Hollosi Information eXchange /HIX/
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Új cikk beküldése (a cikk tartalma az író felelőssége)
Megrendelés Lemondás
1 Dr. Andras Kovacs paper "The Kuvasz" (mind)  22 sor     (cikkei)
2 1995 Codreanus Award (mind)  53 sor     (cikkei)
3 Re: SCM: Bull s Blood-for James (mind)  18 sor     (cikkei)
4 Re: SCM: Bull s Blood-for James (mind)  39 sor     (cikkei)
5 Re: SCM: Bull s Blood (mind)  10 sor     (cikkei)
6 test (mind)  1 sor     (cikkei)
7 Re: Cause of Economic Collapse in Eastern Europe? (mind)  23 sor     (cikkei)
8 Re: Bull s Blood (mind)  22 sor     (cikkei)
9 Re: SCM: Bull s Blood-for James (mind)  22 sor     (cikkei)
10 Re: SCM: Bull s Blood-for James (mind)  31 sor     (cikkei)
11 Seeking Szakacs family (mind)  16 sor     (cikkei)
12 Mark Cristian Defends Stanculescu (mind)  108 sor     (cikkei)
13 Balogh Eva szavahihetosege es politikai erettsege (mind)  197 sor     (cikkei)
14 Re: Please help translation (3 Words !) (mind)  13 sor     (cikkei)
15 Re: Cause of Economic Collapse in Eastern Europe? (mind)  18 sor     (cikkei)
16 Re: "I love you" in many languages Re: Please help tran (mind)  12 sor     (cikkei)
17 Mac Font for Magyar (mind)  11 sor     (cikkei)
18 Re: Need help with magyar (mind)  5 sor     (cikkei)
19 Re: Please help translation (3 Words !) (mind)  25 sor     (cikkei)
20 Re: SCM: Bull s Blood-for James (mind)  18 sor     (cikkei)
21 Re: "I love you" in many languages Re: Please help tran (mind)  22 sor     (cikkei)
22 == Hungarian Lobby Digest == Jan/01/95 == (mind)  475 sor     (cikkei)

+ - Dr. Andras Kovacs paper "The Kuvasz" (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)


Readers here may be interested in the latest issue of "ON GUARD!!" the 
on-line magazine about livestock guarding dogs. It features 2 articles on 
the Kuvasz, including photos.

The lead article is the 1988 paper by Dr. Andras Kovacs on "The 
Kuvasz",tracing historic and scientific development of the breed and 
further dispelling the Sumerian connection.

ON GUARD!! may be found at

I hope you will find the text enlightening and enjoy seeing photos of 
some companion and show dogs in the United States, and a working dog in 

Thank you,

Gail S. Dash

+ - 1995 Codreanus Award (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

                   o            <O>            o 
                   (Codreanus Award of the Year)

For the most blood-thirsty, anti-human statement posted on SCR in 1995 the
coveted Codreanus award goes to:

           o     In >      o
           o  (May 15/95) >azo) o


     o Dear Wally, you are exalted and also very agressive and     o
     o also boring. IQ?. Are you paid by the king of Gypsies to    o
     o fight for? A pacefull population has the right to even burn o
     o the predators.                                              o

Dishonourable mention goes to:

                  Dorin Taranul )
                  Victor )
                  Dan Pop )
                  MARK CRISTIAN )
                  Grigore Dumitrescu )
                  Daniel Dejeu )
                  Liviu )
                  Constantin P. Popa )
                  George Barac )
                  Constantin Donea )

who were more concerned about Romania's reputation in the face of my posted
facts, than they were by the expression of DEATH-TO-HUMANS by one of their

Six millions Jews were burned in Nazi death camps because people, like the
examples above, DID NOTHING! They would have argued that Germany's
reputation was more important than 6 million Jewish lives, so let us
remember the many who shouted down the few who pointed to discomfiting


Wally Keeler					Poetry
Creative Intelligence Agency			is
Peoples Republic of Poetry			Poetency
+ - Re: SCM: Bull s Blood-for James (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

In article >,  says:
>  First of all, yes, Bull's Blood is still alive and strong in Eger.  Bull's
>Blood is "Egri Bikave'r" in Hungarian, with the "Egri" denoting that the wine
>is of Eger.  (Bika=bull, v'er=blood).  Your name in Hungarian is Ja'nos.
> (And your name day was just on December 27, so Boldog Ne'vnapot Kivanok!)
>  Hope this helps you.  You are obviously of Hungarian ancestry and I think
>it's neat that you are trying to learn some of the language.
>--Shannon Morris

Well, actually John is Janos. I had actually looked up
James in the Nemeth Laszlo dictionary because its Hungarian
equivalent wasn't apparent to me. There it is said to be Jakab,
which doesn't seem right to me, either. It's no big deal, but
I am now puzzled. What the hell is James in Hungarian? Does anyone
know for sure?
Steven C. Scheer
+ - Re: SCM: Bull s Blood-for James (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

In article >,  (Z.
 Major) says:
>In article >,
>Steven C. Scheer > wrote:
>->Well, actually John is Janos. I had actually looked up
>->James in the Nemeth Laszlo dictionary because its Hungarian
>->equivalent wasn't apparent to me. There it is said to be Jakab,
>->which doesn't seem right to me, either. It's no big deal, but
>->I am now puzzled. What the hell is James in Hungarian? Does anyone
>->know for sure?
>->Steven C. Scheer
>Hi there!
>Actually James is "Jakab" in Hungarian.  You would see that clearer if 
>had payed some attention to the Bible. In English as well Jacob and James 
>are related, and are basically the same names. Thus Jacob = Jakab.
>I have a question though:
> what kind of grapes are Egri Bikavers made from??
>]dv.  Zsolt
Hi there, Zsolt!

