1. |
Re: "I love you" in many languages Re: Please help tran (mind) |
28 sor |
(cikkei) |
2. |
Re: "I love you" in many languages Re: Please help tran (mind) |
28 sor |
(cikkei) |
3. |
Re: "I love you" in many languages Re: Please help tran (mind) |
28 sor |
(cikkei) |
4. |
Re: Elek Gabornak (mind) |
12 sor |
(cikkei) |
5. |
Re: Elek Gabornak (mind) |
16 sor |
(cikkei) |
6. |
Goober s PRRZZZZZZT! (mind) |
8 sor |
(cikkei) |
7. |
Re: SCM: pen pal (mind) |
41 sor |
(cikkei) |
8. |
Re: Ms. Stolmar s insinuations (mind) |
27 sor |
(cikkei) |
9. |
Re: He is Risen was: Re: Jews: "Know thyself" (mind) |
23 sor |
(cikkei) |
10. |
Romanian Tigani-Burners (mind) |
18 sor |
(cikkei) |
11. |
Brigitta & Wally (mind) |
29 sor |
(cikkei) |
12. |
Goober Barfsai & The Pile (mind) |
90 sor |
(cikkei) |
13. |
Re: "I love you" in many languages Re: Please help tran (mind) |
28 sor |
(cikkei) |
14. |
Re: "I love you" in many languages Re: Please help tran (mind) |
28 sor |
(cikkei) |
15. |
Another PRRZZZZT! (mind) |
21 sor |
(cikkei) |
16. |
Nagy Lajos & Confucius WAS: Re: Balogh Eva, a Zsido Hu (mind) |
23 sor |
(cikkei) |
17. |
Re: Elek Gabornak (mind) |
11 sor |
(cikkei) |
18. |
Re: Elek Gabornak (mind) |
78 sor |
(cikkei) |
19. |
Re: SCM: Re: Anna Smith & Goober Barfsai (mind) |
99 sor |
(cikkei) |
20. |
Re: Elek Gabornak (mind) |
29 sor |
(cikkei) |
21. |
Comparative Suicide (mind) |
43 sor |
(cikkei) |
22. |
Moose Calls For Anna (mind) |
31 sor |
(cikkei) |
23. |
Dimaist vs Dadaist (mind) |
154 sor |
(cikkei) |
24. |
Re: Elek Gabornak (mind) |
23 sor |
(cikkei) |
25. |
Re: Ekezetek (mind) |
38 sor |
(cikkei) |
26. |
Re: Elek Gabornak (mind) |
19 sor |
(cikkei) |
27. |
Re: Elek Gabornak (mind) |
30 sor |
(cikkei) |
28. |
Re: The Cigarette Hold (Usual Suspects) (mind) |
19 sor |
(cikkei) |
29. |
Re: Comparative Suicide (mind) |
50 sor |
(cikkei) |
30. |
Re: Balogh Eva, a Zsido Husvet Konfuziusza (mind) |
18 sor |
(cikkei) |
31. |
Re: [Fwd: Re: HAL: definition of hungarian] (mind) |
25 sor |
(cikkei) |
32. |
Re: SCM: Re: Anna Smith & Goober Barfsai (mind) |
14 sor |
(cikkei) |
33. |
Re: Another PRRZZZZT! (mind) |
23 sor |
(cikkei) |
34. |
Re: Elek Gabornak (mind) |
144 sor |
(cikkei) |
35. |
Wally e s az Angol. (O:ngo l) (mind) |
64 sor |
(cikkei) |
36. |
Re: Comparative Suicide (mind) |
17 sor |
(cikkei) |
37. |
13 sor |
(cikkei) |
38. |
Re: Need Hungarian term for cell-phone (mind) |
26 sor |
(cikkei) |
39. |
Re: [Fwd: Re: HAL: definition of hungarian] (mind) |
20 sor |
(cikkei) |
40. |
Re: [Fwd: Re: HAL: definition of hungarian] (mind) |
20 sor |
(cikkei) |
41. |
Re: Elek Gabornak (mind) |
47 sor |
(cikkei) |
42. |
Re: Barbarism in Chechnya (& AMERICAN New Worl Order BI (mind) |
155 sor |
(cikkei) |
43. |
Ki tud konkret informacioval szolgalni? (mind) |
6 sor |
(cikkei) |
+ - | Re: "I love you" in many languages Re: Please help tran (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
Followup-To: soc.culture.kenya,soc.culture.korean,soc.culture.kuwait,soc.cultur
References: > > <4i132
> >
Lines: 14
X-Newsreader: TIN [UNIX 1.3 950824BETA PL0]
Gabriël Vandewalle ) wrote:
: wrote:
: >I love you in China Henan Province:
: >wo3 zhong1 yi4 ni3
: In Dutch
: Ik hou van jou.
+ - | Re: "I love you" in many languages Re: Please help tran (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
Followup-To: soc.culture.kenya,soc.culture.korean,soc.culture.kuwait,soc.cultur
References: > > <4i132
> >
Lines: 14
X-Newsreader: TIN [UNIX 1.3 950824BETA PL0]
Gabriël Vandewalle ) wrote:
: wrote:
: >I love you in China Henan Province:
: >wo3 zhong1 yi4 ni3
: In Dutch
: Ik hou van jou.
+ - | Re: "I love you" in many languages Re: Please help tran (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
Followup-To: soc.culture.kenya,soc.culture.korean,soc.culture.kuwait,soc.cultur
References: > > <4i132
> >
Lines: 14
X-Newsreader: TIN [UNIX 1.3 950824BETA PL0]
Gabriël Vandewalle ) wrote:
: wrote:
: >I love you in China Henan Province:
: >wo3 zhong1 yi4 ni3
: In Dutch
: Ik hou van jou.
+ - | Re: Elek Gabornak (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
Peter Szaszvari > wrote:
>Tudod Jozsi en az idom igen nagy hanyadaban szamitogepekkel foglalkozom, es
>eros a gyanum, hogy az idezett betores koholmany.
Jo, akkor halljuk a teoriaidat arrol, hogy hogyan juthatott Elek ahhoz a
privat levelhez? Mert az biztos, hogy sem Ilona, sem en nem kuldtunk
masolatot rola neki.
Csupa ful vagyok.
+ - | Re: Elek Gabornak (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
Peter Szaszvari > wrote:
>Tipical Pannon. May I remind you that the original post was speaking about the
>home computer? If somebody can not tell his/her computer from the one of the
>university, how can she/he accuse somebody with hacking?
There are a lot of people on the Internet, who have no idea about the
underlying setup they are using. Once somebody showed them how to dial
in and that's all they care to know about it. To them *THE* computer is
the PC whose keyboard they use. One does not have to have ESP too
figure out that Ilona is one of those people. If you could not
figure that out immediately, I am not surprised that you have so much
trouble understanding other concepts mentioned here before. They are
indeed code words for you.
+ - | Goober s PRRZZZZZZT! (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
</PRRZZZZT!!> The sound of Goober's post entering the atmosphere.
(Gabor Barsai)
|I dunno...is this some liberal-bolshevik-hungarian-cosmopolite (whatever the
|hell that means) tactic? Methinks I wrote 'bout diff'rent stuff, too.
|But you're right, I guess I got carried away by the heat of the moment
|(especially with Brigi...my true love).
+ - | Re: SCM: pen pal (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
Szervusz Susan,
I am an American born Hungarian as well, searching for people of my
culture. I speak Hungarian quite well.
If I meet your qualifications, please send me an E-Mail at:
- Pal.
______________________________ Reply Separator ________________________________
Subject: SCM: pen pal
Author: at Internet
Date: 4/10/96 8:14 PM
I am an American/Hungarian, and unfortunately, I was not brought up
speaking the language. I have a book called "Teach Yourself Hungarian" by
Zsuzsa Pontifex, however, I think that the best way to learn a language is
if it is spoken (or in this case,...written). Therefore, if there is any
brave soul out there who is interested in conversing in Hungarian/English,
please let me know!
