Archive-name: hungarian-faq
Last-modified: 1995/05/29
Version: 0.99.2
This is part 1 of the FAQ for Hungarian news, discussions, and email.
This part identifies what is available and gives basic instructions for
getting it. Part 2 gives both fuller information and more complete
instructions, as well as tips on how to search electronic archives for
the information stored there.
# NOTE: Part 2 is included together with part 1 for this interim
# release, expect separate files in the future!
# 0.99.1:, 'finger'
# 0.99.2: news://*,,
#, gopher://,
#, lists Hungary Online, Hungary
# Report and , formatting URLs and minor editing
Updated versions of these Frequently Asked Questions of Hungarian
interest (with some answers) are posted to Usenet (and reposted every
three weeks automatically if there are no changes to them) and
occasionally to the email lists concerned. The latest version is
available from the Usenet archives, such as and
Notice that I am starting to show URLs - if you don't know what animal
they are ;-), don't worry just use FTP, Gopher or whatever for accessing
the sites shown after '://'! I intend this patch to be the last in the
venerable pre-1.0 series, look for the revamped version due Real Soon Now
;-) - a draft copy will be reposited in the SENDDOC archive: (also
available via email, mailto: ).
-Q: What services are available in Hungarian language?
-A: A number of them from Hollosi Information Exchange. Recently it
acquired its own domain name: HIX.COM, with the different services
individually addressable (so please forget about the old XMAIL syntax)! The
services may change before their description get updated here, so
please check its own HELP for the most current description!
There are 9 major services (check mailto: for others!):
HIR -- daily news (edited in Budapest) Hirmondo
KEP -- videotext news from Hungarian Television's Kepujsag
SZALON -- moderated political discussion forum
FORUM -- unmoderated political discussion forum
TIPP -- politics-free questions, tips etc.
GURU -- computer-related questions
VITA -- non-political discussion forum (typically longer-winded then TIPP
MOKA -- jokes, humor (Hungarian and other)
MOZAIK -- semi-regular bits of news and other info,
crossposts from the OMRI list and VoA gopher
To get a long description (more than 600 lines!), use
mailto: - the content of these letters are ignored. To
{un}subscribe send email to , which refers to all
available HIX subscriptions, or to , where NAME
is any of the applicable HIX services. For more detailed description
please refer to mailto: (for this author cannot hope to
stay up-to-date on the continously changing flavors of HIX ;-)).
The postings for the HIX discussion lists are sent out daily in
digested form. You can send your own submission to ,
where again NAME is to be substituted with the actual name of the
service you want to reach.
Note that the volume for some of these lists is becoming rather high,
eg. TIPP often digests dozens of messages in hundreds of lines daily!
You ought to try targeting your audience properly in order to find
those who'd help with your questions; also keep in mind that readers
often answer to the list rather than the individual even when personal
reply is requested, so if you ask something it's a good idea to subscribe
also (even though technically it's not required) instead of just
addressing a list as a non-subscriber. A reminder to those who reply to
a post: always remember that list messages get sent to several
hundred readers, so consider personal email if the subject is not of
general interest! If you answer thru a list it's courteous to send a
personal copy (Cc: with most mailers) as well - this may reach the addressee
considerably earlier than the post distributed thru the list.
The HIX server can also send out archived files (note that the copy of
this 'hungarian-faq' is hopelessly outdated there!), see
the SENDDOC function in its description. In case you have any problems
or questions on the HIX services, please read through the automatic
help response first. If you need human intervention you can reach
mailto: - but keep in mind that list managers have to do
plenty other than answering things already laid out in the Fine Manual.
The above are also available interactively with full-text search
capability through the Internet service gopher. If you know what that
beast is (or dare to try anyway :-)) then enter: gopher HIX.ELTE.HU -
or use a WWW browser (like Mosaic or Netscape) for gopher://
You really should get a program (called a gopher client) to access
these services, if you don't have one yet! To get started, you can
check out comp.infosystems.gopher on Usenet, or its associated FAQ from
SENDDOC computers/gopher.faq. Note that the most recent version of this
FAQ can be gotten through gopher, or via anonymous ftp from the Usenet
FAQ archive: Those
without FTP access should send e-mail to with
"send usenet/news.answers/finding-sources" in the body to find out how
to do FTP by e-mail. If you can telnet, try the host (in Europe use - or look for
a closer and less overloaded server in Yanoff's INTERNET SERVICES LIST
(which also has more other Internet stuff than you ever wanted to know
:-), available via ftp/gopher, or email to
). For email only connection there are
gophermail servers. You can get started by sending mail to
(or ) with any or no subject
and any or no message body. GopherMail will reply by sending you it's
main gopher menu. To get detailed help on using gophermail, email
with 'help' in the Subject: line (the other server
does not seem to support this function).
