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Új cikk beküldése (a cikk tartalma az író felelõssége)
Megrendelés Lemondás
1 Where is Debrenecs in Hungary? (mind)  7 sor     (cikkei)
2 Re: The Nemenyi files (mind)  32 sor     (cikkei)
3 Re: The Nemenyi files (mind)  38 sor     (cikkei)
4 Re: Reading recommendations - rekindled. (mind)  25 sor     (cikkei)
5 Re: Where is Debrenecs in Hungary? (mind)  4 sor     (cikkei)
6 Re: Reading recommendations - rekindled. (mind)  20 sor     (cikkei)
7 Re: The Nemenyi files (mind)  82 sor     (cikkei)
8 analyst23@aol.com (mind)  39 sor     (cikkei)
9 Re: The Nemenyi files (mind)  53 sor     (cikkei)
10 Do we want to become a Forum supplement? / Re: analyst2 (mind)  22 sor     (cikkei)
11 Re: analyst23@aol.com (mind)  6 sor     (cikkei)
12 Re: The Nemenyi files (mind)  26 sor     (cikkei)
13 The nym issue / Re: The Nemenyi files (mind)  47 sor     (cikkei)
14 Disgusting food (was Re: A growing list) (mind)  79 sor     (cikkei)
15 Nemenyi (mind)  148 sor     (cikkei)
16 How about an agreed-upon definition of "anti-semitism?" (mind)  139 sor     (cikkei)
17 Re: Disgusting food (was Re: A growing list) (mind)  48 sor     (cikkei)
18 Re: Disgusting food (was Re: A growing list) (mind)  12 sor     (cikkei)
19 Re: The Nemenyi files (mind)  24 sor     (cikkei)
20 NPA -- the saga continues (mind)  125 sor     (cikkei)
21 NPA--the saga continues (mind)  29 sor     (cikkei)
22 analyst23@aol.com (mind)  20 sor     (cikkei)
23 The Nemenyi files (mind)  15 sor     (cikkei)
24 Nemenyi (mind)  217 sor     (cikkei)
25 Re: How about an agreed-upon definition of "anti-semiti (mind)  66 sor     (cikkei)
26 Re: The Nemenyi files (mind)  56 sor     (cikkei)
27 Re: The Nemenyi files (mind)  13 sor     (cikkei)
28 Re: How about an agreed-upon definition of "anti-semiti (mind)  35 sor     (cikkei)
29 Re: NPA -- the saga continues (mind)  26 sor     (cikkei)
30 Re: Disgusting food (was Re: A growing list) (mind)  14 sor     (cikkei)
31 Re: Nemenyi (mind)  10 sor     (cikkei)
32 The Nemenyi files (mind)  102 sor     (cikkei)
33 Re: analyst23@aol.com (mind)  11 sor     (cikkei)
34 Re: Do we want to become a Forum supplement? / Re: (mind)  12 sor     (cikkei)
35 Re: A growing list (mind)  9 sor     (cikkei)
36 Re: Disgusting food (was Re: A growing list) (mind)  16 sor     (cikkei)
37 Re: analyst23@aol.com (mind)  37 sor     (cikkei)
38 Re: Ideological babbling from the radical left (mind)  64 sor     (cikkei)
39 Re: Disgusting food (was Re: A growing list) (mind)  31 sor     (cikkei)
40 How about an agreed-upon definition of "anti-semitism?" (mind)  83 sor     (cikkei)
41 Really me myself, cross my heart! (mind)  12 sor     (cikkei)
42 Good news - (mind)  15 sor     (cikkei)
43 Re: Nemenyi (mind)  35 sor     (cikkei)
44 Re: Do we want to become a Forum supplement? / Re: (mind)  20 sor     (cikkei)
45 NPA -- the saga continues (mind)  42 sor     (cikkei)
46 Re: New Thread / Same Old Topic (mind)  74 sor     (cikkei)
47 Analyst23 seems to me to be a cheap provocator (mind)  13 sor     (cikkei)
48 How about an agreed-upon definition of "anti-semitism?" (mind)  27 sor     (cikkei)
49 Compatriot searching (mind)  12 sor     (cikkei)
50 Re: Disgusting food (was Re: A growing list) (mind)  15 sor     (cikkei)
51 Re: Nemenyi (mind)  28 sor     (cikkei)
52 Re: Good news - (mind)  29 sor     (cikkei)
53 Re: Nemenyi (mind)  17 sor     (cikkei)
54 Do we want to become a Forum supplement? (mind)  9 sor     (cikkei)
55 Nemenyi (mind)  11 sor     (cikkei)
56 Re: The Nemenyi files (mind)  5 sor     (cikkei)
57 Re: analyst23@aol.com (mind)  19 sor     (cikkei)
58 Re: Ideological babbling from the radical left (mind)  34 sor     (cikkei)
59 Re: Disgusting food (was Re: A growing list) (mind)  13 sor     (cikkei)
60 Re: Nemenyi (mind)  36 sor     (cikkei)
61 Re: Hungarians athletes cut . . . (mind)  37 sor     (cikkei)
62 Re: Disgusting food (was Re: A growing list) (mind)  28 sor     (cikkei)
63 Re: analyst23@aol.com (mind)  11 sor     (cikkei)
64 ol ' Doc's cousin Arlomeister [was: Re: Nemenyi ] (mind)  39 sor     (cikkei)
65 Re: analyst23@aol.com (mind)  24 sor     (cikkei)
66 Re: PROTEST NBC-TELEVSION (mind)  133 sor     (cikkei)

+ - Where is Debrenecs in Hungary? (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)
Can anyone tell me where this city is?
Is it......in Hungary or a border nation,
and what is the County Seat?
Where is the courthouse for legal papers (i.e. Birth Certificates)
and how can they be obtained for genealogical search.

+ - Re: The Nemenyi files (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)
Sammy boy:
>I'm now going to ask you for what I believe is the fourth time -- please
>post the evidence to back up your assertions. If you don't have it, then
>admit it. You can't tell the truth; you can't flame worth a damn. You are
My neighbor had a parrot once, named it Sammy. Hey, I like it when you beg,
but just read my previous post.  Will you?  If you are nice to Mr. Nemenyi,
and use the magic word with him too, he may just mail you the tape himself.
That is, if you promise to write a Time article on free speech about him,
once the case is over (with his picture on the front cover:-)) )  Short of
that, even you must finally comprehend that "hard evidence," as such, does
not exist on the Internet.

And don't try to show us an almost human side.  You're still a thug, and a
gutless one at that.  Too spineless to stand up for the stars and stripes
you're so proud of.  Otherwise you would have answered my question.

Barna Bihari

>>PS.  No need to get all touchy about the Lyle thing.;-)  It was a
>>compliment: after all, you've been doing a maaaaavelous job on his hair.
>>Why did you drop his name off your signature file in such a haste??
>If you had paid attention to my posts, you'd know that my sig changes
>about every seven to ten days. Lyle had his turn in the sun. Now it's
Funny though that he vanished right after the rumors started flying.  But
I believe you.  You are always getting new hairdo customers.  BTW, repeat
after me:  "signature files are a waste of bandwidth."  Write it down a
100 times and snail mail the "hard evidence".  Just address it to Santa
Claus, you know, where all the other 5 year olds send their letters.

PS2.  I don't flame.  I just keep you in your place where you constantly
      put yourself with your rabid posts.
+ - Re: The Nemenyi files (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)
Zoli Fekete writes:
>> Back to the point:  A MAN -- regardless who -- LOST HIS LIVELIHOOD BECAUSE
> This is not true as stated, period. A man quit his job - quite possibly
>to pursue another carrier. The alleged forcing him to do so was BECAUSE
>he violated the employer's contract he himself signed.
Look Zoli, I am not in the habit of stating what's not true.  You don't
have to believe me now, but implicitly calling me a liar is not kosher
either.  You have yet to prove that I lied on any single occasion on this
or any other list.  Time will tell.  As for policies, they are violated
left and right, and most everybody gets away with it.  It's called
selective enforcement.  NPA was picked because he rubbed some people on
the Internet the wrong way.  It's that simple.

>> I'll rephrase the question for you:
>> *assuming* that what we are saying is true, was that fair or not?
> *Assuming* that all you are saying is true, the only fairness question
>could be this: how come that in the events between NPA and his employer,
>the allegedly threatened-for action - the firing which as you're saying
>didn't happen after all - by the former based on improper behavior of the
>latter is being blamed on some "rats" who might have brought into
>attention his publically known postings from the account he'd been told
>not to use so?
Not to worry, I won't bother asking you any more about the ethical side
of this issue.  Apparently your mind has been made up from the beginning,
as you don't let yourself be bogged down in any substantial arguments.  I
think you have given us ample answers in your previous replies as well as
your jumbled up sentence above, so that your position is crystal clear by
now.  Up to now you have been asking for evidence.  Now you seem to agree
with the employer and suggest that the "rats" actually did the right
thing (please correct me if I'm wrong).  I guess the "evidence" does not
matter any more, and when it all comes, new excuses will be readily

BTW.  Since you referred to my post to Stowe, maybe you will also reconcile
   those (3) contradictions I pointed out to him.  If you can, of course.

