1. |
Re: Barbarism in Chechnya (& AMERICAN New Worl Order BI (mind) |
12 sor |
(cikkei) |
2. |
Re: Anna Smith & Goober Barfsai (mind) |
16 sor |
(cikkei) |
3. |
Re: Barbarism in Chechnya (& AMERICAN New Worl Order BI (mind) |
88 sor |
(cikkei) |
4. |
Re: SCM: Re: [Fwd: Re: HAL: definition of hungarian] (mind) |
69 sor |
(cikkei) |
5. |
Re: Barbarism in Chechnya (& AMERICAN New Worl Order BI (mind) |
11 sor |
(cikkei) |
6. |
Re: Elek Gabornak (mind) |
21 sor |
(cikkei) |
7. |
Re: Elek Gabornak (mind) |
13 sor |
(cikkei) |
8. |
Re: Brigitta & Wally (mind) |
18 sor |
(cikkei) |
9. |
Re: Elek Gabornak (mind) |
15 sor |
(cikkei) |
10. |
Re: "I love you" in many languages Re: Please help tran (mind) |
365 sor |
(cikkei) |
11. |
Re: Elek Gabornak (mind) |
11 sor |
(cikkei) |
12. |
Re: Elek Gabornak (mind) |
46 sor |
(cikkei) |
13. |
Re: He is Risen was: Re: Jews: "Know thyself" (mind) |
48 sor |
(cikkei) |
14. |
Re: Barbarism in Chechnya (& AMERICAN New Worl Order BI (mind) |
61 sor |
(cikkei) |
15. |
14 sor |
(cikkei) |
16. |
Re: Elek Gabornak (mind) |
41 sor |
(cikkei) |
17. |
Pellionisz bajtarsnak Szentferencre (mind) |
87 sor |
(cikkei) |
18. |
Re: Elek Gabornak (mind) |
52 sor |
(cikkei) |
19. |
Re: Romanian Tigani-Burners (mind) |
7 sor |
(cikkei) |
20. |
Re: Ki tud konkret informacioval szolgalni? (mind) |
15 sor |
(cikkei) |
21. |
Re: Comparative Suicide (mind) |
12 sor |
(cikkei) |
22. |
Re: He is Risen was: Re: Jews: "Know thyself" (mind) |
22 sor |
(cikkei) |
23. |
Need a picture taken (mind) |
8 sor |
(cikkei) |
24. |
After PRRZZZZZT was PRRZZZZZT, Goober s Pile (mind) |
25 sor |
(cikkei) |
25. |
Re: Barbarism in Chechnya (& AMERICAN New Worl Order BI (mind) |
46 sor |
(cikkei) |
26. |
Re: SCM: Re: Anna Smith & Goober Barfsai (mind) |
29 sor |
(cikkei) |
27. |
Re: SCM: Moose Calls For Anna (mind) |
47 sor |
(cikkei) |
28. |
Re: SCM: Goober Barfsai & The Pile (mind) |
101 sor |
(cikkei) |
29. |
Re: Looking for Zoltan VAZZ, Ent surgeon from Sagred. (mind) |
11 sor |
(cikkei) |
30. |
15 sor |
(cikkei) |
31. |
Goober Barfsai the Witless Male Bimbo (mind) |
49 sor |
(cikkei) |
32. |
Creativity For Anna Smith (mind) |
161 sor |
(cikkei) |
33. |
Economical standpoint (was Re: TRANSYLVANIA BELONGS TO (mind) |
25 sor |
(cikkei) |
34. |
Re: SCM: Need a picture taken (mind) |
24 sor |
(cikkei) |
35. |
Re: Wallace, the mating call expert; was: SCM: Moose Ca (mind) |
44 sor |
(cikkei) |
36. |
Re: He is Risen was: Re: Jews: "Know thyself" (mind) |
36 sor |
(cikkei) |
37. |
Re: Need Hungarian term for cell-phone (mind) |
16 sor |
(cikkei) |
38. |
Re: Need Hungarian term for cell-phone (mind) |
7 sor |
(cikkei) |
39. |
Re: hotels in Budapest? (mind) |
12 sor |
(cikkei) |
40. |
Re: He is Risen!!...but he s not shaved or had breakfas (mind) |
1 sor |
(cikkei) |
41. |
Re: He is Risen!!...but he s not shaved or had breakfas (mind) |
18 sor |
(cikkei) |
42. |
Re: Elek Gabornak (mind) |
89 sor |
(cikkei) |
43. |
Re: Elek Gabornak (mind) |
81 sor |
(cikkei) |
44. |
Re: Elek Gabornak (mind) |
58 sor |
(cikkei) |
45. |
Re: Elek Gabornak (mind) |
24 sor |
(cikkei) |
+ - | Re: Barbarism in Chechnya (& AMERICAN New Worl Order BI (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
OK, Petar, what you say makes sense... to an extent.
1.You shouldn't compare yourself with the bad one.
Right, there are no more indians to kill.
What do you do ? Kill the Chechens just because the americans
killed all the indians ?
2.You shouldn't bring up numbers.
40 mil. Russians are not better (or worse) than two mil. Chechens
just because they are 20 times as many.
+ - | Re: Anna Smith & Goober Barfsai (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
Wally Keeler wrote :
[....clipped for brevity....]
>Listen honeybuns, you weren't dragged in. As I recall you willingly stepped
>into it by answering Gabor Barsai"s moose mating call: Here chick, chick
>chick chick, here chick chick chick.
Hey! Didn't I get enough insults about my name in elementary
school? Cut it out!!!! ;););)
Mike Csiki (Pronounced Chickey) ;)
+ - | Re: Barbarism in Chechnya (& AMERICAN New Worl Order BI (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
"Dan K." > wrote:
>Petar Makara (Makarov) wrote:
>> >: In > "Dan K." > writes:
>===== Cut ======
>> Without intention to defend "Russian" politician Yeltsin and his
>> idiotic ways to prove, just before the ellection, that he is not a traitor
>> of Russian people (which he is), some things have to be put straight:
>> 1) The largest ethnic group, in the world, that was sentenced to be a
n ethnic
>> minority (i.e. outside its mother state) are Russians. According to some UN
>> there are more than 40,000,000 (forty million!) Russians living outside Russ
>> The West is not concerned about this group of people that are, quite frequen
>> treated as third rate citizens in towns and villages where they were born.
>> They were equal citizens... Overnight - they got to be minority...
>No one invited them into those countries where they are now outside of Russia.
>They were sent to the neighboring countries to be occupiers. Why doesn't
>Russia take them back the way England and France took their citizens back
>after their empires fell if they are so concerned about them?
Why don't Americans get back whereever they came from and leave this beauti
land to rightful owners (according to your own model): American Indians?
You do not have even basic knowledge of the history of Russia.
Many places Russians were literally invited to defend Christian population from
Islamic onslaught. Other places, like Ukraine, Russians used to be majority
(and many places there - they still are). One of the first Russian CAPITAL used
to be
in Kiev (Vladimir 960-1015, Russian tzar who introduced Russians to Christianit
A few smaller places (like the Baltic states) Soviet Union occupied just before
But, you could not understand even the title of my posting (again): PEOPLE
have rights, and if they were born in Latvia, for example, some 50 years ago -
they still have to have rights. Should they not?
>........................BS cutout...........................................
>> The misery of this planet is that the WHOLE WORLD falls under one such
>> empire: The only remaining "super-power" - America. Now it is done under ter
>> New World Order. (New World Odred is a term stollen from Hitler)... Let God
>> help this poor Planet lead by iron will of Mickey Mouse "democracy".
>A quarter of the Earth's population is still communist. If communism is
>such a sweet aroma for you why don't you go to China or maybe Cuba?
That is exacly it: I do not want to defend Communists, German Nazi (and
ibermenschen) or American Nazi Imperialism (and their "high moral ground" super
There is almost NO difference between Communist countries with their (declaired
ONE party system, and American TWO party system. Actually, America has just ONE
of thiefs - with two names. Both parties steal from the people and keep each ot
in power. It is a circus! Bob Dole outlasted Brezhnev staying in power.
Let the whole world see what America is. Including the Americans. That
could be the salvation. It is beyond cynicism that America has "moral right" to
bomb any nation at will, arrest any individual, round the globe, at will, etc,
Enough with American banditism! Only brainwashed Americans could believe that t
is any kind of democracy. Even if it is - keep it for yourselves.
>> Petar Makara (Makarov)
>> PS: I understand that FREE MEN voted and declaired independence from the USA
>> America did not treat them as Chechens, Croats, Slovenes, Muslims of Bosnia,
>> Ukrainians,... ... ... Why?
>Read American history and you will find out why!
>Regards, Dan K.
PS: My opinion is my own. My employer has nothing to do with the above text.
+ - | Re: SCM: Re: [Fwd: Re: HAL: definition of hungarian] (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
T. Kocsis wrote:
> In article > Peter Kovalszki,
> writes:
> >This may seem as fuzzy, untidy, confused- but there is nothing
> >better, and ultimately I agree with Andy Vadasz " Hungarian is who
> >claims to be Hungarian- Magyar az aki magyarnak vallja magat " !
> No, it is not enough. I mean it works well in private life, and I will
> honestly believe everybody who says so. It does not mean, however,
> that my opinion will be the same in public life. I pay tax, I was sol-
> dier for 1 year, and I am going to live my life in Hungary . Because of
> these I want more privileges than one who just wants to be believed
> Hungarian by merely stating it. (let say a tamil refugee who does not
> even speak the language.) In this context the "magyarság" has finan-
> tial consequences.
> > Ultimately the question " Mi a magyar ?" lead to many heated and
> >ultimately unproductive debates, without solving the mistery- let us
> >accept everybody's word on his/her own "magyarsag"("Hungarianness")
> The question also has a very sensitive political side. This is the point
> where I am even more rigorous on Hungariannes. I can not consider a
> political force/person/party Hungarian who served or serves foreign
> interest. Par example Kadar is not Hungarian for me.
