1. |
17 sor |
(cikkei) |
2. |
Re: re. somewhere my love (mind) |
29 sor |
(cikkei) |
3. |
Re: penfriends (mind) |
17 sor |
(cikkei) |
4. |
SOS WINWORD (mind) |
21 sor |
(cikkei) |
5. |
Re: Information about rommania wanted (mind) |
47 sor |
(cikkei) |
6. |
106 sor |
(cikkei) |
7. |
Re: Change of ethnic composition in Romania (1) (mind) |
61 sor |
(cikkei) |
8. |
Re: Silicongate (mind) |
46 sor |
(cikkei) |
9. |
General Victor Stanculescu LIVES!!!! (mind) |
26 sor |
(cikkei) |
10. |
Re: SOS WINWORD (mind) |
50 sor |
(cikkei) |
11. |
Re: Table game from where? (mind) |
22 sor |
(cikkei) |
12. |
Re: SOS WINWORD (mind) |
9 sor |
(cikkei) |
13. |
Re: "NO JUNK MAIL" please, to soc.cult.magyar (mind) |
15 sor |
(cikkei) |
14. |
Re: Information about rommania wanted (mind) |
122 sor |
(cikkei) |
15. |
Re: Bela Kun (mind) |
32 sor |
(cikkei) |
16. |
Re: Re- Transylvania borders (mind) |
92 sor |
(cikkei) |
17. |
Third World Conference (mind) |
29 sor |
(cikkei) |
18. |
Re: Altalanos bombazas: egy masik megoldas (mind) |
28 sor |
(cikkei) |
19. |
"kovacs_istvan" (mind) |
19 sor |
(cikkei) |
20. |
Ethnic composition of Transylvania-new book (mind) |
10 sor |
(cikkei) |
21. |
Altalanos bombazas: egy masik megoldas (mind) |
25 sor |
(cikkei) |
22. |
Free Subscription (mind) |
6 sor |
(cikkei) |
23. |
SMITH (mind) |
25 sor |
(cikkei) |
24. |
Fencsik megmondja milyen nevvel mely gatewayt lehet (mind) |
31 sor |
(cikkei) |
25. |
Re: SMITH (mind) |
35 sor |
(cikkei) |
26. |
Re: Hungarian electronic resources FAQ (mind) |
34 sor |
(cikkei) |
27. |
Soviet Archive Exibit (mind) |
7 sor |
(cikkei) |
28. |
Re: NO JUNK MAIL please, to soc.cult.magyar (mind) |
44 sor |
(cikkei) |
+ - | Re: HAVE YOU EVER BEEN TO MEXICO ? (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
Indeed, folks - please do not follow up in the newsgroups where all the
replies (as well as the original query) is off-topic. Do as I say, not as
I do ;-) - the reason I'm not following my own advice is to pass along
the following tidbit:
The proper way to arrange replies not going to the newsgroups but to the
poster is to insert a header line 'Followup-to: poster' (do as I'm doing
now); then again, if you think the answer doesn't belong there you should
think twice whether the question ought to go in there in the first place.
This applies to this message as well as the earlier still-undead soc.*
mass crossposts like the "love" and "33" threads and the like, too!
Zoli , keeper of <http://hix.mit.edu/hungarian-faq/>
<'finger '>
NOTE: spamsters and bulk emailers see 'X-Policy*:' in the
header for the charges to be imposed for net abuse!
+ - | Re: re. somewhere my love (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
Cristian Tomescu ) wrote:
: (assuming he's Case
: >writes):
: >
: >Tamas and Cristian flamed my earlier post....
: >Tamas and Cristian referred to me as a broomstick. I am 32, 5'91/2",
: >150+ lbs, and a competitive swimmer, not fat, stupid and a total
: >loser like they are. I would like to meet a girl for long term. I am
: >educated, bilingual and from Canada, which, unlike their countries is
: >rated # 1 by the UN for TOLERANCE and for being the BEST country in
: >the world to live in. I would like to meet a tall, compassionate
: >female.
: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
: i'm sorry the humour in my one_liner escaped you.
: i did not call you a "broomstick" - tamas did. i just had some fun
: with a play_on_tamas'_words.
: and, sorry to dissapoint you, but you're off mark in your assumptions
: of me as well. :-)
: may you find the bride of your dreams,
: -cristian (the wanna_be_fatso) :-)
Wally Keeler Poetry
Creative Intelligence Agency is
Peoples Republic of Poetry Poetency
+ - | Re: penfriends (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
I'm game to get to know anyone out there. I'm not fussy about where they
come from. To me, the more the merrier!
I'm from MALAYSIA, which is in the Sout East part of Asia, in a city
called KUALA LUMPUR. I'm a male 'net'-er attached to one of the country's
largest local computer or IT company.
For those who are keen to get to know me better, do mail me at:-
Look forward to making more friends!
+ - | SOS WINWORD (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
Hi, everybody,
I hope someone has a good idea for the solution of my problems with
my computer.
I use Word for Windows 6.0a under Windows for Workgroups and a HP
500C printer. The Formel Editor (formula editor ?) does not work: the
message is that my printer is not able to print the signs, and it
finishes. I can't even type this signs.