Barna Bihari
+ - Re: Reading recommendations - rekindled. (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)
In article >, Aniko Dunford
> writes:

>Thanks for the recommendation and the laugh too (even though it *was* in
>retrospect).  Seriously, it was great reading!  And you will forever be
>remembered as the three "arses" of Coles (name of the bookstore)..

Arse not what your list mates can do for you; arse what you can do to your
list mates.
Sam "At Least I'm In Good Company On This One" Stowe

P.S. -- I don't remember telling you "Under The Frog's Arse" or "Under The
Frog's Ass." But, hey -- the folks at Coles will at least be intrigued
enough to read it and learn a little about Hungary.

"C'mon, honey, think about
it -- a jet engine, a riding lawn
mower...Someone was bound
to put 'em together eventually..."
-- Tim "The Toolman" Taylor
+ - Re: Where is Debrenecs in Hungary? (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)
If the place is not Debrecen if could be Debrecsen (Nograd), near

Peter I. Hidas, Montreal
+ - Re: Reading recommendations - rekindled. (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)
Ciao Sam:

>Arse not what your list mates can do for you; arse what you can do to your
>list mates.
>Sam "At Least I'm In Good Company On This One" Stowe
>P.S. -- I don't remember telling you "Under The Frog's Arse" or "Under The
>Frog's Ass." But, hey -- the folks at Coles will at least be intrigued
>enough to read it and learn a little about Hungary.

Re your PS:  You did not.  You were kind enough to provide the author. I
shared this teeny story, in the hopes that it might bring a few smiles to
the group - even if at my expense?  Why, with daily (whoops, hourly)
episodes of "As NPA Turns" I thought a little light humour might be indeed
welcome!  At least to me the incident was quite howlarious.  And you are
right.  The ladies at Coles did order in several copies for the store and
one for each of themselves also.

+ - Re: The Nemenyi files (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

On Sun, 28 Jul 1996, Barna L. Bihari wrote:
> >> Back to the point:  A MAN -- regardless who -- LOST HIS LIVELIHOOD BECAUSE
> > This is not true as stated, period. [...]

> Look Zoli, I am not in the habit of stating what's not true.  You don't
> have to believe me now, but implicitly calling me a liar is not kosher

 I have not called you a liar (and do not). I was pointing out why your
syllogism was untrue. For it to hold, both premises must be true AND the
logical connection be valid. Now the first half is made to sound as if
he's prevented from working anywhere, whereas he merely lost a position
(one whose job restriction he disliked so much that he'd been violating
it despite warning). Regardless, let's say that underneath the rhetorical
excess the statement is that there was pressure for him to quit, which
may be true. But then such measure could only be applied due to the
conflict with the contract he signed, so the BECAUSE connection is invalid.
 To give you an example: I have not received the $3K raise I think I
deserved, and I think there are people who hate my guts. Still, saying
that I have not received the $3K raise I think I deserved BECAUSE there
are people who hate my guts would be false. (The reason is the policy here
not to give grad students $3K raises no matter how much they deserve
;-(...) The cause-and-effect link is missing, so the logic linking them is

> As for policies, they are violated
> left and right, and most everybody gets away with it.  It's called
> selective enforcement.

 Analogously, laws are being violated left and right - with only the most
blatant abuses getting whacked. Are you saying that the most flagrant
violators should be let go as well, by reason of lesser offenses being
 Anl.gov, a government-sponsored host, was misused for prolific racist
(and other hatemongering, incidentally) posts; to say that this very
visible run-in with the institution's policy should've been treated the
same as tentatively allowed browsing (in the semi-privacy of the
employers' own) of the Net is the kind of stretch that is not helping your
case at all.

> as you don't let yourself be bogged down in any substantial arguments.
 Oh, I would like nothing more - please present some, at long last ;-(...

> Up to now you have been asking for evidence.
 Still I am. But since there hasn't been any shown, I'm left to comment on
what's been posted so far.

>  Now you seem to agree
> with the employer and suggest that the "rats" actually did the right
> thing (please correct me if I'm wrong).
 You are wrong, on many counts. I can't agree with the employer, for I
don't know what they said or did. I also don't know what, if anything, the
"rats" did either. But according to all what's been said by Nemenyi's side
(the only one speaking), there has nothing been illegal (with the possible
exception of lying about his dealing with porn - which false accusation
could have no actual bearing, however), anti-constitutional or even
'snoopy'; moreover his employer's sanction based on a contract he signed
would've been both justified and the responsibility of ANL, not of third
 This is really about hurling yet more denunciations at Eva, Gabor or
whomever happen to disagree (aka be "detractors", in pro-NPA parlance)
with Nemenyi's line in this sordid post-martyrdom affair; I haven't yet
heard you to comment on this, did you?

- --
 Zoli , keeper of <http://www.hix.com/hungarian-faq/>;
*SELLERS BEWARE: I will never buy anything from companies associated
*with inappropriate online advertising (unsolicited commercial email,
*excessive multiposting etc), and discourage others from doing so too!

Version: 2.6.2

+ - analyst23@aol.com (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)
There is an interesting development on the Forum. A fellow who writes under
the name analyst23, from aol (America  On Line) is dedicating one of his
highly intellectual postings to this list.

I am going to translate a few of his words, for the edification of those he
is writing about:

He wants to shake Arpi Rambo's hands because he agrees with what Rambo wrote
about the "foreign language discrediting of the Hungarian people on the
neighboring Internet organs."

He also says: "Directly or indirectly it is the image of an entire people
and country that is at stake and I consider all those who actively or
tacitly participate in this traitors; a more resolute government, that is
not hopelessly involved in coalitional and anti-coalitional fights would
definitely take care of them. Naturally, sooner or later it will happen."

I assume analyst23 is hoping that the poisonous umbrella-yielding Bulgarian
style KGB people will appear to take care of the problem.

He also writes: "In view of the sharpened debates on antisemitism I expected
some historical argumentation, such as the political reasons of King Herod's
orders which resulted in the slaughtering of newly-born babies or for
example about the power of the political and ethnic forces which finally
lead to the crucifixion of Jesus, even though Pilate washed his hands in
vane with antibacterial soap."

He is also making recommendations: " In my opinion the Forum is a thousand
times better than this foreign language version, which in its present form
is to be discontinued or is to be restrained by a strong-handed moderator
before it causes unmeasurable damages to Hungary, to the Hungarian
identity.... Those in charge, attention!"

Hugh, please get in touch with him/her and comply:-).

Gabor D. Farkas

P. S. By the way, analyst23 was one of the strongest defenders of Nemenyi's
rights to freedom of speech.
+ - Re: The Nemenyi files (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)
In article >, "Barna L.
Bihari" > writes:

> Short of
>that, even you must finally comprehend that "hard evidence," as such,
>not exist on the Internet.
>And don't try to show us an almost human side.  You're still a thug, and
>gutless one at that.  Too spineless to stand up for the stars and stripes
>you're so proud of.  Otherwise you would have answered my question.
>Barna Bihari
>>>PS.  No need to get all touchy about the Lyle thing.;-)  It was a
>>>compliment: after all, you've been doing a maaaaavelous job on his
>>>Why did you drop his name off your signature file in such a haste??
>>If you had paid attention to my posts, you'd know that my sig changes
>>about every seven to ten days. Lyle had his turn in the sun. Now it's
>Funny though that he vanished right after the rumors started flying.  But
>I believe you.  You are always getting new hairdo customers.  BTW, repeat
>after me:  "signature files are a waste of bandwidth."  Write it down a
>100 times and snail mail the "hard evidence".  Just address it to Santa
>Claus, you know, where all the other 5 year olds send their letters.
>PS2.  I don't flame.  I just keep you in your place where you constantly
>      put yourself with your rabid posts.
You're still sending mixed signals, Barna. On the one hand, there's your
refreshing honesty about your homoerotic desires. I respect you for
sharing it with all of us, even if I sincerely doubt that Lyle Lovett
would be receptive to your advances. On the other hand, you attempt to
stooge for Mr. Nemenyi, yet can't seem to provide the documentary evidence
which would back up his claims and yours. And even when you take a few
extra megabytes to work on your flaming, it never rises much above
sophomoric "ca-ca, poo-poo" stuff. You have some major conflicts within
yourself which you will have to address at some point. It's okay to be a
goose-stepping right-wing schmuck. Your lack of intelligence seems to suit
you very well for such a restricted role in life. But don't you know that
your fellow brown-shirts absolutely despise gays? What makes you think
they'll make an exception for you?
Sam Stowe

"C'mon, honey, think about
it -- a jet engine, a riding lawn
mower...Someone was bound
to put 'em together eventually..."
-- Tim "The Toolman" Taylor
+ - Do we want to become a Forum supplement? / Re: analyst2 (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

 I would like to re-iterate my sentiment that discussing one list should
not take over the agenda of another. While with the recent offensive of
{N}PA and cohorts the topic could hardly be completely avoided, I
respectfully request the esteemed contributors to keep it to the minimum -
there is a reason most of us don't read the Forum anymore, you know ;-(.