> Tamás
Dear Tamas:
1./ I am afraid we are confounding again the question of
"Hungarianness"(belonging to an ethnic/linguistic/cultural community)
with the question of "Hungarian citizenship". This later gives You
certain rights-apparently well deserved, certain legal, etc.
obligations-like paying taxes, serving in the army. While I am
considering myself a Hungarian, I do not claim any of the benefits
derived from Hungarian citizenship ( though I was born Hungarian
citizen, but Hungary "left me"- like so many others) Moreover, based on
my own subjective Hungarianness I would not claim the right to vote in
Hungarian elections- simply because I do not share the financial,civic,
etc. burdens of Hungarian citizens. If the Hungarian constitution and
laws would provide some consideration based on well-defined criteria of
Hungarianness in case I apply for citizenship, I would welcome that. If
a Tamil refugee spends 10 years in Hungary, works and pays taxes as a
law-abiding resident, passes a language-test, maybe one on Hungarian
constitution and applies for citizenship, he may qualify easier and
rightfully so than myself.I still have the right and the practical
opportunity to participate in certain activities-social,
cultural,educational-even political- which I consider favorable in
promoting freedom, progress and general welfare of the Hungarian people,
living in Hungary or elsewhere in the Carpathian basin,Europe or
worldwide; I may contribute- financially, or otherwise -to certain
charities ( as I already do !) to the above.
2./ As to define Hungarianness based on serving foreign interests:
this is again a tricky question. I am not sympathetic toward the
so-called " muszkavezetok", which is relatively easy to define. But then
who defines who serves genuine Hungarian interests, and who foreign
interests? They may coincide- or the person's activities may be
beneficial to both an Hungarian interests, temporarily or partially:
then the regime changes, now what was patriotic six months ago, is
treachery ! ( as it happened a few times in our century). We had bad
Hungarian bolsheviks, bad Hungarian fascists, or plain criminals- yet
they were our bad apples, like every other people, without any
exception(Hitler was German, Mussolini was Italian, Lenin was
Russian,etc)! As far as I know, Kadar was Hungarian, though not one we
would be proud of , based on our knowledge of his deeds and role .
I hope this will help to separate the Hungarianness from
citizenship, or from appreciation as criteria for " magyarsag "
Udv, Peter Kovalszki
+ - | Re: Barbarism in Chechnya (& AMERICAN New Worl Order BI (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
Peter Makarov;
Where did you study history? Russia the defender of
Christianity! Wow. So much for Soviet education.
Are you saying that Russia or Russian virtue is somehow
equivalent to American virtue? Surely you know better but out of force of
habit state otherwise. Remarkable! Kid try some life liberty and the
pursuit of happiness. In other words you are here because Russia was not
wonderfull and in truth the opposit. Learn to see and act accordingly.
+ - | Re: Elek Gabornak (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
Istvan Szucs > wrote:
>Whoops.. sorry. I was under the impression that if someone
>openly accuses someone with a crime they can be assumed to
>take their claims seriously enough to be factually accurate.
One doesn't have to be a computer expert to figure out that
something is fishy here. I suppose by the time this matter gets to the
court, Ilona consulted with the proper computer security experts.
>If one cannot understand and express the difference between
>these things then one should not make open accusations about
>a subject-computer crime- that they need so little about.
I am still waiting for your theories about this, BTW. Since you're so
sure about Elek's innocence even in the face of his bragging, I'd like
to believe you know what REALLY happened. If you don't, then why don't
you ask Elek himself for the explanation? Why do you think he is so
silent now? How uncharacteristic of him!
+ - | Re: Elek Gabornak (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
Gyorgy Kovacs > wrote:
>Once again I know that you did not ask me, but:
>Joe, would you please stop treating people who are not proficient in a certain
>area as kids?
Do you know at all what you're talking about? I never did what you are
accusing me with, except with people who like to pretend to be
knowledgeable about something when they are not.
Are you one of them?
+ - | Re: Brigitta & Wally (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
In > 11 Apr 1996
(Laszlo Balogh) wrote:
: (sodrem) wrote:
:>In article >, (leslie
:>howard) says:
:>>What a team!
:>>I hear wedding bells!!!
:>I have the sneeking suspicion that they are one and the same people.
:>What do you think? [He dun't]
:Don't tell me the Vilage Idiot is getting married. And of all people...
:to himself! [herself]!
I'd have no compatibility problems then would I.
Do you remember when the village square was a place and not a person.
+ - | Re: Elek Gabornak (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
Peter Szaszvari > wrote:
>Could somebody help me out with the English name of this disgusting method?
>Maybe you Joe?
Gladly! In your left-handed way, I think you were trying to compliment
me by implying that I am hard to trap by people who can only accept
black and white answers.
But why did you have to go to such abstract example to explain what you
meant? Why not just quote from actual articles I wrote? That's how
it's usually done on Internet, you know.
But thanks for the compliment (I think),
+ - | Re: "I love you" in many languages Re: Please help tran (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
Marc Anthony Lopez wrote:
> Followup-To: soc.culture.kenya,soc.culture.korean,soc.culture.kuwait,soc.cult
cul> c
> References: > > <4i1
> Distribution:
> Lines: 14
> X-Newsreader: TIN [UNIX 1.3 950824BETA PL0]
> Gabriël Vandewalle ) wrote:
> : wrote:
> :
> : >I love you in China Henan Province:
> :
> : >wo3 zhong1 yi4 ni3
> :
> : In Dutch
> :
> : Ik hou van jou.
> :
> :
> :
> :And here's the rest, from a BBS:
Date: Wed, 08-06-94 (18:44) Number: 1268 Refer: 0
Subj: my "I love you" list
Conf: Soc.Culture. (628) Read: No Status: Public
Newsgroups: soc.culture.nordic
Organization: IUTA Charlemagne , Universite de Nancy II, France
Message-ID: >
This file is a compilation of all the translations
of "I LOVE YOU" i could find
tell me this update number if u e-mail : 2
> --------------------------------------------------
WHAT ?: a list of translations of "I love you"
WHY ?: I want your translations
WHERE ?: e-mail to :
> --------------------------------------------------
Here is the compilation of all the translations
you sent me.
Thanks a lot for having be so nice and, so fast.
If you know a language/dialect/slang that not
appears here, let me know your translations.
For that you just have to drop me a note.
By the way tell me the geographic location.
You can send your E-mail to :
and this, till june the 30.
Same thing if you disagree with something in
this text;( muhaha ;) what is correct here )
or you want something to be adjusted, thanks.
My full adress,
13 rue des pres
The goal of this list was first a personnal goal ;}
But to increase the amount of translations, it has
to be widespread, so here it is...
If there are more then one version of a sentence
just choose the one that goes you the best, just
a question of latinish alphabetic translation :)
But you can tell me, if one is better then another.
And last, so i don't understand, even a single
word of most of these languages, do not mess
around with me. Just tell me what is wrong, ok?
Thanx in advance, john.
afrikaans : Ek het jou liefe
afrikaans : Ek is lief vir jou
alsacien : Ich hoan dich gear
amharic : Afekrishalehou
arabic : Ana Behibak (to a male)
arabic : Ana Behibek (to a female)
arabic : Ib'n hebbak.
arabic : Ana Ba-heb-bak
arabic : nhebuk
arabic : OHIBOKE male to female
arabic : OHIBOKA femal to male
arabic : OHIBOKOMA male or femal to two males or two
arabic : NOHIBOKE more than one males or femals to
arabic : NOHIBOKA m t o m or f to male
arabic : NOHIBOKOMA m t o m or f to two males or tow
arabic : NOHIBOKOM m t o m or f to more than two males
arabic : NOHIBOKON m t o m or f to more than two femals
arabic : (not standared)
arabic : BAHIBAK femal to male
arabic : BAHIBIK male to femal
arabic : BENHIBAK more than one male or female to male
arabic : BENHIBIK m t o m or f to female
arabic : BENHIBKOM m t o m or f to more than one male
assamese : Moi tomak bhal pau
basc : Nere Maitea
batak : Holong rohangku di ho
bavarian : I mog di narrisch gern
bengali : Ami tomAy bhAlobAshi
bengali : Ami tomake bhalobashi.
berber : Lakh tirikh
bicol : Namumutan ta ka
bolivian Quechua : qanta munani
bulgarian : Obicham te
burmese : chit pa de
cambodian : Bon sro lanh oon
cambodian : kh_nhaum soro_lahn nhee_ah
canadian French : Sh'teme (spoken, sounds like this)
cantonese : Ngo oi ney
catalan : T'estim (mallorcan)
catalan : T'estim molt (I love you a lot)
catalan : T'estime (valencian)
catalan : T'estimo (catalonian)
cebuano : Gihigugma ko ikaw.
chickasaw : chiholloli ( first "i" nasalized )
chinese : Wo ie ni
corsican : Ti tengu cara (to female)
corsican : Ti tengu caru (to male)
croatian : LJUBim te
czech : miluji te
czech : MILUJU TE! (colloquial form)
danish : Jeg elsker dig
dutch : Ik hou van jou
dutch : Ik ben verliefd op je
ecuador Quechua : canda munani
esperanto : Mi amas vin
estonian : Mina armastan sind
estonian : Ma armastan sind
farsi : Tora dust midaram
farsi : Asheghetam
farsi (Persian) : doostat dAram
filipino : Mahal ka ta
filipino : Iniibig Kita
finnish : Mina" rakastan sinua
flemish : Ik zie oe geerne
french : Je t'aime
friesian : Ik hald fan dei
gaelic : Ta gra agam ort
german : Ich liebe Dich
greek : s' agapo
greek (old) : (Ego) philo su (ego is only needed for
gujrati : Hoon tane pyar karoochhoon.