There are other valuable documents of Hungarian interest in the
gopher:// archive, as well as links to the growing number of
gopher servers in Hungary. You can start surfing the Hungarian gopherspace
(that seems to be expanding by the day, so check out often) at
gopher:// or gopher:// as well. Note that
interactive Internet connections like gopher may be very slow, even timing
out during peak hours - try times of lower network load when the response
time is usually reasonable!
NEWEST DEVELOPMENT: as of Feb 19, 1995 there is a machine dedicated
to serving HIX! HIX.MIT.EDU has a WWW server (
as well as a gopher server, and is accessible via finger, too. Try
'finger ' for the easiest access to the archives! There are
going to be mirror sites in Hungary, use those from inside the country and
the one at MIT from the rest of the world.
A new server catalogize hierarchically the
growing number of Hungarian Internet info sources.
For WWW users there is with
links to a few hungarian www servers, including that of the Prime
Minister's Office at, as well as to a great to a great
number of gophers and other resources. Again, the response time could
be quite good during off hours but may be unusable other times.
There are Hungarian local newsgroups (see more on Usenet below)
available through telnet to, login with username GUEST
(no password), and enter NEWS to start the newsreader (you can use the
VMS online help to learn about it). The guest account is set up for
accessing news:// (students' journal at
Eotvos U.), but other newsgroups are available as well. (But please
be considerate to the strained network resources of Hungarian sites -
from abroad for non-local news use other providers). For
ELTE-specific questions mailto: .
Since May 95 our country has its own news hierarchy, available thru
news://* - accessible globally via NNTP; if you
are reading Usenet from a major provider you may request that they
acquire the hun.* groups locally for you! If enough people request
this we'll get over the curent bottleneck with the HU network.
-Q: Are there Hungarian-related services primarily in English?
-A: is a discussion group providing rapid communication
among those with interests in Hungarian issues. Subscribe by email via
mailto: using no subject and a message consisting
only of SUBSCRIBE HUNGARY Yourfirstname Lastname. Once you have
subscribed, any messages which you want to send to the group should be
sent to the group address, mailto: (or just GWUVM
on BITNET). (This pattern of two addresses is
standard: you turn your mail off and on at the "listserv" address, and
you send mail to the listname address. For example, to unsubscribe,
send the server the message SIGNOFF HUNGARY. You can temporarily turn
off you mail by sending listserv the message SET HUNGARY NOMAIL. SET
HUNGARY MAIL turns mail back on.) By default the listserv sends out
messages as they arrive, maybe several ones on busier days. If you
prefer daily digest format, you can issue the command SET HUNGARY DIGESTS
(again by sending it to the LISTSERV address); alternatively you can
subscribe to HUNGARY via HIX as mentioned above, and receive the same
format as the other lists by HIX. LISTSERV has many useful features,
most notably database search on the list archives - to learn more about
it, send commands like SEND HELP, SEND HELP DATABASE.
Note that the form of addressing LISTSERV lists such as Hungary may depend
a great deal on your local network configuration and mailer software.
With a full-blown Internet mailer you're better off using the alias for the host (thus the and
addresses), while for BITNET mailers you need
GWUVM only (and figure the local gatewaying to BITNET, like BITNET% for
most VAXMail installations). If you get stuck, help is much more likely
available next door than accross the world so ask around before posting
a query on problems with sending mail!
Hungary Online is a "kind of Internet supplement" to the column of the
same title in Budapest Business Journal; to subscribe, send the word
"subscribe" mailto: (you'll get help from
its Majordomo server, if needed).
The Hungary Report is a weekly English online update of news and analysis
direct from Budapest each Sunday. To subscribe, send
mailto: containing (in the body of
the message, not in the headers) the single word "subscribe".
is a group providing rapid communication
mainly among those living in the USA with interests in Hungarian issues.
Subscribe by mailto: using no subject and a
message consisting only of SUBSCRIBE HUNGARY .
