide et impera!", you're off again about 75 years. 

+ - Re: SCM reorganization, round two and a half / Re: Stil (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

In article >,
Zoli Fekete, keeper of hungarian-faq > wrote:

> As for the gateway, this is typically the kind of question that ought to be a
>mailto:, not here. Since that's not his list he's unlikely
>intervene, just like he doesn't into HIX-HUNGARY.
> As for the FORUM list, you're still profoundly confused (after all this time 

After this last RFD, maybe I am entitled to a bit of confusion. ... even
after all this time, no?
But as to my writing to that HIX supervisor enwrapped in his own
selfimportance, forget it!  I am happy with the available, uncensored
Internet fora, thank you.  I resent being censored by some pokhendi list
owner about half my age who thinks he is beyond criticism.  Let him
stew in his HIX for a little longer before Usenet becomes ubiquitous.
Then he and his HIX becomes history. 

>Jozsi supervises that, setting some rules he thinks best for serving its users
>smoothly (often only after strong prodding, as was the case with the lenght li
mit -
>which got installed only long after many of us complained about the volume get
>out of hand).

Thanks for admitting what I suspected long ago: it was your political
wing that got to him.  Your complaint about the long articles would
sound more genuine if the same policy had been instituted in the SZALON
list.  So it's obvious that your complaint is against those long
articles authored by people whose opinion you oppose.  It's worth to
note here that there were no similar calls for limiting leftist opinions
from the right wingers.  But then, this would not be the first time that
the so called liberal tolerance for "alternative ideas" is shown to be

> Since the RFD won't be coming before the summer break is over, this 
>HIX-bashing serves no constructive purpose, so count me out for now ;-(... 

It serves me just fine! ;-)  But I understand that it makes you
uncomfortable.  I only brought it up again because of the plans the
other Jozsi might have affecting this news group.

>can ponder over differences between things like (slight) editorial control 
>and censorship

About as much as between "undocumented" person and illegal alien. 
The fact is, I did not write there anything that, for instance, Hugh would
have disallowed on his list.  And if he did, he would certainly have
given a polite and sufficient explanation for it, instead of the
"nyegle" threatening post HJ sent to me.

+ - Re: Be la Bacso : The Witness (A tanu ) (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

Howdy, I suspect that you could rent this video from Facets 
Multimedia. I know of one company that specializes in Hungarian movies, 
documentaries and special interest videos: MAGYAR NAPLO, video dept., 
P.O.Box 822, Daytona Beach FL 32115, catalog: free.
       Information from the OFFBEAT VIDEO SOURCEBOOK.
+ - Re: Hungarian revisionism (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

On 28 May 1995  wrote:

> After all, Yugoslavia was only a 75 year old artificial monstrosity in the 
> first place, an attempt to join Byzantine orthodoxy with Western 
> enlightenment in a single country; a concept dead on arrival.

Thank you ! This is very 'enlightening'.  I bet Romania is the same kind of
'artificial monstrosity', and Transylvania should have no part in it !

> As to 'Divide et impera!", you're off again about 75 years. 

I don't think so. Some of the 'Western enlighted' have a vested interest in
dealing with a fragmented Eastern Europe.  Stiring up the powder keg in 
the Balkans goes with some risk, and the assholes in some Western European
governments seem to have forgoten it.  Events around there, though have the
nasty habit of providing Western Europe with a rude awakening every so 

m. cristian
+ - Re: Hungarian revisionism (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

Hermes ) wrote:

: On 28 May 1995  wrote:

: > After all, Yugoslavia was only a 75 year old artificial monstrosity in the 
: > first place, an attempt to join Byzantine orthodoxy with Western 
: > enlightenment in a single country; a concept dead on arrival.

: Thank you ! This is very 'enlightening'.  I bet Romania is the same kind of
: 'artificial monstrosity', and Transylvania should have no part in it !

: > As to 'Divide et impera!", you're off again about 75 years. 