hausa : Ina sonki
hebrew : Ani ohev otach (male to female)
hebrew : Ani ohev otcha (male to male)
hebrew : Ani ohevet otach (female to female)
hebrew : Ani ohevet otcha (female to male)
hindi : Mai tumse pyar karta hoo
hokkien : Wa ai lu
hopi : Nu' umi unangwa'ta
hungarian : Szeretlek "yes, peter it's great :)"
hungarian : Szeretlek te'ged
icelandic : Eg elska thig
indonesian : Saja kasih saudari
indonesian : Saya Cinta Kamu
indonesian : Saya cinta padamu
indonesian : Aku cinta padamu
irish : taim i' ngra leat
italian : ti amo (if it's a relationship/lover/spouse )
italian : ti voglio bene (if it's a friend, or relative)
japanese : Kimi o ai shiteru
japanese : Watakushi-wa anata-wo ai shimasu
javanese : Kulo tresno
kannada : Naanu Ninnanu Preethisuthene
kannada : Naanu Ninnanu Mohisuthene
kiswahili : Nakupenda
klingon : qabang
klingon : qaparHa' (depends from where you are in the
korean : Tangsinul sarang ha yo
korean : Nanun tangshinul sarang hamnida
korean : No-rul sarang hae (man to woman in casual
korean : Tangshin-ul sarang hae-yo
korean : Tangshin-i cho-a-yo (i like you, in a romantic
kurdish : Ez te hezdikhem (?)
lao : Koi muk jao
latin : Te amo
latin : Vos amo
latin (old) : (Ego) amo te (ego, for emphasis)
latvian : Es milu tevi (Pronounced "Ess tevy meeloo")
lingala : Nalingi yo
lisbon lingo : gramo-te bue', chavalinha
lithuanian : TAVE MYLIU ( ta-ve mee-lyu )
lojban : mi do prami
luo : Aheri
macedonian : SAKAM TE!
madrid lingo : Me molas, tronca
malay : Saya cintamu
malay : Saya sayangmu
malay/Indonesian : Aku sayang enkow
malay/Indonesian : Sayah Chantikan Awah
malayalam : Njyaan Ninne' Preetikyunnu
malayalam : Njyaan Ninne' Mohikyunnu.
mandarin : Wo ai ni
marathi : me tujhashi prem karto (male to female)
marathi : me tujhashi prem karte (female to male)
mohawk : Konoronhkwa
navaho : Ayor anosh'ni
ndebele : Niyakutanda
norwegian : Eg elskar deg (Nynorsk)
norwegian : Jeg elsker deg (Bokmaal) (pronounced: yai elske
osetian : Aez dae warzyn
persian : Tora dost daram
polish : Kocham Cie
polish : Ja cie kocham
portuguese : Amo-te
portuguese (brazilian) : Eu te amo
punjabi : Mai taunu pyar karda.
romanian : Te iu besc
russian : Ya vas liubliu
russian : ya liubliu tebia
russian : ya tebia liubliu
russian : Ya polubeel s'tebya.
scot Gaelic : Tha gra\dh agam ort (ascii prob here? help! )
serbian : LUBim te.
serbocroatian : volim te
shona : Ndinokuda
sinhalese : Mama oyata adarei
sioux : Techihhila
slovak : lubim ta
slovene : ljubim te
spanish : Te quiero
spanish : Te amo
srilankan : Mama Oyata Arderyi
swahili : Naku penda (followed by the person's name)
swedish : Jag a"lskar dig
swiss-German : Ch'ha di ga"rn
syrian/Lebanes : BHEBBEK (to a female)
syrian/Lebanes : BHEBBAK (to a male)
tagalog : Mahal kita
tamil : Ni yaanai kaadli karen. (You love me)
tamil : n^An unnaik kAthalikkinREn (I love you)
tcheque : MILUJI TE^
telugu : Neenu ninnu pra'mistu'nnanu
telugu/india : Nenu Ninnu Premistunnanu
thai : Ch'an Rak Khun
thai : Phom Rak Khun
tunisian : Ha eh bak *
turkish : Seni seviyo*rum (o* means o)
ukrainian : ja tebe koKHAju ( real true love)
ukrainian : ja vas koKHAju
ukrainian : ja pokoKHAv tebe
ukrainian : ja pokoKHAv vas
urdu : Mujhe tumse mohabbat hai
vietnamese : Em ye^u anh (woman to man)
vietnamese : Toi yeu em
vietnamese : Anh ye^u em (man to woman)
vlaams : Ik hue van ye
welsh : 'Rwy'n dy garu di.
welsh : Yr wyf i yn dy garu di (chwi)
yiddish : Ich libe dich
yiddish : Ich han dich lib
yugoslavian : Ya te volim
zazi : Ezhele hezdege (sp?)
zuni : Tom ho' ichema
zulu : Ngiyakuthanda!
Afrikaans -> People of Dutch heritage in south Africa.
Alsacien -> french/german dialect (live in france, but speak like
Assamese -> language spoken in the state of Assam, India
Batak -> North Sumatra province of indonesia
Bavarian -> Southern state of Germany (actually a German dialect)
Bengali -> language spoken in the state of West Bengal, India,
as well as almost all people of BANGLADESH
Bicol -> Philipin dialect
Cebuano -> language spoken in philipino near the town of Cebu
Chickasaw -> Native American spoken in southeastern Oklahoma.
Friesian -> they speak the language in Northern Holland
in Northern Germany and in some parts of Denmark
mainly west coast
Gaelic -> Irish
Gujrati -> language spoken in the state of Gujrat, India
Hindi -> language spoken in the nothern states of India
Hopi -> North American Indian Tribe (Southwest maybe?)
Kannada -> Language of Karnataka a state in south India.
Klingon -> Spoken in Star Trek
Luo -> Kenya
Malayalam -> language of Kerala State, India,
Marathi -> This language is also from India from the state of
Maharashtra of which Bombay is the capital.
Mohawk -> North american Indian tribe (New England, maybe one of
Sven Nations/Iriquois)
Navaho -> North american Indian tribe (southwest)
Ndebele -> Zimbabwe
Punjabi -> Northern India
Quechua -> Quecha is a Mayan language
Shona -> Zimbabwe
Sinhalese -> Language of the non-Tamil (majority) people of Sri
Sioux -> North American Indian tribe from the upper Midwest.
Tagalog -> Filipino language
Tamil -> language spoken in the state of Tamil Nadu, India
and in Sri Lanka, Singapore, Malaysia, Mauritus ....
Telugu -> southeastern state of India.
(eleventh most spoken language in the world.)
Urdu -> the language spoken in pakistan
Vlaams -> Belgian Dutch
Zazi -> Kurdic dialect
If you know the geographic location of a language
let me know it. (And by the way tell it to me ;) )
Credits go to :
A lots of people, and so that some of you, i don't know
who, won't like it (for personnal reason) to find their
name here, or maybe will got some prob; i've not added
any name. But thanks a lot, you all.
Thanks too, to the person that has done the most part
of this list, i don't know who you are
and thanx to the people that have sent me his/her list.
There are some notes ( a lot of ) that sent me some persons,
thanks to you, it has been usefull, but it's impossible to
write them all here :) )
| |
| be free, BE FREE. |
ţ RNET 2.00k:
+ - | Re: Elek Gabornak (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
Peter Szaszvari > wrote:
>In fact the text implies that he got the document from somebody who passed it
>on to him.
Great! Then he could be subpoenad as a witness with vital information.
He will have to name the person passing it to him. But the "fencing"
charge against him is still a possibility.
PS: was this still hard for you to decipher?
+ - | Re: Elek Gabornak (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
In article >, > wrote:
>Hiszen en is epp ezt sulykolom mar nem tudom hanyadszor. Egyebkent en, a
>cimzett, nem vagyok egyetemi accounton, hanem ez egy ISP.
>Ha meg az Ilona fianak az egyetemen (ahonnan a level jott emlekezetem
>szerint) lopta el valaki (az accountba valo betoressel), az illeto miert
>kuldte volna Eleknek ha csak nem haverok? Kulonben is miert
Talan azert, mert Ilona es Mr. X. nem haverok, es artani akart neki.
Tudta, hogy Elek orulne neki. Nem szuksegszeru, hogy felkeresre tegye.
A tortenelem soran annyi nevtelen feljelentes volt mar, *lehet*, ez
is csak egy kozuluk. A 'valoszinuleg', 'elkepzelheto hogy', es ehhez
hasonlo kijelentesek nem buntetojogi fogalmak.
>Akarhogy is nezzuk a dolgokat, minimum feltetelezhetjuk, hogy Elek
>tisztaban volt a level illegalis megszerzeserol, s vallalta az "orgazda"
>szerepet, maximum direkt az o keresere kovette el valaki a betorest.
>Mindenkepen buntenyrol van szo.
Igen, feltetelezhetjuk. Bizonyitva egyelore nincs. Igen, valoszinuleg
valaki elkovetett egy buntenyt. Meg ez sem biztos. Mint superuser
egy gepen, neha en is belebotlok maganlevelekbe. Minden szandekossag
nelkul. Neha emberek ugy el tudjak szurni a leveluket (pl. se felado,
se cimzett nincs benne, avagy valami van, de nincs benne FQDN), hogy
szegeny sendmail nem tud mit csinalni, es az egeszet bevagja a postamester
cimere. Azt hinned ez ritka, de a leggyakoribb Sun-okon tudtommal
meg mindig olyan sendmail.cf a default, ami nem rakja be a domainnevet
a feladoba. En meg torhetem a fejemet, honnan is jott a
>Szoval johetnek ezek az erkolcsi hullak nekem ezek utan a predikacioikkal
>a leveltitokrol!
Itt ket kulon dologrol van szo. Erkolcsi illetve buntetojogi megitelesrol.
>De megtortenik. S ha meg tortenetesen a "havernek" root accountja van,
>akkor "the possibilities are endless."
Hany embernek van root accountja kettotok gepen? Ezeket kerdeztetek mar?