Okay, I actually thought of checking the Bible, but I try
to stay away from that Book as much as possible (just kidding).
However, I checked Zoltan Halasz's Hungarian Wine Through the
Ages. This expert says that

"Bikaver of Eger is obtained by picking and pressing
together several varieties . . . 70 per cent Kadarka,
15 to 20 per cent Burgundy and 10 to 15 per cent Medoc Noir . . ."

Best wishes,
+ - Re: SCM: Bull s Blood (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

Bull's Blood of Eger

                Egri Bikaver

with an accent aigue over the "e" in bikaver.

still bottled, still available in the US.

Hope this helps.
+ - test (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

+ - Re: Cause of Economic Collapse in Eastern Europe? (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

Silviu  > wrote:
>Aha, this is just another name, Mr. Joe Pannon (Joseph Cannon as  Joseph 
>Steel, the Georgian guy who was into Goulags ?)

you're sure hung up on names, aren't you?  What's the matter?  Do you think
we might know each other?  I doubt it.  So what difference my
name makes to you?  It's just a name out of millions whose
wearers you'll never meet.  That's how I look at yours.  So get over it!
>Babe, keep it up, change your name and you are trustful ! Like the 
>some sources- 

Blame your fellow Romanians, bloke; they changed it! 
>Your little nightmare (YLN-)

Don't overrate yourself!  If anything, you come across as something more

to you
+ - Re: Bull s Blood (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

In article >, "James P. Toth" <
> says:
>        Bull's Blood is a wine made in Eger Hungary. can anyone tell me if it 
>is still made there? 
>        And how do you say Bull's Blood in Magyar?
>        How do you say James in Maygar?
>        Thank's in advance.
Bull's Blood of Eger is Egri Bikaver in Hungarian (the "e"
in Bikaver should have a diacritical mark on it, an accute
accent . . . ) The wine is still made . . . Though if you
want a really good Bikaver you have to go to Eger and get
it in the various wine cellars there . . . 

James, to the best of my knowledge, is Jakab (where the "J"
is pronounced like a "Y"), but if I am mistaken about this
(somehow is doesn't sound right to me, either), I am sure
I will be corrected . . . 

Steven C. Scheer
+ - Re: SCM: Bull s Blood-for James (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

In article >,
Steven C. Scheer > wrote:
->Well, actually John is Janos. I had actually looked up
->James in the Nemeth Laszlo dictionary because its Hungarian
->equivalent wasn't apparent to me. There it is said to be Jakab,
->which doesn't seem right to me, either. It's no big deal, but
->I am now puzzled. What the hell is James in Hungarian? Does anyone
->know for sure?
->Steven C. Scheer

Hi there!

Actually James is "Jakab" in Hungarian.  You would see that clearer if 
had payed some attention to the Bible. In English as well Jacob and James 
are related, and are basically the same names. Thus Jacob = Jakab.

I have a question though:
 what kind of grapes are Egri Bikavers made from??

]dv.  Zsolt
+ - Re: SCM: Bull s Blood-for James (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

 (Michael Csiki) wrote:
> The previous poster wrote:
> 	[snip] 
> >I am now puzzled. What the hell is James in Hungarian? Does anyone
> >know for sure?
> >Steven C. Scheer
> 	My friend Zsolti's father is named James, it is pronounced
>        /Jam' esz/, and it's pronunciation in English "as a Hungarian
> 		   name would sound something like /YUM' es/ with a
> 		   short e sound.
> 	Hope this clears this up.
> Mike.  :)
> P.S. Happy New Year
> http://users.aol.com/MikeC16958/home.html
> ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

James in Magyar is indeed, Jakab!
That should end it... I checked many books, that is what all
of them said.


+ - Seeking Szakacs family (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

I am 3rd generation Hungarian and was born and live in the US.
My family name is Szakacs and after the first World War
the land was divided and names changed.
My family is originally from Kohany, Hungary which is now Romania
Cohan - I believe.
I am very interested in learning more about my family history
and culture.
I would like to correspond with someone if they are interested.
Would you be able to help me?

Thanks so much! Cindy	

+ - Mark Cristian Defends Stanculescu (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

Article #30657 (Mon Jan 1, 1996):
From: Hermes >
Subject: Re: General Victor Stanculescu & Orphans

On Sun, 31 Dec 1995, Wally Keeler wrote:
>How interesting that one man's free enterprise is another man's crime.

Mark Cristian replied:
|Would you kindly clarify which is what? Are we to believe that
|Mr. Stanculescu's transactions are criminal, and some Gypsy predatory
|behaviors are a marvelous example of free enterprise, or the other
|way around?

Well Mark, can you tell us how many deaths have been caused from the
products that your dearest friend Stanculescu sells around the world?
Crime is in the eye of the beholder isn't it? One man's nomenklatura is
another's mafia is another man's enterprise is another man's bureaucracy.
A predator is not defined by ethnicity. Stanculescu is a Romanian
predator, and many of his financiers are equally Romanian predators. It's
all the same Mark honeybuns. Stanculescu's transactions are clearly
predatory. He isn't interested in upholding democracy -- he's interested
in fishing for blues from the biggest boat this side of the Mediterranean.

