1. |
Re: Quebec and/or Transylvania (mind) |
34 sor |
(cikkei) |
2. |
Re: Meaning of "Germany" (mind) |
1 sor |
(cikkei) |
3. |
PM/LifeTronix in Hungary--Urgently People Needed!!! (mind) |
90 sor |
(cikkei) |
4. |
PM/LifeTronix in Hungary/Romania--Urgently Need People (mind) |
100 sor |
(cikkei) |
5. |
Re: Interference? (mind) |
15 sor |
(cikkei) |
6. |
Slovak/Magyar relationship and the Language Law (mind) |
90 sor |
(cikkei) |
7. |
Re: Interference? (mind) |
31 sor |
(cikkei) |
8. |
Peter Soltesz & Larger Hungary (mind) |
66 sor |
(cikkei) |
9. |
Re: Slovak/Magyar relationship and the Language Law (mind) |
21 sor |
(cikkei) |
10. |
16 sor |
(cikkei) |
11. |
Re: Interference? (mind) |
36 sor |
(cikkei) |
12. |
Re: Interference? (mind) |
21 sor |
(cikkei) |
13. |
Re: Where are the Hungarians? (mind) |
33 sor |
(cikkei) |
14. |
Dan Pop & Untrustworthy Romanians (mind) |
51 sor |
(cikkei) |
15. |
Re: Meaning of "Germany" (mind) |
11 sor |
(cikkei) |
16. |
An answer for Wally Keeler, but not only... So, please (mind) |
412 sor |
(cikkei) |
17. |
Questioary about Immigrants/Immigration (mind) |
46 sor |
(cikkei) |
18. |
Re: Quebec and/or Transylvania (mind) |
38 sor |
(cikkei) |
19. |
Re: This should settle it. Was: Re: Dan Pop & Quebec & (mind) |
14 sor |
(cikkei) |
20. |
Re: Slovak/Magyar relationship and the Language Law (mind) |
17 sor |
(cikkei) |
21. |
Re: Meaning of "Germany" (mind) |
82 sor |
(cikkei) |
+ - | Re: Quebec and/or Transylvania (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
Matyas ) wrote:
: First, I made the statement above because once again a thread (the title of
: which has been mainained) was diverted to the "classical" who got what from w
: and when and generally who did more wrong to the other, topics which as we
: should know by now don't lead anywhere. I'm only sorry for those who aren't
: able to argue about anything else...
O.K, so the discussion should be about minority rights.
: But even if I don't want to
: get into an argument about numbers again, I doubt it that your statement abou
t a
: Romanian majority in "Northern Transylvania" is true or documented. And don't
: blame it on the scientific library of CERN again.
So, after blaming the others for diverting the discussion to historical issues
you are now diverting a discussion about minority rights to the issues of
numbers and percentages.
Like saying "lets talk about the rights of the hungarian minority. But actually
hungarians were not a minority in Northern Transylvania. And if today
by any chance they are this is due to assimilation".
You have doubts about the romanian majority in Northern Transylvania.
You can also have doubts about the romanian majority in Transylvania today,
80 years ago, 300 years ago or 1000 years ago.
While you are advocating minority rights, you smear
that hungarians could "deserve" Transylvania (they came here first, in a
desert land and have been there a majority until the fatal year 1918).
: Matyas
Cristian Alb
+ - | Re: Meaning of "Germany" (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
How about "Tedesko"?
+ - | PM/LifeTronix in Hungary--Urgently People Needed!!! (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
To hear the business information in Hungarian language:
Dial in Hungary: (36) 30 899 111
Looking for sponsoring people in Hungary.
Dear Friend,
I have a very lucrative business and I am looking for positive,
serious entrepreneurial men, women, or couples in all countries,
who would like to earn an additional $30,000 - $40,000 per year
on a part time or full time basis without out-of-pocket
additional resources.
We need people in Hungary, Romania, England, Germany, Austria,
Czecho-slovakia, Polen, and United States, to become distributors
with LifeTronix.
Our company, LifeTronix is revolutionizing the nutrition industry
through a breakthrough, proprietary patented technology (Emusol
Micelization) and is placing people on the Information Superhighway
through this new concept of - Telecommuting.
Entirely done by phone, with minimal start up of about $30 US, you
can build a business that goes worldwide, right from your home,
building an organization of distributors in any of the countries
we're open - where you make a percentage on all the product sold
every month through these distributors; it wouldn't take an
Einstein to figure out the money anyone can make who's serious
about doing this business.
The training and support in our company is second to none.
Proven leadership, superior products, a lucrative marketing plan,
ease of doing the business, and the chance of being in a home-
business for yourself are just of few of the benefits our company
is offering for the average people.
Hard work, persistance, integrity and character is what it takes to
succeed in this business. I encourage you to keep an open-mind and
to listen to what you're about to hear about LifeTronix, so that you
can make an informed, intelligent business decision whether or not
this business is right for you, your family and the loved ones.
Here is an 800-number (toll-free) in & to US where you can gather
some further information about this Telecommuting business, the
money we make, the products, and more.