Gyula P. Szokoly ) -------------------------------\
| When I am weaker than you, I ask you for freedom because that is according|
|to your principles; when I am stronger than you, I take away your freedom|
|because that is according to my principles. -- Frank Herbert|
+ - | Re: He is Risen was: Re: Jews: "Know thyself" (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
Geoff Cooper wrote:
> Dan K. wrote:
> > I wish all a truly happy Easter on the remembrance day of the Lord's Resurr
ection. It is unbelievable but true that Jesus of Nazareth was truly the Son o
f God and the long
> > awaited Messiah of the Prophets of Israel.
> > Praise God, may He send Jesus back soon!
> > God Bless, Dan K.
> Dan,
> If and when the Messiah shows up, and it turns out to be Jesus,
> I may agree with you. Until then, no thanks. IMHO, Christians are
> dangerously close to polytheism and idolaty. Some might claim that
> Jesus violated the First Commandment, and the Christian Church violates
> the Second. I feel that your evalgelizing is offensive to those of us
> of the Jewish faith and wish you would confine it to your own newsgroup.
> Shalom!
> Geoff Cooper Campfires forever!
First of all Yeshua Hamashiah was half Jewish and He was born and raised
in Israel. All of His original disciples were Jewish and many of His
disciples today are Jewish. The Messianic Jewish group which I am
most familiar with is Jews for Jesus. Their address if you should wish
to contact them is:
Jews for Jesus
60 Haight Street
San Francisco, CA 94102-5895
As for the Torah and the Ten Commandments, a Christian is no longer under
them as Law for the Law of Liberty in Christ Jesus has set us free from
the Mosaic Law of Sin and Death. Jesus instituted a new Law, the Law of
Love towards God and one's fellow man. The Jewish Apostle Paul in his
letter to the Hebrews wrote that God has given us a New Covenant. This
New Covenant supercedes the Old Covenant and allows a Christian to
KNOW the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. I hope that you contact Jews for
Jesus, they will be able to explain to you in detail how Jesus fulfilled all
of the Scriptures concerning His first coming. His second is just around
the corner. How do I know? Because of the signs of the times found in
the Bible. The biggest sign is that the Jews have returned to Israel and
have reoccupied their Holy City as Jesus prophesied they would in the
24 chapter of the Gospel of Matthew, other signs will soon follow like the
rebuilding of Solomon's Temple in Jerusalem.
Regards, Dan K.
+ - | Re: Barbarism in Chechnya (& AMERICAN New Worl Order BI (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
Petar Makara (Makarov) wrote:
> >: In > "Dan K." > writes:
> >: >Despite statements by Yeltsin to the contrary, the Chechen War of
> >: >Independence rages on and news reports today declared that 45 Russian
> >: >State Terrorists have been killed or are missing at the hands of the
> >: >Chechen Freedom Fighters. A Sukhoi jet bomber was also shot down.
> >: >The reports, McNeil Lehrer on TV and other radio sources, said that
> >: >62% of the Russian people have had enough of state terrorism against
> >: >the Chechen people and want Yeltsin to stop the war for good. 500,000
> >: >Chechens have been forced to flee their homes and many villages have
> >: >been totally flattened by the state terrorists in addition to their
> >: >capital Grozny. It is time for Russia to give the brave Chechen
> >: >people what all nations want, the right to life, liberty and the
> >: >pursuit of happiness. Russia must come to terms with the fact that
> >: >she must let the remaining nations, who are still under her
> >: domination,
> >: >go free if she is to ever become a civilized and democratic society.
> >: >Regards, Dan K.
> Without intention to defend "Russian" politician Yeltsin and his
> idiotic ways to prove, just before the ellection, that he is not a traitor
> of Russian people (which he is), some things have to be put straight:
> 1) The largest ethnic group, in the world, that was sentenced to be an
> minority (i.e. outside its mother state) are Russians. According to some UN d
> there are more than 40,000,000 (forty million!) Russians living outside Russi
> The West is not concerned about this group of people that are, quite frequent
> treated as third rate citizens in towns and villages where they were born.
> They were equal citizens... Overnight - they got to be minority...
No one invited them into those countries where they are now outside of Russia.
They were sent to the neighboring countries to be occupiers. Why doesn't
Russia take them back the way England and France took their citizens back
after their empires fell if they are so concerned about them?
.........................BS cutout...........................................
> The misery of this planet is that the WHOLE WORLD falls under one such
> empire: The only remaining "super-power" - America. Now it is done under term
> New World Order. (New World Odred is a term stollen from Hitler)... Let God
> help this poor Planet lead by iron will of Mickey Mouse "democracy".
A quarter of the Earth's population is still communist. If communism is
such a sweet aroma for you why don't you go to China or maybe Cuba?
> Petar Makara (Makarov)
> PS: I understand that FREE MEN voted and declaired independence from the USA.
> America did not treat them as Chechens, Croats, Slovenes, Muslims of Bosnia,
> Ukrainians,... ... ... Why?
Read American history and you will find out why!
Regards, Dan K.
Feladó: (cikkei)
In article >, Tudor Dima > wrote:
>There are three times as many potential Coke drinkers
>in Romania than in Hungary.
Right. That's what I was alluding to.
>Dream on.
Right again. Dreaming is good for the soul. Without some dreamers in
the last century Romania, Transylvania still might be part of Hungary.
Food for thought,
+ - | Re: Elek Gabornak (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
Gyula Szokoly > wrote:
> Az egyikotok egyetemen valaki ellopta a levelet (nem kell nagy
>tudas hozza), es elkuldte Elek Gabinak. Nagyobb a valoszinusege,
>mint hogy Elek betorne egy gepre (nem hiszem, hogy ertene hozza).
Hiszen en is epp ezt sulykolom mar nem tudom hanyadszor. Egyebkent en, a
cimzett, nem vagyok egyetemi accounton, hanem ez egy ISP.
Ha meg az Ilona fianak az egyetemen (ahonnan a level jott emlekezetem
szerint) lopta el valaki (az accountba valo betoressel), az illeto miert
kuldte volna Eleknek ha csak nem haverok? Kulonben is miert
valasztottak volna epp Ilona fiat a betoresre annyi egyetemi account
kozul? A legvaloszinubb, hogy azert, mert direkt o utana szimatoltak.
Nagy valoszinuseg szerint Elek keresere tette azt valaki, aki
tortenetesen ugyanazon az egyetemen van, vagy hozzafer. Az is
nyilvanvalo, hogy az illeto magyar, kulonben honnan tudta volna, hogy
epp melyik level volt a "csemege"?
Akarhogy is nezzuk a dolgokat, minimum feltetelezhetjuk, hogy Elek
tisztaban volt a level illegalis megszerzeserol, s vallalta az "orgazda"
szerepet, maximum direkt az o keresere kovette el valaki a betorest.
Mindenkepen buntenyrol van szo.
Ami meg erdekesebbe teszi az ugyet az az, hogy ezek kozott a nagy
Elek-vedok kozott biztosan van szamtalan, aki a legnagyobb
felhaborodasat fejezne ki, ha egy privat level cimzettje nyilvanossagra
hozna azt a levelet, amit kapott, megha keretlenul is kapta. Ugyanakkor
itt most egy szavuk sincs az ellen, hogy Elek egy olyan maganlevelet
publikalt, aminek sem az iroja, sem a cimzettje nem volt.
Szoval johetnek ezek az erkolcsi hullak nekem ezek utan a predikacioikkal
a leveltitokrol!
> Nem nezett valaki tul sok cyberpunk filmet????? Azoknak uzenem, betorni
>nem olyan egyszeru, mint egyesek hiszik.
De megtortenik. S ha meg tortenetesen a "havernek" root accountja van,
akkor "the possibilities are endless."
PS: Gyula, fenti megjegyzeseim nagy reszehez leveled csak az alkalmat
szolgaltatta, de nem rad vonatkozik szemelyesen.
+ - | Pellionisz bajtarsnak Szentferencre (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
Egy arany Bandikam,
VESZELYBEN A MAGYAR !!! A liberalis szarvasbogarak es bobitas kocsagok
akkor tamadtak a hatezer eves Karpatdunanagyhazara, amikor az osi magyar
foldon Kelet-Timorban (csak a liberbolsik nem tudjak, hogy Timor Sotany
ku~ndu~ fia volt a csikaji foldek taltosa, Almos urunk alatt, derek keresz-
teny ember volt mondjak) indonez plutokratak bakkancsa tiporja testve-
reinket. NEM VELETLEN !!! Hogy a liberalis tu"csko"k es partifecskek, akkor
uszulnak ra az ezersebbol verzo Ugocsa honfibuval leleksajgassal ontozott
Csonkamagyarorszagara amikor fogyik a magyar, dulik a dogvesz, es meg
a Fradi sem gyozott a Megyeri uton.
A liberalis kabocak es vetesi varjak, nem akarkit, de a Torgyan nemzetsegbeli
Jozsefet, a hetezer eves sarjmagyarsag legvitezebb fiat aljas indokbol
ragalmazzak, kerlek, Bandikam, hogy igy napirend elott szoljak hozza
a nyolcezereves magyarsag sorskerdeseihez.
Raternek kerlek a lenyegre, Bandikam, draga a kilencezereves magyarsag
ideje, ne pazaroljuk, amikor nemzetmentesnek jott el az oraja, de nem turhet-
juk el az aljas indokbol elkovetett ragalmazas fennforgasanak kimeritesenek
megeseset, aztatat nem,
akkor fel kell alljon bennunk a tizezereves pannon verzivatar, Hunniaban
valami keszul, ahogy a nagy konzervativ kolto is megmondotta.