I tried to install Word and my printer again (with all Typefaces),
but it did not help.
The geatest problem is, that I have to finish my degree project next
week. I hope, anybody has good Idea. Or somegody may have
updates or a new version of the printer driver (when that ist the
couse of the software problem).
Thank you
+ - | Re: Information about rommania wanted (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
On Jan 21, 1996 18:23:24 in article <Re: Information about rommania
wanted>, 'CHARLES VAMOSSY >' wrote:
>For this law to become effective, duly elected members of Romania's
>Parliament had to formulate it, introduce it, debate it in committee and
>then passed by a majority of members, who represent the people of
>Romania. Once passed, President Iliescu, also elected by the people of
>Romania, had a choice of not signing it or sign it. He signed.
>The law, however, is most telling about the political and social climate
>of Romania. Through the democratic process, the law reflects the mood
>and will of the Romanian people and shows their deep seated
>insecurityand hostility to foreigners. Unless, of course, you tell me
>that democracy has nothing to do with it, in which case we have another
Let's not pretend that Romania's neo-communist regime is democratic. It
isn't remotly democratic. Every time that it has been faced with any real
public protest, it has responded by sending in its thugs. That happened
when Iliescu sent in the miners to beat up the peaceful protesters against
his neo-communist regime, and loot opposition party headquarters. And,
those policies of attacking any opposition to his dictatorship continues
today. For example, his dictatorial regime has, functionally outlawed any
real opposition. As the following excerpt shows, his regime is now trying
to ban the monarchists (who happen to be the only group with sufficient
public support to have any real chance of forcing the neo-communists from
power). The fact that his regime plays up ethnic anamosities is
unfortunate, but it reflects the fundamental evil of communist and
neo-communist regimes, not of the Romanian people.
On Jan 17, 1996 10:49:58 in article <Romania - Jan 17>, 'Hermes1
>' wrote:
>RTw 01/16 1554 Romania sets broadcasting rules for
>BUCHAREST, Jan 16 (Reuter) - ...
>In its first guidelines for any election the National Audio-
>Visual Council (CNA) on Tuesday ... [passed new]
>... rules [which] forbid "audio or video material that slanders
>opponents" ... or
>which call into question the Romanian constitution. The
>provision over the constitution could cause problems for
>ethnic Hungarian groups and monarchists.
Feladó: (cikkei)
Do I have your attention.
WANTED in the U.S.
News paper clippings , reports or of any kind , about official
Or how govt , local stae or federal are breaking constitutional laws .
Rapes or murders of women or men in and out of prison . Use of the law
to aid
crimes by officials . The creation of laws detrimental to the public
when facts or alternate plans have been presented that show other
could have been implemented . The use of secret meetings by any official
Falsification of evidence , witness tampering . Any wrong doing you are
aware of and can bring to the attention of this office will be used in
that will be filed around the country at the local state and federal
level .
Time to take back the country from those who have abused their office .
Missuse of technology , including surveilance being used in death squad
activity . Judges acting illegally or involved in illegal activity .
Document what you have carefully and when possible do research .
Things can't get better without YOU !
The above persons will be brought to justice
Why ? because this country is going down the drain , and you cant trust
leaders to do the right thing , if they were doing the right thing ,
wouldnt be as bad as they are . And they are getting worse . For
example .
1.)Multi billion $ programs are failures .
2.)Important technology is being suppressed illogically .
3.)Laws are being passed without considering much more intelligent
choices .
4.)Officials of all kinds are getting away with everything .
5.)Nobody else is doing anything .
6.)More unemployed than during the great depression .
7.)One million three hundred thousand abortions because women cant find
or child care
8.)Your country together with all the western powers endorsed
and homosexuality . This means that they are promoting it through the
media .
We are not antihomosexual . The people who are , are because they grew
that way . The govt is actually promoting it through its control of
They are doing this because they claim there is a serious projected lack
strategic material in the future ; like food , fuel , actual raw
material .
The truth is they are hiding spectacular inventions from the public
could take care of all our problems .
9.)Waste and fraud account for 20% of the budget .
10.)The leadership keeps creating scapegoats to hide their mistakes .
11.)Creation of unemployment to reduce inflation endorsed by the FED.
Help is requested .
Cant send any info , OK send $ 25 for a copy of the proceedings and
report on
whats being sent in . It will be narrated and correlated . Buy as many
copies as you can it will greatly help and hey its only pocket change .
And give them to friends and neighbors or leave them in places where you
people need to know. "Taking Back America The Hard Way" .
Make check or Money order out to " Federal Civilian Review Board "
Mail to this address............... P.O. Box 364
Kings Park,
New York,
A private effort without loyalty to any
political group . Dedicated to the bettering of life through legal suits
If you reply and are critical all your going to get is read # 5.)
There is too much going wrong . Yes the U.S. is a great power , with
in kicking legal ass it will also be a great country once again . Also I
will assume that you are working for the people in the above paragraph .
E- mail or expect a reply within 24 hours or
assume the message was tampered with . Then attempt again . Put a note
in expectation of getting a reply . If you still dont get a repy write
to the above .