>Romanian education than the Romanian-born capitalists. Where's the
>noble Stanculescu & friends in all this? Busy catching blues, I guess.
>I wonder who the real predators of Romania are -- the Roma? PRZZZZT!

Mark Cristian replies:
|Even if we should accept your slanderous postulation of a few large
|predators, and deal with them in the manner that such behavior requires,
|it will not alleviate the suffering that the existence of whole, mostly
|ethnic underclass of small predators, inflict on the general population.

What do ever give a shit about 'Ion?' Nothing. Don't pour that
hypocritical syrup of concern for the Mr Average on SCR unless you're
planning to run for public office. It smells bad enough here as it is,
without your phoney self-righteousness running amok. 

Mark Cristian claims:
|The average 'Ion' on the Romanian street feels far more victimized by the
|Gypsy, than he is worried about Stanculescu's deals.

Ion doesn't know squat about Stanculescu's deals. Stanculescu and his
cronies, lap dogs, and coattail dregs much prefer that average Ion never
knows about his weapons deals with unsavoury mafias here and there around
the world. It might be a different story if Ion were completely filled in
on Stanculescu's activities, his incredible wealth, gained, in part from
his sucking abilities for Ceausescu, and his disregard for Ion. 

Mark Cristian replies:
|Unless you can come up with something to change that reality, 

Well, we know that YOU are bankrupt for ideas in this regard. It is not my
prime responsibility to change that reality. It is Romania's and Romanians
responsibility. That leaves you out because you are a part-time Romanian
at best. 

|'Ion' will continue to immolate the occasional lair of predators, and
|even take his ire out on the hide of the politician that may be foolish
|enough to stand between him, and his purging of the perceived tormenter.

You'll have to pardon me, if I sometimes cheer on the occassional Gypsy
who shoves a knife into the perceived arsonist. Justice! As the saying
went during the 60's: BURN BABY BURN! Life is like the South Bronx in
Romania, and both parties contribute well enough to its ruination. I'm
sure the noble Stanculescu and his VP sidekick eagerly pay taxes that can
be used to help Romania out of its bankrupt situation. It is more likely
that effort is made to pay as few, if any, taxes. Ah what a life!
Nantucket looks beautiful when the sun sets in autumn.

>This is merely a diversionary tactic to re-direct SCR's attention away
>from Romanian predators.

Mark Cristian wrote:
|Then would you care to explain the newsclip that you so kindly quote
|below? Is that an attempt to deceive, or an honest, indiscriminate
|dissemination of news and events as they happen, with no comments
|attached ?

How is this an attempt to deceive? Conspiracy theories Mark? It is a
platform from which I launch. Clean your glasses Mark.

>|1 28-DEC-1995 Romania to ask Budapest to extradite pyramid boss
>|BUCHAREST, Dec 28 (Reuter) - Romania will formally ask Hungary to
>|extradite the Romanian owner of a private company, who allegedly

Mark Cristian wrote:
|P.S.  Be thankful that I have not bothered myself lately with posting
|      the many Romanian press clips reporting on Gypsy crime.

I'd be more thankful if you did post them. Romania Mare would be thankful
for their dissemination. And don't forget to post the zero-number of posts
regarding the wonderful profits raining down on the Romanian nation from
your pal Stanculescu.

Hermes1 = Mark Cristian  ) Cristian Commercial Enterprises
Hermes2 = ?

or is it Herpes that you're spreading around?

PS Don't get self-righteously moralistic with me because it is not honest
on your part.

Wally Keeler					Poetry
Creative Intelligence Agency			is
Peoples Republic of Poetry			Poetency
+ - Balogh Eva szavahihetosege es politikai erettsege (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

Most, hogy igy "egyutt vagyunk", mivel a "Nemzeti Forum" c. gyujtemeny
egyuve relay-zi a Soc.culture.magyar-rol a "fuggetlen" vitacikkeket, es
a HIX Forum es HIX Szalon anyagait, egyuttesen eltunodhetunk Balogh Eva
szavahihetosegen es politikai erettsegen (lack of). Pyro a Forum-ban
mutatja ki Balogh Eva hazugsagait, en itt.

(Nemzeti Forum-rol: elofizetes: ,
cikk-bekuldes . Tovabbiakat ld. pl.
http://www.siliconvalley.com/nemzetiforum.html URL alatt)

Vissza Balogh Evara: o sajat bevallasa szerint bemoszerolta a "Nemzet"-et
az OMRI-nal azzal a hazug vaddal, hogy pl. a november 1-i szamban nincs
kozolve az OMRI mint forras, kulonben sincs engedelye a Nemzet-nek az OMRI

Emlekszunk, hogy a Nemzet lehozta az OMRI irasbeli engedelyet.