On Usenet there is news:soc.culture.magyar, mostly in English, sometimes
bilingual, and occasionally Hungarian only. If you're not using Usenet,
ask around your site -- it's available on many Internet hosts on what
normally is known as the network news service. If you're under Unix, try
the newsreaders rn, nn, vn or trn; under other operating systems it may
be NEWSREADER or a similar name. If you don't have local access, try
FREENET-IN-A.CWRU.EDU, where you can request a permanent guest account
with Usenet privileges (among other things).
Use FTP to learn more about Usenet from the archive ftp://RTFM.MIT.EDU
(starting with the file /pub/usenet/news.answers/news-answers-intro,
which lists a number of alternative archives located in Europe as
well). If you do not have anonymous FTP access, you can access the
archives by mail server as well. To learn how, see Part Two of this FAQ
or send an email message to mailto: with HELP
and INDEX on separate lines of the body (make sure you put the dash in
the address above!).
NOTE: RTFM used to be called differently, please use this new address
instead of the old one that's being phased out!
-Q: Are there reports and discussions about Hungary in its political and
geographical contexts?
-A: Several. You can get Daily Digests of the Open Media Research Institute
from mailto: (or simply
on BITNET) by sending the message
SUBSCRIBE OMRI-L Yourfirstname Lastname. (Hungarian items in OMRI-L
are excerpted in MOZAIK of HIX which is also crossposted to the Usenet
news:soc.culture.magyar.) The same listserv at Buffalo
also will subscribe you to the Middle European discussion list MIDEUR-L
or to POLAND-L or SLOVAK-L. Send the usual SUBSCRIBE command. On
Usenet there is news:soc.culture.romanian, news:soc.culture.czecho-slovak,
news:soc.culture.polish, and the gatewayed news:bit.listserv.mideur-l and
news:bit.listserv.slovak-l; news:bit.listserv.hungary has been established,
but many sites do not have it, and some of those
supposedly carrying lose some or all the posts. If you experience
sporadic distribution of any of the gatewayed lists complain to your
net-news administrator and/or Usenet carrier - you can always check the
list traffic by subscribing to the original email lists described above.
This is one of those problems where people in the know of your local
situation may be able to help you, but the hundreds of list-readers
scattered worldwide are most likely not! Since the gatewayed lists are
primarily LISTSERV based, the surest way to receive everything is via
email. If you prefer using Usenet newsreaders you find HIX's HUNGARY
digests posted to news:soc.culture.magyar (which group does not seem to
suffer the poor propagation affecting some of the bit.listserv groups).
Please notice that while the listserv groups are bi-directionally
gatewayed, ie. posts to them get propagated back to the original mailing
list, the posts coming from HIX to soc.culture.magyar are mere copies of
the mailing list messages - do not reply to the newgroups since your
answer won't reach the email readers (who constitute a likely large
Speaking of limitations of distribution be aware that some commercial
Internet connection providers (most blatantly American Online)
established their own groups with topics overlapping existing Usenet
hierarchy. The utility of these local groups is seriously limited since
they are, unlike the open real Usenet newsgroups such as those
mentioned above, are unavailable to anyone but their own subscribers
(ie. a small domestic fraction of all the Internet/Usenet users
worldwide). Please do not post to non-local groups saying how nice
would be to use these specialized fora - we can not. Use the newsgroup
soc.culture.magyar or the mailing lists!
The Central European Regional Research Organization (CERRO) can
be joined at with the command
SUBSCRIBE CERRO-L Firstname Lastname. This is a scholarly group
that deposits papers and the like in an electronic archive in Vienna. The
archive is accessible, or gopher://, A repository for Voice of America
material accessible with gopher:// also contains some
information and news items relevant to the region. Archives of the OMRI
list mentioned above are at (together with some other
related info, some RFE/RL material are forthcoming there too).
CET On-Line, the on-line version of the daily English language radio news
magazine Central Europe Today, is available freely by sending a message with
the word SUBSCRIBE in the body mailto:
(or send the following in the body mailto:
subscribe cet-online
). Its archives are at gopher:// (or,
and the list is excerpted on HIX-MOZAIK.
-Q: What are the network connections with Hungary, including BBS
networks such as FidoNet?
-A: For a reasonably up-to-date picture of Internet see - the development the net seems to
outstrip that of this FAQ ;-) (fortunately for HU, less so for my
readers). For most private users Fidonet linking personal computer BBS
systems may be a better connection alternative, but I could not get
recent enough information on that to include here.