Send information to: And get a return reciept . And spread this post or
you suck!
The SAC advance emissary .
+ - | Re: Change of ethnic composition in Romania (1) (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
On Jan 27, 1996 23:57:28 in article <Re: Change of ethnic composition in
Romania (1)>, (Matyas )' wrote:
>|> >Alexander N. Bossy > wrote:
>|> None of this is to say that there is no anti-Hungarian discrimination
>|> Transylvania today. But, an argument that it exists must be based on
>|> actual casses of discrimination, forcible assimilation, etc., etc, and
>|> by merely showing that one part of the population is growing at a
>|> rate than another part of the population.
>However, it is another piece of evidence which adds to the whole picture
>shows that something stinks around the treatment of Hungarians in
>As for the evidence, I have posted several examples from my personal ones
>discrimination, forced name usage, restricted (that is forced) language of
>education (this latter under conditions when denominational schools were
>available, as they were for Romanians in the 18th century for instance).
So, I
>think that while the population dynamics is not a proof by itself it is
If it is put in context, as a small piece in a much larger argument, then
yes, statistics can be used. But, statistics are easily manipulated, and
consequently, little reliance can be put on them as such. Statements like
the one that you made last year that you were not alowed to register your
son as Matyas because Matyas isn't a Romanian name are much stronger
evidence. Actions of outsiders, like the European Parliament's unanimous
condemnation of Romania's education law as discriminatroy are also much
stronger. The latter two examples also permit a government more concerned
with minority rights than the present one is to do something to improve the
situation. A list of the proportion of the population that considers
itself ethnic Hungarian vs the proportion that considers itself ethnic
Romanian doesn't suggest any ways in which Romania's ethnic relations can,
let alone should, be ameliroated.
>|> Alexander
>Your e-mail reply to this message WILL be *automatically* ANONYMIZED.
>Please, report inappropriate use to
>For information (incl. non-anon reply) write to
>If you have any problems, address them to
+ - | Re: Silicongate (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
Mr Odor works up a whole lot of sweat trying to find Don Kitchen's
homepage. Don is the computer science student at Brigham Young
University who maintains a list of email-to-Usenet gateways, which
he tests regularly to make sure they are still operational. Don is a
nice guy, although he may be a liberal for all we know. You never
know who you might run into on the Net.
The trick in netsurfing is never to take no for an answer. As it
happens, last weekend Brigham Young moved the homepages of their
computer science students to a different machine. Don's gateway list
is now at <http://vast.cs.byu.edu/~don/mail2news.html>. Took all of
five minutes of browsing to find the new location. Mormons are famous
for their vaults of computer tapes filling the abandoned saltmines
of Utah. They never throw them away. They never delete anything.
Reminds me: are you by any chance the same Doctor Odor who used to
cruise around Provo in a beat-up Ford with the ANOTHER MORMON ON DRUGS
bumper-sticker? Used to be a local celebrity around the Brigham Young
campus. He too started out in logic, but Jensen's morasses and the
fine structure of L did him in. Beware of logic. Logic is a liberal
plot. Also, beware of HIX: it too is a liberal plot. If you read
FORUM backwards (it does make more sense, by the way) then you will get
the subliminal liberal messages. Can't be too careful.
In case Mr Odor is still having trouble with the WEB, here is an extract
from good old Don's current Usenet gateway list:
> ----------------------------------------------------------
Sites that scan headers [for Newsgroup: fields]:
> ----------------------------------------------------------
Sites that parse the address:
Gabor Fencsik
+ - | General Victor Stanculescu LIVES!!!! (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
$$ Article #31733: Sat Jan 27 09:32:30 1996 $$
$$ From: (Agentia de presa RADOR) $$
$$ Subject: RADOR - eng 27 Ian 1996 $$
$$ $$
$$ JUST BEFORE the 78th anniversary of the late dictator Ceausescu's $$
$$ birth, January 26th, another major witness of the December 1989 $$
$$ events died. Reserve colonel Gheorghe Dinu, who arrested the $$
$$ Ceausescu couple, died of heart attack. This brings the number of $$
$$ those who played a key role during December '89 and died in $$
$$ questionable circumstances to 25. DUNA TV BUDAPEST, January 26th. $$
25 down and how many to go?
Who gets to be the last one alive?
Any bets that the "half-bread*" multi-millionaire gun-runner for the
international arms mafia, Victor Stanculescu, outlives them all?
*Mark (the Mediogre) Cristian, who knows on which side his slice is
buttered, coined this phrase in a fit-of-flame while defending the good
character of his mentor -- Stanculescu.
Wally Keeler Poetry
Creative Intelligence Agency is
Peoples Republic of Poetry Poetency
+ - | Re: SOS WINWORD (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
In article >,
Gellert Papp > wrote:
>Hi, everybody,
>I hope someone has a good idea for the solution of my problems with
>my computer.
>I use Word for Windows 6.0a under Windows for Workgroups and a HP
>500C printer. The Formel Editor (formula editor ?) does not work: the
>message is that my printer is not able to print the signs, and it
>finishes. I can't even type this signs.
>I tried to install Word and my printer again (with all Typefaces),
>but it did not help.