- --
 Zoli , keeper of <http://www.hix.com/hungarian-faq/>;
*SELLERS BEWARE: I will never buy anything from companies associated
*with inappropriate online advertising (unsolicited commercial email,
*excessive multiposting etc), and discourage others from doing so too!

Version: 2.6.2

+ - Re: analyst23@aol.com (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)
Analyst23 seems to me to be a cheap provocator
who was hired by the accusators of Mr Nemenyi.
He disguises himself as a defender of the
accused, but he makes more damage than help.

                                    Sz. Zoli
+ - Re: The Nemenyi files (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)
In article >,  (JFerengi)

>I chose a while ago to not use my real name since I realized that many
>crazies could easily get hold of postings for their own twisted purposes.
>Was I wrong to be cautious? Our world is a violent one. Many people are
>intolerant and full of unreasoning hate. Am I a coward for this

When I first started browsing the Net, I chose to use my real name because
I take responsibility for my opinions and statements and think others
ought to be held to the same standard. If you were truly cautious, you
simply wouldn't speak out. Instead you choose to take a very public stand
on a very contentious issue without providing the public accountability
for what you say that signing your real name would give your posts.
Thrusting yourself into a public forum without that public accountability
is cowardice. Most of the rest of us seem to have no problem with signing
our real names to our posts. I suggest that in future you do the same if
you wish to be taken seriously.
Sam Stowe

"C'mon, honey, think about
it -- a jet engine, a riding lawn
mower...Someone was bound
to put 'em together eventually..."
-- Tim "The Toolman" Taylor
+ - The nym issue / Re: The Nemenyi files (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

On Sun, 28 Jul 1996, Stowewrite wrote:
> In article >,  (JFerengi)
> writes:
> >I chose a while ago to not use my real name since I realized that many
> >crazies could easily get hold of postings for their own twisted purposes.
> >[...]
> I take responsibility for my opinions and statements and think others
> ought to be held to the same standard. If you were truly cautious, you
> simply wouldn't speak out. Instead you choose to take a very public stand
> on a very contentious issue without providing the public accountability
> for what you say that signing your real name would give your posts.

 I strongly disagree with this. That is, it is admirable if people put
their name on the line like you (as well as myself ;-() do, but not
everybody ought to be held to the same. Particularly if one provides
verifiable content and/or valid arguments their personal accountability
should not count.
 As a matter of act, online identity is not such a trivial matter as most
assume. For example, there's no easy way even for you to prove to my
satisfaction that ' does indeed belong to any Sam
Stowe. Even with institutional, as opposed to ISP, accounts such as my own
one here you would face considerable difficulty for positive ID. To
emphasize this issue, a couple of years ago I suggested to my friends that
they should try and disprove the hypothesis thet I may be Joe Pannon (or
the other way around). To this date no such evidence has been uncovered,
so for all we know one of us might be impersonating the other ;-(...
 The upshot is, as a rule you can't really tell for sure the identity of
Internet speakers with even the most legit-looking username - so you
should not get too fixated on pseudonames either.

- --
 Zoli , keeper of <http://www.hix.com/hungarian-faq/>;
*SELLERS BEWARE: I will never buy anything from companies associated
*with inappropriate online advertising (unsolicited commercial email,
*excessive multiposting etc), and discourage others from doing so too!

Version: 2.6.2

+ - Disgusting food (was Re: A growing list) (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)
On Sat, 27 Jul 1996 18:06:26 -0700, "Eva S. Balogh"
> wrote:

>At 03:09 AM 7/26/96 GMT, Bandi Rozsa wrote:
>>My mom had the ability to walk into the larder (is spa'jc a Hungarian
>        Spa'jz comes from German: Speise=food, nourishment, meal, dish.

You know how confused we, Erdelyiek, are.... constantly mixing
languages :-).... despite all others' opinions we really did not care
who was what or what language was used....just as long as we
understood each other... (off topic, sorry).

>        Fried pig's blood is very good. Believe me. We used to have it once
>a year: at pig's killing time in early January.

Oh, yes... the disznotoros. I tell people about how EVERYTHING a pig
has got, was eaten (except the hooves, I think) and they can't fathom
it. Veres hurka, anyone? What's the word for headcheese? Lovely,

The (December, in our case) pig saved an entire culture, I think. Had
it not been for it, dried beans, onions and potatoes in the attic
wrapped in hay, Jonathan apples, and the conserves (eltetett - huh,
Eva?), we would have not made it through the 5-month winters.

I still have images in my mind of the meszaros chasing down a big ole'
pig in the yard. And we lived in the city. :-)

As a further aside: I have never given anybody (American or otherwise)
ever a taste of good smoked peasant sausage and not have them
instantly become ADDICTED to it. Not once.
Heart-burn and all. :-) :-)

In our house (now), there is a link of sausage on the counter at all
times (the drier the better). There is almost no way of passing by it
and not take a bite. I just hope that those fool Russians who bought
my favorite Hungarian deli in Los Angeles, don't start messing with
the receipe.

Just in case anyone wonders: with all this lard and fats in our diet
it is a wonder, but our cholesterol is not any higher than any other
culture's (mine is 157, and I ain't spring chicken either). Without
going into homeopathy and holistic health, it may have a lot to do
with some of the other ingredients we (used) to eat: acidic
side-dishes, garlic (works like an antibiotic, too), complex
carbohydrates, and paprika.

Now, would someone, please, tell my gastroenterologist that I am not
lying. :-)

>>Bean soup
>        I still make it quite often and love it. Also excellent if you use

A receipe, Eva? And one for bab-leves too, if you so feel inclined.
Hmmmm? Please....

>        I eat salad with vinegar/lemon salad dressing really twice a day. I
>simply can't imagine a meal without a salad. I remember that my father and I
>used to "fight" over the salad at dinner time.
>        Eva B.

Maybe you are from Transylvania, just didn't know it? :-)))))

Jo' e'tva'gyat mindenkinek,

> =============================================================
      Andrew J. Rozsa - Birmingham, Alabama, USA
> -------------------------------------------------------------
          Pain is inevitable. Suffering is optional.
> =============================================================
+ - Nemenyi (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)
Since I received a few requests to prove that Nemenyi is an antisemite, I
went back to the Forum archives to find out a little more about Nemenyi and
his writings. At the beginning I didn't know how to search the archives
efficiently, so I went fishing, looking for his name. Surprise, surprise, on
12/9/94 Zoli Szekely, at that time  writes to him,
as follows:

"It seems you lost your legendary cold blood. I did not call you a Nazi or a
fascist. All I said was that the ugly guessing game about the biological
origins of the central figure of Christianity is close to the views of
Rosenberg, one of those convicted in the Nuremberg trials.".

I assume this was in response to a posting by Nemenyi on 12-7-94 from
aps.anl.gov  (at 1:44pm). On 12-9-94 (again from the anl.gov account, at
1.24PM) he explains that Arabs are Semites (I assume he is into the
explaining of antisemitism again).  On 12-24-94 (now from 
) he writes: "Indeed very alarming news are arriving about a new wave of
honfoglalas, whose goal is our country. According to Uj Hidfo's August 94
issue George Soros discussed the transfer of 200,000 Jews with he
cooperation of the IMF. The first transports are scheduled for March-April
and the building of Hungarian Kibbutzim is accelerated. [...] The
honfoglalas is not a new phenomenon in our country, in the beginning of the
eighteen hundreds rabbi Moishe Montefiori declared: Jewish Brothers! Hungary
and Galicia must be ours! (Weimarer Historisch Genealoges Taschenbuch 1912)
[research, research, everywhere, GDF] Edgar Bronfman, the president of World
Association of Jews talked to Gyula Horn about the issue of reparations,
issue that was pulled out again, issue that apparently has became part of
this new honfoglalas. "

On 12-23-94 (from ) , in response to VA, who apparently
thought that Nemenyi and Pellionisz are one and the same, Nemenyi writes: "
Although your orthography is perfect, you are still DIFFERENT. I suggest you
Hungarize your name let s say to rozenberg, otherwise someone may confuse
you with a Slav who speaks Hungarian and who accidentally peeked into a
Hungarian-language debate forum."