Email is usually fast if you have the right address. For Internet
mailings, don't forget to add a "hu" at the end for Hungary (eg.:
); for Bitnet addresses, "huella" is in the
nodename (ex.: ).
(Note: huella.bitnet and are equivalent.)
There are three FidoNet nodes: Budapest NET (2:371/0); West Hungary Net
(2:372/0); and Tisza NET (2:370/0). If you want to write on the
FidoNet, chances are you already know how. *PLEASE* find out what you
are about to do instead of experimenting with the Hungarian net - don't
add to the problems for the folks in Hungary having to deal with the
underdeveloped phone system and outrageous international tolls ;-<. For
further information I post a Fido-sheet separately from this FAQ, where
there are also telephone numbers and further addresses, but again: try
to verify that you are mailing to a valid address (the BBS situation
may have changed since the copy you are reading got updated - look for
current FIDO listing on the net, or better yet contact the person you
want to reach by other means first)!. If you can send Internet email
and have the FidoNet address, you can write to it by transforming it to
appropriate .FIDONET.ORG format.
-Q: How do you contact someone in Hungary by email?
-A: If you don't know the address, ask by using the old technology of
pen, paper, and postage stamp (or telephone).
There are attempts to establish directory services in Hungary but
their availability to the outside world has seemed sporadic so far. At
the moment your best bet is to use HIX's RADIR database - see above.
Requesting it via email with SENDDOC should be your last resort given
its huge size and unwieldy structure, but you may be able to search it
more easily online with gopher. If you have some idea what institution
to check out, you may find an online directory service - many are
available, and could be reached thru the main hungarian gopher (or WWW)
mentioned above. Perhaps the biggest database is that of ELLA, to use it
telnet:// (ie. address a special port); note
that the opening screen uses special characters for the accented letters
but the data records have combinations of vowel plus ',: or " instead
(ie. searching for hollo'si would retrive a record, but hollosi won't)!
Alternatively you might check out Radir's user list (HIX's
SENDDOC feature will tell you how) or send an inquiry to a discussion
group. Readers of Usenet's soc.culture.magyar and Bitnet's HUNGARY
discussion list may be able to help. Or you can send a query to the
postmaster of the Hungarian network or local server. (See Part Two of
this FAQ for help.)
-Q: How are Hungarian accented letters usually represented?
-A: There are a number of solutions, mostly based on TeX. For starters
check out SENDDOC programs etex.Z and hion.Z from HIX (see above) and
also the babel system for LaTeX with Hungarian specific option,
available from FTP sites or In pure ASCII
environment using English-only alphabet (such as traditional email and
Usenet posting) one could simulate accented letters with pairs of
characters; most commonly the linguistic notation is used where a long
vowel is marked with the numeral 1 (ko1r = ailment), a short "umlaut"
with a 2 (ko2r = circle), and a long one with a 3 (ko3r = the figure of
heart in the French card set). Some people prefer coding with
apostrophe, colon and (double) quotation marks (ko'r, ko:r and ko"r for
the above examples), but this results in more ambigous parsing (and
makes reading even harder in my opinion).
-Q: How should I send suggestions, hatemail etc. concerning this FAQ?
-A: I hereby solicit any additions, corrections, suggestions or
My primary email address is mailto: . *Please* note that
due to the high volume of email messages without informative SUBJECT:
lines get deleted without reading!
Begin the SUBJECT: line with the string ZFIX$KERDES (followed by a
descriptive subject of your choice) to enable automatized mail handling.
I'd like to be notified of archives storing this document (other than
the standard Usenet FAQ repositories, typically mirroring
Also, if you see an outdated version online please request updating from
the administrator!
In closing part 1 let me express the many thanks we all owe to Kent
Bales, whose superb work editing my first drafts made me possible to
work out the current version. Of course all errors are still my
responsibility. As you may notice the content as well as the format
is still too much in a flux to claim exceeding the v1.0 limit ;-(,
but the upgrade is still free :-).
NOTE: the following is included together with part 1 for this interim
release, expect separate files in the future!
Part 2
Part 2 amplifies information on Hungarian news, discussions, and email
and adds information about useful computer resources, computing in
Hungary, and other such technical matters.
Updated versions of these Frequently Asked Questions of Hungarian
interest (with some answers) are posted to Usenet and the email lists
concerned about every two weeks.
Your access varies depending upon the net you operate within. Bitnet
discussion lists leave messages in your mailbox, and you send mail
messages to all other list members by writing to the list address.