Amikor a Fuggetlen Kisgazda Foldmunkas ES NE FELEDJUK Polgari Part
elet-halal harcat vivja azert, hogy a parlamenti bufebol
a bolsevikliberalisok el ne tuntethessek a sonkas szendvicset, a trianontol
megcsonkitott feherlovere aztatta magyar foldon felutotte a fejet a
liberalista a'rma'ny ragyas pofaja es hat neked
ne mondjam, hogy nem jo ez igy ?!!! Neked, aki ennek a beste Jeszenszkynek
jol megmondtad, hogy a mijozsink clevelandi ES NE FELEDJUK ba'csbetye'r-
szemlo"si beszedebol szikkant ki a konzervativ vilagforradalmisag ?!!!
Neked ne fajna, hogy itten a mijozsink ellen folyik az aljas indokbol
elkovetett fondorlat ?!!! Neked ne fajna, hogy a mijozsink szeplotelen
johiret akarjak elvenni a liberalis vizipokok es kanalas gemek ????
Egy bizonyos Viktoria, aki a West Lafayetti Legfuggetlenebb Kisgazdak
Szovetsegenek fougyesze szerint nem mas mint az idegenma'ju',
komenista stolmar g. ilona, szoval ez a cemende, hogy ki ne torjon belolem
az a tizenegyezereves szittya kulturfoleny, aztat mereszelte ragalmazni
a mijozsinkrol, hogy :
" Az en
velemenyem szinte szorol szora megegyezik az Onevel, csak Torgyan-
rol meg rosszabb, mert tudom, hogy az MSZMP-vagyont egyszemelyes
Kft-be menekitett Kocsis urelvtars a tamogatoja." (HIX FORUM.618)
Hat bolsevikberenc lenne mijozsink ?!!!!
"Kedves Forumozok!
Szeretnem megtudni, ki vagy kik, mely csoportok, szervezetek
adnak Amerikabol olyan hatalmas tamogatast, (nyitnak meg gyujtes-
bol szarmazo folyoszamlat!!), amely a mi torgyankank hallatlanul
nagy anyagi igenyeit kielegiti, meghozza evekig, ahogyan bejelen-
tette. Magyarorszagon csak a New Yorkban mukodo Szabadsag Partrol
tudjak legtobben, hogy meghivta a Jozsi gyereket, nevezetesen a
Ho'ka testverek, de kevesen hinnek, hogy annyira gazdagok, hogy
ilyesmit finanszirozni tudnanak, mivel - hogy ugy mondjam - tome-
gek nincsenek mogottuk, meg tagok is ritkasan. Szoba johet meg a
Szalasi-emlektablat avatott, onfelszentelt Domotor puspok ur, na-
gyobb osszeggel is, no de talan nem a bejelentettehez meretezet-
tel. Itt 20 milliot zaroltak, forintban, ennel tobbnek kell lenni
kinti igereben. Ki ismeri kint a titkot? " (HIX FORUM.619)
Hat nyilasberenc lenne a mijozsink ?!!!
" Kozben az is kiderult, hogy "szemelyes koltsege" - o"rizete, ko-
csi, kocsissal es loval, csaladjanak boseges elelmiszerrel valo ella-
tasa, utazgatasai, stb. - csekely 24 milliocskat tesznek ki. De va-
jon mibul? Talan ez is kiderul, mint minden egyszer." (HIX FORUM.620)
Hat lopik a mijozsink ?!!!
Draga Bandikam, kozelg a magyarsag vegoraja, a nemzetro"gvalosag nagy
elszamolasanak napja, oda kell hatnunk, Bandikam, ODA KELL HATNUNK,
hogy a mijozsinkat ert liberalgyalazat NE MARADHASSON MEGTOROLATLANUL !!!
Legfuggetlenebb Kisgazda Udvozlettel o~lel,
Vitez makkosmariasi Makkosmariassy Elek Gabor
A West Lafayette-i Legfuggetlenebb Kisgazdak Szovetsegenek Elnoke sk.
cc: Dr. Torgyan Jozsef, a Fuggetlen Kisgazda, Foldmuves es Polgari Part
elnoke, mijozsink.
+ - | Re: Elek Gabornak (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
Istvan Szucs > wrote:
>An of course because as evidenced by your characterization
>of the situation Elek being a fencer for posessing stolen
>property it is clear that YOU are the one who has no idea
>about what is the difference between Elek having received
>the letter and being in posession of a stolen good. The two
>are very different in the eyse of the law.
OK, tell me the difference then.
>The question then is how do you know or how can you assume
>that the information that Elek posessed did not get to him
>in that same way? How do you know that he has not read it in
>a similarly public forum?
Well, do you? But we'll find out all the details in due course.
In the meantime I will eagerly watch your reaction when some recipients
of your private e-mail publicize it for fun.
>| Like what? Don't leave me hanging in suspense, PLEEEEZE!
>That the letter was sent to him?
So? You think it's OK to publish it then? Have you heard about rights
to privacy?
>The word is properly used to mean both things. As a
>programmer analyst I have soime idea :)
You must be a lousy programmer analyst then.
>I though YOU would know that it is used to mean a variety
>of things. Including what you outlined above. It also means
>one who breaks in to computer systems, as well as those
>people who through tricky code and ingenius use of resources
>can push a ssytem to the limit.
That usage belongs to the computer illiterates. One would expect you to
know better.
>That's exactly it. That depends entirely on how the document
>got to him.
Well, he has a great opportunity to explain himself, doesn't he?
So where is he?
>Yeah.. maybe even on libel. ;)
Ha! Now that would be REALLY some chutzpah!
+ - | Re: Romanian Tigani-Burners (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
Wally Keeler > wrote:
> You have a knack for riling that nest of tigani-burners.
Oh, dear! You've figured me out!
+ - | Re: Ki tud konkret informacioval szolgalni? (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
In article >, > wrote:
>hogy "pokolla fogja tenni az eletet". Stb. Mit mondott Brando? Ha valaki
>tudja, kerem irja meg - szo szerint. Koszonettel: Kiraly Miklos
En is csak az itteni hirekben hallottam a "botranyrol". Valami olyasmit
mondott, hogy az kozismert, hogy Hollywood a zsidok kezeben van.
Gondolom o is csak azert mondta ezt ki, mivel mar lemondott arrol, hogy
valami komolyabb szerepet is kapjon.
Ez eszembe juttat egy par kongresszusi kepviselot, ill. szenatort, akik
szinten hasonlokepen nyilatkoztak az amerikai torvenyhozasrol, amint
mar nem voltak tobbe tagjai. (Pete MacCloskey es James Aburesk)
+ - | Re: Comparative Suicide (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
Wally Keeler > wrote:
>found curious, largely because I consider Hungary more economically and
>culturally advantaged than its former Warsaw Pact neighbours, especially
>Romania, where there is more reason for despair than in Hungary, yet the
>resilience of the Romanians, insofar as the suicide rate is concerned,
>exceeds that of the Hungarians. Why do you think this may be so?
Oh, maybe they want to see their old dream to come true in their
lifetime: the River Tisza becoming Romania's northern border. ;-)
+ - | Re: He is Risen was: Re: Jews: "Know thyself" (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
Geoff Cooper > wrote:
>Dan K. wrote:
>> I wish all a truly happy Easter on the remembrance day of the Lord's Resurre
ction. It
>> is unbelievable but true that Jesus of Nazareth was truly the Son of God and
the long
>> awaited Messiah of the Prophets of Israel.
>> Praise God, may He send Jesus back soon!
>> God Bless, Dan K.
> If and when the Messiah shows up, and it turns out to be Jesus,
>I may agree with you. Until then, no thanks. IMHO, Christians are
>dangerously close to polytheism and idolaty. Some might claim that
>Jesus violated the First Commandment, and the Christian Church violates
>the Second. I feel that your evalgelizing is offensive to those of us
>of the Jewish faith and wish you would confine it to your own newsgroup.
Seeing is believing.
+ - | Need a picture taken (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
Hi there. I have a favor to ask. My mom's dad dies in 1934. My mom was 4
years old. She left Hungary in 1948 after the war. SHe has never been
If I were to tell you what cemetery he is buried in, would you be able to
take a picture for me? I would send you all the info. I would really
appreciate it. Hope to hear from you soon.
+ - | After PRRZZZZZT was PRRZZZZZT, Goober s Pile (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
( )
) )
) ( ) (
The(smell of(Goober's post on)ce it is in the atmosphere:(
(( (( ( ( )
)) ) ( )) ) ) (
(( ( ((( (( ) ( ))
))) )) ) )))) ) )) ( ) ((
(((( (( ) ( ) ((((( ( (( ) (( ) )))
In > on 11 Apr))1996 ((((
(Gabor Barsai) wrote: ((( )))))
Mating call? I just asked if there were any chicks reading the ng, since
there was too much name-calling going on, and I thought I may lighten up
the discussions. Whatever you read into it is up to you. I wasn't aware of
the fact that you use it to mate with moose. (So tell us, what's it like,
eh?) BTW, I'm sure Ms. Bali is offended that you equate chicks (ie. cute
women with a personality) with moose.I think the misunderstanding comes
from the fact that Ms. Bali equated chicks with fluff-chicks (ie. like the
women on the popular show "Crotchwatch"). Gabor (ooooooooooopps, I mean
Goober) aka. Bird Jaguar, Lord of the Mayas at Yaxchilan
Wally Keeler Poetry
Creative Intelligence Agency is
Peoples Republic of Poetry Poetency
+ - | Re: Barbarism in Chechnya (& AMERICAN New Worl Order BI (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
In article >, (GRycar) wrote:
> Peter Makarov;
> Where did you study history? Russia the defender of
> Christianity! Wow. So much for Soviet education.
> Are you saying that Russia or Russian virtue is somehow
> equivalent to American virtue? Surely you know better but out of force of
> habit state otherwise. Remarkable! Kid try some life liberty and the
> pursuit of happiness. In other words you are here because Russia was not
> wonderfull and in truth the opposit. Learn to see and act accordingly.