1-800-633 8284 / reservation number# 777 8888
This is a 24 hours a day re-broadcast of last week's (Thursday)
international satelite teleconference where Larry Thompson (the
founder of LifeTronix, who's been in this industry for over 20 years
and earned in excess of $130 million US),talked to over 2000 people
about this business and what it can do for them, their families, and
anyone who's interested in health and well-being for themselves and
of others.
If you have a serious interest in this, please let me know and I'll
arange to get you on our live Dial-Out conference call this Tuesday
or Thursday night at 10:00 PM (New York time).
I will register you with the company and they'll call you and place
you on a live conference call (of course free, at their expense),
so you don't have to spend a penny on the long distance charges.
For information on the product line dial: (to US)1-800-633 8284 /
the reservation number is # 222 1111.
To register as a distributor in Europe please call me and I'll help you
through the procedure. In US you register with our LifeTronix
headquarters office in Moorpark, CA.
If you would like to sign up in US just call: 1-800-826-5200 and give
them my ID#nnn-nn-nnnn, or call me and we'll do it through a 3-way call
to the company.
You can try these products if you like for a 100% money back
guarantee. A $30 registration as a member with LifeTronix will
allow you to buy these any of their products at a 20% discount.
If by any chance you're not interested, then I wish you luck in all
your endeavors.
Karol Rezi
718-456 1297 tel/fax
You can reach me usually in the evening after 8:00 PM (East.Time-
US, or New York time)at the above number.
In the mean time, I wish you a healthy, happy and productive day.
+ - | PM/LifeTronix in Hungary/Romania--Urgently Need People (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
To hear the business information in Hungarian, German, or English
Dial in Hungary: (36) 30 899 111 or 30 800 111 (24 hrs/day)
in Germany: (49) 6233 3265 45 (24 hrs/day)
in U.K. : (44) 171 644 4040 (24 hrs/day)
in US(toll-free): 1-800-633 8284 / reservation no.#777 8888
Looking for sponsoring people in Hungary (and the countries below).
Dear Friend,
I have a very lucrative business and I am looking for positive,
serious entrepreneurial men, women, or couples in all countries,
who would like to earn an additional $30,000 - $40,000 per year
on a part time or full time basis without out-of-pocket
additional resources.
We need people in Hungary, Romania, England, Germany, Austria,
Czecho-slovakia, Polen, and United States, to become distributors
with LifeTronix.
Our company, LifeTronix is revolutionizing the nutrition industry
through a breakthrough, proprietary patented technology (Emusol
Micelization) and is placing people on the Information Superhighway
through this new concept of - Telecommuting.
The LifeTronix products are 3-5 times more bioavailable than any
other nutritional product in the market place today. For more info
on products see below the tel.number.
Entirely done by phone, with minimal start up of about $30 US, you
can build a business that goes worldwide, right from your home,
building an organization of distributors in any of the countries
we're open - where you make a percentage on all the product sold
every month through these distributors; it wouldn't take an
Einstein to figure out the money anyone can make who's serious
about doing this business.
The training and support in our company is second to none.
Proven leadership, superior products, a lucrative marketing plan,
ease of doing the business, and the chance of being in a home-
business for yourself are just of few of the benefits our company
is offering for the average people.
Hard work, persistance, integrity and character is what it takes to
succeed in this business. I encourage you to keep an open-mind and
to listen to what you're about to hear about LifeTronix, so that you
can make an informed, intelligent business decision whether or not
this business is right for you, your family and the loved ones.
Here is an 800-number (toll-free) in & to US where you can gather
some further information about this Telecommuting business, the
money we make, the products, and more.
1-800-633 8284 / reservation number# 777 8888
This is a 24 hours a day re-broadcast of last week's (Thursday)
international satelite teleconference where Larry Thompson (the
founder of LifeTronix, who's been in this industry for over 20 years
and earned in excess of $130 million US),talked to over 2000 people
about this business and what it can do for them, their families, and
anyone who's interested in health and well-being for themselves and
of others.
If you have a serious interest in this, please let me know and I'll
arange to get you on our live Dial-Out conference call this Tuesday
or Thursday night at 10:00 PM (New York time).
I will register you with the company and they'll call you and place
you on a live conference call (of course free, at their expense),
so you don't have to spend a penny on the long distance charges.
For information on the product line dial: (to US)1-800-633 8284 /
the reservation number is # 222 1111. (Dr.Rutolo from the Biogland
Group in California/US).
To sign-up/register as a distributor in Europe you'll have to do it
with the Germany Office (PM/LifeTronix). In US you'll have to
register with LifeTronix in Moorpark, CA. You'll need my
ID#nnn-nn-nnnn in order to register.
Call me and I'll help you through this through a 3-way call to either
the US office or Germany office.
You can try these products if you like for a 100% money back
guarantee. A $30 registration as a member with LifeTronix will
allow you to buy these any of their products at a 20% discount.
If by any chance you're not interested, then I wish you luck in all
your endeavors.
Karol Rezi
718-456 1297 tel/fax
You can reach me usually in the evening after 8:00 PM (East.Time-
US, or New York time)at the above number.