: I don't think so. Some of the 'Western enlighted' have a vested interest in
: dealing with a fragmented Eastern Europe.  Stiring up the powder keg in 
: the Balkans goes with some risk, and the assholes in some Western European
: governments seem to have forgoten it. 

Yeah, the same "assholes" who gave all of TS to Romania.

: Events around there, though have the
: nasty habit of providing Western Europe with a rude awakening every so 
: often. 

Thus far (Yugoslavia) they haven't been affected very much, and if they 
can stay out at this time they won't be affected significantly.
+ - Re: Vatra romaneasca,manifest (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

In article >,  says...


>Vladimir Tismaneanu and Mircea Mihaies wrote an interesting article in 
>East European Reporter, Vol 5 no. 1, p. 25-27. It referred to Romania's 
>"ethnocentric fundamentalism, meaning a mixture of tribalist myths and 
>wild allegations about foreign conspiracies."
>Dan Pop selected a single clause from a sentence referring to Ceausescu 
>and if I understand his thesis correctly, concluded that the manifesto 
>was a fraud based solely on that fact. However it is not so simple. 
>Ceausescu's policy viz a viz the Hungarians, was looked on favourably at 
>the time of his era, but was restrained. Tismaneanu and Mihaies, say it 
>"Despite his best efforts, Nicolae Ceausescu never succeeded in fully 
>exploiting nationalism. Most Romanians were left indifferent by the 
>official nationalism of the regime because it was linked to Ceausescu's 
>personal images and to the rhetoric of Marxism-Leninism. The fact that 
>Ceausescu was a committed communist made his nationalism opportunistic, 
>used for the glorification of the Conducator and as a tool for political 
>repression. Furthermore, nobody actually benefited from this policy, with 
>the possible exception of the dictator himself and a group of syncophants 
>who succeeded in engineering unparalleled cult of personality. This this 
>identification between the leader, the party and nation deprived 
>nationalism of meaning."
>"All the same, under Ceausescu a plethora of magazines and publications 
>promoting the mythology of party defined national interests thrived. The 
>most virulent of these was the weekly Saptamina. Its editor, Eugen Barbu, 
>was for a long time a member of the Central Committee."
>The exaggeration of Barbu, Tudor and Paunescu continues today in 
>publications, continuing and promoting Ceausescu's policies with more 
>venom and freedom. Tismaneanu & Mihaies write,
>"...they began to slander all former dissidents, to engage in morbid 
>nati-Hungarian and anti-semitic campaigns. The most venomous of these 
>rags, Romania Mare. . . actually proclaimed 1991 'the year of 
>international struggle against Hungarian terrorism.' In spite of that -- 
>or maybe because of it -- the paper received an award from then Interior 
>Minister, Doru Viorel Ursu, for 'journalistic objectivity'. Meanwhile its 
>estimated circulation of 600,000 makes it the most popular of the 
>country's periodicals."
>"Most of these self-appointed oracle are actually the Conducator's former 
>That is why the idiots made reference to Ceausescu in the manifesto. 
>There is a deep-rooted sickness in Romania when 600,000 read such trash 
>and vote for PUNR and PCR. Instead of attacking me, the Romanians on this 
>thread have the intelligence to know what to do. 
>Wally Keeler                                    Poetry
>Creative Intelligence Agency                    is
>Peoples Republic of Poetry                      Poetency

Hi Wally: 

I found something in my archive what may be interesting in this context. It 
is an interview with the Honorable Radu Ceontea who was---that time--- 
president of Vatra Romaneasca. The interview was published in the Bucharest 
weekly 'Baricada'; I read the Hungarian translation in the Budapest daily 
'Nepszabadsag'. Unfortunately I did not note the date of publication; the 
DOS time stamp on my file says 7/20/92, but it can be significantly earlier.
What follows below is my poor English translation, and a few comments by 
me in square brackets.


            I've Never Trusted the Hungarians
  Interview with the Romanian senator Radu Ceontea, the
                      president of
                    Vatra Romaneasca
Published in the Bucharest weekly Baricada (early 1992?).

>The  Vatra  Romaneasca,  to put  it  straight,  is  often
>accused by fascism, extremism, and intolerance...