Internet users can easily subscribe because the two networks have many
"gateways" or nodes where the networks intersect. Usenet and
independents such as FidoNet are different. They forward messages to
and from their nodes, using Internet gateways whenever possible for
long-distance relays, but they don't have access to Bitnet discussion
lists. (You, however, can have somebody you know who has Bitnet access
forward list messages to and for you. This is frequently done.) Many
Internet and Usenet nodes participate in Usenet News, a world-wide,
volunteer aggregation of discussion groups which one joins and
participates in by calling up the discussion-group messages stored for
that purpose. More an extensive bulletin board than a mailbox, it is
cheaper to operate because it uses much less memory. All members of
soc.culture.magyar, for example, read messages stored at a few sites;
all members of Bitnet's HUNGARY read the same message stored in
mailboxes all over the world.
At Bitnet-Internet gateways, Bitnet users can usually get access to
Usenet News by behaving as though they are Internet users. (Ask how,
locally.) Otherwise they can use Telnet (TELNET BBS.OIT.UNC.EDU or
TELNET FREENET-IN-A.CWRU.EDU, where you can request a permanent guest
account with Usenet privileges, among other things). Independent nodes
usually don't give access to all Usenet News groups -- only to those
most interesting to their users -- so make yourself heard if you use an
independent. Commercial nets usually are the same, giving access to the
most popular groups on Usenet and other discussion networks.
Some Usenet groups and virtually all Bitnet lists store old messages in
archives, which can be searched by the fileserver or by FTP. FTP (File
Transfer Protocol) is available on the Internet but, for technical
reasons, not on Bitnet or the others. Bitnet provides a retrieval
service, however. Write to with HELP as the message and you
will receive full instructions. Some of them will be irrelevant to
getting messages from the archives. The concepts should become clearer
from what follows.
First you must know what to ask for, and for a list that you know about
or belong to you can simply ask LISTSERV to tell you what's in the
archive. Say you want material from Bitnet's HUNGARY list. Write
with the message LISTDOC HUNGARY, and you'll get
back the name(s) of the archived files, probably listed by month. You
won't need FTP to get these. Commands for getting them, however, vary
from list to list, group to group. To get E-EUROPE's list, you first ask
the following: INDEX E-EUROPE. Then, having found the
files or month that you want, you send the command GET E-EUROPE
filetype-thus-and-so (as determined from the index). Sometimes LISTSERV
will tell you the precise form of the the command, but it is good to
have handy BITNET USERHELP, gotten from with the
FTP is a UNIX process which lets you transfer files from a distant
computer to your own system if you're on Internet. A good way of
testing if it's available is simply to type FTP at your prompt. If you
are prompted for an address, you've got FTP! So either type the
address you want or start again and do all on one line:
(This example is for the archive of the Humanities Computing Facility at
UCSB, thanks to Eric Dahlin). Log on with the name "anonymous," and use
your e-mail address as a password. Next, move to the directory
containing the files by entering the command:
cd hcf
Now that you're in the correct directory, you can get a list of all the
file names by entering the command:
Then, to transfer any of the files to your own system, enter the
get filename
It's often wise to transfer first the file called "readme," which may
show the contents of each of the files in the directory and certainly
will tell you more about that directory. If you don't know in advance
what directory to change to, move through the directory tree using the
"ls" command and wise guesses about where you want to go. With luck,
you'll get what you want. The commands may be strange (if you're a
stranger to UNIX, but you need only a few. UNIX is case-sensitive, so
use lower-case letters, as indicated here.
Finally, end your session with the "quit" command. If "quit" won't get
you out, try "bye" or "logout" (or Ctrl-D from Unix).
(Anonymous FTP is also the usual method for getting public domain and
"freeware" or "shareware" software from the many archives around the
world. The courtesy asked for by these archives is that for large
transfers you use anonymous ftp only after hours, when machine time
isn't needed for big jobs.)
Most archive files are compressed, so you'll have to uncompress them.
If you need to learn about this, ftp, cd
/pub/msdos/starter and get 00-index.txt. Text files are often simply
ZIPped. These can be downloaded all the way to your machine, then
unzipped with an UNZIP program. PKZIP and UNZIP are available through
Gopher and locally from a BBS.
There are shortcuts, so that you find precisely the file and its
location(s) by searching a database. In or near Canada, Telnet to
(in NJ).