>The geatest problem is, that I have to finish my degree project next
>week. I hope, anybody has good Idea. Or somegody may have
>updates or a new version of the printer driver (when that ist the
>couse of the software problem).
>Thank you
> Gellert
This topic does not belong here, but let's try to do something.
There used to be a problem with the equation editor namely it does not
installs the fonts correctly. Reinstalling does not help.
If you can't see integral or summ sign on the screen try to reinstall manually
the fences.ttf font.
Go to control panel/fonts and click on the fences. If you don't see the sample
then this is the problem. Delete the font and install it again from the
windows/system directory.
Winword used to warn you that fonts are not installed for your printer, but it
is not dangerous.
In the equation editor/style definitions try to use ttf fonts rather than
printer ones.
If you still have problem, please mail me the following files personally:
Ihope it will help. SzP.
Peter Szaszvari
+ - | Re: Table game from where? (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
CLIFFORD BURTON LEE (1962.02.10-1986.09.26) wrote:
> Hi!
> Please help me to find the game "table" under windows 3.1
> Thanx in advance!
> Zoli
Try this site: http://metro.turnpike.net/J/jeibisch/bg15.zip
They have a nice shareware backgammon program which you can register
for a fee.
You have the right to remain silent.
You have the right to become an attorney.
If you cannot become an attorney, someone will become one for you.
+ - | Re: SOS WINWORD (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
Sorry, I just see that my e-mail address was wrong. The right one is in this
header. SzP.
Peter Szaszvari
+ - | Re: "NO JUNK MAIL" please, to soc.cult.magyar (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
In article > Zoli
Fekete, writes:
>Tamas (Kocsis) heves politikai rohama
>elbuktatta a javaslatomat kulon alcsoport letrehozasara az email
>keresztpostazas kezelesere.
Nincs kifogásom az ellen, hogy egy másik csoportot generáljunk
az újságoknak, (pl: soc.culture.magyar.news) de ne hivjuk .hix-nek,
mert egyre több más újság is van.
(A heves roham az ellen irányult, hogy átnevezzétek a magyar
csoportot. )
+ - | Re: Information about rommania wanted (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
In article >,
>>By the way Vamossy's flame refers to an overreaction of Iliescu to the fact
>>that the Hungarian national Day had been celebrated with hymn and flags in
>>*Romanian official buildings* leading to some national tentions in the
>I am encouraged by Mihailescu's admission that the infamous flag law was
>in fact an overreaction directed against Romania's ethnic Hungarian
>minority. It's not that simple, however.
I am pleased that truth encourages you.
>For this law to become effective, duly elected members of Romania's
>Parliament had to formulate it, introduce it, debate it in committee and
>then passed by a majority of members, who represent the people of
>Romania. Once passed, President Iliescu, also elected by the people of
>Romania, had a choice of not signing it or sign it. He signed.
>And while the law may have been directed against Romania's Hungarians, it
>in fact makes no reference to that fact and bans ALL flags and national
What you say is basically: the romanians elected Iliescu through elections
that were declared free by international observers, so he represents their
will, so they you can even scare them with a flag.
Wrong premisses and wrong conclusions.
1. At the elections in 1990 the EU supervisor said: "No matter how few or many
incorrectitudes we found, elections with an outcome like these would not be
considered free in any democratic country." So much about representativity.
The fact is that Iliescu and many of his government belong to the people who
maid themselves guilty of the shooting against the population during the
Christmas Revolution from 1989; eversince, a lot of evidence has been
published, which may send them to court as soon as they loose power.
With this motivation for power, please forget the illusions that between
Iliescu's laws and the will of romanians, there is some strong correlation!
Your argument falls thus, being based on a false assumption.
2. The romanians are in general spontaneously friendly towards foreigners -
despite of your abstract deductions - and all westerners who visited Romania,
that I know, came back with warm impressions and radically changed in their
initial prejudice (which is quite spread). I do not intend to imply by this,
that they saw only positive aspects, but they liked the people.
3. I do not support Iliescu's law, but I myself consider that when cars of
foreigners come over to Romania to feast there national day with their
brother, it's ok - when this cars are loaded with weapons too, things went too
far. Such events happened and I do not know any democracy which would tolerate
them - Iliescu was just too weak or indiferent to romaninan interests, to stop
them were they happened. So the flag issue became one when people who had the
flags also brought the guns! However the incident is long gone.
>I realize, of course, that the Flag Law has little practical import,
>unless it is used to jail someone for violating it. Most likely that
>someone is not going to be a visiting Englishman or American, but a
>Romanian citizen of Hungarian ethnic origin.
>The law, however, is most telling about the political and social climate
>of Romania. Through the democratic process, the law reflects the mood
>and will of the Romanian people and shows their deep seated
>insecurityand hostility to foreigners. Unless, of course, you tell me
>that democracy has nothing to do with it, in which case we have another
Again, you may be right in theory, the truth is that nobody - hungarian or
romanian - cares whatsoever about the possible threat of this law, since there
are much more dangerous laws issued by the same government and there have been
no actual threats so far. For instance, a law allowing the army to shoot
against peacefull political demonstrations. And in Romania people do strike
and go out for demonstrations. That law is really scary, it was however never
applied (it was issued in 1991).