I don't read every newspaper. I only read an editorial in
the paper of the liberal party in which they accuse me of
all  kinds  of horrible things. For example,  they  claim
that  I  have a terrible influence on millions of people.
Based  on  this  article,  here you  must  have  expected
someone  in  the  uniform  of the  Iron  Guard.  Moreover,
they accuse me of being the follower of Verdet [Ceausescu's
prime minister]. So we are extremists...

>Is the Vatra Romaneasca an ally of the governing National
>Salvation  Front, or is it an obedient  follower  of  the

As   the  president  of  the  Vatra  Romaneasca,   I   am
independent of the Front, moreover, in my opinion, in the
elections  in  Transylvania  the  Front  was   our   most
important  opponent,  rather than the  HDUR  [Hungarian 
Democratic Union of Romania].  Of  course,  the
Vatra  is  above the interests of political  parties.  It
unites people from different parties. The majority of our
members  are members of the Front, so the orientation  of
the  VR  towards the Front is quite natural. In practice,
the  Front  dominates  the Vatra.  Nevertheless,  in  the
elections   the  Front  took  many  votes  from   us   by
circulating  falsified leaflets and posters  claiming  in
our name that we ask our electors to vote for the Front.

>How  do  you  interpret the television statement  of  Ion
>Coja,  the vice president of the Vatra, made on the night
>of December 11?

Ion Coja made a serious mistake: he talked in the name of
the  Vatra without consulting with the leadership of  our
federation. He did not even pick up the phone to ask  me.
After  all  I am his president, aren't I? His  statements
are  scandalous. He compares the Vatra to a  loose  woman
who  always  goes  to  bed  with  the  richest   or  most
redblooded man.

>Still who is responsible for what happened in Alba Iulia?
[Reference to a mass meeting where the Hungarian speaker 
was out-shouted and President Ion Iliescu and Prime Minister
Petre Roman greeted the masses shouting anti-Hungarian slogans.]

Many  people.  Including me. But why  was  it  that  they
didn't   out-shout  the  representative  of  the  Turkish
minority, only the Hungarian? And our prime minister  who
was so strongly  accused of incitement, certainly greeted
the   masses   who  shouted  "Iliescu  and  Roman,   save

>But  is  not  it  very  risky to  suggest  that  "saving"
>Transylvania is the responsibility of Iliescu  and  Roman
>only? Will they be always on power?

You  keep  trying  to  confuse me by  your  questions.  I
clearly feel this intention. It should be made clear: the
Hungarians  wanted Transylvania, they want  Transylvania,
and  it is only because of the Vatra Romaneasca that they
did not get it.

>And  how did you prevent them from getting it? The reason
>I'm  asking  this  question is that not everybody  agrees
>with  your  statement. Namely, some claim  that  all  the
>Vatra  has  done since its foundation has  had  just  the
>opposite  effect.  In other words , it  has  continuously
>destroyed  the  country's  image  abroad,  and  the  only
>winners are the Hungarians.

Dear  sir,  let's finish this interview. It is impossible
to  talk  with  you. You are very hostile  to  us.  Let's
finish this discussion!

>Mr.  Ceontea,  there is no question of  hostility  on  my
>behalf.  I am asking questions in the name of our readers
>in  order  to clarify some unclear aspects of the  Vatra.
>Please,  Mr.  Ceontea,  tell us your  opinion  about  the

I  was  born  in a purely Romanian village in  the  Maros
valley.  This village had suffered in every possible  way
from  the  Hungarians. My father was the butcher  in  the
village,  my  mother finished four classes  only  in  the
primary  school. My father taught me at an early age  not
to trust the Hungarians. He said, "each Hungarian has got
a  rope  in his pocket".  A  rope  to  strangle Romanians
with. I have never in my life trusted the Hungarians, but
I've  had  a  correct relationship with them.  I've  even
learnt  their  language to some extent. It's  a  terribly
complicated  language.  In 1968, after  the  invasion  of
Czechoslovakia, I fled to over the Carpathiens because  I
was afraid the Hungarians would take Transylvania. Having
seen that nothing had happened, in 1977 I returned to  my

>Do you feel threatened, Mr. Ceontea?