In the mean time, I wish you a healthy, happy and productive day.
+ - | Re: Interference? (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
(Igor GAZDIK) wrote:
>In article >,
>>Take care...
>>Charles Vamossy
> you too. and, if you get down to it, check the size of slovakia
> with that of the united states. you may be surprised by the
> result...
I looked. Now what? Was there a point you were trying to make?
+ - | Slovak/Magyar relationship and the Language Law (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
Anton Pevala > wrote:
>Charles Vamossy writes:
>> As far as as the hard words are concerned, mine are only a fraction as
>> hard as the Slovak language law that would put in prison anyone caught
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
>> speaking a foreign language in Slovakia. For an American it is
>> inconcievable for me to imagine a land where priests, ministers, rabbis
>> are sent to prison for preaching the word of God in a lanuage their
>> believers speak or in which their Bible was written in.
>> So far it has been mainly Hungarians who have spoken out against this
>> law, both here on the Internet and in the press. But I see more and more
>> people of other ethnic origin express their outrage.
>> Take care...
>> Charles Vamossy
>The typical demagogy and exaggeration. The language law is not good and
>IMHO, we do not need it at all. But what you write ... - the same, as if you
>wrote : ... they would be executed!
>* Anton Pevala *
>* Institute of Electrical Engineering *
>* Slovak Academy of Sciences *
>* Dubravska cesta 9 *
>* 842 39 Bratislava *
>* Slovak Republic *
>* -- -- *
>* 00 427 378 2311 fax:00 427 375 816 *
Anton -- First of all, I am glad to find the very first and so far
the only Slovak on this list who thinks the law is not good and is not
needed. If there were more people like you, the "exeggaration" would not
be needed to illustrate to other Americans what this law would do.
Unfortunately, a majority of the deputies elected by the Slovak people to
their Parliament felt that such a law should be introduced, discussed and
BTW, as far as exeggaration is concerened: the reason I did not write
that people who offend the language law are executed is because THAT
would have been an exaggeration --it is not true. The punishment stated
in the law is incarceration -- prison. I did not write that... the
majority of the Slovak people through their elected deputies did, who are
therefore responsible for any negative impact their words may have on
world opinion.
There is still a chance to avoid the embarrasment: if President Kovac
does not sign the law and the Slovak Parliament allows the law to expire,
the law will disappear.
One last thought, Anton --- there are a many Hungarian Americans, like
me, who would like to put our whole miserable common past behind us and
concentrate on rescuing our sinking economic and social ships. Good
Hungarian relations with her neighbors is important both to Hungary and
to Western Europe's leaders who are considering Hungary's admission to
their clubs. I would think Slovakia has -- or should -- have very similar
aims. The recent signing of the Slovak-Hungarian Treaty, I thought, was
a step in the right direction. It also included provisions that would
have guaranteed to Slovakia's Hungarian majority individual and group
rights similar to those in Western Europe.
Unfortunately, the Treaty, which has been approved in Budapest by the
Hungarian Parliament, has yet to be approved in Bratislava. And now we
see a law that is in direct conflict with that Treaty. As a result, some
people now say that maybe Hungary was too quick to approve the Treaty,
maybe she should have waited to see if the Slovaks show signs of
supporting it.
In the meanwhile, Western Europe and NATO are nervously watching the
squabling. But rather than both countries being dismissed as unruly bad
children, Hungarians have at least the obligation of explaining the
lengths to which they went in trying to establish good neighborly
relations and the reasons why their efforts are so far unsuccessful. The
Language Law is a very example of the latter.
Take care...
Charlie Vamossy
+ - | Re: Interference? (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
(Matej Lexa) wrote:
>Peter Hakel > writes:
>>> international treaties fixed the border at the middle of the main
>>> shipping channel of the Danube. By diverting the river, that
>>> definition is violated.
>> So Hungary gained some territory? Is that a reason to complain?
>Well, I don't think they did. Otherwise Vojka, Bodiky and Dobrohost would be
>in Hungary now, wouldn't it ?
>Matej Lexa At present:
>Irrigation Research Inst. Dept. of Plant Biology
>Bratislava, SLOVAKIA University of Illinois, Urbana-Champai
>********************** "There's only one kind of music." *********************
Perhaps it is because Hungary chose not to make an issue of it, since her
aims are not to gain Slovak territory but to ensure minority rights for
Hungarians living in Slovakia. But maybe, as a bargaining point, Hungary
should make a presentation of this "de-facto" border change to the
guarantors of the 1947 Treaty of Paris and request that the land south of
the main channel be turned over to Hungary.
Charles Vamossy
+ - | Peter Soltesz & Larger Hungary (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
From: Hungarian American List >
>Subject: Hungary Digest 11/21/95
>Message-ID: >
>From: "Peter A. Soltesz" >
>Subject: Re: H-Net History of the Holocaust List
>In addition, it really irks me when Mr. Horn, and Hungarians in Hungary,
>sort of give up on a larger Hungary. Why should those poor Hungarians,
>who through no fault of their own, happened to now live in a new country.