Or you can TELNET a GOPHER, which will include FTP sites on its menu.
Choose that option and, as with ARCHIE, give GOPHER names or key words
to look up. What you'll get is a list of sites, complete with full
directory pathways, to files containing in their names the word or words
you asked to be searched. Knowing this, you can confidently proceed to
follow the Anonymous FTP retrieval instructions given above. Or you can
let GOPHER do the work for you. It will write the file to your computer
account, and you can then download it.
GOPHER is now in use at a number of sites around the world, including
Vienna and Graz, so that Hungarian electronic archives should be
searchable with Gopher's aid. Gopher plugs right into Archie sites.
Because it also usually contains electronic addresses for local users,
it may soon be a good source for Central European e-mail addresses.
CONSULTANT.MICRO.UMN.EDU is the grandparent GOPHER site, and you can get
a complete list of current GOPHERs from CONSULTANT.
NOTE: the specifics given below for the network in Hungary is very outdated
(it originated sometime in early '93 at the latest)! I figure I better
leave it in here for the time being, for two reasons: 1) history 2) I
don't have the time to do the complete revisal needed just now ;-(. The
situation in general improved a lot since, the capacity (and complexity)
of international connections increased several times. As I mentioned
earlier, even the resource-intensive WWW connections work (most of the
time anyway) at acceptable speed.
Hungary's four domains (basically four separate lines) are these: (Central Research Institute for Physics) (Eotvos University [Budapest]) and all other *.hu (Automation and Computerization Institute,
Hungarian Academy of Sciences)
huearn.bitnet and huella.bitnet.
They connect to the world as follows:
___ /| UUCP nodes |
/ \____/ ------------
| X | X25 ------------
| 2 |-----| ELLA users |
/ 5 \ ------------ To Linz,
\ / ----------- dial-up ------ 9.6 kbps
| N | X.25 | |---------| UUCP | ^
| e |------| sztaki | ... ====== |
/ t / | EUnet BB |---------| nodes| X25|
\ w \ -----------\ ------ SLIP --- |
| o | | `--------------------------------| H | |
| r | ----------- ----------- | B |----
| k | | gateway |---------| | BSC | O |
\ _/ ----------- | HUEARN |-----------| X |
|__/ \ | | | ---
\X25 ----------- -----------
\ | |
`---| ELLA |----(dial-up)
| (IIF) | users
Hungary has a connection to EARN (European Research Network) which is a
9.6 kbps leased line from Budapest to Linz. They use the same line
through a multiplexer to connect the EUnet backbone to mcsun and the
Internet. There is a local gateway between the EUnet backbone and the
EARN national backbone. It is possible to connect to the EUnet backbone
using the national X.25 network or dial-up lines up to 9.6 kbps speed.
There is also a central mailbox system called ELLA that individual users
can connect to. Most universities and research institutes are connected
to the ELLA mail-only network (typical address: ).
Part One of this FAQ tells how to get addresses. You can also ask the
postmasters for help. ELLA's is . (Or ,
Internet style.)
NOTE: Fidonet mail works with Hungarian BBS's but you have to know
whom to reach. I will attempt to maintain a separate Fido posting to
Usenet; please try to make sure you email to a valid address and in
particular avoid using outdated sources on Hungarian BBS's (otherwise
your misdirected trial burden the Hungarian network coordinator)!
The electricity is 220 volt, 50 cycles, but in fact it fluctuates a
lot. A battery driven laptop or notebook is your best bet. You can
drive a printer through a simple small converter, but check plug types
in advance. The Hungarian standard is two-pronged, and your computer or
printer may well be three-pronged. The converter may also be
three-pronged stepped down to two-pronged, but check before you leave.
Just in case, take along one three-prong to two-prong plug adapter, to
if you want to plug in the battery charger and the printer at the same
You want e-mail? If you will be working at a university or research
institute or large business, chances are you can get access to ELLA.
But if it's just a visit, the best is to get on the FidoNet.
-- Zoli Fekete, email: (preferred, or )
alternative addresses: on the Cleveland Freenet
on the UNC BBS
(home of the late Agora ;-()
"For my assured failures and derelictions, I ask pardon beforehand of my
betters and my equals in my calling." - Rudyard Kipling
Zoli (note my old full address @bcuxs2 is retired)
"For my assured failures and derelictions, I ask pardon beforehand of my
betters and my equals in my calling." - Rudyard Kipling