All this emotion about the flag laws reminds me somehow the showting against
"cultural genocide", connected to Ceausescu's project of "urbanisation" (how
he called the village distruction), ten years ago. Well, 1990 everybody could
go and visit, but only very few journalists cared to seek and mention that
they had not found any hungarian village or settlement that had been destroyed
- actually, there had beed some dozen of romanian villages destroyed, after
which the project faded away. It is true that the emotion was good for shaking
Ceausescu, so I am not only unhappy about it.
Since your game seems to consist in finding arguments on which you can base
some petty diffamation of the romanians, I think in telling you the truth I
also gave you some amunition among the lines. If going on with that game makes
sense to you, please feel free. Personally, when I look North and South of the
two non-slavic nations of Mideurope, I think that intelligence could be much
better used for understanding than for mental games and calomny.
Whatever your opinion, I would find it polite, if - for continuing in the same
tone - you would look for the creation of some group called flames.romania or
something similar, since I do not believe the initial asker could find an
answer to his questions on Romania from the way the subject was hijacked.
Xref: r3.ch alt.security.pgp:23827 sci.crypt:36234
Path: r3.ch!chsun!EU.net!howland.reston.ans.net!sol.ctr.columbia.edu!spool.mu.e
From: (Colin Plumb)
Newsgroups: alt.security.pgp,sci.crypt
Subject: Re: [Q]: PGP random number generation
Date: 27 Nov 1995 19:02:27 -0700
Organization: University of Denver, Dept. of Math & Comp. Sci.
Lines: 20
Message-ID: >
References: >
NNTP-Posting-Host: nyx10.cs.du.edu
Status: N
In article >, Route > wrote:
> Could someone point in the direction of some information on
> the pseudo random number generator employed in PGP? I am
> compiling a FAQ on the security of the four crypto elements
> in PGP.
If the comments in random.c aren't enough, then mail me and ask. It's
+ - | Re: Bela Kun (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
Newsgroups: soc.culture.romanian,soc.culture.magyar
From: (Alexander N. Bossy)
Subject: Re: Bela Kun
Organization: The Pipeline
X-PipeUser: alxander
X-PipeHub: nyc.pipeline.com
X-PipeGCOS: (Alexander N. Bossy)
X-Newsreader: The Pipeline v3.3.0
References: >
On Jan 18, 1996 04:32:08 in article <Re: Bela Kun>,
()' wrote:
>Oh, save your outrage for the stage, Brutus! You only like analogies
>when you are drawing them? In case you did not get my point,
>let me spell it out for you point blank: to me the exaggerated Romanian
>claims of Hungarian oppression serve the same purpose the "parental
>abuse" claim of the Menendez brothers: to convince the world and perhaps
>themselves that they were justified doing something they themselves may
>have been uncomfortable with. Capiche, Brutus? Good!
I can't immagine any reason why Romanians of 1918-20 should feel any need
to convince the world and/or themselves that they were justified in seeking
unification with their ethnic kin in Bessarabia and Transylvania. The
world supported them. Comparisons of Romania with the Menendezs is as
certainly ment to be insulting as calling Hungarian rule of Transylvania
colonial, and consequently is not likely to convince anyone on the other
side to listen to you. Also, the "claims of Hungarian oppression" are far
less exaggerated than you would have us believe. (Which is not to say that
there isn't any.)
+ - | Re: Re- Transylvania borders (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
Newsgroups: soc.culture.romanian,soc.culture.magyar
From: (Alexander N. Bossy)
Subject: Re: Re- Transylvania borders
Organization: The Pipeline
X-PipeUser: alxander
X-PipeHub: nyc.pipeline.com
X-PipeGCOS: (Alexander N. Bossy)
X-Newsreader: The Pipeline v3.3.0
References: >
On Jan 20, 1996 14:56:24 in article <Re: Re- Transylvania borders>,
(Kriza Gyorgy)' wrote:
>In article >,
>>On Jan 14, 1996 20:50:47 in article <Re: Re- Transylvania borders>,
()' wrote:
>>> BTW, your figures only go to show
>>>that the partition of Transylvania by Vienna II. was far more based on
>>>ethnic self-determination than the Trianon borders, though by 1940 the
>>>ethnic distribution got more complicated than it was in 1920, so
>>>achieving perfection was by then more difficult.
>>Hi Joe:
>>In order to make certain that our agreements don't get out of hand, let
>>disagree with this one ;-). The majority of the population on the
>>territory transfered to Romania under the terms of Trianon was ethnic
>>Romanian. 60% of the population on the territory transfered back to
>>Hungary under the terms of the Vienna diktat was also ethnic Romanian.
>>Consequently, it most certainly was not "far more based on ethnic
>Hi Alexander:
>That's funny, your 60%. It suggests that the wise German and Italian
>arbitrators chose a territory enriched in Romanians to transfer back to
>Hungary :-(.
>My numbers come from the following source:
>M. Korom, in "Tanulmanyok Erdely tortenetebol," edited by Istvan Racz,
>(Csokonai, Debrecen, 1988), p.167.