Legujabban Balogh elarulja, mire alapozza, hogy a nov 1-i szamban
"nincs hivatkozas" az OMRI-ra. Idezet Balogh Eva-tol:

Aztan, itt van a Nemzet november 1-i szama, mindossze peldanak. Egy szo
sem esett arrol, hogy ezek a hirek az OMRI-tol jonnek Pragabol:

>Subject: Nemzet 1995.11.01.
>X-Subscribe__: >
>X-Unsubscribe: >
>X-Submissions: >
>          NN    N  E        MM   MM       Z   E           T
>          N N   N  E        M M M M      Z    E           T
>          N  N  N  EEEE     M  M  M     Z     EEEE        T
>          N   N N  E        M     M    Z      E           T
>          N    NN  E        M     M   Z       E           T
>          N     N  EEEEEEE  M     M  ZZZZZZZ  EEEEEEE     T
>. . . .
>National Bank on 31 October said it has banned a small bank from buying
>shares and from continuing with a huge advertising campaign designed to
>help it win control of some of the country's biggest investment funds.
>The aggressive television and press campaign conducted by Plzenska Banka
>had cost more than 1 billion koruny ($38.4 million) by 23 October,
>Hospodarske noviny reported. Though the largest banks (who control many
>of the big investment funds) have closed ranks to stop Plzenska Banka's
>lightning raids, the Finance Ministry refused to allow the huge Komercni
>Banka fund to protect itself by removing its shares from open trading.
>The CNB said it was not clear who was behind Plzenska Banka, while Prime
>Minister Vaclav Klaus termed the bank's campaign-based on the slogan
>"Small shareholders, cry"-as false, dirty and unethical. * Steve Kettle
>two managers and six technicians, blaming them for the recent carbon
>monoxide leak that killed 11 people, TASR and Reuters reported. The
>decision was made by the boards of the company's subsidiaries, VSZ Ocel
>and VSZ Keramika, which dismissed their production manager and technical
>director, respectively, and recommended the dismissal of six
>technicians. VSZ will provide a total of 1 million koruny ($33,000) for
>the families of victims. The Slovak Office of Work Safety announced on
>31 October that in the first nine months of 1995, 80 fat [itt elharapja
Balogh Eva az idezetet, vajon kifogytak a gepebol a bitek?]

Hogy az Olvaso bekalibralhassa Balogh Eva szavahihetoseget es I.Q.-jat,
idezzunk egy picit hosszabban a "Nemzet" nov. 1-i szamabol. Ajanlatos,
hogy az olvaso tekintsen az idezet utolso nehany sorara (is):

National Bank on 31 October said it has banned a small bank from buying
shares and from continuing with a huge advertising campaign designed to
help it win control of some of the country's biggest investment funds.
The aggressive television and press campaign conducted by Plzenska Banka
had cost more than 1 billion koruny ($38.4 million) by 23 October,
Hospodarske noviny reported. Though the largest banks (who control many
of the big investment funds) have closed ranks to stop Plzenska Banka's
lightning raids, the Finance Ministry refused to allow the huge Komercni
Banka fund to protect itself by removing its shares from open trading.
The CNB said it was not clear who was behind Plzenska Banka, while Prime
Minister Vaclav Klaus termed the bank's campaign-based on the slogan
"Small shareholders, cry"-as false, dirty and unethical. * Steve Kettle

two managers and six technicians, blaming them for the recent carbon
monoxide leak that killed 11 people, TASR and Reuters reported. The
decision was made by the boards of the company's subsidiaries, VSZ Ocel
and VSZ Keramika, which dismissed their production manager and technical
director, respectively, and recommended the dismissal of six
technicians. VSZ will provide a total of 1 million koruny ($33,000) for
the families of victims. The Slovak Office of Work Safety announced on
31 October that in the first nine months of 1995, 80 fatalities occurred
in workplace accidents, TASR reported. * Sharon Fisher

HUNGARIAN POLITICAL UPDATE. Prime Minister Gyula Horn on 31 October
announced he expects to meet his Slovak counterpart, Vladimir Meciar,
next week to discuss the Slovak language bill. He added that he will ask
Meciar to submit a bill that does not violate the rights of ethnic
Hungarians. With regard to relations with Romania, Horn said he had
agreed with Prime Minister Nicolae Vacaroiu to restart talks on the
basic treaty. * Zsofia Szilagyi

leader of the opposition National Peasant Party Christian Democratic,
was hospitalized on 30 October in Bucharest and his situation is
"critical," Radio Bucharest announced on 31 October. Coposu suffers from
a lung ailment and has undergone surgery in Germany, where he has often
been hospitalized during the last two years. * Michael Shafir

on 31 October briefly resumed their protest strike but later agreed to
postpone it again, international agencies reported. The strike was
renewed after students learned that a parliamentary debate on the
government's performance, scheduled for 31 October, had been postponed
until 7 November owing to the opening in Chisinau of a conference of
foreign ministers from member states of the Black Sea Economic
Cooperation Council. Parliamentary deputy chairman Dumitru Motpan told a
delegation from the striker's committee that the debate in the
parliament on President Mircea Snegur's initiative to change the name of
the country's official language from "Moldovan" to "Romanian" has been
postponed because Snegur wants first to consult parliamentary factions.
In a related development, Prime Minister Andrei Sangheli on 31 October
met a delegation of the National Federation of Student Organizations to
discuss proposals for improving the students' economic situation.
* Michael Shafir

Minister Arian Starova, during a visit to Greece, repeated calls that
Kosovo be included in U.S. efforts to forge a comprehensive peace
agreement for the Balkans. Reuters on 31 October quoted Starova as
saying that "they cannot ignore Kosovo and they should address this
issue by putting it on the agenda." * Fabian Schmidt

This material was reprinted with permission of the Open    <==============
Media Research Institute, a nonprofit organization with research
offices in Prague, Czech Republic.
For more information on OMRI publications,
please write to:  
Kivonatos mintavetel a Batthyany alapitvany Bodnar Daniel altal keszitett napi