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subs/unsubs info - mailto:
digest - mailto:
+ - | Re: Ms. Stolmar s insinuations (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
In article >, Mpflerr > wrote:
>The original point of Ms. Stolmar's posting was two fold. While she did
>speak about a break in, she also (in her disorganized fashion) took this
>opportunity to make derogatory statements about Hungarian jews. In her
>posting the two points are
I didn't understand her statement as sweeping as that; only covering
those Jews whom she felt prosecuted by. But this brings me back to
something I mentioned once before. I can imagine people, who have been
targeted by the Maffia or Cosa Nostra that they might sometimes speak
derogatorily about "those Italians." After all, the membership of these
organizations tends to be pretty much Italian. Yet nobody in his or her
right mind would think that ALL Italians are like that. To my
knowledge, the Italians themselves understand this, too, and don't make
the kind of sweeping assumptions you guys make when somebody says
something negative about some Jews. I don't get it. Why do you have to
always assume that ALL Jews are being attacked when only a Jewish
"Maffia" (for lack of a better term) is?
As to the two points "being inseparable", I doubt it. One is the issue
of crime, the other is the exercise of constitutionally protected free
speech. You may not like it, but there is not much you can do about it
except exercising the same right yourself.
+ - | Re: He is Risen was: Re: Jews: "Know thyself" (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
Dan K. wrote:
> I wish all a truly happy Easter on the remembrance day of the Lord's Resurrec
tion. It
> is unbelievable but true that Jesus of Nazareth was truly the Son of God and
the long
> awaited Messiah of the Prophets of Israel.
> Praise God, may He send Jesus back soon!
> God Bless, Dan K.
If and when the Messiah shows up, and it turns out to be Jesus,
I may agree with you. Until then, no thanks. IMHO, Christians are
dangerously close to polytheism and idolaty. Some might claim that
Jesus violated the First Commandment, and the Christian Church violates
the Second. I feel that your evalgelizing is offensive to those of us
of the Jewish faith and wish you would confine it to your own newsgroup.
Geoff Cooper
Campfires forever!
+ - | Romanian Tigani-Burners (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
Brigitta Bali > wrote:
>BTW, Wally says you're WELL HUNGary -- no PUNgarian intended. Is that
(Joe) wrote:
|I would hate to disagree with Wally in anything! Just look what happened
|to those who did in the soc.culture.romanian. He made a minced meat out of
|them. ;-)
Have you noticed that the Romanians have given me a wide berth, all except
Mark-In-The-Dark Cristian, but he's really a toy. I do enjoy your postings
of pepper appearing in there once in a while. You have a knack for riling
that nest of tigani-burners. I'd like to get Mark drunk one Friday night
and put him on the Fekete Vonat (vomit) -- one way.
Wally Keeler Poetry
Creative Intelligence Agency is
Peoples Republic of Poetry Poetency
+ - | Brigitta & Wally (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
In >, (leslie howard)
>What a team!
>I hear wedding bells!!!
In > (sodrem) wrote:
|I have the sneeking suspicion that they are one and the same people.
|What do you think?
You are very very close. The question is; which is the real one? Perhaps
both? Maybe we are pARTners. Hmmmmm
I have published books of poetry. Check out the Metro Toronto Reference
Library. WALKING ON THE GREENHOUSE ROOF, Delta Canada, 1969.
I've published two other books under other pseudonyms. One was a book of
prose-poetry entitled MY COMINGS, the other was entitled: 1ST NTRM RPORT OF
My Hungarian references are: Faludy George
Demszky Gabor
Zend Robert
Szkarosi Endre (of Uj Holgyfutar infamy)
Wally Keeler Poetry
Creative Intelligence Agency is
Peoples Republic of Poetry Poetency
+ - | Goober Barfsai & The Pile (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
soc.culture.magyar has recently seen an surge in the production of
industrial-strength fertilizer. Not since the immasculation of the Horthy
Hordes and Commie Covens have the FUNgarian people seen such a quantum
display of post-nutritive disposal substances. GOOBER PRZZT BARFSAI BRAND,
in 5 litre bags, is guaranteed to produce robust papikras. Just sprinkle
your lawn and be astonished at the growth -- it's almost as if a politician
had spoken there. GOOBER PRZZT BARFSAI BRAND is recognized internationally.
The supply is endless. Below is a list of some of the many nutrients to be
(Gabor Barsai)wrote:
Don't bet on it...yesterday at the local BP gas station a chick asked me to
lunch while I was paying for gas. She has nice blue eyes and black hair.
I mean, I can't help my good looks and superior qualities, can I?
You're a feisty one, aren't you! I like that in a woman, too...
Here's a few poems, just for Brigi:
Who is it, that makes me feel oogy,
Only you, my dear, sweet Brigi.
Reggel nem tudok enni, mert Rad gondolok,
Delben nem tudok enni, mert Rad gondolok,
Este nem tudok enni, mert Rad gondolok,
Ejjel nem tudok aludni, mert ehes vagyok.
Oh, I'm just soooooo good!
How it is processed:
____ // \__
| \\ // \:,
|_______|__|_// ;:;
_L_____________\o ;;;
|(Gabor Barsai)wrote: Don't bet on|
|it. . . yesterday at the local BP|
|gas station a chick asked me to|
|lunch while I was paying for gas.|
|She has nice blue eyes and black|
|hair. I mean,I can't help my good|
\looks and superior qualities, can/
\I? You're a feisty one, aren't/
\you! I like that in a woman,/
\too. . .Here's a few poems,/
\just for Brigi:Who is it,/
\that makes me feel oogy/
\Only you, my dear, sw/
\eet Brigi.Reggel ne/
\m tudok enni, mer/
\t Rad gondolok,/
\Delben nem tu/
\dok enni, m/
\ert Rad g/
|Este ne|
|tudok a|
|aha! Oh|
|Im just|
| '
G |
( E )F )
) ) (
( (( ( )
)) )) ) ( (
) (( GOBS O ( )) )
( )) GABOR BARSAI (( ( (
> ==================================================================
Wally Keeler Poetry
Creative Intelligence Agency is
Peoples Republic of Poetry Poetency
+ - | Re: "I love you" in many languages Re: Please help tran (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
Followup-To: soc.culture.kenya,soc.culture.korean,soc.culture.kuwait,soc.cultur
References: > > <4i132
> >
Lines: 14
X-Newsreader: TIN [UNIX 1.3 950824BETA PL0]
Gabriël Vandewalle ) wrote:
: wrote:
: >I love you in China Henan Province:
: >wo3 zhong1 yi4 ni3
: In Dutch
: Ik hou van jou.
+ - | Re: "I love you" in many languages Re: Please help tran (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
Followup-To: soc.culture.kenya,soc.culture.korean,soc.culture.kuwait,soc.cultur
References: > > <4i132
> >
Lines: 14
X-Newsreader: TIN [UNIX 1.3 950824BETA PL0]
Gabriël Vandewalle ) wrote:
: wrote:
: >I love you in China Henan Province:
: >wo3 zhong1 yi4 ni3
: In Dutch
: Ik hou van jou.
+ - | Another PRRZZZZT! (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
</PRRZZZZT> Another post enters the atmosphere.
(Gabor Barsai)wrote:
:Don't bet on it...yesterday at the local BP gas station a chick asked me to
:lunch while I was paying for gas. She has nice blue eyes and black hair.
:I mean, I can't help my good looks and superior qualities, can I?
:You're a feisty one, aren't you! I like that in a woman, too...
:Here's a few poems, just for Brigi:
:Who is it, that makes me feel oogy,
:Only you, my dear, sweet Brigi.