> Regards
> George
A great example of how Russians 'defend' christianity was/is Moldova. Russia
was getting it's butt whipped by the Turks when they put out a general call
for all christains to come to their aid. We poor Romanian suckers ansered
that call and helped turn the tide. Our reward? Half of Moldova was taken
by Russia in the resulting peace treaty. During the chaos of WW I captive
Moldova voted overwhelmingly in a national assembly to go back to Romania.
That great defender of christianity, Stalin then took it back as a part of
the Molotov Ribbentrop pact.
Moldovans have been beaten, deported, killed, and even today are imprisoned
for saying that they are Romanians. Ilie Ilascu is a political prisoner
recognized by Amnesty International. He was arrested along with 20 other
people on trumped up charges in 1992 by the russian puppet 'government'
in Tiraspol. As soon as anybody from the group broke and admitted that
they are "Moldavian" not Romanian they were let go (on charges of murder
no less!) but Ilascu and four others remain because they will not cede
their ethnicity.
Russian 'peacekeepers' stand guard and keep safe this illegal government
that even Russia does not recognize. This is today, as we speak, not
150 years ago.
I'm sure other captive ethnic groups can provide their own current stories
of the Russian 'defense' of christianity. It is a sham. A convenient
fiction for russian imperial dreamers. Only for everybody else, that dream
is a nightmare.
Romanian Political Pages now are available
+ - | Re: SCM: Re: Anna Smith & Goober Barfsai (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
I think my brother can really identify. My parents named him Attila and
he got quite the ribbing in school. Of course, that is until he grew to
be 6'2" and 250lbs! ;-)
On 12 Apr 1996, Michael Csiki wrote:
> Wally Keeler wrote :
> [....clipped for brevity....]
> >
> >Listen honeybuns, you weren't dragged in. As I recall you willingly stepped
> >into it by answering Gabor Barsai"s moose mating call: Here chick, chick
> ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
> >chick chick, here chick chick chick.
> ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
> Hey! Didn't I get enough insults about my name in elementary
> school? Cut it out!!!! ;););)
> Signed:
> Mike Csiki (Pronounced Chickey) ;)
> http://users.aol.com/MikeC16958/home.html
> ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
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+ - | Re: SCM: Moose Calls For Anna (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
Oh, poor Wally. You've spent so much time on this it seems that you're
jealous that you didn't think of it first and the only thing you could
get to bite your bait was Brig. Still no date to occupy your time I see!
LOLOLOL Poor little boy, you've been losing a lot of sleep over this
haven't you? LOLOLOLOL
Keep trying little Wally-tell the Beav we said hi
On Fri, 12 Apr 1996, Wally Keeler wrote:
> On March 27, while trolling for an easy spring fling, Goober Barfsai sent
> out this moose mating call:
> |^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^|
> |o In > o|
> |o 27 Mar 1996, Gabor Barsai wrote: o|
> |o > Are there any chicks reading this newsgroup? (Beside Marina...) o|
> |o o|
> |/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/
> Answering to the call of "Here, chick, chick, chick", We have the self-
> respecting appearance of one panting Anna Smith, who, in all likelihood
> would also answer to "Here broad, broad, broad".
> |^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^|
> |o In > o|
> |o Mon, 1 Apr 1996 Enike > wrote: o|
> |o Sure are! o|
> |o Anna o|
> |o o|
> \/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/
> Sooooooooiiiiiiiii!
> Sooooooooiiiiiiiii!
> Sooooooooiiiiiiiii!
> "oink! oink! Here I am."
> Go get her Goober studmuffin; sizzle the bacon, meathead.
> --
> Wally Keeler Poetry
> Creative Intelligence Agency is
> Peoples Republic of Poetry Poetency
> ======= The following has been added by the mailer software =======
> subs/unsubs info - mailto:
> digest - mailto:
+ - | Re: SCM: Goober Barfsai & The Pile (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
If you hadn't of helped cultivate it then there wouldn't be such an
abundance now would there? Poor Wallace. Seems he just can't let go...
On Fri, 12 Apr 1996, Wally Keeler wrote:
> ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
> soc.culture.magyar has recently seen an surge in the production of
> industrial-strength fertilizer. Not since the immasculation of the Horthy
> Hordes and Commie Covens have the FUNgarian people seen such a quantum
> display of post-nutritive disposal substances. GOOBER PRZZT BARFSAI BRAND,
> in 5 litre bags, is guaranteed to produce robust papikras. Just sprinkle
> your lawn and be astonished at the growth -- it's almost as if a politician
> had spoken there. GOOBER PRZZT BARFSAI BRAND is recognized internationally.
> The supply is endless. Below is a list of some of the many nutrients to be
> #######################################################################
> (Gabor Barsai)wrote:
> Don't bet on it...yesterday at the local BP gas station a chick asked me to
> lunch while I was paying for gas. She has nice blue eyes and black hair.
> I mean, I can't help my good looks and superior qualities, can I?
> You're a feisty one, aren't you! I like that in a woman, too...
> Here's a few poems, just for Brigi:
> Who is it, that makes me feel oogy,
> Only you, my dear, sweet Brigi.
> Reggel nem tudok enni, mert Rad gondolok,
> Delben nem tudok enni, mert Rad gondolok,
> Este nem tudok enni, mert Rad gondolok,
> Ejjel nem tudok aludni, mert ehes vagyok.
> Hahahahaha!
> Oh, I'm just soooooo good!
> ######################################################################
> How it is processed:
> ___
> /======/
> ____ // \__
> | \\ // \:,
> |_______|__|_// ;:;
> _L_____________\o ;;;
> |=================
> |(Gabor Barsai)wrote: Don't bet on|
> |it. . . yesterday at the local BP|
> |gas station a chick asked me to|
> |lunch while I was paying for gas.|
> |She has nice blue eyes and black|
> |hair. I mean,I can't help my good|
> \looks and superior qualities, can/
> \I? You're a feisty one, aren't/
> \you! I like that in a woman,/
> \too. . .Here's a few poems,/
> \just for Brigi:Who is it,/
> \that makes me feel oogy/
> \Only you, my dear, sw/
> \eet Brigi.Reggel ne/
> \m tudok enni, mer/
> \t Rad gondolok,/
> \Delben nem tu/
> \dok enni, m/
> \ert Rad g/
> |ondolok|
> |Este ne|
> |tudok a|
> |Hahahah|
> |aha! Oh|
> |Im just|
> |soooooo|
> \good!/
> '
> | '
> G |
> O B
> O A
> B R
> ( E )F )
> R(
> ) ) (
> ( (( ( )
> )) )) ) ( (
> ) (( GOBS O ( )) )
> ( )) GABOR BARSAI (( ( (
> ==================================================================
> --
> Wally Keeler Poetry
> Creative Intelligence Agency is
> Peoples Republic of Poetry Poetency
> ======= The following has been added by the mailer software =======
> subs/unsubs info - mailto:
> digest - mailto:
+ - | Re: Looking for Zoltan VAZZ, Ent surgeon from Sagred. (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
In article > ,
>I have lost contacts with a friend ZOLtan VAZZ a ear nose throat Physician
>from Sagred( spelling may be wrong).
It might be Zagreb, but it is not Hungarian town. It is not
problem because there are Hungarian minority overthere.
Or is it Cegléd ????
Feladó: (cikkei)
On 13 Apr 1996 wrote:
> Right again. Dreaming is good for the soul. Without some dreamers in
> the last century Romania, Transylvania still might be part of Hungary.
> Food for thought,
> Joe
Let's get up from this dreamwalkin' and talk some reality !
If things keep going the way they go in Hungary, in a few years some
smartalec like Tokes will start claiming that Hungary belongs to
Transylvania, and likely Transylvania will be able to absorb Hungary,
at least from an economic standpoint !
m. cristian
+ - | Goober Barfsai the Witless Male Bimbo (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
>Anna Smith Wrote:
>|So now I get dragged into this shit?
Wally Keeler wrote:
>Listen honeybuns, you weren't dragged in. As I recall you willingly
>stepped into it by answering Gabor Barsai"s moose mating call: Here chick,
>chick chick chick, here chick chick chick.
Gabor Barsai baby wrote:
|Mating call? I just asked if there were any chicks reading the ng, since
|there was too much name-calling going on, and I thought I may lighten up
|the discussions.
Well you succeeded. I've been having a ball. I haven't had this much fun
since Mark Cristian declared Nicolae Ceausescu to be a Warrior in
soc.culture.romanian last January. Guess I'll head back over the
Carpathians where there is a better quality of flame-meisters. I've grown
weary of you little witless Bics.
|Whatever you read into it is up to you.
Very profound. It must be quite a feeling of accomplishment to state the
obvious. Did you have to consult with anyone?
|I wasn't aware of the fact that you use it to mate with moose. (So tell
|us, what's it like, eh?)
Us Canadians are trained for it. We cause the horny devils to come out into
the open then we kill them and eat them. It's always best with a side order
of beaver. Have you eaten Canada's national animal?
|BTW, I'm sure Ms. Bali is offended that you equate chicks (ie. cute women
|with a personality) with moose.
Why don't you deflate your balls for a change and seriously ask her up
front instead of waving the only element of character and personality that
you have.
|I think the misunderstanding comes from the fact that Ms. Bali equated
|chicks with fluff-chicks (ie. like the women on the popular show
Oh, as in bimbo? Haven't you been displaying the male equivalent the past
couple weeks? You should WatchLessCrotchWatch -- it's bad for your Neilson
Wally Keeler Poetry
Creative Intelligence Agency is
Peoples Republic of Poetry Poetency
+ - | Creativity For Anna Smith (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
Anna Smith wrote:
|Oh poor Wally. With an attitude like that you'll never get a date.
I have a lifetime date. Mmmmm!
|BTW, I think calling me honeybuns will get your little girlfriend Bridg's
|panties in a bunch since that's pretty much along the lines of "chick" now
|isn't it? LOLOLOL
Whatever you say toots.
|Oh, and you shouldn't feel too sorry for me dear. Traveling the world this
Good for you. Go for it. I used my summers smuggling stuff in and out of
the East European countries during commie days. I loved the adrenalin-
rushes of arrests and near-arrests.
|...before I go off to med school is what I do.