On 12-24-94 (again from ): "Let's read a little from an
American economic and political magazine:... European "productive Triangle"
program to develop the new eastern democracies and Kissinger's neo-liberal
economic looting policies, personified by George Soros and Jeffrey Sachs..."
(the quote in Nemenyi's posting is in English). Further he writes: " The
local [US] economists understand what's going on. Those who have a Federal
Reserve Bank that is not Federal and not reserve, those know why the world's
richest country went bankrupt in 1933 (see Roosevelt's Executive Orders
6073, 6102, 6111 & 6260). Isn't this the same New World Order whose active
member is Soros? [...] The World Constitution signed by the reagan (sic!)
leadership in 1980 (Unido Treaty#9719) wouldn't qualify as treason in the
US, since it placed the US Constitution below the UN Constitution?  We are
not talking about Soros and Jews but about money and power." Later Nemenyi
writes: "Wouldn't we be better off if we could keep our culture in our own
hands? If the soros monies would not make universities to teach liberal
world views? ...If the soros-kind liberal world wants to help us, they
should eliminate our debts."

On 12-26-94 (and now from another address, ): "Politics
forces many people into compromises. Many praised Imre Nagy although in the
bottom of their hearts they knew he was bad.  Or they defend Horthy, despite
the fact they know he was a free-mason and he took part in the Jewish

On January 1, 1995 : "it is easy to state the tragedy of 1956 was caused by
the Americans . ...The main reason was the lack of humanity of the soviet
communism, whose being was approved by the Western powers in 1945. To this
add the RFE broadcasts and the false illusion that the USA and Soviet Union
are mortal enemies.". He also says: "also the relatively well-trained
work-force [of the Hungarian refugees] benefitted the Americans." This quote
is not about antisemitism, I just found it interesting.

At this point of my "snooping" I found out how to search the Forum archives.
I found 16 pages listing Forum issues that contained postings in which the
word Nemenyi appeared. I went through 3 pages and copied his postings from
those issues into an MS Word file. It came up to 50 pages.  Considering that
I did not search for files with NPA (the name he has been using for a long
time), I assume that his postings may add up to several hundred (maybe over
a thousand) pages, most of it from his work-place, at various hours. When
did he work?

Here are a few of his pearls, posted form :

3/19/93, 1:34PM: "It is a tradition created by Trotsky (Leon Brownstein) and
inherited into the Hungarian interNazi present at past from the red colored
workers' paradise systems."

3/23/93, 8:23 AM: "That Rakosi was a Hungarian politician, that's
technically incorrect. A politician makes politics and that's how becomes a
politician. ... his rule can be compared to that of Pontius Pilate. Can we
state that he was a Jewish politician? Although he was making life and death
decisions about the Jews and represented Roman law."

3/25/93, 3:26PM: "The Jewish news-chain from ancient times was transferred
to the primitive Europe and it helped the building of a bank-hegemony."

4/23/93, 10:35AM : "Within a unified Hungarian nation it is strange if our
internal politics are continuously divided by non-Hungarian influences, and
people grab each others' throats because of their Slav-German-Jewish power
interests and some voices try to accentuate that of all views the Hungarian
ones are the worst."

5/13/93, 1:09 PM: [responding to someone who questions whether it makes any
sense to request territories back where a large proportion of the population
is Romanian]. "The era of famous saying, Never Again, that does not apply to
everyone. If the Balkans could introduce the LIBERALly handled and tacitly
approved idea of ethnic cleansing, used lately by both Serbs and Croats,
then if we sold our souls to the devils sitting on mountains of money [he is
using an un-translatable play of words: BANKohegy], than we could also
receive the license. Sure, we would have to apply for the license to clean
without destruction, which would include first-class train transportation,
because licenses for sawing in two, mass-shooting, etc. was used up by Snow
White souls of the Nazi-free countries..."

5/18,93 9:53AM: "[Trianon] Hurt my father, hurt my mother, hurt me also.
...I am not sure it hurt [rabbi] Landeszman Gyuri."

6/4/93, 2:56PM: "Here the ideas and directions do not struggle based on the
rules of the old Forum but by the old motto  those are trying to gain power
who don't consider anything dear that is Hungarian, because Hungarian
culture, belief and morality is cheap in their eyes.   They adore their old
gods in new clothing, their names being profit, advantage, power..."

7/14/93, 2:09 PM: "... I recommend the Hebrew language book, published in
Jerusalem in 1941, Khazar Conversion to Judaism or the book published in
1951, Khazaria -The History of a Jewish Kingdom in Europe. I think these
sources would be a good introduction in understanding of the nationalistic
aspirations that now are of international proportions , and their
unfortunate Hungarian connections."

In the same place he says: " ...they are categorized as antisemites, which
is a big lie [HANDA-BANDA] because the Jews in Hungary are almost
exclusively descendants of the Ashkenazi-Khazars, who have nothing genetical
or historical in common with the Palestinian or Sephardic Jews, and chose
the Jewish religion only for political reasons, 740 years after Jesus'
death." [Semitic, again]

8/9/93, 9:32 AM: "It is worth thinking about why did Poland get 50%
reduction in its debts?... Maybe in their country there are more Poles than
in ours Hungarians, and therefore their cries reach easier the ears of
those, sitting on the money-bags?"

8/17/93, 1:13 PM: "...the liberal magic number of 800,000.. after all it is
so comfortable to say: 800,000 Jewish victims, 800,000 registered party
members, 800,000 Gypsy minority and now: 800,000 public servants."

I don't have the stomach to do more of this. My wife thinks I am crazy
wasting this time on Nemenyi. She is probably right.

Sorry for the size of this posting. I won't do it again.

Gabor D. Farkas
+ - How about an agreed-upon definition of "anti-semitism?" (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)
Eva Balogh Wrote:

>At the time when Mr. Nemenyi first posted his, by now infamous,
>writing, even people whom I consider to be not at all "liberal" were
>horrified!! Several people whom I considered to be the right of me by
>a mile wrote in, saying: do you mean that you also believe the stories
>about those poor witches in Europe and in North America?

That so called infamous article  was  nothing  but  examples of events
recorded by many different sources. I never  stated, that those events
were accepted by the main stream masses, but pointed out the opposite.
Mainly, that there were always fanatics who  ventured  away  from  the
original scriptures. Of course the actions  of  the  few,  there  were
prosecutions of the masses. And talking about the witches, we have in
North America a Witch Society. It doesn't matter, that they are just
human beings. Some of them are taking quite seriously their own beliefs,
which are not aligning with the mainstream America.

>Now, surely, not one of us believe that the medieval witch hunts had
>any merit whatsoever!

>Should we believe that Jewish blood libel cases had any merit whatsoever?

I guess there were mostly drummed up cases, but if we reject all of them
as false, then we can declare that the Bathory case never happened either.
But it did!

>Yes, I guess, if you have an antisemitic bend.

Nonsense. It is only as Eva describes, if we say, that all of those people
are guilty whose race or religion they represented. But remember, I don't
believe of collective guilt!

>Moreover, Mr. Nemenyi's last example was a late nineteenth-century
>Hungarian case!! It just shows, I'm afraid, how far behind Hungary was in
>comparison to countries west of her.

I don't think so. The Hungarian justice system never used the word "blood
libel" in that case. I have right in front of me, all the important data
regarding to this case, including Judge Bary's book. Even this book does
not have such title. There was an investigation without being tainted with
blood accusation. The phrase was used by the the household Joseph Scharf
in the first time.

>That anyone at that late date would believe such story!!! And common,
>uneduated folks did believe it, and some antisemitic members of parliament
>made political capital out of it, to the shame of the country!!

That is a lie of course. Even the party of Gyozo Istoczy did not use the
case to hammer up support for it's  organization.

>It was big news in those days all over the world and people were horrified!
>And, I am sure, in the privacy of their homes, muttered something like,
>"Well, you know, the primitive east Europeans, those primitive Hungarians
>who came from Asia!!"

Originally it was a small case, but after Pester Lloyd and the Allience
Universelle made it big, the attention started to focus on it of course.

>That's the kind of things they most likely said. The poor girl, the victim,
>either committed suicide or she was murdered. In any case, her body was
>found in the river Tisza!

The female corps found in the river Tisza, was inspected by Elek Josa
a Szabolcs's well accepted pathologist, and some others. They all found
her around 24 years old. (Esther the victim was 14 by time of her
disappearance) The corps head was shaved and died of tuberculosis. She was
dead by the time she ended up in the river. Esther's mother recognized
the clothing but announced, the dead girls is not her doughter.

>But the very fact that such thing was all over the Hungarian newspapers
>and people gave credence to such stories, I'm afraid doesn't reflect well
>on late nineteenth-century Hungary!

I agree. It was tragic, because the bulk of the Hungarian newspapers or
their staff dealing with the case were on Jewish hands. I hope I don't have
to prove who was Legrady Pollak Otto of Pesti Hirlap, H. Fodor Miklos of
Mai Nap, or deal with Veigelsberg Hugo of Pester Lloyd, etc.? It was tragic,
that a simple crime turned into a scandal.

>And, on top of everything else, we have to hear about it on the Internet
>in 1995, from a man, who believes that no justice was served by acquitting
>the Jews of Tiszaeszlar, who were falsely accused!!!