:Reggel nem tudok enni, mert Rad gondolok,
:Delben nem tudok enni, mert Rad gondolok,
:Este nem tudok enni, mert Rad gondolok,
:Ejjel nem tudok aludni, mert ehes vagyok.
:Oh, I'm just soooooo good!
+ - | Nagy Lajos & Confucius WAS: Re: Balogh Eva, a Zsido Hu (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
Oh Lajos, Lajos...Laius, Laius..son of Labdacus! I can tell that you are
secretly brimming with pride, you are soo proud of yourself. You are sooo
clever. It has been a while that I have seen so much rubbish on one page.
It is quite funny, that you happened to pick Confucius to hide behind in
your childish diatribe. Confucius, the "Ultimate Sage" tought that the
perfection of both the individual and society requires the successive
"Eight Steps":
1. Investigation of things
2. Extension of knowledge
3. Sincerity of the will
4. Setting the heart right
5. Cultivation of the self
6. Family harmony
7. National order
8. World peace
Thus an ideal society starts with learning and culminates in peace.
Maybe it would do you good to adopt Confucian ethics.
So, get started, ...are you ready boots?....
Recommended reading - M.M. Dawson "Conduct of Life:
The Basic Thoughts of Confucius" and Lin Yu-tang "Wisdom and Confucius".
+ - | Re: Elek Gabornak (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
In article >, > wrote:
| Laszlo Horvath > wrote:
| >As to somebody having broken into her computer! It sounds improbable.
| >Even if it were technically feasible. What would be the motivation on the
| >part of the accused person? Her home isn't the Pentagon.
| Really improbable? Now how do you figure Elek obtained a copy of a
| private e-mail then to which he was not a party?
Yeah let's consider him guilty until proven innocent! BTW I
can suggest some ways. Eg someone sent ti to him.
+ - | Re: Elek Gabornak (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
Istvan Szucs > wrote:
>| As I mentioned in my earlier post, I, too, didn't think that Elek
>| committed the break-in himself. However, he proved himself to posess
>| stolen property and as such he is a "fencer". I think he could be held
>| liable from that angle, if not for a proven break-in.
>Geez. than I am guilty too, if I read the letter on
>soc.culture.magyar and saved a copy of it.
I don't know how long have you been here in the US, but I thought long
enough to know some basic facts about democratic practices. But your
above statement shows a total ignorance of them. (Why am I not
surprised?) OK, a gyengebbek kedveert ... Here is what you should have
known: Once an information became public, it's an entirely different
game. Hint: it's now in the public domain! Of course that does not
absolve Elek for his crime.
>Check the original claim of Ms Stolmar with the description
>of what she claims happened.
Check my answer to Szaszvari on the same issue. Your perception isn't
much better than his, obviously.
>No, but that leves various possibilities open.
Like what? Don't leave me hanging in suspense, PLEEEEZE!
>Check his claims. Maynbe it's my mistake but I don't
>remember reading that he admitted to have hacked Ms
>Stolmar's computer.
Not in so many words. But before we continue, let's clarify some terms
first. In computer parlance, "hacker" is not what you think it is.
What you should really be using here is "cracker". Hacker is a positive
term, denoting persons whose interest and curiosity drives them to know
details about systems beyond "the call of duty". See "kernel hackers",
for instance. The term hacker however does not imply pranks, such as
break-ins into other systems, planting viruses, etc. Those things are
done by crackers. Unfortunately the ignorant media helps perpetuating
this wrong usage of the terms. I would expect you to know better.
Now, back to your original notion:
>I don't remember reading that he admitted to have hacked Ms
>Stolmar's computer.
Sure he did not. He must have sensed that what he was doing wasn't
quite "kosher" as he wrote:
> Ide kivankozik egy dokumentum,
> ami nyilvan aljas hamisitvany, de a magamfajta liberalis dogkeselyu lecsap
> az ilyesmire. :-)))))
> ... content of the letter omitted ...
> Ennek a nyilvanvaloan hamis levelnek a nyilvanvaloan hamis cimzettjet
> nem ohajtom zavarba hozni ezert toroltem...
Whom did he think he was kidding? Especially after only a couple weeks
that he announced his posession of the letter in which he also named
its addressee (yours truly).
Whether he himself did the cracking (which I find unlikely), or one of
his Unix guru friends, his guilt is only different in degree. By
accepting *AND* then publicizing an illegally obtained document, he is
an accomplice. His only defense would be that he did not know that the
document was illegally obtained. In light of the circumstances, he
would have a hard time convincing a jury about that. He obviously knew
what he was dealing with, and just could not resist his urges to let us
know that *HE KNOWS*. That's a typical Elek trait.
BTW, why doesn't he speak for himself if he is so innocent?
Where is his legendary chutzpah? Could he be searching some case
histories in the law books as he used to? That might be the best thing
right now he could do for his own sake.
Joe Pannon
+ - | Re: SCM: Re: Anna Smith & Goober Barfsai (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
Oh poor Wally. With an attitude like that you'll never get a date. BTW,
I think calling me honeybuns will get your little girlfriend Bridg's
panties in a bunch since that's pretty much along the lines of "chick"
now isn't it? LOLOLOL Oh, and you shouldn't feel too sorry for me dear.
Traveling the world this summer before I go off to med school is what I
do. Nice try but I don't think so...LOLOLOLOLOL
Let's see what else Wally tried to flame me with...(it's pretty comical!)
On Thu, 11 Apr 1996, Wally Keeler weakly attempted to flame me by stating:
> >
> Enike >Anna Smith Wrote:
> |So now I get dragged into this shit?
> Listen honeybuns, you weren't dragged in. As I recall you willingly stepped
> into it by answering Gabor Barsai"s moose mating call: Here chick, chick
> chick chick, here chick chick chick.
> |I wasn't aware that having a sense of humor causes one to have no self
> |respect.
> So listen chick, how come you lost your sense of humour...
If there were humour, I'd recognize it. As someone who wrote to me
earlier stated, it's been pretty witless to say the least.
> |It was my first day on this list when I (not realizing how little of the
> |hungarian culture is actually discussed here) responded to that not even
> |thinking about how I *should be* offended.
> ... on this your second posting. My my what a short wick we have here.
Not my second posting but I guess counting isn't your strong suit...
Oh, and wasn't it your little friend who got all bent about a simple term
like chick? My my, what a short wick she has there...
> |I would go on and on about "my husband this and my husband that" ...
> I don't think Goober is interested in this.
And so? Why would I care darling?
> |...and all the other tired things ...
> What, your husband is a tired thing -- that could be Goober's opening.
> |... that have been thrown about (yawn)
tired=your conversation. I guess reading with comprehension isn't your
strong suit either....LOLOLOL
> So you abuse your husband. I think Goober will love you more.
Now Wally, isn't that a personal issue? And you try to make Goober out
to be the pervert...
> |...but I have nothing to prove.
> Of course you have nothing. We can all see that chicks don't have that sort
> of thing.
Ok, well that made absolutely no sense but, again, I'm not surprised...
> |Don't drag others into your tired conversation unless you want them to
> |respond.
> You did respond didn't you? First to Goober's mating call, then to
> Brigitta's reply to Goober.
Funny how you know so much about the mating rituals of the moose...
> |I guess it must suck having that much time on your hands. Poor thing.
> I love having time to squander. Sure beats slaving at a lousy 9-2-5 job.
> Is that what you do? Poor chick.
I thought it said that you were creative below...guess not. Again, nice
try but I don't think so. But, I don't blame you. You have to try to
save face somehow. Poor, poor Wally.
> --
> Wally Keeler Poetry
> Creative Intelligence Agency is
> Peoples Republic of Poetry Poetency
> ======= The following has been added by the mailer software =======
> subs/unsubs info - mailto:
> digest - mailto:
+ - | Re: Elek Gabornak (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
In article >, () wrote:
>Istvan Szucs > wrote:
>Sure he did not. He must have sensed that what he was doing wasn't
>quite "kosher" as he wrote:
I don't know how it is called in English. Pannonizm?