Hey Goober, this one's majoring in vasectomies. Wanna be that sopranno you
always dreamt of?
|Let's see what else Wally tried to flame me with...(it's pretty comical!)
Of course it's comical. I give good wit.
On Thu, 11 Apr 1996, Wally Keeler weakly attempted to flame me by stating:
> |It was my first day on this list when I (not realizing how little of the
> |hungarian culture is actually discussed here) responded to that not even
> |thinking about how I *should be* offended.
> ... on this your second posting. My my what a short wick we have here.
|Not my second posting but I guess counting isn't your strong suit...
This is good. You turned up your Bic to full throttle. Unlike Goober, I can
count on you for retaliatory wit.
|Oh, and wasn't it your little friend who got all bent about a simple term
|like chick? My my, what a short wick she has there...
"short wick" hey, make up your own images -- get creative!
> So you abuse your husband. I think Goober will love you more.
|Now Wally, isn't that a personal issue? And you try to make Goober out
|to be the pervert...
I never made Goober out to be a pervert. You would be well advised to
enroll in Betty Boops' Remedial Reading Course. I've been making Goober out
to be banal, bland, boring, witless, and multimediocre.
> |Don't drag others into your tired conversation unless you want them to
> |respond.
> You did respond didn't you? First to Goober's mating call, then to
> Brigitta's reply to Goober.
|Funny how you know so much about the mating rituals of the moose...
I'm a Canadian. We know about these things. True North ya know...
|I thought it said that you were creative below...guess not. Again, nice
|try but I don't think so. [In this Anna, you are simply stupid] But, I
|don't blame you. You have to try to save face somehow. Poor, poor Wally.
|> Wally Keeler Poetry
|> Creative Intelligence Agency is
|> Peoples Republic of Poetry Poetency
My creative talent permits me to hobnob with other creative types, here in
Canada and abroad in Eastern Europe. I have been published in book form,
and in various international literary/art journals. I know what my cv says
and I have every confidence that I could out-create you any day of the week
or year -- I could do so with every Magyar Morsel that has posted so far.It
is not a matter of reading and comprehending literaly as you do, but to
have simultaneous parallel comprehension as well. A measure of creativity
is the use of metaphor, simile, analogy, etc. It is the ability to join two
elements of thought to present an original third. You, as well as others,
have failed to demonstrate this quality -- and for a good reason -- you
don't have the write stuff. It is a simple fact -- you and company are
bland and banal in this regard. You have 256 shades of grey; I have 16.5
million pixels of Pantone. However, I do not have the right stuff to be a
medical doctor; it takes prolonged focus, intense and sustained
concentration, and a large humane spirit -- I do not have those qualities,
or if I do, they are stunted, wilted, atrophied, whatever. In any event, I
wouldn't dream of partitioning any of my creativity for any other quality.
Here's a poem for you, my uncreative world traveller:
"We could be a poem,"
I said
you didn't
the hint of a verb in your eyes
leaving me unrhymed
in a heap of nouns
When I wrote
the opening line
you said
the last word.
And here is a poem for my beautiful creative wife:
We are like larvae
in a cocoon
in a crysalis
Two larvae
come together --
a beautiful winged creature
Oh and look, here is a winged creature now:
This is a general multi-purpose artack artcraft designed by the de-
constructivist team from the Ministry of Extraordinary Affairs. It is an
artcraft that utilizes advanced morphing concepts on the fly. Extremely
stealthy in ascii environments, this artcraft is the mainstream mainstay in
the defence of poetry. It seeks out and destroys all manifestations of
anti-poetic activity in urban landscapes and langscapes.
recreation ------- - - - -
art-art-art-art-art-art-<wreck-creation ----------- - - - -
re-creation -------- - - - -
wreckreation /
wrecreation -----/ - - -
recreation //
/ /
// /
poem ' " ! /
anal ' (\':|;)
anal ' (\\|/)
banal ,a(_\*)nal
banal a/*nal
banali crap & mono-media crazy banal
banalit bureaucrap and and multimedio crazy banalit
banality bureaucrap and land multi-mediocrity banality
banalcity bureaucrap bland bland multi-mediocrity banalcity
> =========================================================================
Wally Keeler Poetry
Creative Intelligence Agency is
Peoples Republic of Poetry Poetency
+ - | Economical standpoint (was Re: TRANSYLVANIA BELONGS TO (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
In article >
Hermes1, writes:
>If things keep going the way they go in Hungary, in a few years some
>smartalec like Tokes will start claiming that Hungary belongs to
>Transylvania, and likely Transylvania will be able to absorb Hungary,
>at least from an economic standpoint
Ach so.
I hope Romania the best, but the numbers talk about a different
story and suggest a different future.
Hungary Romania
population (m) 10.3 22.7
GDP /capita ($)('95) 3,882 1380
Average wage (monthly $) 328 110
Foreign direct.investment
cumulative (9/95 bn $) 10 1,4
in 1995 (bn $) 1,041 0.07
cost of living (work-
hours/ basket of goods) 140 250
Foreign exchange
reserves (bn $) 12.1 1,946
+ - | Re: SCM: Need a picture taken (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
I'm visiting Hungary this summer. If you could tell me what town the
cemetery is in I could see if I could do this for you. Send me the info
and I'll see what I can do!
On 12 Apr 1996, Tulika wrote:
> Hi there. I have a favor to ask. My mom's dad dies in 1934. My mom was 4
> years old. She left Hungary in 1948 after the war. SHe has never been
> back.
> If I were to tell you what cemetery he is buried in, would you be able to
> take a picture for me? I would send you all the info. I would really
> appreciate it. Hope to hear from you soon.
> Sue
> ======= The following has been added by the mailer software =======
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+ - | Re: Wallace, the mating call expert; was: SCM: Moose Ca (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
Bacon, how cute! LOLOL Ah, spring and seventh grade revisited.
Although, I seem to remember seventh graders as being much more creative
than our resident pseudo poet ...LOLOLOLOL
On Fri, 12 Apr 1996, Wally Keeler reverted to his prepubescent and most
favorite time of life:
> On March 27, while trolling for an easy spring fling, Goober Barfsai sent
> out this moose mating call:
> |^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^|
> |o In > o|
> |o 27 Mar 1996, Gabor Barsai wrote: o|
> |o > Are there any chicks reading this newsgroup? (Beside Marina...) o|
> |o o|
> |/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/
> Answering to the call of "Here, chick, chick, chick", We have the self-
> respecting appearance of one panting Anna Smith, who, in all likelihood
> would also answer to "Here broad, broad, broad".
> |^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^|
> |o In > o|
> |o Mon, 1 Apr 1996 Enike > wrote: o|
> |o Sure are! o|
> |o Anna o|
> |o o|
> \/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/
> Sooooooooiiiiiiiii!
> Sooooooooiiiiiiiii!
> Sooooooooiiiiiiiii!
> "oink! oink! Here I am."
> Go get her Goober studmuffin; sizzle the bacon, meathead.
> --
> Wally Keeler Poetry
> Creative Intelligence Agency is
> Peoples Republic of Poetry Poetency
> ======= The following has been added by the mailer software =======
> subs/unsubs info - mailto:
> digest - mailto:
+ - | Re: He is Risen was: Re: Jews: "Know thyself" (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
Chutzpah! -- This is pure christian zionism, so repugnant and racist
as the jewish version.
Dan K. ) wrote:
: First of all Yeshua Hamashiah was half Jewish and He was born and raised
: in Israel. All of His original disciples were Jewish and many of His
: disciples today are Jewish. The Messianic Jewish group which I am
: most familiar with is Jews for Jesus. Their address if you should wish
: to contact them is:
: Jews for Jesus
: 60 Haight Street
: San Francisco, CA 94102-5895
: As for the Torah and the Ten Commandments, a Christian is no longer under
: them as Law for the Law of Liberty in Christ Jesus has set us free from
: the Mosaic Law of Sin and Death. Jesus instituted a new Law, the Law of
: Love towards God and one's fellow man. The Jewish Apostle Paul in his
: letter to the Hebrews wrote that God has given us a New Covenant. This
: New Covenant supercedes the Old Covenant and allows a Christian to
: KNOW the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. I hope that you contact Jews for
: Jesus, they will be able to explain to you in detail how Jesus fulfilled all
: of the Scriptures concerning His first coming. His second is just around
: the corner. How do I know? Because of the signs of the times found in
: the Bible. The biggest sign is that the Jews have returned to Israel and
: have reoccupied their Holy City as Jesus prophesied they would in the
: 24 chapter of the Gospel of Matthew, other signs will soon follow like the
: rebuilding of Solomon's Temple in Jerusalem.
: Regards, Dan K.
+ - | Re: Need Hungarian term for cell-phone (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
In article >,
(Mark L Fong) wrote:
>The most widely used term is :mobil-telefon
>>The two terms I've heard are radiotelefon and maroktelefon.
What I like the best is: "Bunkofon".
Szaszvari Peter
+ - | Re: Need Hungarian term for cell-phone (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
In article > Peter Szaszvari,
>What I like the best is: "Bunkofon".
The "Tahofon" is equally good.
+ - | Re: hotels in Budapest? (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
In article > ,
>Can anyone steer me toward some decent and reasonable
Well, there are quite a few.....
> What should I expect to pay?
Anything between 50 and 3000 $ per night. :-)
+ - | Re: He is Risen!!...but he s not shaved or had breakfas (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
In fact, he'll be late for work.
+ - | Re: He is Risen!!...but he s not shaved or had breakfas (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
Ever seen that Far Side cartoon that Gary Larson (not a Jew) drew and
had rejected by his editor?
It had Jesus at the coffee maker in his house going, "Ahhh...I feel
like I've been dead for three days..."
VERY funny.