Balogh Eva hazugsaga tehat vagy hihetetlen slampossagbol, vagy hihetetlen
rosszindulatbol szuletett arrol hogy az OMRI-referencia hianyozna. (Nem
hianyzik, sot az idezet azt is mutatja, hogy a Batthyany anyagra valo
hivatkozas sem hianyzik)

Az elkepesztoen primitiven hazug vadaskodas mellett Balogh politikai
erettsege is meglehetosen alacsony szinvonalunak tunik. A nemzet kiadoja
es szerkeszto bizottsag elnoke (Toth Jozsef) mar tobbszor jelezte, hogy
az OMRI irasbeli engedelye mellett a Batthyany Alapitvannyal is egyeztetes
alapjan indult meg az utankozles, s toluk (a Balogh Eva altal kozolt
"e-mail"-lel ellentetben) semmifele kifogas nem erkezett.

Balogh Eva persze maga is tapasztalhatta (ha igazat mond), hogy az OMRI
nem egyertelmuen nyilatkozott o"neki, de az MDF-arnyekaban mukodo
Battyanyeknak is alapos okuk van nem egyertelmuen reagalni dolgokra.

Balogh Eva ugy latszik nem veszi eszre, hogy a Pragai szekhellyel, am
Soros tamogatast is elfogadva mukodo OMRI-nak konzervativ allaspontra
is van oka (Csehorszagban pl. Soros nem a legnepszerubb) - ugyanakkor
nem celszeru egy liberalis de gazdag donort idegesiteni. Hasonlokeppen;
az MDF napjainkban mar "ket part"-kent fungal; egyaltalan nem csodalatos
ha a konzervativ Nemzeti Szovetseg fele hajlo szarny eles konfliktusban
van a Polgari Szovetseg fele hajlo liberalis szarnnyal, es e kettosseg
a Batthyany alapitvanyban is mutatkozik, a fekete/feher allasfoglalast
pl. media ugyben is szinte kizarva.

Legmeglepobbnek azonban az latszik, hogy Balogh Eva, mikor az igazsag
egyaltalan nem egyszeru (o" pl. nem csak az idezett anyagot nem olvassa
VEGIG, de nem is erti sem a Csehorszagi, sem az otthoni politikumot,
legfeljebb HVG brosurakbol)  -- sajat maga "donti el" mi is az igazsag
pl. a Nemzet utankozlesi politikajat illetoen. Ha Balogh Eva eleg regen
elne az USA-ban, tudna, hogy itt egy kulon hatalmi agazat (judiciary)
van arra, hogy egyenek ne higyjek hogy az o kezukbe veheto az igazsag
es jogszeruseg eldontese.  Azt tanacslom tehat Balogh Evanak, hogy ha
mar egy oldalt vegigolvasni is tul slampos, ne foglalkozzek "biroi"
feladatot betoltesevel, es hagyja az OMRI-ra, illetve a Batthyany Alapit-
vanyra, hogy ok bepereljek Toth Joska ba't, ha ugy gondoljak hogy
szorasra szant hiranyag szorasa oly nagy baj nekik.

Pereljek, miutan sikerult egyseges allaspontot kialakitaniuk sajat
maguk olyan aprobb kerdeseirol, vajon az OMRI liberalis tamogatottsaga
jo-e vagy sem, illetve hogy az MDF inkabb a maris a szavazok kb.
40%-anak tamogatasat elvezo Nemzeti Szovetseg, illetve a nem is letezo
Polgari Szovetseg iranyaba lendul.

Az impresszum elolvasasa nelkuli moszerolas es biroi onkenyeskedes
helyett erdekes hogy vajon miert nem tette azt Balogh Eva, hogy bekuldte
volna a Forum-nak azt a Szatmari-irast, melynek harmadszori kicenzurazasa
volt a HIX-NIX valodi oka. Feltehetoleg vagy a Szatmari-konyvet sem erti,
vagy pedig az SZDSZ "kekeinek" errol valo hallgatasi parancsat teljesiti.
+ - Re: Please help translation (3 Words !) (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

In article >,
 Andrea Cocito > wrote:
> Sorry for being out-of-theme or if this is a FAQ, I'd really
> appreciate to know how to translate in your language the
> sentence
> "I love you"
> (my girlfriend birthday is coming soon and I'm preparing a
> poster with it written in all the languages of the world).

Just give her a red rose! That means pretty much the same in most

+ - Re: Cause of Economic Collapse in Eastern Europe? (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

 () wrote:

>Due to the brutality of the communists, the Romanians were actually
>welcomed as liberators first, but that changed quickly as people
>discovered that the liberation turned into a wholesale looting of the
>Joe Pannon

Aha, this is just another name, Mr. Joe Pannon (Joseph Cannon as  Joseph 
Steel, the Georgian guy who was into Goulags ?)

Babe, keep it up, change your name and you are trustful ! Like the 
some sources- 


Your little nightmare (YLN-)
+ - Re: "I love you" in many languages Re: Please help tran (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

On 30 Dec 1995, Cory wrote:

> : I think that was very nice of you to inform Andrea Cocito of t
he "Language of Love" I'm going to print that for myself.  You never know when 
you might need it. Thanks, Jennifer Ferris Blacksburg VA

" I love you" : kocham cie (Polish)
" I love you" : seni seviyorum <Turkish)
" I love you" : Ich liebe dich (German}
" I love you" : Je t'aime (Francias)
" I love you" : Ti amo (Italiano)
" I love you" : I love you (English :)
+ - Mac Font for Magyar (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

A friend of mine needs a Magyar font for Macintosh (Truetype or
PostScript).  He apparently has checked the `obvious' FAQs, FTPs, and
WWWs, with no result.