>That is, somone arbitrarirly moved the magic border. The fact is that
>those people are still Hungarian and they need to be treated like that.
>Horn's comments (see The Economist, Nov. 6) shows that the overall
>thinking currently in Hungary will NOT solve the Hungarian situation.
>Let me suggest that ALL of us need to seriously review how we can aid all
>Hungarians to live in peace with freedom to practice their culture,
>religion, pursuit of happiness, etc. Let us remind the current small
>Hungary population that their brothers are out there. Some need lots of
>help, and others can give lots of help. Don't let them throw both sets of
>these millions away due to politics of the moment.
>Thank you. Peter Soltesz.
What if I wrote: "It really irks me when Mr. Chirac and the French in
France sort of give up on a larger France. Why should those poor French,
who, through no fault of their own, happen to now live in a new country.
Those people are still French."
This could very easily apply to the Quebecois in Canada. I would resent no
end, any interference of France in the internal affairs of Canada. Indeed,
there was one incident in 1967 when French president Charles DeGaulle stood
on the balcony in downtown Montreal and loudly proclaimed "Vive le Quebec
libre!" He was unceremoniously put on the first plane out of Canada later
that day and Canada was right to do it. Despite Canada's current situation
regarding Quebec, France has diligently kept its nose out of it. France
does not voice any concerns about the rights and privileges of the
Francophonies anywhere within Canada -- it has its own situation in the
Basque which can be pointed at.
It is one thing to advocate human rights and democracy for one's ethnic
cousins in another country, but it should always be accompanied by a
sensitivity to the "other" ethnicity in that country. Whenever, I have been
in Hungary, I have noticed two sets of attitudes towards the fate of
Hungarians in another country. There generally is a deference when speaking
of Hungarians in Austria, and a condescending (sometimes arrogant) attitude
when discussing the fate of Hungarians in Transylvania. This sort of thing
makes me feel that there is more to the individual's agenda than a pure
concern for human rights.
Any difficiency in human rights in Romania is targeted towards the Roma
more often than the Magyars. If the concern is purely one of human rights
then the Roma should be equal in concern. And within the borders of Hungary
as it is now, the Roma should be provided with every human right and
privilege that the Hungarians demand for the Romanian-Hungarians.
When you talk of a "larger Hungary" I get concerned because it matters to
me as a Canadian. Canada is a party to the Final Helsinki Act. Among other
things, it fixes the current borders of Hungary, as well as other nations.
Hungary is a signatory of the same Act. You would do well to abide by the
spirit as well as the letter of the law that your government solemnly
signed. If you don't, your dream of a "larger Hungary" will turn into a
Wally Keeler Poetry
Creative Intelligence Agency is
Peoples Republic of Poetry Poetency
+ - | Re: Slovak/Magyar relationship and the Language Law (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
>Anton -- First of all, I am glad to find the very first and so far
>the only Slovak on this list who thinks the law is not good and is not
>needed. If there were more people like you, the "exeggaration" would not
another exeggaration...
Have you been following the discussion ? Maybe it is 50%, maybe 30%, I didn't
bother to count, but 1 ??? I also don't feel like I am going to acheive
anything by shouting on this group about how bad the law is.
Matej Lexa At present:
Irrigation Research Inst. Dept. of Plant Biology
Bratislava, SLOVAKIA University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaig
********************** "There's only one kind of music." **********************
+ - | MANHUNT INTERNATIONAL 1995 (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
MANHUNT INTERNATIONAL 1995 took place in SINGAPORE on November 24,
1995 (Friday):
1ST Mr. South Africa
2ND Mr. India
Write to me if you are interested in finding out who the runner-ups
Thank you.
Parker Lim
+ - | Re: Interference? (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
Jan Gajdos > wrote:
># Last time I checked it was you folks who moved the border river, weren't
># you?
> This is the question I can't comprehend. Why there are so many
>objections against sending the Danube through other canal ?
>Changing border ? The border is on the same place as it WAS
>before !
> jano
Jano -- actually, both the Traety of Trianon and the 1947 Treaty of Paris
define the border as the main channel of the Danube. Since the majority
of the water is now flowing through the artificial channel, by definition
it is the border. What I don't understand is why the Hungarian
Government has not taken possession of the land the Slovak Government has
thus ceeded to Hungary. Is it perhaps because the Hungarian Government
has no revisionistic designs on Slovakia and prefers to solve this
problem legally and peacefully?
Of course, there are other, far more serious objections to diverting the
Danube. Ecologically, it is a disaster of epic proportions. A number of
international organizations, like Greenpeace, have now condemned Slovakia
for causing it. For people living along the Danube, it is a lasting
reminder of the tragic foolishness of the same communist grandiose
planning that gave the world Chernobyl. The sad mystery is that it was
implemented after communism died as the Wall in Berlin came down and most
countries were able to free themselves of its legacy. It is hard to
understand why Slovakia stuck to it so tenaceously. Perhaps you can
explain it to us, Jano.
Charles Vamossy
+ - | Re: Interference? (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
Jan Gajdos > wrote:
># So with that kind of history, plus half the size, your arrogance is
># highly misplaced.