Did you read your quote?
There is no any trace in it of what you try to prove!
He says in an ironic way that he thinks that it will be called forgery.
But you may not understand it, you know. It is "coded" :)
Please teach us to read!
>> Ide kivankozik egy dokumentum,
>> ami nyilvan aljas hamisitvany, de a magamfajta liberalis dogkeselyu lecsap
>> az ilyesmire. :-)))))
>> ... content of the letter omitted ...
>> Ennek a nyilvanvaloan hamis levelnek a nyilvanvaloan hamis cimzettjet
>> nem ohajtom zavarba hozni ezert toroltem...
In fact the text implies that he got the document from somebody who passed it
on to him.
Szaszvari Peter
+ - | Comparative Suicide (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
Suicide was Re: Another Poem
Wally Keeler > wrote:
>Yes I did write that poem -- long long time ago.
>Here's another one which I wrote several years after my father's suicide.
>I was 12 when he did it. He suffered from war dreams -- WWII.
>(from the book entitled:
>Walking on the Greenhouse Roof, 1969, Delta Canada Press
>by Wally Keeler)
|Thanks, Wally, for letting us know your other side. I hope it does not
|belong to the past only. This poem was very moving. That tragedy must
|have been quite hard to bear for someone so young. I don't wish it to
|my worst enemies.
Suicide is an interesting thing. My father's suicide strengthened my life.
With all due respect to my father and the fact that it is a complex
phenomenon to understand, I regard it somewhat as a cowardly act. I
acknowledge that my life as a Canadian has never caused me to know the
horror of war, so I really am in no position to judge such an act by my
father, nevertheless, I have internalized the attitude that whatever life
may throw my way, I consider it far more preferential to kill someone else,
rather than myself.
In Canada, there is a high suicide rate amongst the Native Canadians, very
close to the rate that Hungarians commit suicide, perhaps even exceeding
it. The Natives live in remote and isolated communities and they have been
culturally immasculated -- the unrelenting despair of their lives leads all
too often to alcoholism, sniffing and suicide. The Hungarian suicide rate I
found curious, largely because I consider Hungary more economically and
culturally advantaged than its former Warsaw Pact neighbours, especially
Romania, where there is more reason for despair than in Hungary, yet the
resilience of the Romanians, insofar as the suicide rate is concerned,
exceeds that of the Hungarians. Why do you think this may be so?
Wally Keeler Poetry
Creative Intelligence Agency is
Peoples Republic of Poetry Poetency
+ - | Moose Calls For Anna (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
On March 27, while trolling for an easy spring fling, Goober Barfsai sent
out this moose mating call:
|o In > o|
|o 27 Mar 1996, Gabor Barsai wrote: o|
|o > Are there any chicks reading this newsgroup? (Beside Marina...) o|
|o o|
Answering to the call of "Here, chick, chick, chick", We have the self-
respecting appearance of one panting Anna Smith, who, in all likelihood
would also answer to "Here broad, broad, broad".
|o In > o|
|o Mon, 1 Apr 1996 Enike > wrote: o|
|o Sure are! o|
|o Anna o|
|o o|
"oink! oink! Here I am."
Go get her Goober studmuffin; sizzle the bacon, meathead.
Wally Keeler Poetry
Creative Intelligence Agency is
Peoples Republic of Poetry Poetency
+ - | Dimaist vs Dadaist (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
(Gyorgy Kovacs)wrote:
|Just for the record:
|Last year, when Gabor presented his usual springtime question about chicks
|in the newsgroup, I reminded him first that it's more respectful
|</applause> to call them ladies, </applause> or women. </applause>
My, my, aren't you the politically correct tight-ass! But that was last
year, this is now and you joined the chauvinist chorus of "Magyar Morsels"
shaking the Verbal Big One at Brigitta Bali. I guess you've fallen this
year from the high grace place you were at last year.
|So much about being a misogynist.
I adjust. Since you fell from grace from last year to this year, then you
are a misogynist-in-the-making. (Aren't you appreciative of the education?
Without me you'd never have learned about the widely known word --
|Wally Keeler accuses me with not living up to my promise of stepping out
|from a thread. False of course, I never posted anything further in the
|"Gay Life in Budapest" thread. ( You lied Wally)
The thread was extended under the heading "I hear a cheer". There was
overlap. Your petty technicality does not void the spirit of your
transgression of your own declaration to cease and desist.
| wondered what would be the evidence of me being
| - self centered
| - autoerotic
| - homophobic
| - misogynist (whatever the heck that means)
| - whining hypocrite
|The best he could come up with was: "The evidence is your posts." He keeps
|it secret even from himself which parts he is referring to, just like Dima
|did not too long ago.
I never knew Dima. Don't care either. At any rate, there is no secret. Your
posts are there for all to read. SCMniks will determine for themselves by
reading your posts.
|Than he acts surprised: "Misogynist? You don't know what that means and
|you're going to University?" I wonder which major requires the knowledge
|of the term for hating women.
The point being made is that misogynist is not an esoteric word. It may not
be a street corner word. I expected from you a university level of
literacy. The major is irrelevent to the point. If you take the political
posture of reminding others that it is disrespectful to refer to women as
chicks, then I assumed that you would have known some of the vocabularly
involved in that subject, but alas, your literacy is shallow.
|He considers name calling that I regard to his trash as unimportant
|(nothing), so I am not really surprised by his latest stunt.
Your posts have been far less than noble; ie. your ugly gland comment to
Brigitta Bali. I really don't mind the comment. It was a banal attempt at
some wit, but don't assume the self-righteous posture because it don't sell
-- it's not honest. Indeed, your ugly gland comment to Brigitta could
certainly be regarded as trash from a nobody male chauvinist pig. But
you'll have to ask Brigitta what she thought of your contribution to the
chauvinist chorus of Magyar Morsels.
|Without base ha claims that
(Gyorgy Kovacs) asks:
|- "woman-hater" (what the heck is a woman?)
|Your mother, dipstick.
|If you followed my posts (I hope you did not get too bored)
Alas, your hopes where dashed against the rocky shore. </yawn> </zzzzzzzz>
As Brigitta so aptly put it, your posts would cause snorgasms for almost
|you see that I never asked a dumb question like that.
Dumb relates to a person who is unable to speak, as in deaf and dumb. You
probably intended the word stupid. Jeeeez, you need a remedial literacy
course or two. The above quote that you refer to is totally without base --
it's fiction. I'm a poet -- what the hell do you expect? It was a fictive
pin prick in your butt and you yelped as planned. I'm delighted in my play.
I have enjoyed toying with you. I've grown weary with the banality and
blandness of your posts and arguments.
I was hoping for some worthy opponents, but alas I'm disappointed in the
Mighty Magyar Morsels. I tip my hat to Joe Pannon, a man with depth of wit
and humour, the man who avoids OJ's killfile. He is truly a WELL HUNGarian.
I'm afraid that you, Gayorgy KoVACUOUS, and the rest of the chorus are
|Well that's a real unmodified Dimaist
I'm really an unrepentant dadaist. (Don't bother to ask what the heck this
is. Look it up for yourself. I'll give you a clue -- The great Romanian,
Tristan Tzara. There's a Hungarian originator also.
|method from Wally, and of course just an other lie.