We heard about in the Internet in 1995, because someone brought up the
"blood libels" to show how terrible the Hungarians were. And it wasn't
Nemenyi. I simply stated, that there were far too many cases in many
different places. That started the argument. So Eva should not credit me
alone with topic. Furthermore Eva exclaimed that time privately, that she
doesn't know much about the case, but in the latest time Jews wrote their
own history. What the hell does it mean?

>And we are taking about this man seriously? Do we take him seriously? Do we
>think that he is an innocent victim of an intolerant society?

Seems like some of Evas friends did! And so did Eva.

>Let's assume that Mr. Nemenyi is not antisemitic (which is hard to
>believe, by the way). But then there is the obvious question: why is he
>talking about Jewish topics all the time?

The answer is quite easy. First...  I talked about many different topics
of different kind. Eva Balogh even thanked me on some research involving
Christian issues. Secondly whenever someone is using a Jewish ticket to
kick into the Hungarians, I voiced my opinions in the case citing facts,
based on historical research.

>Why does he find a Jewish culprit behind every important historical event,
>be it 1848 or 1917.

Oh, I don't think that is the case. For example I never sad that Grof
Karolyi was Jewish, because he wasn't. And I never sad that Dezso Bokanyi
of Kun's regime was Jewish, because he wasn't. :-)

>Why is he so preoccupied with this particular topic?

What topic? History?

>We know from the horse's mouth that he has some Jewish connection, by
>marriage. I guess, this is the basis of Barna Bihari's contention that
>Mr. Nemenyi couldn't possibly an antisemite.
>But, let's face it, you can be born a Jew and be an antisemite. I have met
>several of them. Just because Mr. Nemenyi was married to a Jewish woman once
>upon the time and has a child who is half Jewish that doesn't mean that Mr.
>Nemenyi cannot be antisemitic. Far from it.

Why Eva Balogh's have to bring my family into the picture? I love my family
and she should take hike of that subject. And she shows how little she
knows about Jewish issues. My  doughter are not half Jewish according  to
the custom.

>P.S. I am afraid I have been away all day long and I will be away all day
>long tomorrow and therefore I am unable to answer some of posts which
>concern my earlier utterances, including Mr. Nemenyi's boss. I will try to
>answer the posts Sunday.

And I will be around to answer.

+ - Re: Disgusting food (was Re: A growing list) (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

On Sun, 28 Jul 1996, ANDREW ROZSA wrote:
> You know how confused we, Erdelyiek, are.... constantly mixing
> languages :-).... despite all others' opinions we really did not care
> who was what or what language was used....just as long as we
> understood each other... (off topic, sorry).
 Actually this latter comment is very much on-topic (more than some of
the culinary delights we're getting into here, I'm afraid ;-)). But as a
matter of fact I know non-Erdelyis, such as our own family, who uses

> >        Fried pig's blood is very good. Believe me. We used to have it once
> >a year: at pig's killing time in early January.
 I can't stand that (nor the blood as food, nor the ritual of the
slaughtering, inciddentally ;-() - tastes and slaps, I'd say...

> Veres hurka, anyone?
... while I love this ...
> What's the word for headcheese?
... and puke from this again ;-(. The word is simply (?) 'diszno1sajt',
isn't it!?

> stuff.
> In our house (now), there is a link of sausage on the counter at all
> times (the drier the better). There is almost no way of passing by it
> and not take a bite.

 I'll quote you to my parents - they still think I should be able to
resist ;-).

- --
 Zoli , keeper of <http://www.hix.com/hungarian-faq/>;
*SELLERS BEWARE: I will never buy anything from companies associated
*with inappropriate online advertising (unsolicited commercial email,
*excessive multiposting etc), and discourage others from doing so too!

Version: 2.6.2

+ - Re: Disgusting food (was Re: A growing list) (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)
At 02:08 PM 7/28/96 -0400, Really me myself, cross my heart! (Zoli Fekete)

>> What's the word for headcheese?
>... and puke from this again ;-(. The word is simply (?) 'diszno1sajt',
>isn't it!?

No,  it is diszno1fo3sajt!

Gabor D. Farkas

(happily back to this topic)
+ - Re: The Nemenyi files (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)
In article >,  (JFerengi)

>PS. The fact that both sides use poor grammar and weak communication
>skills is a        tribute to the emotionality of the discussion.
>I don't feel like digging up crap in any stinky

You may actually be begging the question of whether you can find your way
through an archive well enough to bring forth anything of interest from
it. Judging from the fact that you are now reduced to whining about the
quality of English used by some of us challenging Mr. Nemenyi's
assertions, I think we have to assume that you've pretty much exhausted
your meager rhetorical resources. I don't know why you don't sign your
real name to your posts. You have nothing particularly interesting to say
and a pathetically banal way of saying it.
Sam Stowe

"C'mon, honey, think about
it -- a jet engine, a riding lawn
mower...Someone was bound
to put 'em together eventually..."
-- Tim "The Toolman" Taylor
+ - NPA -- the saga continues (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)
Eva Balogh wrote:

>Do you accuse me of lying? For your information, here is the letter
>I received from my "mole."

Do you remember,when you accused the Hungarian Radio, Petofi of
broadcasting of something, that could have been false? And then
you post this letter:

>Kedves Eva,
>Utananeztem a dolgoknak, amirol kerdezett. Ugy nez ki, hogy a hir igaz.
>Valaki valoszinuleg "feljelentette" NPA-t es a vizsgalat igazolta a
>vadakat. Szamitogepen es a kulonbozo newsgroup-ok archivjaiban talalt anyagok
>kompromittaloak voltak. NP nem megvarva az elbocsajtasat, felmondott.
>Fonoket az esemenyek miatt szinten elbocsajtottak, aki a vizsgalat soran
>a kerdesekre azt mondta, hogy ugyan tudott arrol, hogy NPA kulonbozo
>newsgroup-okba irogatott, de nem tulajdonitott jelentoseget a dolognak.
>A vad "hivatalosan" antiszemita anyagok terjesztese allami tulajdonban
>levo szamitogeprol.

You never asked me, if the information was true,  Istvan N. your mole
wrote you. But you attacked the Hungarian Radio thinking,  they had
only my version, without any proof to back it up.

And the letter stating,  there were "VADAK ~ ACCUSATIONS" which were
proved to be true. But you wrote to Forum, that  I just left my  firm
voluntarily possibly, because of lack of work. So you lied! Also ANL.
claimed only one accusation, but now we are talking about the contents
of my writings. You are dragging ANL. down,  by foolishly posting letters
like this. But you know what? That is why I am happy to receive as much
attack against me as possible. The dirt brings out the truth. :-) Mr. N.
wrote the magic word "hivatalosan", and the "antiszemita anyagok terjesz-
tese". Thank you for doing me a favor, like this! The above letter claims,
that my boss was fired, which for more than a month, wasn't true. You
forwarded this false info to Fencsik "alias Karesz" who spread hatred and
your false info on Forum. You never actually checked the validity of the
claim. But of course you promised to this list, that you will contact
Radio Petofi. Did you do it? What was the reply? :-)

>The date was June 15th. The letter did contain some new information:
>Mr. Nemenyi's boss was also fired. Mr. Nemenyi denied this as late as two
>weeks ago. Now he says that the story is true and that "my snooping around,"
>and "my mole's activites" have something to do with his firing. How can
that be?

The date of the letter is correct. But my boss was fired about three weeks
ago and not in early of June when the first Istvan N. rumors were flying
around ANL. I sad the story was told a month too early. I never claimed,
that  Eva's activities caused the dismissal of my boss. That is what she
is repeating over and over again.

>Janos Kornai:
>>I conclude they never
>>checked with ANL, and indeed they have relied on the biased evidence supplied
>>by one party, you.

>I also conclude the same thing. It is unfortunately only too often
>that Hungarian journalists don't check their sources properly. I can give
>the readers of HUNGARY a long list of questionable journalistic practices
>from the Hungarian media.

I guess Eva is the one, who did not check her sources, but spread the
false info around.

>>Call them whichever way you like. Maybe they are just a "icipici vallalat" :-
>>due to the fact, that their APS. division worked on a profit project.
>>And the proofs of mine seemed satisfactory for the reporter of that Radio.

>It is more likely that the editors of the Petofi Radio have "icipici" brains!

Did you mentioned it to  them? And if you did? I wonder what was their reply?

>>>Since you are the party harmed by Argonne's actions, or at least you claim t
>>>be (nobody can blame others for harm caused by their own voluntary action) i
>>>is in your interest to present some objective evidence supporting your case.

>>Oh I will. But not to you.

>I am sick and tired of you and your accusations, Nemenyi. Your first
>or second letter on this subject kept hinting very strongly that one of the
>"denouncers" was no one else but Gabor Farkas.

Oh boy. I sad "farkastorveny". Does it mean Gabor Farkas, who investigated
where I worked, and so on? You people are not even careful with your infos,
and want me of being careful with my Hungarian phrases?