> Joe, ha, ha ... Russia paid us partially their debt in
>Mig 29 fighters. As I heard, you (O.K., I mean Hungary) just
>negotiate with Sweden about some aircrafts. So, please, wait
>until you will be armed properly, ha, ha :-) ;-)
I find your misplaced mirth very sad. I hope Hungary and Slovakia never
find any reason to arm themselves against each other. I sincerely hope
that your opinions reflect only a small minority in Slovakia.
Charles Vamossy
+ - | Re: Where are the Hungarians? (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
>I don't mind foreignors participatipn, however would the Hungarians please
>speak up more and get involved. Say something.
>And as far as the foreignors are concerned and some of the hotheaded
>Magyars, lets not argue back with them for a while and perhaps they'll go
>Lets use this newsgroup for what it was ment for.
>By the way I have to say the Hungarians have done a great job on the net
>in the past six months. The resources on the WWW have really improved and
>Istvan (Steve) Mihaly
It's not that the Hungarians do not want to get involved and speak up.
It's that most Hungarians who live in small cities/towns do not have
access to INTERNET. Also, the majority of Hungarians do not speak
As far as I know, Internet is only provided in cities like Gyor, and
Tell me, how can anyone staying in Tatabanya or Komarom have the
chance to even own a computer or a modem and to read English like many
others do?
Parker Lim
+ - | Dan Pop & Untrustworthy Romanians (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
Subject: Re: Quebec and/or Transylvania
>Dan Pop > wrote:
>>But Romania doesn't follow the worst examples in this case. Should I
>>mention France again? No matter how hard you try, you won't find many
>>examples in Europe where the minorities have better education in their
>>language than in Romania.
(Liviu Iordache) wrote:
>All this discussion concerning the example Romania should follow for
>solving the minority issue is pointless. And this is because, in 1989
>and 1990 the Romanian leaders have made no reference to a France or
>USA model, but rather very specific promises.
Dan Pop wrote:
|What Romanian leader made those promises? Was he entitled by the Romanian
|people to make them? Did that leader make other unkept promises, as well?
Does it matter that said leader made other unkept promises? How does this
descredit Liviu's statement? The fact remains that specific promises were
made and those promises were made to the citizens of Romania and if they
had any self-respect, they would expect those promises to be kept. If you
had any self-respect as a Romanian, you wouldn't take such a lackadaisical
cavalier posture towards such promises.
Was said leader entitled? There was an election wasn't there. The election
was attended by international observers as well as media. By and large the
election was fairly held. The current leadershit was handed a mandate by
the majority of votes cast.
Dan Pop wrote:
|Try to find something more convincing next time than the promises of a
|completely compromised and self-proclaimed Romanian leadership.
The leadershit was not self-proclaimed -- it was elected. If you want to
discredit something, it would be more convincing next time if you used more
substantial material than your spurious aspersions.
Dan Pop wrote:
|Other promise made by the same leadership: "this people will never suffer
|from hunger and cold". They surely kept it.
Conclusion: Promises made by any Romanian leadershit and its people for the
past century at best, have about as much substance as a slice of white
bread left out in the summer sun for a month.
Action-to-be-taken: Never trust a Romanian at his word.
Wally Keeler Poetry
Creative Intelligence Agency is
Peoples Republic of Poetry Poetency
+ - | Re: Meaning of "Germany" (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
Oxana Smirnova > wrote:
> Wrong, "Rakousko" comes from the name of ancient celtik tribe "rak"
>once living there. The same is for "Bohemia" - it also has the name of
>another celtik tribe as origin.
OK, I can stand correction. I was just making an unscientific guess
Thanks for the correction,
Joe Pannon
+ - | An answer for Wally Keeler, but not only... So, please (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
Wally Keeler,
First of all, i want to tell you, maybe sometimes i will don't
write so good in english, so please understand my mistakes . I read
not only this letter what you wrote, but many of them what you send to
the Romanians and Hungarians . I'm agree with you because we don't
must live only in past, and we must to do something to change this
mentality . At least i'm not agree with this type of discussion what
Romanians and Hungarians make, some of them are indeed interesting,
but others are so sterile. This problem betwen our countries will not
finish so soon... . I think both of us must to comme to a more deep
understanding of each other, this is only reasonable choice, the other
choice is very clear the WAR .
But, something i will criticize to your way of thinking . What i will
criticize is specific to all people who live in occident . Many of
you, think because occidental countries are superior and others are
almost BARBARIANS, i see many of you don't understand WHY these
countries are in THIS SITUATION .
You and others, speak from YOUR POINT OF VIEW, WITHOUT TO KNOW WHAT
THIS region of world has suffered many bad things, many negative
events, these events was so bad...
But, the peoples of this region DON'T FORGET these events . I must to
tell you without exageration, these events are deep writed in the
souls of people, in their minds, is almost GENETIC .
This type of process is happening when somebody suffer(pain) INTENSE
But that's not all, after the second World War, this region was under
Another catastrophe over our heads ... . Milions of roumanians was
The same events... . And you tell us to DON'T LIVE IN PAST ?????......