Fiction my dear KoVACUOUS.
|And for the finish: I guess I just figured out
I shower him with clues for days on end, and finally the full 10 watt bulb
glows. Gayorgy has seen the light.
|why Wally jumped on me for refusing to consider Budapest as a Gay Resort
|(which it isn't):
It's not for you to decide whether it is or not. The gay community will
make that decision according to criteria that they chose. Originally, there
was no suggestion that Budapest was a GAY RESORT. That was a straw man that
you set up.
|From: (Wally Keeler)
|Subject: Gabor Barsai & Mr WELL HUNGary
|...................................... And for what I know of Joe, he is
I can't help what Joe shows of himself in my hangout, soc.culture.romanian.
|Please keep reading the newsgroup,
As if everybody needs your encouragement. What kind of pretentious
posturing of generosity is this?
|there is good stuff in it too, not only Wally's Poems and Brigitta's
We're published; not only in our home countries and languages, but in other
countries. Our reading worth is established.
|o o|
|o We interrupt this post for an important public service announcement: o|
|o o|
|o Scientists working out of MIT's Tranquility Laboratory report that o|
|o prolonged exposure to Gyorgy Kovacs' Usenet Posts leads to depletion o|
|o of creativity and wit and their replacement with deleterious effects o|
|o of banality and blandness. o|
|o o|
|o We now return you to your regularly scheduled post. o|
|o o|
Ciao Gayorgy, It's been a bore!
Wally Keeler Poetry
Creative Intelligence Agency is
Peoples Republic of Poetry Poetency
+ - | Re: Elek Gabornak (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
In article >,
> wrote:
>Peter Szaszvari > wrote:
>>Tudod Jozsi en az idom igen nagy hanyadaban szamitogepekkel foglalkozom, es
>>eros a gyanum, hogy az idezett betores koholmany.
>Jo, akkor halljuk a teoriaidat arrol, hogy hogyan juthatott Elek ahhoz a
>privat levelhez? Mert az biztos, hogy sem Ilona, sem en nem kuldtunk
>masolatot rola neki.
Az egyikotok egyetemen valaki ellopta a levelet (nem kell nagy
tudas hozza), es elkuldte Elek Gabinak. Nagyobb a valoszinusege,
mint hogy Elek betorne egy gepre (nem hiszem, hogy ertene hozza).
Nem nezett valaki tul sok cyberpunk filmet????? Azoknak uzenem, betorni
nem olyan egyszeru, mint egyesek hiszik.
Gyula P. Szokoly ) -------------------------------\
| When I am weaker than you, I ask you for freedom because that is according|
|to your principles; when I am stronger than you, I take away your freedom|
|because that is according to my principles. -- Frank Herbert|
+ - | Re: Ekezetek (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
In article > Nagy Peter, snark@ writes:
>Van ilyen iratlan szabaly; figyeld csak meg a legtobb felhasznalot.
Pont olyan vagy, mint a faterom. Ramtukmalta 120 eves kibaszott bo-
rotvajat (ami mellesleg orosz) hogy svejcba haaaatha lehet még hozza
kapni rostat. Nem volt kepes tudomasul venni, hogy ami elavult, az el-
A hozzaalasod az ekezetes betuk kerdesehez a szamitastechnika ela-
vulasi tempojat figyelembe veve egyenesen nevetseges.
>Na de mindegy. Vegulis ugysem olvasom az eszetlensegeidet.
Aha. Tehat ugyan gondolatolvaso vagy, de azer' zavarnak az ékezetes
gondolataim.. ;-)
>Furcsa hogy mas forumokon kepes vagy
>ekezet nelkul irni, de mint mondtam, mindegy.
Istenem, milyen emberek vannak.........
A HIX nem eszi az ekezeteset. De kedvedert ki fogom probalni. Ha eszi,
ezentul oda is ugy fogok irni.
Az angolnyelvu forumokban nincs ekezet, tudod az angol nyelv miatt.
Mar a naďve-t meg a noël-t is trema nelkul irjak.
Ha nagyritkan nemetul irok, hasznalom az umlautos ä-t, meg a ß-t a
még straßeban is, hagyörüjjenek neki.
Ekezetesen egyebkent nehezebb irni. Nem lenyegesen, de nehezebb vagy
inkabb lassabb.
A tobbiek kedveert, es a magyar nyelv irant erzett tisztelet miatt
tettem eddig. (Ja persze, ez utobbit aztan magyarazhatom egy libe-
ralisnak. Orrverzesig.) A versek pedig kegyetlen rondán néznek ki
ékezetek nélkül.
+ - | Re: Elek Gabornak (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
In article >,
> wrote:
>stuff deleted<< .....................................If you could not
>figure that out immediately, I am not surprised that you have so much
>trouble understanding other concepts mentioned here before. They are
>indeed code words for you.
Once again I know that you did not ask me, but:
Joe, would you please stop treating people who are not proficient in a certain
area as kids? I don't know what your area is, but I bet I could find something
where my expertise is much greater than yours. Would you like to be treated as
a child for not knowing everything about that particular area? Guess not. See?
There are so many other ways to make a point without insulting each other.
Unless of course your point is to insult. My key word is: please.
Regards: GK
+ - | Re: Elek Gabornak (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
In article >,
> wrote:
| Peter Szaszvari > wrote:
| >
| >Tipical Pannon. May I remind you that the original post was speaking about t
| >home computer? If somebody can not tell his/her computer from the one of the
| >university, how can she/he accuse somebody with hacking?
| There are a lot of people on the Internet, who have no idea about the
| underlying setup they are using. Once somebody showed them how to dial
| in and that's all they care to know about it. To them *THE* computer is
| the PC whose keyboard they use. One does not have to have ESP too
| figure out that Ilona is one of those people. If you could not
| figure that out immediately, I am not surprised that you have so much
| trouble understanding other concepts mentioned here before. They are
| indeed code words for you.
Whoops.. sorry. I was under the impression that if someone
openly accuses someone with a crime they can be assumed to
take their claims seriously enough to be factually accurate.
urns out that Ilona allows herself to
make open accusations more freely -0 read without knowing
what it is she is talkiong about as evidenced by not being
able to differentiate between the computer she is using at
home and the computer her home computer is connected to. If
one cannot understand and express the difference between
these things then one should not make open accusations about
a subject-computer crime- that they need so little about.
+ - | Re: The Cigarette Hold (Usual Suspects) (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
On 10 Apr 1996, Donata Guerra wrote:
> Why are Hungarian men often depicted in films as holding a cigarette
> between thumb and index finger, often vertically.
> > Even in the film The Usual Suspects, the antagonist Kayser Soze, as
> played by the limping "Gimp" Kevin Spacey is shown, early on, sucking
> cigarette fumes in this posture (a tip-off that he's the Hungarian devil
> himself).
Just a mention:
As I understood from the film, Kayser Soze was not a Hungarian (Turkish?),
but he was "at war" with the Hungarian gang.
> It certainly is a sexy posture... Why do you guys do it this way?
I have no idea about this. Interesting what people pick up as
being characteristic of Hungarians...
+ - | Re: Comparative Suicide (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
In article >,
Wally Keeler > wrote:
>In Canada, there is a high suicide rate amongst the Native Canadians, very
>close to the rate that Hungarians commit suicide, perhaps even exceeding
>it. The Natives live in remote and isolated communities and they have been
>culturally immasculated -- the unrelenting despair of their lives leads all
>too often to alcoholism, sniffing and suicide. The Hungarian suicide rate I
>found curious, largely because I consider Hungary more economically and
>culturally advantaged than its former Warsaw Pact neighbours, especially
>Romania, where there is more reason for despair than in Hungary, yet the
>resilience of the Romanians, insofar as the suicide rate is concerned,
>exceeds that of the Hungarians. Why do you think this may be so?
I think it is because of the "honor and respect" attitude that is prevalent for
some reason in Hungarian society, or at least as I have found. For some reason,
which I am not able to understand, there is a tendency to take everything
personally. Therefore, being labeled as "bad" is seen as an objective, rather
than a subjective statement. If somebody does not act in a way that is
"accepted" by Hungarian society, the society will label you as "bad". Since
that is taken on an objective level, you become an outcast.