>This reference cites the census of January 31, 1941.
>The area transferred back to Hungary was 43,104 km2, i.e., roughly 42% of
>the territory transferred to Romania in the Trianon Treaty.
>According to the 1941 census, the ethnic distribution of the
>population--based on "mother tongue"--was the following:
>Hungarians 1,380,000 (53.6%)
>Romanians 1,029,000 (39.9%)
>Jews 47,000 (1.8%)
>Germans 35,000 (1.4%)
>others 86,000 (3.3%)
>Altogether: 2,577,000
>That is, 53.6% Hungarians in the Vienna II. territories is to be compared
>to the 53.8% Romanians in the Trianon territories. Which one do you like
Hi Gyorgy:
I can't give any precise origin for the 60-40 ratio. It is, however, the
only one that I have ever seen in any western sources. However, your
statistics do raise at least one legitimate question: what about the
minorities. I don't know how many Saxons lived in Northern Transylvania,
however I'm certain that their numbers weren't inconsequential. Also, I've
heard that a few hundred thousand Jews lived in the territory (before the
Arrow Cross siezed power). When I get a little breathing space, I'll try
and find what the Western sources rely on.
Also, do you (or any one else, for that matter) know how many ethnic
Romanians left northern Transylvania during the war? That, along with
Joe's suggestion that some people had "flexible" nationality, based on
which country was in control, could make up a signficiant portion of the
difference between our figures.
+ - | Third World Conference (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
Announcing the:
22nd Annual Third World Conference
(An Interdisciplinary and Intercultural Conference)
March 27- 30, 1996
Swissotel Hotel
Chicago, Illinois
Theme: "Reconceiving the Meaning of Emerging Global
Changes into the 21st Century"
The Conference theme, "Reconceiving the Meaning of Emerging
Global Changes into the 21st Century," seeks to bring a
greater understanding of global economic shifts, social,
political change and technology in a rapidly changing world.
It seeks to reexamine and move beyond the usual academic
prescriptions, policy and decision-making models and
'political spins' of old on Third World/Diaspora societies.
It seeks to gain a more balanced understanding of the key
issues and problems confronting an emerging global system
and make recommendations for change.
For Additional Information, contact:
Dr. Roger K. Oden
Or visit our web site at:
+ - | Re: Altalanos bombazas: egy masik megoldas (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
In article >,
Peter Szaszvari > wrote:
>Kedves gyengebb idegzetu olvasok!
>Amennyiben elfaradtak bizonyos levelek es kuldemenyek olvasasatol, esetleg mar
>latasatol is, es nincs kedvuk a "Megoldast" azaz a Nemzeti Forum nevu
>agymosasra valo elofizetest valasztani, orommel kozlom, van meg egy
>A News Express nevu newsreader szamos mas elonyos tulajdonsaga mellett
>tamogatja a levelek valogatasat azaz az onmagunk reszere torteno cenzurazasat
>Ms Windows szukseges. A program ingyenesen letoltheto a
>Biztonsagos adrenalinszintet kivan: SzP.
Vagy a UNIX kill-file (legalabbis ezen a rendszeren):
torli az osszes nem kivant anyagot.
+ - | "kovacs_istvan" (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
These ventriloquist's dummies keep popping up at SiliconeLand, one after
the other. Szucs, Kovacs, Toth, Kiss. Such a boring bunch of names,
really. Why not Tarczay-Fellicides? Or Remenyi-Schneller? Something
with a cachet, and historic patina. What's the point, anyway? What's
wrong with the name Pellionisz? It is a perfectly good name, really.
It has a harmonious mix of vowels, and it scans nicely, too. You should
use it more often. Nothing to be ashamed of, as far as I can see. Just
the opposite.
Any day now, Dr Pellionisz might have another brainstorm, start posting
as " ", and announce her engagement to
"Andras_Szucs". The marriage to be consummated electronically, with
virtual offspring to follow in due course. Cute little Pellionisz
clones filling the halls, cooing and drooling and babbling away, just
like their proud papa...
Gabor Fencsik
+ - | Ethnic composition of Transylvania-new book (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
I recently received a new book which is pertinent to this subject. The
title is "Facts against Fiction: Transylvania-Wallachian/Rumanian
Homeland since 70 B.C.? The Author is Dr. L. Kaza'r and it is
published by Forum of History, P.O.Box478. Chester Hill, Sydney, 2162.
Australia. For those interested I have a copy and can supply more
information on request.
Denes Bogsanyi
Research Technician/spectroscopist
Research School of Chemistry ANU Canberra
phone:61 6 2493716; fax: 61 6 2490750
+ - | Altalanos bombazas: egy masik megoldas (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
Kedves gyengebb idegzetu olvasok!
Amennyiben elfaradtak bizonyos levelek es kuldemenyek olvasasatol, esetleg mar
latasatol is, es nincs kedvuk a "Megoldast" azaz a Nemzeti Forum nevu
agymosasra valo elofizetest valasztani, orommel kozlom, van meg egy
A News Express nevu newsreader szamos mas elonyos tulajdonsaga mellett
tamogatja a levelek valogatasat azaz az onmagunk reszere torteno cenzurazasat
Ms Windows szukseges. A program ingyenesen letoltheto a
Biztonsagos adrenalinszintet kivan: SzP.