You will understand that when you will live these events.... Forget
you brother, or your mother or your father who was killed from
I don't want to defend Romania, but read our history to see,
how had live the Roumanians .....
For US, ALWAYS OUR LIFE WAS A FIGHT, against others who always come to
us with INCREDIBLE DEMANDS . All countries around Romania tell us
ROMANIA ? NO WHERE !!!!!! After these people, we must to DON'T
EXIST . Who is indeed an enemy of peace in this region ?
By the way, i want to tell you another thing . Yes, all occidental
countries are civilizated countries.
But, i see nobody of you, don't think how these countries had became
"So Deep Civilizated", so Superior....
Tell me please : France, England, Holland,Germany, Austria and
Hungaria, Italy, what is so specific in the history of these countries
?????? . Is so easy to find : All these countries had a Colonial
Empire !
Hundreds of years they take all what was good in the countries who
they EXPLOITE !!
You write : Why you don't want to join the "GREAT ENGLISH
CIVILIZATION", you end by telling us almost like a menace, if you
don't agree you will be assimilated from this "great civilization" .
Cute, ah ?
Barbarians must to be assimilated if they will don't obey ! Hmmm....
after my poor knowdlege of history was someone who tell us the same
thing and his name was : ADOLF HITLER .
Be careful, i don't want to say, you are Hitler ! I want only to show
you the possible consequence of your idea . You don't tell us
something NEW , so please understand CORRECT what i wrote .
Another thing :
If something is specific to the Occident is this :
You want to impose your model of society to others ! You think
this is healthy ? You think all of us must to be like you ? You
think, we must to take your "model" and to put this "model" in OUR
LIFE.... The fight of others countries against the occidental
influence have like reason this wrong type of thinking...
A lot of countries need indeed a CHANGE, but a change in wich this
country can save the own specific, and to DON'T LOOSE THE CONTROL OF
THE OWN ECONOMY !!!, because the Occident want to be the "BOSS" not
only in his country, but to be the "BOSS" and in "other HOUSE" .
That show me for a long time, because the Occident DON'T HAVE ANY
And your letter show me AGAIN the SAME THING .
I have deep doubts about the Occidental Civilization . Now i live in
Canada, and i see what means this "civilization" at the social level
Here don't exist indeed a "Communion Betwen People", each family in
his appartment, people live here like a stranger to each other, only
money are important, only my pleasure,many people are alienated... .
The Occident is modern, but is without any WISDOM, and The
WISDOM come from TRADITION the really problem is OUR WORLDS ARE IN A
SPIRITUAL WORLD, the base of this world is TRADITION and RELIGION .
The only chance to survive to each other is to take what is Good from
each type of world . If we don't do that, i don't see our future well
Come to Romania, or Hungary, or Bulgaria, or Russia to see this type
of Communion . You will understand how wrong you are when you speak
about US, in YOUR TERMS .
Finish for one time to think all things in terms of : Commodity,
civilization, etc . Go and know these people, ask these people what
they think about life, world, what they feel, what they desire from
For the readers from Hungary( and for you Wally)
Dear Tamas, Janos, Sandor,.........
These people are not real, that means i don't know somebody with this
name, but is a virtual person .
I will be very clear . The key of understanding betwen
Romanians and Hungarians is so simple :
People from Hungary, must to end to put all the time the
teritorial integrity of Romania in question, if you will continue
with this theory, will don't be NEVER UNDERSTANDING BETWEN US .
The real problem is :
Any Romanian will don't accept like a base of disscusion the
Autonomy of Transilvania or a type of Regional Autonomy . The real
problem is to protect the rights of hungarians in Romania more well
with more good laws . Anyway, like a personal comment :
After my father i'm hungarian, my mother is Romanian, always i
consider deep in my soul i'm Romanian, but always i consider i can be
proud because i'm and hungarian . In the light of these affirmations i
want to tell you, i know very well the hungarians from Romania .
Before to comme to Canada i live in a majoritary hungarian region in
Romania, in Harghita, so i want to tell you this:
Indeed in the time of Ceausescu the situation of hungarians in Romania
don't was good. But in reallity we both, romanians and hungarians in
the time of Ceausescu we live at the same level of life, no one don't
had some privillege . After romanian revolution, the situation of
hungarians at the level of rights is not only good, is very good . In
principal cities where hungarians are majoritary exist a CABLE TV
COMPANY, the owners are of course hungarians, and they do a very good
job . Exist a separate channel only in Hungarian language, exist a
separate channel for DUNA TV, day after day the cultural life and
economic life of hungarian community is more good . The people for
example, who drive these cities are only hungarians, they don't need
really an Autonomy, because they have NOW this autonomy , but under
the Romanian law . Almost all aspects of the life of hungarian
community is only in the hands of hungarians
What i find is wrong to hungarians leaders from Romania is because
they have the same reflex to put this teritorial problem . You think
is really wise to put this problem at the table of negotiations, when
you speak with Romanian leaders ? The discussions are about the RIGHTS
wrong this position, when the interest of Hungarians leaders from
Romania is to defend the RIGHTS OF THIS MINORITY ?