Look at Horthy or Antall, the last and first independent political leaders
(let's not mention the communists who took everything personally, anybody who
was against them was liquidated, and who weren't independent in political
Both Horthy and Antall seemed to be occupied by moral issues instead of
pragmatic issues, as I see it. (Trying to regain the "thousand year borders" or
being the "prime-minister of 15,000,000 Hungarians".) This is all nice, but
moral victories don't amount to much in the long run. There have been a few
posts concerning how Hungary and the Hungarians "saved the West from the
Turkish scourge in the 16th and 17th century, so the West should repay its debt
for this". Even being a Hungarian, I consider that stupid. Complaining about
such stuff will just make the country look moronic.
I think the only way to lower the suicide rate is to try to create better
economic conditions, instead of concentrating on moral issues, and being
Look at my innocent post on "chicks". Talking to two American women from my
department, and with my knowledge of American attitudes, I considered that word
innocent. The only ones criticizing me were people with Hungarian names
(Brigitta, Laszlo Zvekan "no chicks here" and Kovacs Gyuri). People with
non-Hungarian names posted "there sure are". Even if I considered Brigi a slut,
would that make her a slut? Or would it be just my opinion? If Csurka considers
me as a dork, or if Wally considers me a "meathead", would I be one? Nope.
(BTW, I think Pamela Anderson, the ultimate fluff-chick, is from Edmonton,
nicht war?)
+ - | Re: Balogh Eva, a Zsido Husvet Konfuziusza (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
In article >,
> wrote:
| Balogh Eva a konfuz identitas bajnoka, valoszinuleg
| a Nagy Filizofust, Konfuziuszt tartja peldakepenek.
| Nem, az igazi nev nem "Konfuciusz", mint ahogy szelso-
| jobboldali nacionalista kinaiak nevezik Nagy Filozofusukat.
| Benne van az Orszagban (es persze a HVG-ben), hogy
| kulturak "multikulturava" valo osszekutyulasa valamilyen
| profetat kovetel - Konfuziusz erre a legalkalmasabb.
Ebben a levelben van inszinualas, hangulatkeltes, guny, es
humor is. Allitast viszont nagyitova; sem
talalni. Erdekelne, tehat hogy az iroja milyen cellal,
szandekkal irta?
+ - | Re: [Fwd: Re: HAL: definition of hungarian] (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
In article > Peter Kovalszki,
>This may seem as fuzzy, untidy, confused- but there is nothing
>better, and ultimately I agree with Andy Vadasz " Hungarian is who
>claims to be Hungarian- Magyar az aki magyarnak vallja magat " !
No, it is not enough. I mean it works well in private life, and I will
honestly believe everybody who says so. It does not mean, however,
that my opinion will be the same in public life. I pay tax, I was sol-
dier for 1 year, and I am going to live my life in Hungary . Because of
these I want more privileges than one who just wants to be believed
Hungarian by merely stating it. (let say a tamil refugee who does not
even speak the language.) In this context the "magyarság" has finan-
tial consequences.
> Ultimately the question " Mi a magyar ?" lead to many heated and
>ultimately unproductive debates, without solving the mistery- let us
>accept everybody's word on his/her own "magyarsag"("Hungarianness")
The question also has a very sensitive political side. This is the point
where I am even more rigorous on Hungariannes. I can not consider a
political force/person/party Hungarian who served or serves foreign
interest. Par example Kadar is not Hungarian for me.
+ - | Re: SCM: Re: Anna Smith & Goober Barfsai (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
In article >,
Enike > wrote:
>On Thu, 11 Apr 1996, Wally Keeler weakly attempted to flame me by stating:
>> |Don't drag others into your tired conversation unless you want them to
>> |respond.
>> You did respond didn't you? First to Goober's mating call, then to
>> Brigitta's reply to Goober.
>Funny how you know so much about the mating rituals of the moose..
I know, it realllllllllllly surprised moi.
+ - | Re: Another PRRZZZZT! (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
In article >,
Brigitta Bali > wrote:
></PRRZZZZT> Another post enters the atmosphere.
>:Here's a few poems, just for Brigi:
>:Who is it, that makes me feel oogy,
>:Only you, my dear, sweet Brigi.
>:Reggel nem tudok enni, mert Rad gondolok,
>:Delben nem tudok enni, mert Rad gondolok,
>:Este nem tudok enni, mert Rad gondolok,
>:Ejjel nem tudok aludni, mert ehes vagyok.
And some more:
Brigitta Bali, you are the one,
Who fills my days with loads of fun.
Please keep on typing, don't let up,
So all our servers will get jammed up.
Oh, how do I become so good at anything I do???
+ - | Re: Elek Gabornak (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
In article >, > wrote:
| Istvan Szucs > wrote:
| >|
| >| As I mentioned in my earlier post, I, too, didn't think that Elek
| >| committed the break-in himself. However, he proved himself to posess
| >| stolen property and as such he is a "fencer". I think he could be held
| >| liable from that angle, if not for a proven break-in.
| >
| >Geez. than I am guilty too, if I read the letter on
| >soc.culture.magyar and saved a copy of it.
| I don't know how long have you been here in the US, but I thought long
| enough to know some basic facts about democratic practices. But your
| above statement shows a total ignorance of them. (Why am I not
| surprised?)
Bad faith? Lack of giving people the benefit of the doubt
when they disagree with you... that's why
An of course because as evidenced by your characterization
of the situation Elek being a fencer for posessing stolen
property it is clear that YOU are the one who has no idea
about what is the difference between Elek having received
the letter and being in posession of a stolen good. The two
are very different in the eyse of the law.
OK, a gyengebbek kedveert ... Here is what you should have
| known: Once an information became public, it's an entirely different
| game. Hint: it's now in the public domain! Of course that does not
| absolve Elek for his crime.
The question then is how do you know or how can you assume
that the information that Elek posessed did not get to him
in that same way? How do you know that he has not read it in
a similarly public forum?
| >
| >Check the original claim of Ms Stolmar with the description
| >of what she claims happened.
| Check my answer to Szaszvari on the same issue. Your perception isn't
| much better than his, obviously.
I answered it in that thread. Briefly - if you don';t know
what it is you are talking about that relies on technical
issues, don't make openl public accusations of crimethat is
based on technicalk understanding. If one makes openly
public accusations of a crime it is not unfair to assume
that the statements should be taken literally.
| >No, but that leves various possibilities open.
| Like what? Don't leave me hanging in suspense, PLEEEEZE!
That the letter was sent to him?
| >Check his claims. Maynbe it's my mistake but I don't
| >remember reading that he admitted to have hacked Ms
| >Stolmar's computer.
| Not in so many words. But before we continue, let's clarify some terms
| first. In computer parlance, "hacker" is not what you
think it is.
The word is properly used to mean both things. As a
programmer analyst I have soime idea :)
| What you should really be using here is "cracker". Hacker is a positive
| term, denoting persons whose interest and curiosity drives them to know
| details about systems beyond "the call of duty". See "kernel hackers",
| for instance. The term hacker however does not imply pranks, such as
| break-ins into other systems, planting viruses, etc. Those things are
| done by crackers. Unfortunately the ignorant media helps perpetuating
| this wrong usage of the terms. I would expect you to know better.
I though YOU would know that it is used to mean a variety
of things. Including what you outlined above. It also means
one who breaks in to computer systems, as well as those
people who through tricky code and ingenius use of resources
can push a ssytem to the limit.
| Now, back to your original notion:
| >I don't remember reading that he admitted to have hacked Ms
| >Stolmar's computer.
| Sure he did not. He must have sensed that what he was doing wasn't
| quite "kosher" as he wrote:
It's interesting you yourself stated that you don't believe
that he her computer. So we are in agreement on
that. Therefore you can't think that he was trying to hide
that he broke into the system. Now what else is not Kosher
about what he did I am not sure.
| > Ide kivankozik egy dokumentum,
| > ami nyilvan aljas hamisitvany, de a magamfajta liberalis dogkeselyu lecsap
| > az ilyesmire. :-)))))
| > ... content of the letter omitted ...
| > Ennek a nyilvanvaloan hamis levelnek a nyilvanvaloan hamis cimzettjet
| > nem ohajtom zavarba hozni ezert toroltem...
| Whom did he think he was kidding? Especially after only a couple weeks
| that he announced his posession of the letter in which he also named
| its addressee (yours truly).