>You kept repeating the word "woolf" right and left and every possible
>expression in which the word "woolf" appeared in a negative sense. For
those of
>you who don't know Hungarian: farkas means woolf.

And of course "farkastorveny" means negative behavior, but not the name of
Gabor Farkas. It meant the "Law of the Wolf". Do you want to have a language
lecture again, or just want to play another funny ticket against me? But
wasn't it Gabor Farkas who attacked me, investigated me, and still hunting me?
At least that's what he thinks he does! :-)

>In any case, you and your followers were making very strong hints that either
>Gabor Farkas or Gabor Elek, or perhaps both, were the culprits.

You know. People are hinting. Like you and your ilk is hinting things about
me. So do you think, that is a God given right to you and your band only?

>While you are accusing people of amoral acts you bring your case to the
>while we are unable to, because of the existence of the privacy act, get to
>the bottom of these accusations. I think this is unfair and I think you ought
to stop.

Just one line above you sad "hinting". But now you sad "accusing". Please make
up your mind! And DON'T TELL ME TO STOP, when I am only answering to the
constant stream of hate mails dealing with my private life on this platform!

>Whatever happened at your workplace, you don't have the right to accuse people
>publicly while the privacy act prevents us from finding out the truth.

Accuse? Whatever I sad about you, you acknowledged. Speak in your own name

+ - NPA--the saga continues (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)
Between two lecso receipts Eva Balogh wrote again:

>>>My informant at Argonne didn't keep my request to himself (and I
>>>didn't ask him either, by the way) and he must have informed Mr.
>>>Nemenyi about my inquiry.

>>Wrong. Dead wrong. Eva's informant did not tell me anything. I had
>>my own way to monitor Eva's activities.

>I didn't not tell the name of the informant to anyone. Not a soul.
>Therefore the only source could have been my informant's friend, who
>gave me his name in the first place.

Listen Eva! I have many good friends at Argonne. As  soon as  you call or
write I might hear about it. I don't care about your friends, I care about
my own. And don't forget, the rumor about my boss firing was investigated
inside of ANL. regardless of you and your friends. The only problem about it
was, that your mole forget to check his own rumor, before he started to
spread around.

But reading your sentences above, do you mean, you ran your own investi-
gation on me?

>So Eva should not over estimate her part in this dirty case. She is dirty,
>but in another way. :-)

Do I have to? :-)

+ - analyst23@aol.com (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)
Gabor Farkas wrote:

>I am going to translate a few of his words, for the edification of
>those he is writing about:

>P. S. By the way, analyst23 was one of the strongest defenders of
>Nemenyi's rights to freedom of speech.

I never asked analyst23 to defend me on Forum. His views are his own.
And my views are mine only. But......

How is it, that Mr. Farkas is coward enough to confort people on the
very same platform, they originated their articles on? It is not that
I agree or disagree analyst23, or whoever he is, views, but It would be
honest, if Mr. Farkas would attack him/her on Forum, where the article
first appeared. There is plenty of room to prove how wrong Mr. analyst23
is. Or Mr. Farkas wants to associate everybody with me, whoever mentioned
my name? Miserable experiment.

+ - The Nemenyi files (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

I strongly disagree with this. That is, it is admirable if people put
their name on the line like you (as well as myself ;-() do, but not
everybody ought to be held to the same.

That sounds great. How about  does a remote login
to  and sends hate mails under false name? Would you despise
that guy, who is using a remailer like yours? (See above) :-)

Of course you don't have the faintest idea of, who that guy could be?
Because if you would know, you would speak out against such, because
you admire if people put their own name on the line! Sure Mr. Fekete!

NPA. (who put his own name on the line) ;-(
+ - Nemenyi (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)
Gabor Farkas wrote:

>Since I received a few requests to prove that Nemenyi is an antisemite, I
>went back to the Forum archives to find out a little more about Nemenyi and
>his writings. At the beginning I didn't know how to search the archives
>efficiently, so I went fishing, looking for his name. Surprise, surprise, on
>12/9/94 Zoli Szekely, at that time  writes to him,
>as follows:

Mr. Farkas is in the full swing on my case. Does it count double overtime

>>"It seems you lost your legendary cold blood. I did not call you a Nazi or a
>>fascist. All I said was that the ugly guessing game about the biological
>>origins of the central figure of Christianity is close to the views of
>>Rosenberg, one of those convicted in the Nuremberg trials.".

>I assume this was in response to a posting by Nemenyi on 12-7-94 from
>aps.anl.gov  (at 1:44pm). On 12-9-94 (again from the anl.gov account, at
>1.24PM) he explains that Arabs are Semites (I assume he is into the
>explaining of antisemitism again).

What is more important in quotes of Mr. Farkas? The content of my writings
or the time I sent them up from the ANL. computer? :-)

>On 12-24-94 (now from ) he writes: "Indeed very alarming
news are arriving about a new wave of honfoglalas, whose goal is our country.
>According to Uj Hidfo's August 94 issue George Soros discussed the transfer
>of 200,000 Jews with he cooperation of the IMF.

But Mr. Farkas forgets to mention, after the news turned out without hard
evidence I sent a post to Mr. Rubin, whom I had an argument on this subject,
to declare, I was wrong to believe the article of "Uj Hidfo". So Mr. Farkas
if you say "A" say "B" as well. Your miserable game is childish.

>On 12-23-94 (from ) , in response to VA, who apparently
>thought that Nemenyi and Pellionisz are one and the same, Nemenyi writes: "
>Although your orthography is perfect, you are still DIFFERENT. I suggest you
>Hungarize your name let s say to rozenberg, otherwise someone may confuse
>you with a Slav who speaks Hungarian and who accidentally peeked into a
>Hungarian-language debate forum."

That is all you can bring up? Rosenberg a nice German name. Not any worse
than Pellionis, which is Latin. You want to play? ;-)

>On 12-24-94 (again from ): "Let's read a little from an
>American economic and political magazine:... European "productive Triangle"
>program to develop the new eastern democracies and Kissinger's neo-liberal
>economic looting policies, personified by George Soros and Jeffrey Sachs..."
>(the quote in Nemenyi's posting is in English). Further he writes: " The
>local [US] economists understand what's going on. Those who have a Federal
>Reserve Bank that is not Federal and not reserve, those know why the world's
>richest country went bankrupt in 1933 (see Roosevelt's Executive Orders
>6073, 6102, 6111 & 6260). Isn't this the same New World Order whose active
>member is Soros? [...] The World Constitution signed by the reagan (sic!)
>leadership in 1980 (Unido Treaty#9719) wouldn't qualify as treason in the
>US, since it placed the US Constitution below the UN Constitution?  We are
>not talking about Soros and Jews but about money and power."

So what is your point Mr. Farkas. Do you want to argue on my article? I am
ready! You know.... not about "Soros and Jews but about money and power".

>Later Nemenyi writes: "Wouldn't we be better off if we could keep our culture
>in our own hands? If the soros monies would not make universities to teach
>liberal world views? ...If the soros-kind liberal world wants to help us, they
>should eliminate our debts."

So? What is wrong in my sentences? I was touching on your nerve?  You mean
soros-liberalism equals Jewish entity? Oh, then you are a bad boy!

>On 12-26-94 (and now from another address, ): "Politics
>forces many people into compromises. Many praised Imre Nagy although in the
>bottom of their hearts they knew he was bad.  Or they defend Horthy, despite
>the fact they know he was a free-mason and he took part in the Jewish

So was it true, or not?

>On January 1, 1995 : "it is easy to state the tragedy of 1956 was caused by
>the Americans . ...The main reason was the lack of humanity of the soviet
>communism, whose being was approved by the Western powers in 1945. To this
>add the RFE broadcasts and the false illusion that the USA and Soviet Union
>are mortal enemies.". He also says: "also the relatively well-trained
>work-force [of the Hungarian refugees] benefitted the Americans." This quote
>is not about antisemitism, I just found it interesting.

Why don't you claim this piece also antisemitic? Nobody would notice the
difference, according your twisted brain. :-)

>At this point of my "snooping" I found out how to search the Forum archives.
>I found 16 pages listing Forum issues that contained postings in which the
>word Nemenyi appeared. I went through 3 pages and copied his postings from
>those issues into an MS Word file. It came up to 50 pages.  Considering that
>I did not search for files with NPA (the name he has been using for a long
>time), I assume that his postings may add up to several hundred (maybe over
>a thousand) pages, most of it from his work-place, at various hours. When
>did he work?

Thanks for your interest in my articles. Seems like you have good taste.:-)
And can you imagine, I wrote all those articles at home, besides a book am
still working on, dedicating for my best buddy, Gabor Farkas.

>Here are a few of his pearls, posted form :
>3/19/93, 1:34PM: "It is a tradition created by Trotsky (Leon Brownstein) and
>inherited into the Hungarian interNazi present at past from the red colored
>workers' paradise systems."