Romanian leaders are open to discussion, but when somebody comme with
this position, you don't feel the processus of negotiations is almost
DEAD ??.... Another point is :
How you think , will feel all the Romanians(ordinary people) when
somebody put this territorial problem ???
What is interesting to me, is because always a hungarian speak like,
what feel Romanians is not important, this is "our" problem and we
must to solve this problem . In fact the problem is the hungarian
leaders, don't want to negotiate the protection of hungarians rights,
they want to don't be under the Romanian rule, under
the Romanian law .They want to break a country .
This is the true position of these leaders .
From this position, begin all troubles betwen Hungarians and
Romanians . I said in the begining of this letter because only chance
to have a solution to this problem is to have a deep understanding
about each other, but unfortunately i see hungarian leaders from
Romania - and not only from Romania - don't let a chance to begin
this process of understanding betwen us . The mistake of hungarian
leaders is because they believe the Romanians don't want a solution
for this situation . Romanians want a solution, but under the
Romanian Law .
Anyway our Occidental friend have right when he say, we don't
must to live all the time in past, because we, Romanians and
Hungarians, we have two different point of view of history.
Hungarians consider when the Romanians take the Transilvania in 1918
don't was legal, this was an historycal injustice, Romanians consider
this WAS INDEED AN ACT OF JUSTICE after 8 hundred years
of opression . So, in this situation what we must to do ?? The both
parts will remain at the his own opinion, so that means can't be
understanding betwen these two countries ???
Let, to be sincere betwen us, the times in which we live are
different, maybe for some hundreds of years we'll tell for each other
i'm hungarian, i'm romanian, but the world will became a village,
borders will be only on the maps, i'm sure of that, in 10-20 years the
economical links betwen Romania and Hungary will became very
important, day after day, our level of life will became dependent
from each of us, when Romanians and Hungarians will work for the
prosperity by economical links, many of these problems will dissapear
betwen us . Is only a matter of time .
I wish to all my hungarians friends from all parts of the world, and
for you Wally, an Happy Cristmas
and God to be
with you
Kobori Gheorghe Alexandru
+ - | Questioary about Immigrants/Immigration (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
Some students at Lundehaugen High School in Sandnes, Norway will try
to find out what people with all kinds of cultures thinks about
immigrants and immigration. Please answer the statements you want to
and return it to me by e-mail: , and please use the
subject "immigration"
This questionary are crossposted to all soc.culture-groups.
Answer statements with a number 1 - 6 where 1 mean AGREE, and 6 DON'T
Are you an immigrant (Y/N)?
1. Immigrants are described as more criminal than other inhabitants!
2. Immigrants should adapt to aborigines' culture!
3. Aborigines should adapt to immigrants culture!
4. Immigrants should learn their new country's language before the
government give them residence permit!
5. Immigrants should learn English before the government give them
residence permit!
6. Immigrants that commit criminal actions should be expelled frim the
7. Your relation to immigrants are tensed!
Please answer the statements and return to
Ingvald Haaland jr. and Ronny Lindal
Ronny Lindal Hotline: 906 48 157
E-Mail: Fax: 51 62 21 36
WWW: http://www.netpower.no/~rlindal BBS: 51 66 44 66
+ - | Re: Quebec and/or Transylvania (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
In > (Liviu Iordache) wri
(Dan Pop) wrote:
>>>And this is
>>>an important issue because Romania promised a lot when it was given Transylv
>>Unlike Hungary which didn't promise anything to the Romanians and didn't
>>give them any rights in 1940, despite the fact that they were the majority
>>in Northern Transylvania.
>I finally got it! According to Dan, present-day Romanian citizens
>(i.e., the Hungarian minority) must take the punishment for the wrong
>doing, some 50 years ago, of their relatives from a foreign country.
I have already asked you to stop putting words in my mouth.
I have explicitly stated, more than once, that whatever happened in the
past should not affect the efforts of solving the current problems.
If someone invokes the past, I can do it, too. This shouldn't be put
in a different context, however.
>Anyhow, the real issue here, the one that Dan has a hard time trying
>to avoid, is what the Romanians promised, in 1918 and 1990, and failed
>yet to fulfill. Have you ever read paragraph 1 of Article 3 of the
>Alba Iulia declaration?
Who made that declaration? Is it relevant for 1995? If yes, feel
free to post it.
Dan Pop
CERN, CN Division
Mail: CERN - PPE, Bat. 31 R-004, CH-1211 Geneve 23, Switzerland
+ - | Re: This should settle it. Was: Re: Dan Pop & Quebec & (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
No one is disputing it.
The question is the quality and quantity freedom its residents
Charles Vamossy
(VGhita) wrote:
>My Dear Friends ,
>Transilvania (Erdely, this for other people to read and fully understand)
>belongs to Romania .(period , no exclamation points , not needed...)
+ - | Re: Slovak/Magyar relationship and the Language Law (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
(Matej Lexa) wrote:
I also don't feel like I am going to acheive
>anything by shouting on this group about how bad the law is.