I missed that first mention, so I cannot comment on whether
it was or wasn't clear that it is the same letter.
| Whether he himself did the cracking (which I find unlikely), or one of
| his Unix guru friends, his guilt is only different in
| degree.
Indeed. assuming that he got the letter in one of these two
ways. If.
| accepting *AND* then publicizing an illegally obtained document, he is
| an accomplice. His only defense would be that he did not know that the
| document was illegally obtained. In light of the circumstances, he
| would have a hard time convincing a jury about that.
That's exactly it. That depends entirely on how the document
got to him.
| He obviously knew
| what he was dealing with, and just could not resist his urges to let us
| know that *HE KNOWS*. That's a typical Elek trait.
| BTW, why doesn't he speak for himself if he is so
Maybe he enjoys what is happening more then he cares what
some people think about that? He seemsto find the
speculations about special secret powers conspirations
entertaining. And I can't blame him for that.
| Where is his legendary chutzpah? Could he be searching some case
| histories in the law books as he used to? That might be the best thing
| right now he could do for his own sake.
Yeah.. maybe even on libel. ;)
+ - | Wally e s az Angol. (O:ngo l) (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
Boy, you make it too easy!
You write: "Ciao Gayorgy, It's been a bore!"
I guess you ment boring. Well, held your attention for quite a few pages! You
are easy to amuse! Or did you mean 1. A hole or passage made by drilling. 2.
The inside diameter of a hole, tube or cylinder. 3. Caliber of a firearm. 4. A
tool for drilling. (Websters II. New Riverside Dictionary (1984)
ISBN:0-425-10267-X p85.)
>The above quote that you refer to is totally without base --
>it's fiction. I'm a poet -- what the hell do you expect?
For starters not confusing poetry with lies. Check the definition of poetry in
the same dictionary.
>Dumb relates to a person who is unable to speak, as in deaf and dumb. You
probably >intended the word stupid.
Gotcha: Websters II. p218.: dumb: 1. ... 2. ... 3. (Informal) Stupid.
>Jeeeez, you need a remedial literacy course or two.
What's your point? I never claimed to be a native speaker of English or a
linguist. You still missed the informal meaning of the word, you poet! What
does that make you? Dumb? (2. Temporarily speachless, as from shock.)
So before you criticise my language, improve yours a bit!
You again: >| ..............................Budapest as a Gay Resort
>|(which it isn't):
>It's not for you to decide whether it is or not. The gay community will
>make that decision according to criteria that they chose. Originally, there
>was no suggestion that Budapest was a GAY RESORT.
I did not decide, I just said it. BTW you made the first suggestion on the
second one, if you remember.
(Gyorgy Kovacs)wrote:
>|Just for the record:
>|Last year, when Gabor presented his usual springtime question about chicks
>|in the newsgroup, I reminded him first that it's more respectful
>|</applause> to call them ladies, </applause> or women. </applause>
The original was:
"Just for the record:
Last year, when Gabor presented his usual springtime question about chicks
in the newsgroup, I reminded him first that it's more respectful to call them
ladies, or women."
I don't need a cheering section like you do. I play good without them.
>|The best he could come up with was: "The evidence is your posts." He keeps
>|it secret even from himself which parts he is referring to, just like Dima
>|did not too long ago.
>I never knew Dima. Don't care either. At any rate, there is no secret. Your
>posts are there for all to read. SCMniks will determine for themselves by
>reading your posts.
Still no answer, so I guess you really kept it secret from yourself.
Hey everybody! There is a newbie! He reads both SCM and SCR and claims he does
not know Dima. Now that's funny! The first funny on efrom Wally!
>Your petty technicality does not void the spirit of your transgression of your
own >declaration to cease and desist.
That declaration only exists in your poetic brain-substitute. I never said I
will shut up. I hinted: lets talk about something else because that thread is
not going anywhere. Neither is this.
Regards and good luck on your language studies,
Gyorgy Kovacs
+ - | Re: Comparative Suicide (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
In article > Gabor Barsai,
>I think the only way to lower the suicide rate is to try to create better
>economic conditions, instead of concentrating on moral issues, and being
No way. This reasoning is an obvous cul-de-sac. The suicide rates inc-
reased together with the Hungarian living standard. I wouldn't say
however that it is a moral issue. Right now I tend to agree with the
opinion of Hamvas Béla, that beside many other things, we have too
many, five, characteristic and conflicting life strategies (he calls
them geniuses) in a small place which is tough to reconcile. In the
Carpathian basin you may find the next ones: latin, north, west-euro-
pean, asian/east and transilvanian. It can be a disastrous mixture.
Feladó: (cikkei)
On 11 Apr 1996, Tudor Dima wrote:
> There are three times as many potential Coke drinkers
> in Romania than in Hungary.
> Dream on.
That is a very sad way to put it.
If it were to be so, think and shudder at what we could expect Russia
to get away with, taking into account the number of potential coke
drinkers !
m. cristian
+ - | Re: Need Hungarian term for cell-phone (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
The most widely used term is :mobil-telefon
(Istvan Szucs) wrote:
>In article >,
>Chris Jackel > wrote:
>| I'm hoping you could help me out with the term for cell-phone. My
>| girlfriend is a native Hungarian who wants to be able to write home about
>| her job selling phones... however, she never learned the term. I wouldn't
>| be surprised if it is simply a corrupted form of the english word like
>| many of the adopted foreign terms.
>| Thanks in advance for any assistance.
>| --
>| Chris Jackel
>The two terms I've heard are radiotelefon and maroktelefon.
+ - | Re: [Fwd: Re: HAL: definition of hungarian] (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
In article > Peter Szaszvari,
>This is good! Do you consider yourself to be Hungarian?
>I ask only because right now you are definitely serving foreign interest.
>(Namely Swiss interest.)
But I am not a political force/person/party. I never define myself as homo
>Don't tell me that you just wanted to bring down the country from inside :)
Yes, yes, yes !!! Right now they try to sue me but they will suck the
at the end. Swiss love money very much but no more than me. :-)
Suckers pay for language courses, I rather sue. Free talk with highly
educated people. If I don't understand something they repeat it as
many times, and as slowly as ischhh wünschhhe. ;-) :-) ;-)
+ - | Re: [Fwd: Re: HAL: definition of hungarian] (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
In article >,
T. Kocsis > wrote:
>The question also has a very sensitive political side. This is the point
>where I am even more rigorous on Hungariannes. I can not consider a
>political force/person/party Hungarian who served or serves foreign
>interest. Par example Kadar is not Hungarian for me.
This is good! Do you consider yourself to be Hungarian?
I ask only because right now you are definitely serving foreign interest.
(Namely Swiss interest.)
Don't tell me that you just wanted to bring down the country from inside :)
Szaszvari Peter
+ - | Re: Elek Gabornak (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
In article >,
(Gyorgy Kovacs) wrote:
>In article >,
> > wrote:
>>stuff deleted<< .....................................If you could not
>>figure that out immediately, I am not surprised that you have so much
>>trouble understanding other concepts mentioned here before. They are
>>indeed code words for you.
>Once again I know that you did not ask me, but:
>Joe, would you please stop treating people who are not proficient in a
>area as kids? I don't know what your area is, but I bet I could find
>where my expertise is much greater than yours. Would you like to be treated
>a child for not knowing everything about that particular area? Guess not.