Can someone point me at a good resource he can use?  Please reply to
me by e-mail, not to the newsgroup (which I do not read).

Thank you for your patience.
	Mike Urban

+ - Re: Need help with magyar (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

It is possible that the "boldog szuletesnap" came into use by foreign,
specifically English, influence. Don't forget that the song "Happy
Birthday to You," is being sung nowadays in Hungary also.

Eva Balogh
+ - Re: Please help translation (3 Words !) (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

In article >,  says...

>> Sorry for being out-of-theme or if this is a FAQ, I'd really
>> appreciate to know how to translate in your language the
>> sentence
>> "I love you"

>> (my girlfriend birthday is coming soon and I'm preparing a
>> poster with it written in all the languages of the world).
>Just give her a red rose! That means pretty much the same in most

as i learned while living in Amsterdam:

"je neus staat scheef" is the proper translation, and a definite "hit" 
at parties. Turns Dutch women (and presumably men too) inside out !

+ - Re: SCM: Bull s Blood-for James (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

The previous poster wrote:


>I am now puzzled. What the hell is James in Hungarian? Does anyone
>know for sure?
>Steven C. Scheer

	My friend Zsolti's father is named James, it is pronounced
       /Jam' esz/, and it's pronunciation in English "as a Hungarian
		   name would sound something like /YUM' es/ with a
		   short e sound.
	Hope this clears this up.
Mike.  :)
P.S. Happy New Year
+ - Re: "I love you" in many languages Re: Please help tran (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

Som > wrote:

>On 30 Dec 1995, Cory wrote:

>> : I think that was very nice of you to inform Andrea Cocito of 
the "Language of Love" I'm going to print that for myself.  You never know when
 you might need it. Thanks, Jennifer Ferris Blacksburg VA

>" I love you" : kocham cie (Polish)
>" I love you" : seni seviyorum <Turkish)
>" I love you" : Ich liebe dich (German}
>" I love you" : Je t'aime (Francias)
>" I love you" : Ti amo (Italiano)
>" I love you" : I love you (English :)

In Arabic:
"I love you" :  'd-daish 7seebak bil-bank

"Smart.  Very Smart."
+ - == Hungarian Lobby Digest == Jan/01/95 == (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

***       Greetings from the Hungarian Lobby      ***
      ***                                               ***
      *** subs/unsubs info:      ***
      *** send articles to:              ***
      *** www:              http://mineral.umd.edu/hl/  ***
      *** directory:        http://mineral.umd.edu/hir/ ***

o From: "Andrew L. Simon" >
  Subject: US newspapers

o From:  (Peter Kaslik)
  Subject: (no subject)

o From: 
  Subject: Added addresses at Dayton Daily News

o From: 
  Subject: HL Thanks and Status

o From: 
  Subject: Re: HL Thanks and Status

o From: 
  Subject: Fwd: US Congress addresslist updated as of 12/27/95

> =============================================================================
From: "Andrew L. Simon" >
Subject: US newspapers
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

I still have a few diskettes containing all US dailies with 100 K+ circulation.
They are in IBM Lotus Approach format.  This list contains mailing addresses,
fax and phone numbers and e-mail addresses (if any).
I use this to mail-merge letters to the editor on Hungarian issues. It is not
possible to determine the effectiveness, as some papers do not call before they
print letters. However, my letter on Iliescu's visit was carried by the
Cleveland and Trenton papers as well as USA Today.
If  US resident and HL member wish to have a copy, please send your postal
address to

BUEK from:
Andrew Simon

> =============================================================================
From:  (Peter Kaslik)
Subject: (no subject)
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

Dear Sir or Madam
In  your recent letter "Welcome to HL"
please note that correct the E-Mail Adress of Peter Kaslik is:

Best wishes and a happy New Year.
P. Kaslik, Toronto

> =============================================================================
Subject: Added addresses at Dayton Daily News
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

Thanks to Tom Angi we have  additional addresses for this paper, which could
be useful in the futore:

The e-mail address for letters to the Editors as listed in the DDN is:


Max Jennings is the Editor  (513-225-2335)

Hap Cawood is the Editor of the Editorial Pages  (513-225-2289)

The DDN will confirm receipt via e-mail to all letters to 

All letters must have the full name of the writer, mailing address and
a daytime telephone number for confirmation.

The Dayton Daily News has a long history of expressing interest in and
concern for Hungarians here in the Miami Valley, in Hungary and all over
the world.

Hope this helps.


> =============================================================================
Subject: HL Thanks and Status
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

Dear Colleagues,

1) I would like to express our thanks to Gotthard Saghi-Szabo, Arpad Fabian
Kovacs and Zsolt Nagy for their setting up and maintaining the HL list. Let
us hope that it will become an effective tool to serve justice, tolerance and
enlightenment in the
coming years. Thanks to Gotthard, Arpad and Zsolt for making this effort

2) I would like to ask all of you to help in increasing the HL subscriber
list (the original membership is 136), by making our existence known not only
to your friend, but also through your friends and contacts at our the
newspapers, radio and TV programs. To sign up, all you have to do is to
address an e-mail to:

 leave the subject and copy areas
empty and write in the message text area: subscribe hl (write in your e-mail

3) I am glad to report that the HL members in Asia have also been active: The
United Daily News of Taivan has published a major report on the language
police in Slovakia. The title was: "Now Also Exiled From Their Language."