Peter Szaszvari
+ - | Free Subscription (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
The Global Group is offering a free four-week trial subscription to The
Global Risk Bulletin - East/Central Europe. We publish political and
economic information of interest to businesspeople and others. You are
under no obligation to continue the subscription, we are just introducing
ourselves to you. E-mail your fax number to us and we will start your
subscription right away.
+ - | SMITH (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
My name is Scott Bostic and I am doing research on the SMITH FAMILY
Name. My Mother is a SMITH.
My Grandfather is JOHN F.SMITH from the LANCASTER, PA area.
His Father was FRANK A.SMITH also from LANCASTER.
I know that my SMITH FAMILY LINE Immigrated to the US in the about 1836
>From Uberfreck, Germany (now Switzerland).
I did a search for SMITHS on the NET and your name came up. If you
have any information that could help me out in my research, I would
appreciate hearing from you!
In particular I am interested in SMITHS from PA or Oringinally from
Please Email me.
Scott Bostic
1387 Tabor Ave
Kettering, Ohio 45420
Email: or
+ - | Fencsik megmondja milyen nevvel mely gatewayt lehet (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
Fencsik, ereszd el magad, szeresd egy kicsit a massagot.
Jo, hogy feladtad a "tobbgateway-rendszer" elleni harcodat,
talan nem artana az olyan "unalmas nevu" fajta emberek elleni
ellensegeskedesedet is takarekra tenni, mint "Kovacs", "Szucs", stb.
Ha maris "hangokat hallassz", mennyire fog az oruletbe kergetni
ha megsugjak hany "Kovacs" van pl. a CompuServe-en, a Prodigy-n,
az AOL-en, Netcom-on, vagy akar az elte.hu vagy bme.hu -n?
Nem akarom allapotodat sulyosbitani, de a Kovacsok mellett meg
ott vannak a Szabok, a Molnarok, a Kocsisok, a Komuvesek (stb)...
Van vagy tizmillio "unalmas nevu". Sot, bizonyos korszakukban
meg a "Fencsik" (es hasonlo) nem-unalmas nevuek sem voltak mind
ellensegesek es gyulolkodoek az unalmas nevuekkel szemben.
Fencsik Flora is pl. csak ujabban "a Merleg utca elso szamu
bertollnoka", amint olvasom Szatmaritol, ld:
A Szatmari-fajtakra talan hallgatsz, ha ram nem is. Szatmari a
szelsoseges SZDSZ stilust, melyet te is gyakorolsz, komoly
tortenelmi felelosseggel terheli, ld:
Probalj meg egy pillanatra "bekesen egymas mellett elni" - meg
"egypartrendszert imado" barataid (ld. Hruscsov es Gorbi) is
jobbnak lattak a pluralizmust. Meg ha nem is szereted meg igazan
hogy nem mindenki csak egy gatewayt hasznal, hogy nem egy emberkent
tamadhato tizmillio "unalmas nevu", majd ha felnosz megtanulod
hogy a pluralizmussal es toleranciaval jellemzett demokracia
jobb mint amit a kadarjugend beszopott.
+ - | Re: SMITH (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
: Hi,
: My name is Scott Bostic and I am doing research on the SMITH FAMILY
: Name. My Mother is a SMITH.
: My Grandfather is JOHN F.SMITH from the LANCASTER, PA area.
: His Father was FRANK A.SMITH also from LANCASTER.
: I know that my SMITH FAMILY LINE Immigrated to the US in the about 1836
: >From Uberfreck, Germany (now Switzerland).
: I did a search for SMITHS on the NET and your name came up. If you
: have any information that could help me out in my research, I would
: appreciate hearing from you!
: In particular I am interested in SMITHS from PA or Oringinally from
: Switzerland.
: Please Email me.
Mi nombre es Juan de las Cotorras, y estoy investigando la familia PEREZ
Mi mama es una PEREZ.
Mi abuelo es JUAN F. PEREZ del area de Mexquitic de Carmona SLP.
Su padre fue MIGUEL A. PEREZ, tambien de Mexquitic de Carmona.
Yo se que mi FAMILIA PEREZ Inmigro a Mexico por ahi de 1632,provenientes
de Granada, Espa~a.
Estaba buscando PEREZ en la RED y tu nombre me llamo la atencion. Si
tienes cualquier informacion que pueda ayudar a mi investigacion,
te agradecere te comuniques!
En particular estoy interesado en lo PEREZ de SLP provenientes de
Por favor comunicate:
Juan de las Cotorras Perez:
+ - | Re: Hungarian electronic resources FAQ (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
Homonnai Mihaly, wrote on Feb 2:
> Egy kerdesem lenne, Fekete Zolihoz, es a publikumhoz.
> Ha mar a Zoli altal szerkesztett HER FAQ olyan szepen felsorolja a magyar nye
lvu levelezesi listakat, miert nem szerepel benne mondjuk a Silicon valey-i Nem
zet?Igy lehet hogy masok is kimaradnak belole, nem csak a Nemzet?
> Koszi a valaszt, hozzaszolast.