David Byrden > wrote:
>In fact, he'll be late for work.
"If they give you ruled paper,
Write the other way."
--Juan Ramon Jimenez
+ - | Re: Elek Gabornak (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
In article >, > wrote:
| Istvan Szucs > wrote:
| >
| >An of course because as evidenced by your characterization
| >of the situation Elek being a fencer for posessing stolen
| >property it is clear that YOU are the one who has no idea
| >about what is the difference between Elek having received
| >the letter and being in posession of a stolen good. The two
| >are very different in the eyse of the law.
| OK, tell me the difference then.
The difference is exactly that when you are talking about
information (such as this letter) it is impossible to trace
back the carrier of this information to the crime. If you
steal something and you give it to someone while it is
possible that you received the property innocently, since
there is only one *thing* that was stolen and is therefore
more closely related to the crime commited.
I konw that hits is not an exhaustive answewr, but I hope it
clears the difference up somewhat. This btw allows
journalists to be protected from criminal activities their
sources may have committed without their knowledge.
| >The question then is how do you know or how can you assume
| >that the information that Elek posessed did not get to him
| >in that same way? How do you know that he has not read it in
| >a similarly public forum?
| Well, do you? But we'll find out all the details in due course.
| In the meantime I will eagerly watch your reaction when some recipients
| of your private e-mail publicize it for fun.
No, I don't, but I am not one making accusations.
| >| Like what? Don't leave me hanging in suspense, PLEEEEZE!
| >
| >That the letter was sent to him?
| So? You think it's OK to publish it then? Have you heard about rights
| to privacy?
That is an entirely different issue. BTW I responded to this
question in another posting that I am sure you read by now.
| >The word is properly used to mean both things. As a
| >programmer analyst I have soime idea :)
| You must be a lousy programmer analyst then.
And you have every right to believe I am. The fact remains
that hacker means in more then one way, but I guess you've
never heard of words changing their meanings, being extended
in use, or carrying multiple meaning.ss
| >I though YOU would know that it is used to mean a variety
| >of things. Including what you outlined above. It also means
| >one who breaks in to computer systems, as well as those
| >people who through tricky code and ingenius use of resources
| >can push a ssytem to the limit.
| That usage belongs to the computer illiterates. One would expect you to
| know better.
On what authority do you claim that? Do you claim the autor
of the great hacker crackdown computer illiterates for
instance, or the task force of the FBI? Both have used
hacker in this way. But I guess you claim to know better,
and/or have the authority to make the determination.
| >That's exactly it. That depends entirely on how the document
| >got to him.
| Well, he has a great opportunity to explain himself, doesn't he?
| So where is he?
Dunno. Do you? He has an opportunity btw that he has no
obligation legal or moral to take up, just like Ilona has no
obligation to substantiate her claim without which she has
committed libel. So where is she?
| >Yeah.. maybe even on libel. ;)
| Ha! Now that would be REALLY some chutzpah!
| Joe
+ - | Re: Elek Gabornak (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
In article >, > wrote:
| Gyula Szokoly > wrote:
| >
| > Az egyikotok egyetemen valaki ellopta a levelet (nem kell nagy
| >tudas hozza), es elkuldte Elek Gabinak. Nagyobb a valoszinusege,
| >mint hogy Elek betorne egy gepre (nem hiszem, hogy ertene hozza).
| Hiszen en is epp ezt sulykolom mar nem tudom hanyadszor. Egyebkent en, a
| cimzett, nem vagyok egyetemi accounton, hanem ez egy ISP.
| Ha meg az Ilona fianak az egyetemen (ahonnan a level jott emlekezetem
| szerint) lopta el valaki (az accountba valo betoressel), az illeto miert
| kuldte volna Eleknek ha csak nem haverok? Kulonben is miert
| valasztottak volna epp Ilona fiat a betoresre annyi egyetemi account
| kozul? A legvaloszinubb, hogy azert, mert direkt o utana
| szimatoltak.
Amit eddig irtal arraazt tudom mondani hogy konnyen elkepzelheto...
| Nagy valoszinuseg szerint Elek keresere tette azt valaki, aki
| tortenetesen ugyanazon az egyetemen van, vagy hozzafer.
Ezt viszont egyaltalan nem latom nyilvanvalonak. Eleken
kivul annyian vannak akik megtehettek volna, miert pont
Elektol kellett az "osszeeskuvesnek kiindulnia?"
Az is
| nyilvanvalo, hogy az illeto magyar, kulonben honnan tudta volna, hogy
| epp melyik level volt a "csemege"?
| Akarhogy is nezzuk a dolgokat, minimum feltetelezhetjuk, hogy Elek
| tisztaban volt a level illegalis megszerzeserol, s vallalta az "orgazda"
| szerepet, maximum direkt az o keresere kovette el valaki a
| Mindenkepen buntenyrol van szo.
Ezzel nem ertek egyet. Ha Eleknek nem volt szerepe a level
megdszerzeseben akkor nem hiszem hogy buntenyrol lenne
szo. Megegyszer, ez jogiulag mas mint az orgazdasag. Az
orgazdasag jogilag jelent valamit hiszen abbol amit
valakinek a tulajdonaban talalsz egy darab van, teaht az a
darab szarmazott bunteny elkovetesebol. Ez igy itt nem igaz.
| Ami meg erdekesebbe teszi az ugyet az az, hogy ezek kozott a nagy
| Elek-vedok kozott biztosan van szamtalan, aki a legnagyobb
| felhaborodasat fejezne ki, ha egy privat level cimzettje nyilvanossagra
| hozna azt a levelet, amit kapott, megha keretlenul is kapta. Ugyanakkor
| itt most egy szavuk sincs az ellen, hogy Elek egy olyan maganlevelet
| publikalt, aminek sem az iroja, sem a cimzettje nem volt.
| Szoval johetnek ezek az erkolcsi hullak nekem ezek utan a predikacioikkal
| a leveltitokrol!
Nezd, Elek tenyleg megszegte a leveltitkot. Formalisan
persze nem biztos mert elvileg hihette azt hogy a level amit
kapott hamisitvany, ugy nem szegte meg szandekosan a
leveltitkot, de elismerem hogy valoszinuleg ugy gondolta
hogy a level valodi. Ennel sokkal sulyosabb amit Ilona tett
es tesz. Ez nem menti fel Eleket az alol hogy a leveltitkot
megszegte volna, de talan ezt is meg kene emliteni. A level
tartalma ius erdekes, ha a level valodi tovabbi kerdesek
merulnek fel...
| > Nem nezett valaki tul sok cyberpunk filmet????? Azoknak uzenem, betorni
| >nem olyan egyszeru, mint egyesek hiszik.
| De megtortenik. S ha meg tortenetesen a "havernek" root accountja van,
| akkor "the possibilities are endless."
Persze.. csak ahhoz az kell hogy egy ewrossen trusted rendszeren
lkegyen root accountja ahonnan ellenorzes nelkul
belephet. Egy root account az semmi. Ha van egy pcd meg
meg linuxod neked is lehet root accountod. Egy root accoun
tnem jelent semmit.
+ - | Re: Elek Gabornak (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
In article >, > wrote:
| Istvan Szucs > wrote:
| >
| >Whoops.. sorry. I was under the impression that if someone
| >openly accuses someone with a crime they can be assumed to
| >take their claims seriously enough to be factually accurate.
| One doesn't have to be a computer expert to figure out that
| something is fishy here. I suppose by the time this matter gets to the
| court, Ilona consulted with the proper computer security
| experts.
Ilona's claim however was not tha something is fishy
here. If that is what she said I would have had to
agree. Ilona's story doesn't measure up .. and if it ever
goes to court we'll see the rest. If Ilona will consult with
security experts and hasn;'t done that before her post was s
ent she might be in a nasty situation however. since her
storyas it is is not credible if the security experts find
out that Elek wasn't it or even if they can't proove that he
is it she may have libel on her hand. From her posting it
sounds like she is not proficient enough to be mnaking such
accusations, and since her story is not together I would
guess that she has not consulted those security experts.
One thing for sure. at the time she posted the letter Elek
was not found guilty by anyone therefore her claim at the
point of her posting was unsubstantiated.
| >If one cannot understand and express the difference between
| >these things then one should not make open accusations about
| >a subject-computer crime- that they need so little about.
| I am still waiting for your theories about this, BTW. Since you're so
| sure about Elek's innocence even in the face of his bragging, I'd like
| to believe you know what REALLY happened.
No I am not sure of his innocence. I have no idea 3what
happened. I am almost sure that things did not happen
exactly as Ilona described, and I can imagine - for instance
that someone took the letter and sent a copy of it to Elek.
I see no reason to believe that this had to happen at Elek's
If you don't, then why don't
| you ask Elek himself for the explanation? Why do you think he is so
| silent now? How uncharacteristic of him!
Possibly he finds these speculations funny, and doesn't want
to put an end to them. I can't blame him for that. We have
so many stories of special powers and conspirations that I
can imagine that he is just amused. ;) I had a friend by the
name of Meng in college, who was one of the well known
internet personalities there, and for months peopl e kept
guessing whether he was male or she was female. S/he was so
amused that s/he refused to dispell the confusion.. Of
course this is only one of the possibilities.
+ - | Re: Elek Gabornak (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
In article >, > wrote:
| Peter Szaszvari > wrote:
| >
| >Could somebody help me out with the English name of this disgusting method?
| >Maybe you Joe?
| Gladly! In your left-handed way, I think you were trying to compliment
| me by implying that I am hard to trap by people who can only accept
| black and white answers.
Coming from a guy who makes claims that those who use the
word hacker to mean people to hack into systems illegally
are computer illiterates. :)
| But why did you have to go to such abstract example to explain what you
| meant? Why not just quote from actual articles I wrote? That's how
| it's usually done on Internet, you know.
I'll wait for him to do that, and if he doesn't I'll do it
| But thanks for the compliment (I think),
| Joe