>Matej Lexa At present:
>Irrigation Research Inst. Dept. of Plant Biology
>Bratislava, SLOVAKIA University of Illinois, Urbana-Champai
>********************** "There's only one kind of music." *********************
Unfortunately, I have to agree with you again. I too am becoming
convinced that it is useless to discuss this issue on this group.
Good luck to you.
+ - | Re: Meaning of "Germany" (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
Nemoy is Russian means “ Deprived abilities to speak, dumb from
birth, quiet, tacit “
When the first immigrants from western came to established themselves
in Russia (around the XII century), they did not speak Russian (or any
other Slavic language) and the Russian common people did not
understand a word about their language; so they called this people
unable to speak “dumb," “mute”. All the Slavic peoples from Central
Europe call them in similar way )even the Hungarians (who are not
Slavs and use Magyar, a Finno-Ugric tongue written in Latin
characters and influenced by borrowings from the Turkish, Slavic,
German, Latin, and French languages) use the word nemet to identify a
German. The Hungarians, probably, took this word by Polish influence
in XIV century , when Hungary made a number of territorial
acquisitions, including Bosnia and part of Serbia. and their king
through his marriage to Elizabeth, the sister of Casimir III, king of
Poland, ensured the succession of his son Louis to the Polish crown.
Ïî ðóññêèé ÍÅÌÎÉ çíà÷èò: áåçãëàñíûé, áåçìîëâíûé, ìîë÷àëèâûé. 1.
Ëèøåííûé ñïîñîáíîñòè ãîâîðèòü. Í. îò ðîæäåíèÿ. Îáó÷åíèå íåìûõ.
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ïîíèìàë ñëîâî îòíîñèòåëüíî èõ ÿçûêà; òàê ÷òî îíè íàçâàëè ýòè ëþäåé
íåñïîñîáíûìè ãîâîðèòü "ãëóõèì", íåìîãî. Âñå ñëàâÿíå èç Öåíòðàëüíîé
Åâðîïû íàçûâàþò èõ ïîäîáíûì ïóòåì) äàæå Âåíãðàìè (êòî íå ñ ñëàâÿíå è
Ìàäûàð, ôèíñêèé-óãðèñêèé ÿçûê, íàïèñàííûé â Ëàòèíñêèõ õàðàêòåðàõ è
ïîâëèÿë çàèìñòâîâàíèÿìè îò Òóðåöêîãî, ñëàâÿíñêîãî, Íåìöåì, Ëàòèíñêèå,
è Ôðàíöóçñêèå ÿçûêè) èñïîëüçóþò ñëîâî nemet, ÷òîáû èäåíòèôèöèðîâàòü
Íåìöà. Âåíãðû, âåðîÿòíî, ïðèíèìàëè ýòî ñëîâî Ïîëüñêèì âëèÿíèåì â XIV
ñòîëåòèè, êîãäà Âåíãðèÿ, ñäåëàííàÿ ðÿäîì òåððèòîðèàëüíûõ ïðèîáðåòåíèé,
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Ýëèçàáåòîé, ñåñòðà Êàñèüèðà III, êîðîëü Ïîëüøè, îáåñïå÷åííîé
ïîñëåäîâàòåëüíîñòü åãî ñûíà Ëþäîâèê ê Ïîëüñêîé êðîíå.
Mathias Muench-Dalstein <matze> wrote:
>>ace226 ) wrote:
>>: Can anyone tell me what Germany and Deutschland mean? I was wondering becau
>>: it's translated between languages (Allemande (sp?) in french). Is there a
>>: literal translation or perhaps there's a latin root to the word?
>Hi everybody,
>this is my version of the origin of "deutsch", "german", "allemand" etc:
>1. The descent of the word "German" is simple: The Roman scientist Tacitus des
cribed the Germanic tribes as
>"Germanae" (maybe he used another case (-: ), derived from the Germanic word "
german" which means "spear
>man". BTW when Germans say "Germane" they include the English, Dutch and Scand
>2. The word "deutsch" goes back to the old Germanic word "thiut" for "people".
Also "duits" (Dutch) and
>"tedesco" (Italian) are related to "thiut".
>3. The Germanic people that happened to live closest to the French called them
self "alamans", "alemannen" or
>alike. That's where the French, Spanish and Portuguese word is from. Today we
call the Swabian (SW Germany),
>Alsatian (that's in France) and Swiss-German dialects "Alemannisch".
>But don't ask me what "ala" means. There are languages where "ala" means cave
or grotto (the Baltic
>languages) - thus, is the alaman a cave man? Or is the ralation to "oel" (Scan
dinavian languages) and "ale"
>(English) an indication to the beer consumption of the Swiss? ((-:
>Who knows more, I'm only guessing here.
>4. Can anybody explain me why Russians call us "nemetskyi", Bulgarians "nemski
" (or similar) and even
>Hungarians (a non-slavic people) "ne'met"?
>Pleas follow up or mail in English.
>Bye, Matze
>Mathias Muench-Dalstein Email:
>World Wide Web: http://www.rewi.hu-berlin.de/~matze/
>Humboldt-University of Berlin (Germany), Faculty of Law