Oh Mea Culpa, I should of omit that fellows real name. Is it mandatory in
the American Democracy, to omit the real name of a historical figure?  In
Hungary, it was mandatory!!! May be Mr. Fekete is proud of me, putting a
real name on line. :-)

>3/23/93, 8:23 AM: "That Rakosi was a Hungarian politician, that's
>technically incorrect. A politician makes politics and that's how becomes a
>politician. ... his rule can be compared to that of Pontius Pilate. Can we
>state that he was a Jewish politician? Although he was making life and death
>decisions about the Jews and represented Roman law."

The translation is poor.  It needs a twist.  Rakosi was Jewish  but killed
his Jewish partners in power, meanwhile served a foreign power, the Soviets.

I wonder why Mr. Farkas is dancing around this bloody handed dictator? Any
vested interest? :-)

>3/25/93, 3:26PM: "The Jewish news-chain from ancient times was transferred
>to the primitive Europe and it helped the building of a bank-hegemony."

That sounds like a compliment!

>4/23/93, 10:35AM : "Within a unified Hungarian nation it is strange if our
>internal politics are continuously divided by non-Hungarian influences, and
>people grab each others' throats because of their Slav-German-Jewish power
>interests and some voices try to accentuate that of all views the Hungarian
>ones are the worst."

Come on, you can do better, than that. You really mean, that the Slav, German,
Jewish power interests were not affecting our country. Tell this to Berger
Mano, Mellinger Moor, Lenin, the Habsburgs. Or pick your own choices.

>5/13/93, 1:09 PM: [responding to someone who questions whether it makes any
>sense to request territories back where a large proportion of the population
>is Romanian]. "The era of famous saying, Never Again, that does not apply to
>everyone. If the Balkans could introduce the LIBERALly handled and tacitly
>approved idea of ethnic cleansing, used lately by both Serbs and Croats,
>then if we sold our souls to the devils sitting on mountains of money [he is
>using an un-translatable play of words: BANKohegy], than we could also
>receive the license. Sure, we would have to apply for the license to clean
>without destruction, which would include first-class train transportation,
>because licenses for sawing in two, mass-shooting, etc. was used up by Snow
>White souls of the Nazi-free countries..."

Your representation of my posting are not really accurate. But hell with it.
And please don't forget to mention to the English speakers, than in our
language there are many expressions, that based upon self - mockery.

>5/18,93 9:53AM: "[Trianon] Hurt my father, hurt my mother, hurt me also.
>...I am not sure it hurt [rabbi] Landeszman Gyuri."

Did you explain to the English speakers of Hungary what Rabbi Landeszman
believed, and why he was fired by the Jewish Orthodixia as a Rabi in
Hungary? Because if you don't explain, or you explain in your own way,
than the above sentence of mine, has no meaning to them!

>6/4/93, 2:56PM: "Here the ideas and directions do not struggle based on the
>rules of the old Forum but by the old motto  those are trying to gain power
>who don't consider anything dear that is Hungarian, because Hungarian
>culture, belief and morality is cheap in their eyes.   They adore their old
>gods in new clothing, their names being profit, advantage, power..."

Those who are the enemies of Hungary. That can be anybody, who attacks
the Hungarian culture or Hungarian ways of life.

>7/14/93, 2:09 PM: "... I recommend the Hebrew language book, published in
>Jerusalem in 1941, Khazar Conversion to Judaism or the book published in
>1951, Khazaria -The History of a Jewish Kingdom in Europe. I think these
>sources would be a good introduction in understanding of the nationalistic
>aspirations that now are of international proportions , and their
>unfortunate Hungarian connections."

When you argue about Khazaria, there is no better sources than those pub-
lished at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Why Mr. Farkas, do you know
better sources? :-))))

>In the same place he says: " ...they are categorized as antisemites, which
>is a big lie [HANDA-BANDA] because the Jews in Hungary are almost
>exclusively descendants of the Ashkenazi-Khazars, who have nothing genetical
>or historical in common with the Palestinian or Sephardic Jews, and chose
>the Jewish religion only for political reasons, 740 years after Jesus'
>death." [Semitic, again]

Don't blame me! I read from such Jewish writers as Arthur Koestler, or
Mr. Polliak at the Hebrew University. Do you recommend, I  should  read
from Her Goebbels?

>8/9/93, 9:32 AM: "It is worth thinking about why did Poland get 50%
>reduction in its debts?... Maybe in their country there are more Poles than
>in ours Hungarians, and therefore their cries reach easier the ears of
>those, sitting on the money-bags?"

Yeah, is there any better explanations? Or our leadership feels more
Hungarian, than the Poland leadership Polish? Our Hungarians, argued
against the debt reduction vehemently.

>8/17/93, 1:13 PM: "...the liberal magic number of 800,000.. after all it is
>so comfortable to say: 800,000 Jewish victims, 800,000 registered party
>members, 800,000 Gypsy minority and now: 800,000 public servants."

I was wondering about the magic "8". Or is it forbidden? :-)

>I don't have the stomach to do more of this. My wife thinks I am crazy
>wasting this time on Nemenyi. She is probably right.
>Sorry for the size of this posting. I won't do it again.

Oh don't stop. I enjoyed it.

+ - Re: How about an agreed-upon definition of "anti-semiti (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)
At 12:26 PM 7/25/96 -0500, Nemenyi  wrote:

> Just now I received documents from "The National Archives
>of the United States" about the American Expeditionary Forces in Siberia
>in June 1919.

        I just happen to know something about this subject because my B.A.
honors thesis happened to be on Canadian-Soviet Relations between 1917 and
1921. The Canadian forces also took part in the effort of trying to save
Russia for democracy. The Canadian forces happened to be in Archangel and
the Kola Peninsula, alongside the American Expeditionary Forces. Therefore I
read many, many dispatches, similar to the quoted below.

>The document is a string of letters sent by Captain Montgomery
>Schuyler from Omsk on June 9th. to the American War Department. In this letter
>word by word I read the followings: "These hopes were frustrated by the
>gradual gains in power of the more irresponsible and socialistic elements of
>the population guided by the Jews and other anti-russian races. A table made
>in April 1918 by Robert Wilton, the correspondent of the London Times in
>Russia, shows that at that time there were 384 "commissars" including 2
>13 Russians, 15 Chinamen, 22 Armenians and more than 300 Jews. Of the latter
>number 264 had come to Russia from the United States since the downfall of
>the Imperial Government. "

        The fact was that these military men had practically no knowledge of
Russian conditions and sent back so-called political reports which bore no
resemblance to reality. They of course didn't speak Russian and had contact
only with a few Russian politicians on the spot who did. They complained
bitterly about the ineptitude of non-Bolshevik politicians who couldn't get
along and who, by American-Canadian standards, were terribly disorganized. A
responsible researcher's very first task after the first reading of this
passage would be to track down Mr. Robert Wilton and his activities and see
whether any report containing such statistics every appeared in the London
Times or not. If it did, the next task is to check the actualy situation in
Omsk in April 1918: whether it really bears out Mr. Wilton's contention. Mr.
Nemenyi has no training in history but even without training common sense
would dictate to check his sources and not to accept the contents of all
documents without thorough research after the truth. But he doesn't do that
because what he really wants to hear is exactly of what Captain Montgomery
Schuyler and Robert Wilton are saying. He is satisfied and he is happy: they
support his beliefs!

>This document were declassified on the 27th of 1953. Anybody can obtain such
>documents now.

       These documents have been available for a very long time and anyone
can study them either on the spot or can get copies of them. However, only
specialists, specifically working on specific topics, would request such
documents. It is therefore somewhat baffling to see Mr. Nemenyi requesting
such documents. And, by the way, antisemitism of this sort is abundant in
published as well as unpublished American and British documents. Even
democrats like Masaryk and Benes were not entirely free, as it is abundantly
clear from the published British documents, of antisemitic feelings. But
these were different times, before the rise of Hitler and the holocaust.

>See my stand is different. I research history, not like Eva Balogh, who copies
>all the orthodox views of politically correct explanations of history.

        You are no researcher. You have no idea what research is all about.
To pick a few documents, without ever checking their accuracy is no
research. Even ordering a few documents from the National Archives will not
make you a researcher or a historian. Just a maniacal antisemite who hangs
on to every scrap of paper which supports his views.