>There are so many other ways to make a point without insulting each other.
>Unless of course your point is to insult. My key word is: please.
>Regards: GK
I think J.P.'s method is nothing about knowledge and lack of knowledge.
Let me show you on a model discussion the main elements of it.
(This may be the reason why I play the idiot here as well)
Let's suppose he wants to say "A" but this statement would be too hard and is
not accepted commonly. Than he says "f(A)" where "f(A)" is a commonly accepted
hint to "A". Everybody understands but nobody can say that he was rassist, or
incorrect, or said something wrong. He could always say that he never
mentioned "A" it is pure immagination and forgery.
Then somebody tries to force him to say "A" or "B" but not any encoded
function of it.
He responses with the well known "you can't understand it my son, it is coded"
statement, avoiding any responsibility.
Could somebody help me out with the English name of this disgusting method?
Maybe you Joe?
Szaszvari Peter
+ - | Re: Barbarism in Chechnya (& AMERICAN New Worl Order BI (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
(and not dead Communist Dictators or variety of Evil Empires)
(Chester Kopec) wrote:
>michael & marika Grossman ) wrote:
>: In > "Dan K." > writes:
>: >
>: >Despite statements by Yeltsin to the contrary, the Chechen War of
>: >Independence rages on and news reports today declared that 45 Russian
>: >State Terrorists have been killed or are missing at the hands of the
>: >Chechen Freedom Fighters. A Sukhoi jet bomber was also shot down.
>: >
>: >The reports, McNeil Lehrer on TV and other radio sources, said that
>: >62% of the Russian people have had enough of state terrorism against
>: >the Chechen people and want Yeltsin to stop the war for good. 500,000
>: >Chechens have been forced to flee their homes and many villages have
>: >been totally flattened by the state terrorists in addition to their
>: >capital Grozny. It is time for Russia to give the brave Chechen
>: >people what all nations want, the right to life, liberty and the
>: >pursuit of happiness. Russia must come to terms with the fact that
>: >she must let the remaining nations, who are still under her
>: domination,
>: >go free if she is to ever become a civilized and democratic society.
>: >
>: >Regards, Dan K.
Without intention to defend "Russian" politician Yeltsin and his
idiotic ways to prove, just before the ellection, that he is not a traitor
of Russian people (which he is), some things have to be put straight:
1) The largest ethnic group, in the world, that was sentenced to be an e
minority (i.e. outside its mother state) are Russians. According to some UN doc
there are more than 40,000,000 (forty million!) Russians living outside Russia.
The West is not concerned about this group of people that are, quite frequently
treated as third rate citizens in towns and villages where they were born.
They were equal citizens... Overnight - they got to be minority...
The reason for silence in the West is the fact that they are happy that
Soviet Union disappeared. Who cares about human rights!? The West? It is
perfectly OK for them that borders - drawn by such Communist monsters like Stal
Lenin, Khruschev (in ex-Soviet Union) and Tito (in ex-Yugoslavia) - got to be
international borders. Is it because George Bush and Bill Clinton are (secret)
admirers of above mentioned Communist Dictators? Is it because Bill and George
secretly joined Communist party? Why were they insisting with such vigor
(so clearly seen in case of Yugoslavia) that these borders are SACROSANCT?
That's because they just LOVE that the huge country (and big adversary)
is no more. (Yugoslavia is just a case model. The model is telling to Russians
Ukraine, for example, "If you dare excercise your right for self-determination,
(guaranteed by the UN charter, by the way) and try to unify your majority Russi
populated regions to Russia - NATO bombers are ready to stop you!")
And the West is so concerned about rights of 2 million Chechens?...
But that is not all...
2) America will support the traitor Yeltsin at ANY cost (because he work
for American interests). At that, America will utilize its infamous double (tri
n-th degree) standard. While talking about Russian democracy, for example,
impatient that Yeltsin is still hesitant to order tanks to shoot at the
America's talking head Sam Donaldson said: "...A little blood should fall!".
Bill must have said to Boris the same: "Go on buddy!". (Right now the t
must be carefully calculating what amount of atrocities may give Boris a chance
win the ellection.)
3) As clearly said (couple of times) on New York Times op-ed pages:
RUSSIA IS *STILL* TOO LARGE!!!... While Stalin's (Tito's, Lenin's) borders are
sacrosanct (as said in point #1), the nth degree American standard will flip-fl
once again and (this time) allow Chechen "brave freedom fighters" make Chechnya
succede from Russia. (The real price, they hope - would be if resources rich SI
follows the example).
>: Dan, what would you call ethnic Russians and Tatars in Crimea if they
>: would decide to, finally, get rid of the yoke of the Ukranian
>: occupation of their land? I bet "freedom fighters"!!!
>: Mike Grossman, E. Bridgewater, Mass.
>: P.S. To G-n Streltsov: In your posts you have been defending Chechen
>: terrorists all along. Following your logic one must consider the Hamas
>: bastards "freedom fighters" as well.
> To Mike @ Marika
> Chechens are defending their land from russian invaders.
> Chechnya was a free country until Russians got in around 300 years ago.
The white American invaders started their invasion round the same time.
Mayflower set sail from Southampton in the summer of 1620... Americans mutilate
d and
completely destroyed some 500 different nations. But this is celebrated as "Ame
way" and "pioneering spirit". (Double standard: one for my nation - one for you
It allows this kind of reasoning)... There are almost no more Indians to kill,
relocate,... America committed the largest genocide in the history of the Plane
It was done under formula "Only dead Indian is a good Indian". Now, after bombi
few hundred other nations - America reserves "HIGH MORAL GROUND" for itself.
Americans can be cynical to the n-th degree too.
> Russians were taking over some other republics as well. So called
> "expension" and "reforms" under the communist regime left millions
> of innocent people dead . Russian power hungry "bear" was destroying
> real democracy in those republics and roots of the original people.
> Patriots were prosecuted,shot or imprisoned. Hands of Russia's
> secret police members were washed in blood of innocent nations.
> If you don't see the difference between terrorists and freedom
> fighters then you deserve to be called "bastard".
> Stop spreading lies and "red propaganda". We know the truth.
> CK
>p.s. my employer has nothing to do with my opinion
And some-one else added:
> This discussion also has bearing on all of the other former and current
> buffer states for the Russians. The term "near abroad" is just an updated
> way of saying a buffer country that has no right to its own destiny, its own
> policies and is slated for future absorption. And if former Ottomon territori
And who invented Monroe Doctrine where a WHOLE CONTINENT of South America
was proclaimed to be USA's backyard? Russians did?
Evil empires, Great Britain, Ottoman Empire, Austria-Hungary, Soviet Union
and United States - behave the same way,
The misery of this planet is that the WHOLE WORLD falls under one such
empire: The only remaining "super-power" - America. Now it is done under term
New World Order. (New World Odred is a term stollen from Hitler)... Let God
help this poor Planet lead by iron will of Mickey Mouse "democracy".
Petar Makara (Makarov)
PS: I understand that FREE MEN voted and declaired independence from the USA.
America did not treat them as Chechens, Croats, Slovenes, Muslims of Bosnia,
Ukrainians,... ... ... Why?
PPS: The above text has nothing to do with my employer.
+ - | Ki tud konkret informacioval szolgalni? (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
A mai, penteki Uj Mao-ban irja Kocsis L.:"Marlon Brando kikapta. ...
most mondott valami illetlen dolgot. Hollywoodrol...arrol,hogy szerinte
kiknek a kezeben van....bizonyos korok...Tiltakoztak! Hevesen!...Egy...
ilyen liga peldaul a "gyulolet keresztapjanak" nevezte el, es...kozolte,
hogy "pokolla fogja tenni az eletet". Stb. Mit mondott Brando? Ha valaki
tudja, kerem irja meg - szo szerint. Koszonettel: Kiraly Miklos