4) I would also like to quote a few sentences from the letter of Congressman
Dan Schafer, addressed to Eugene Megyesy:
        "Thank you for contacting me regarding the new law in Slovakia
limiting the
use of minority languages in that country...I share your concerns over ethnic
intolerance, especially in a part of the world so near to the Balkans, which
has seen more than their share of suffering...Please be assured that if
Congress deals with any legistlation on this matter, I will be sure to keep
your comments in mind..."
        Congressman Schafer makes two important points, which we could use in
our letters to all Senators and Congressman: 1) We don't want the ethnic
intolerance of the Balkans to spread and therefore it is IN THE INTEREST OF
THE UNITED STATES to speak up against such steps as the establiishment of the
 language police. 2) There is a willingness in Congress to pass legistlation
to protect
the rights of national communities, and THEREFORE WE SHOULD ASK OUR
REPRESENTATIVES to introduce such legistlation.

5) I am leaving shortly to visit The Hague in connection with the
environmental disaster on the  Danube. It would be helpful, if prior to my
arrival, the court received some
fax-es indicating that a Compromise Plan does exist for the returning of
the Danube into its natural river-bed and that plan is known around the world
and is
supported by many. If you would like to help in my receiving a hearing and
having an opportunity to describe the plan, you can send a fax to Arthur Th.
Witteveen, Secretary of the Court in charge of information matters,
International Court of Justice: 011-31-070-364-9928

6) As many on our list are not of Hungarian origin and also because many do
not reside in North America, the interests and goals of  the HL list is not
limited either to Hungarian or Hungarian-American goals. We hope to infuence
the public opinion world-wide and our interest is not limited to help our
countryman, but in assisting in the evolution of a better life for all in
Central Europe.

Happy New Year, Bela Liptak

> =============================================================================
Subject: Re: HL Thanks and Status
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Dear Lajos!

You did exactly the right thing. It is always advisable to copy your
Congressman and Senator, when writing to the President. Now, all the
addresses are available on the hl home page (thanks to Szabolcs Petrovay and
Gotthard Saghi-Szabo).
       I have only one suggestion: I would like to ask you to copy the hl
list, whenever you write a letter. This way, every time you write to the
President or anybody else, you also remind the people on the hl list, that
they too might follow your example. Similarly, when you write to me, that
letter too should go on the hl list, so that what you say can benefit all.

Thanks and best regards: Bela Liptak

PS: If you call the President's office, they will tell you the number of
letters received about say the Slovak Language law this day, week, or month.
In other words, it does matter.

> =============================================================================
Subject: Fwd: US Congress addresslist updated as of 12/27/95
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

Dear Colleagues:

Thanks to Szabolcs Petrovay, please find attached the address list of
Congress and Senate members.

>       Csatolva elkuldom ASCII text file formajaban a legujabb
>kongresszusi cimlistat. Ami a WWW homepaget illeti:
>jelenleg a http://minderal.umd.edu/hl/addressbook/ oldalon a
>cimlista nov.3.-i elavult szovege jelenik meg. Ezt mindig
>updateolni egy keserves munka. Ehelyett a pagen egy linket kellene
>betenni Juan oldalara, igy automatikusan mindig a legutolso cim
>lista lenne elerheto.
>A page URL cime: http://ast1.spa.umn.edu/juan/ContactingCongress.txt
>       B.U.E.K.
>       Szabcsi
>                        Contacting the 104th Congress
>                              By Juan Cabanela
>                  http://ast1.spa.umn.edu/juan/congress.html
>       Latest Update to contact information: Dec 27, 1995 at 13:31
>This compilation Copyright (c) 1995 Juan Cabanela.
>Alaska (AK)
>Member                              Phone         Fax Number    District Num
>Sen. Murkowski, Frank H. (R)        202-224-6665  202-224-5301  907-271-3735

>Sen. Stevens, Ted (R)               202-224-3004  202-224-2354  907-271-5915

>Young, Donald (R-ALL)               202-225-5765  202-225-5765  907-586-7400
>Alabama (AL)
>Member                              Phone         Fax Number    District Num
>Sen. Heflin, Howell T. (D)          202-224-4124  202-224-3149  205-432-7712
>Sen. Shelby, Richard C. (R)         202-224-5744  202-224-3416  205-759-5047
>Callahan, Sonny (R-01)              202-225-4931  202-225-0562  205-690-2811
>Everett, Terry (R-02)               202-225-2901  202-225-8913  205-393-2996

>Browder, Glen (D-03)                202-225-3261  202-225-9020  205-727-6490
>Bevill, Thomas (D-04)               202-225-4876  202-225-0842  205-221-2310
>Cramer, Robert E. (D-05)            202-225-4801  202-225-4392  205-551-0190

>Bachus, Spencer (R-06)              202-225-4921  202-225-2082  205-333-9894

>Hilliard, Earl F. (D-07)            202-225-2665  202-226-0772  205-328-2841
>American Samoa (AQ)
>Member                              Phone         Fax Number    District Num
>Del. Faleomavaega, Eni F.H. (D-ALL) 202-225-8577  202-225-8757  684-633-1372
>Arkansas (AR)
>Member                              Phone         Fax Number    District Num
>Sen. Bumpers, Dale (D)              202-224-4843  202-224-6435  501-324-6286