As  you  can  see, I dine here in my room,  I  have  some
sandwiches like the workers in the forest. The only  warm
food  I  have  is  the tea I make here  on  the  electric
cooker.  I  don't dare to go to the restaurant  of  Hotel
Bucuresti, because I am not sure the Hungarians would not
poison  me.  I just  drink a Pepsi and I die!  There  are
always two policemen in front of my two-bedroom apartment
in  Tirgu  Mures because I don't want that  my  wife  and
daughter get raped and killed by the Hungarians.  But  if
something happened to me, I tell you, my men would take a
ruthless revenge.

>Did you take part in the miners demonstration?

On  the  14th  of July I was also stopped by the  miners,
they  searched  me but then let me go. I asked  them  how
they knew  who to beat. They said they did not know,  but
there were some people from Bucharest who showed them who
to  beat... The investigators discovered that  maybe  the
biggest  scandal  was  caused  by  a  certain  group   of
Hungarian  miners. Another proof for  this  is  that  the
marvellous   17-room   headquarters  of  HDUR   was   not
attacked,  but  those of the Liberal  Party  and  of  the
Farmers Party were. By the way, there is no sign  on  the
HDUR headquarters. It is clear, isn't it?

>What  is  your  opinion  about  Mr.Geza  Domokos   [that
>time president of the RMDSZ]?

He  is completely incompetent, still I consider him  very

>And what is you view about the National Salvation Front?

The  National Salvation Front is not a big but  rather  a
broad  party.  It  is  not its "gigantic"  size  but  its
broadness that alarms us. The Front has nothing to do  in
Tirgu  Mures.  It has virtually nothing to  do  in  Mures
County.  To  cut  it  short, it  has  nothing  to  do  in
Transylvania. They should understand this. Their  methods
are  characteristic of a neo-Bolshevik, or more  exactly,
of a typical Bolshevik party.

>But  the  AUR  [the  party  of the  Vatra]  has  a close
>cooperation with them.

This is just an assumption. The front wants to steal  our
memebers.  They  organize  meetings  and  use  our  party
logo,  they  just add their rose to it.  This is the  way
they  want to cheat our members and supporters. The Front
has  undermined its credibility in Transylvania.  We  are
not afraid of anybody anymore. Don't forget that in March
1990  the Vatra was the army, the police, and the  secret
service in Mures, Hargitha, and Covasna Counties.

>The chances of a military coup are often considered.  Do
>you want to comment on it?

The   Vatra   Romaneasca  is  in  favor  of  a   military
government.  I  don't mean military dictatorship,  but  a
military  administration. This is the only suitable  form
of administration in today's Romania.

>The  majority of Romanians are not members of the Vatra.
>Do  you  consider  good  Romanians  only  those  who are 
>members of the federation?

I  suppose  you  expect me to answer yes.  Of  course the
others  are  Romanians  too, but  this  is  not  what  we
expected from them.

>Why do you think that the prominent intellectuals are if
>not  hostile, but at least neutral with respect to  your

The  intellectuals feel privileged and keep away from the
problems  of every-day life.  Why should these  gentlemen
join  the  federation that protects the sacred rights  of
Romanians?  I  acknowledge that I'm not an  intellectual.
I am a painter. But people trust Radu Ceontea.

>The  most serious accusation is that the Vatra is formed
>of  the  members of the Securitatea and they dispose  of
>the unregistered arms of the Securitatea. Is that true?

The Vatra is strong because many officers of the army have
joined our federation. Why should we distinguish based on
profession? So we have members from the army, the police,
and  the Securitatea. They are Romanians, too.  Who would
protect us from the Hungarians if it is necessary?

>Do  you agree then with the desperate efforts of Romania
>Mare to release the defendants of the Securitatea trials 
>in Timisoara and in Bucharest?

I completely agree with the efforts of Romania Mare.