Igen. Rengeteg mas minden is kimaradt belole. Gyakorlatilag minden
nem melyliberalis kiadvany.
Hat, nekem lenne nemi magyarazatom a dologra, de nincs kedvem senkivel
veszekedni. Inkabb cselekedni kene. Nekem az az erzesem, hiaba
kerdezgetjuk ezt, a szokasos inkorrektseggel fognak eljarni. Es ha fel is
veszik, komolyabb nyomas eseten, kepmutatasbol, akkor legkozelebb, ha megint
lesz egy masik nem az izlesvilaguknak megfelelo magyar (bocs, hungarian,
ha valaki undorodna ettol a szotol ...) vonatkozasu elektromos kiadvany,
akkor lehet mindent elolrol kezdeni.
Egyszeruen ki kell oket kerulni, teljesen fuggetlenne kell valni.
Kell egy teljes-magyar-er.faq-t csinalni. (Vagy complete-hungarian-er.faq-t,
ahogy tetszik.) Persze, az is jo kerdes, hogy nekik minek csinaljunk reklamot,
raadasul ingyen. Ugyhogy esetleg jobb lenne nemzeti-er.faq-t csinalni.
Persze, lehet, hogy nem olyen rosszak, csinalnak ok, csak ERRE eppen nem
kapnak tamogatast. Ill. ha megtennek, akkor egyaltalan nem kapnanak. Nehez
helyzetben lehetnek moralisan, hisz nyilvanvaloan kirekesztok, es ez nekik,
a kirekesztes elleni harc zaszlovivoinek minden bizonnyal elkepeszto fajdalmat
okoz, es nem tudnak pl. aludni, mert rossz a lelkiismeretuk. Ne bantsuk
oket! Szerintem inkabb sajnalatra meltoak! :-).
Odor Tibor
+ - | Soviet Archive Exibit (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
A http://sunsite.unc.edu/expo/soviet.exhibit/ cimen sok erdekes
anyag talalhato a Gulag-rol, a Cseka-rol, KGB-rol es mas hasonlo
"progressziv" szervezetekrol.
Odor Tibor
+ - | Re: NO JUNK MAIL please, to soc.cult.magyar (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
Subject: "NO JUNK MAIL" please, to soc.cult.magyar
GEORGE OLAH, wrote on 1 Feb 96:
> en nem tudom, hogy ma's, hogy van vele de szerintem
> megkellene szuntetni ezt a sok electronikus ujsagot a soc.magyaron.
>Kezdetben volt a TIPP, amire azt mondta a tobbseg hogy legyen
>mert egy kis szint ad a dolognak.
>Ezek mind csak keresztposta'k, ha erdekel a dolog fizess elo ra'.
>Szerintem ez a sok ujsag teljesen elnyomja eltorzitja az eredeti
>sza'ndeka't a "news"-nak, ami szerintem emberek kommunikalnak emberekkel.
>En szeretne'k egy "NO JUNK MAIL" cimke't ragasztani soc.cult.magyar-ra,
>ha lehet.
Teljesen egyetertek. Talan annyi azert jo lenne, ha egy file-ban
rendszeresen kozze lenne teve, hogy hogy lehet ezen, es tovabbi mas
ujsagokra, magyar vonatkozasu elektronikus kiadvanyokra elofizetni.
Sajnos, azonban nem tudom erre a celra ajanlani a Fekete Zoltan
altal fenntartott Hungarian FAQ-t annak "kirekeszto", cenzurazott
es egy iranyban rendkivul elfogult volta miatt. Igy egy attol
fuggetlen forrasban lenne erdemes inkabb gondolkodni. Ezek jo
lenne, ha tartalmaznak a fenti ujsagok iranyultsaganak rovid
ismerteteset is.
Egy ilyen adatbazis letrehozasa azert is celszerunek tunne, mivel
a latszatat is el kell kerulni, hogy az SCM-en barmifele cenzurat
akar barki is bevezetni. (Ugy sem tud, ugyanis, es ilyesmi
kezdemenyezesevel csak le lehet jaratodni.)
Az, hogy valamit nem tekintunk idevalonak, az meg nem kell, hogy azt
jelentse, hogy el is utasitjuk, ill. a terjesztesenek utjaba allunk.
Egybkent egyetlen ellenjavallatrol tudok, ti. sok helyen nem szeretik
ha pl. valaki az osszes HIX ujsagra elofizet, mert ez allitolag
igen leterheli a rendszert. Ezen indoklassal persze egy kicsit szkeptikus
vagyok, dehat tobb helyen van egy ilyen dontes. Igy pl. a JATE-n a HIX-et
folrakjak a helyi gopher-ra, es azt javasoljak mindenkinek, hogy ott olvassa,
---persze, csak ha van hozza gusztusa. Igy jo lenne megtudni, hogy
az SCM-et hasznaljak-e hasonlo celokra bizonyos helyeken, nehogy egy
ilyen lepessel korlatozzuk barkinek az elereset elektronikus
kiadvanyokhoz, ezzel is fokozva a magyarorszagon mar lassan mindenkinek
a szemet kiszuro cenzurat.
Odor Tibor