>Sen. Pryor, David (D)               202-224-2353  202-224-2973  501-324-6336
>Lincoln, Blanche Lambert (D-01)     202-225-4076  202-225-4654  501-972-4600
>Thornton, Raymond (D-02)            202-225-2506  202-225-9273  501-324-5941
>Hutchinson, Tim (R-03)              202-225-4301  202-226-1163  501-741-6900

>Dickey, Jay (R-04)                  202-225-3772  202-225-8646  501-862-0236

>Arizona (AZ)
>Member                              Phone         Fax Number    District Num
>Sen. Kyl, Jon (R)                   202-224-4521  202-224-2207  602-840-1891

>Sen. McCain, John (R)               202-224-2235  202-228-2862  602-952-2410

>Salmon, Matt (R-01)                 202-225-2635  202-225-3405  602-831-2900
>Pastor, Ed (D-02)                   202-225-4065  202-225-1655  602-257-9103

>Stump, Robert (R-03)                202-225-4576  202-225-6328  602-379-6923
>Shadegg, John (R-04)                202-225-3361  202-225-3462  602-263-5300
>Kolbe, James T. (R-05)              202-225-2542  202-225-0378  520-881-3588

>Hayworth, John D. (R-06)            202-225-2190  202-225-8819  800-874-0467

Forwarded message:
>From:   (george petrovay)
Date: 95-12-30 16:50:06 EST

Kedves Bela es Gotthard!
        Csatolva elkuldom ASCII text file formajaban a legujabb
kongresszusi cimlistat. Bela azt irta, hogy a 
cimre kuldjem. Ilyen cim nem letezik, minden visszapattan onnan.
        Ami a WWW homepaget illeti:
jelenleg a http://minderal.umd.edu/hl/addressbook/ oldalon a
cimlista nov.3.-i elavult szovege jelenik meg. Ezt mindig
updateolni egy keserves munka. Ehelyett a pagen egy linket kellene
betenni Juan oldalara, igy automatikusan mindig a legutolso cim
lista lenne elerheto.
A page URL cime: http://ast1.spa.umn.edu/juan/ContactingCongress.txt
                        Contacting the 104th Congress
                              By Juan Cabanela
       Latest Update to contact information: Dec 27, 1995 at 13:31

This compilation Copyright (c) 1995 Juan Cabanela.

Alaska (AK)
Member                              Phone         Fax Number    District Num
Sen. Murkowski, Frank H. (R)        202-224-6665  202-224-5301  907-271-3735
Sen. Stevens, Ted (R)               202-224-3004  202-224-2354  907-271-5915
Young, Donald (R-ALL)               202-225-5765  202-225-5765  907-586-7400

Alabama (AL)
Member                              Phone         Fax Number    District Num
Sen. Heflin, Howell T. (D)          202-224-4124  202-224-3149  205-432-7712
Sen. Shelby, Richard C. (R)         202-224-5744  202-224-3416  205-759-5047
Callahan, Sonny (R-01)              202-225-4931  202-225-0562  205-690-2811
Everett, Terry (R-02)               202-225-2901  202-225-8913  205-393-2996
Browder, Glen (D-03)                202-225-3261  202-225-9020  205-727-6490
Bevill, Thomas (D-04)               202-225-4876  202-225-0842  205-221-2310
Cramer, Robert E. (D-05)            202-225-4801  202-225-4392  205-551-0190
Bachus, Spencer (R-06)              202-225-4921  202-225-2082  205-333-9894
Hilliard, Earl F. (D-07)            202-225-2665  202-226-0772  205-328-2841

American Samoa (AQ)
Member                              Phone         Fax Number    District Num
Del. Faleomavaega, Eni F.H. (D-ALL) 202-225-8577  202-225-8757  684-633-1372

Arkansas (AR)
Member                              Phone         Fax Number    District Num
Sen. Bumpers, Dale (D)              202-224-4843  202-224-6435  501-324-6286
Sen. Pryor, David (D)               202-224-2353  202-224-2973  501-324-6336
Lincoln, Blanche Lambert (D-01)     202-225-4076  202-225-4654  501-972-4600
Thornton, Raymond (D-02)            202-225-2506  202-225-9273  501-324-5941
Hutchinson, Tim (R-03)              202-225-4301  202-226-1163  501-741-6900
Dickey, Jay (R-04)                  202-225-3772  202-225-8646  501-862-0236

Arizona (AZ)
Member                              Phone         Fax Number    District Num
Sen. Kyl, Jon (R)                   202-224-4521  202-224-2207  602-840-1891
Sen. McCain, John (R)               202-224-2235  202-228-2862  602-952-2410
Salmon, Matt (R-01)                 202-225-2635  202-225-3405  602-831-2900
Pastor, Ed (D-02)                   202-225-4065  202-225-1655  602-257-9103
Stump, Robert (R-03)                202-225-4576  202-225-6328  602-379-6923
Shadegg, John (R-04)                202-225-3361  202-225-3462  602-263-5300
Kolbe, James T. (R-05)              202-225-2542  202-225-0378  520-881-3588
Hayworth, John D. (R-06)            202-225-2190  202-225-8819  800-874-0467

> =============================================================================
subs/unsubs info: 
send articles to: 
human contact:    
www:              http://mineral.umd.edu/hl/
directory:        http://mineral.umd.edu/hir/
> =============================================================================