        Eva Balogh
+ - Re: The Nemenyi files (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)
At 12:35 AM 7/27/96 -0500, Nemenyi wrote:

>Not long ago a member of Hungary posted on Forum, that I was not even forced
>out of ANL. but I quit because of lack of work. And in the same time there
>were false rumors about firing my boss, because of my activities at ANL.
>Is not strange, that my boss is in trouble because I left, due to lack of
>work? :-)

        If you ever want to be a historian you must be able to quote
accurately. Mr. Nemenyi is talking about me. On June 1, 1996, Saturday, I
happened to be invited to a twenty-fifth reunion party at Yale University. I
happened to be talking to a former student of mine whose husband, as it
turned out during the conversation, works for Argonne National Laboratory as
a physicist. My former student told me that her husband has now only a
half-time job because the Republican-dominated Congress cut Argonne's budget
quite severely. Argonne hopes that sooner or later more money will be
available and also hopes to rehire him full time. End of conversation. On
June 3, 1996, I read Mr. Nemenyi's first posting on his losing his job at
Argonne. Not surprisingly my first thought was that Mr. Nemenyi was simply
let go because of lack of funds. I didn't categorically said so because I
didn't know for sure, but on the basis of my former student's information it
was certainly a fairly reasonable assumption to make. Two weeks later I
inquired from a fellow Hungarian about Mr. Nemenyi's case and received the
letter which I posted yesterday. So, the two pieces of information have
nothing to do with each other. The first was an assumption on my part while
the second a piece of information I received from another person two weeks

>ANL. never cared about postings written in Hungarian. There are some "SECRET"
>RATs who are sending letters to ANL. & DOE. denouncing an employee of ANL.
>with the intent to harm him. Now this "SECRET" - people became a police force
>without hire. And for the shame of ANL. & DOE. they excepted this service and
>acted accordingly. I can call those "SECRET" because ANL. & DOE. is flatly
>refusing to discuss anything about them.

        Well, if ANL and DOE are flatly refusing to discuss these rats then
how on earth are you going to get the names of those rats. Just pull a few
names out of your pocket?

>spelled out to me, that I embarrassed their firm. So the point above are
>quite miserable.

        Yes, employers don't like to be embarrassed.

>Mr. Fekete should know better. He is posting from the very same remailer,
>from where anybody can send whistle blower letters and his buddy Gabor
>Fencsik actually posted his hate mails to Forum and GOD knows ;-) to
>where else!!!!!!!

        For those who don't read the Forum. Whoever published under the name
"Karesz" didn't post any "hate mail." He posted very funny, ironic little
pieces about this whole affair. They were hilariously funny.

        Eva Balogh
+ - Re: The Nemenyi files (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)
On Sun, 28 Jul 1996, Eva S. Balogh wrote:
> At 12:35 AM 7/27/96 -0500, Nemenyi wrote:
> >Mr. Fekete should know better. He is posting from the very same remailer,
> >from where anybody can send whistle blower letters and his buddy Gabor

 FYI: I am not posting from any remailer. (And if I did you wouldn't know
it ;-(.)

 Zoli , keeper of <http://www.hix.com/hungarian-faq/>;
*SELLERS BEWARE: I will never buy anything from companies associated
*with inappropriate online advertising (unsolicited commercial email,
*excessive multiposting etc), and discourage others from doing so too!
+ - Re: How about an agreed-upon definition of "anti-semiti (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)
At 01:15 PM 7/28/96 -0500, Nemenyi wrote:

>Furthermore Eva exclaimed that time privately, that she
>doesn't know much about the case, but in the latest time Jews wrote their
>own history. What the hell does it mean?

        At that time I didn't know much about the case, but since then I
have checked out the details, and I came to the conclusion that the charges
were trumped up.

        As for the semi-incomprehensible sentence: "but in the latest time
Jews wrote their own history. What the hell does it mean?" Here is the
simple explanation. I just read at that time a very interesting book by the
president/rector of the Jewish Theological Seminary in Cincinnati, who is a
historian. The book was a collection of his essays about Jewish
historiography, especially German. In one of his essays he bemoaned the fact
that since the mid-1800s almost all Jewish history has been written by Jews
and as a result certain tendencies could be discerned in, for example, the
description of medieval Jewish life. There is a tendency to depict Jewish
life in the medieval ghetto as a continuous time of suffering. When, said
the author (whose name I have forgotten) this was not necessarily the case.
With the Jewish quarters came a great deal of autonomy which was beneficial
to the Jewish community. He also pointed out that prior to 1850
European-Jewish history was almost exclusively written by non-Jews. I simply
reiterated our Jewish historian's statements with approval. I think it would
be better if not only Jews wrote Jewish history as I also applaud
non-Hungarians writing Hungarian history. I disapprove, for example, of the
latest reprehensible happening at one of the New York universities, where
originally a non-Jewish scholar was named as the head of Jewish Studies.
However, the Jewish members of the faculty torpedoed his appointment. I
highly disapprove of the decision on the part of the administration to
oblige. All appointments should be based strictly on merit. The scholar was
apparently a very well known scholar of Yiddish.

        Eva Balogh
+ - Re: NPA -- the saga continues (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)
At 02:31 PM 7/28/96 -0500, Nemenyi wrote:

>But you attacked the Hungarian Radio thinking,  they had
>only my version, without any proof to back it up.

        You have a strange way of writing. I didn't *attack* the Hungarian
Radio. I disapprove of the Hungarian Radio's practice of not checking their
sources. And, yes, I said, that if it turns out that the interview you gave
is one-sided I will write a letter to Petofi Radio and point out to them
that this is not acceptable journalism.

>And the letter stating,  there were "VADAK ~ ACCUSATIONS" which were
>proved to be true. But you wrote to Forum, that  I just left my  firm
>voluntarily possibly, because of lack of work. So you lied! Also ANL.

        Again, you have a little problem with writing and thinking. Yes, I
said that there was the possibility that you were laid off because of budget
cuts. I didn't lie. I simply offered a possible explanation.

>You are dragging ANL. down,  by foolishly posting letters
>like this.

        I don't think that ANL can be dragged farther down than you have
been dragging it.

        Eva Balogh
+ - Re: Disgusting food (was Re: A growing list) (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)
At 11:39 AM 7/28/96 -0700, Gabor Farkas wrote:
>At 02:08 PM 7/28/96 -0400, Really me myself, cross my heart! (Zoli Fekete)
>>> What's the word for headcheese?
>>... and puke from this again ;-(. The word is simply (?) 'diszno1sajt',
>>isn't it!?
>No,  it is diszno1fo3sajt!

        Then what is "disznosajt." I am not crazy about it--but if I recall
correctly one can find big pieces of different parts of the pig in it.

        Eva B.
+ - Re: Nemenyi (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)
>I don't have the stomach to do more of this. My wife thinks I am crazy
>wasting this time on Nemenyi. She is probably right.

I thank you - - your time was well spent!


>Sorry for the size of this posting. I won't do it again.

>Gabor D. Farkas
+ - The Nemenyi files (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)
>>Not long ago a member of Hungary posted on Forum, that I was not even=
>>out of ANL. but I quit because of lack of work. And in the same time there
>>were false rumors about firing my boss, because of my activities at ANL.
>>Is not strange, that my boss is in trouble because I left, due to lack of
>>work? :-)

>        If you ever want to be a historian you must be able to quote
>accurately. Mr. Nemenyi is talking about me. On June 1, 1996, Saturday, I
>happened to be invited to a twenty-fifth reunion party at Yale University.=
>happened to be talking to a former student of mine whose husband, as it
>turned out during the conversation, works for Argonne National Laboratory=
>a physicist. My former student told me that her husband has now only a
>half-time job because the Republican-dominated Congress cut Argonne's=
>quite severely. Argonne hopes that sooner or later more money will be
>available and also hopes to rehire him full time. End of conversation. On
>June 3, 1996, I read Mr. Nemenyi's first posting on his losing his job at
>Argonne. Not surprisingly my first thought was that Mr. Nemenyi was simply
>let go because of lack of funds.=20

See I wasn't talking about you, but it seems, if I just name someone as a=20
member of Hungary, you think that can be only you. Fine. If you are so full=
of yourself, than I concentrate on you. In the beginning, you even tried to
suggest, that there were no denouncing letters:
Felad=F3 :  [United States]
T=E9mak=F6r: Re: Who denounced NPA? ( 129 sor )
Id=F5pont: Sun Jun  9 20:40:33 EDT 1996 HUNGARY #694
> - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Why are you s=F3 sure that those l=E9tt=E9rs were actually received? When
someone asked NPA for more proof, h=E9 answered that h=E9 had n=F5 proof. H=
received this information verb=E1lly but n=F5t in writing. S=F3, we have=
NP=C1s word for this. But the fact is that people don't always tell the=

        NP=C1s s=FCdden trip--away from the computer--sounds suspicious to=
Just when his admirers offer to write a l=E9tt=E9r to his employers on his
behalf, h=E9 disappears. I wonder why!

        =C9va Balogh
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------=
But of course meanwhile you demanded proofs, you never tried to check your=
suggestions, before you posted them.=20

And about my trip --- I went home to put my new Jewish grandson into my=
I hope I don't have to prove this?

>I didn't categorically said so because I didn't know for sure, but on the
>of my former student's information it was certainly a fairly reasonable=20
>assumption to make.=20

But you suggested to others who picked up on it.=20

>Two weeks later I inquired from a fellow Hungarian about Mr. Nemenyi's=20
>case and received the letter which I posted yesterday.=20

How come I never received your apology of suggesting, that there were no=20
denouncing letter is the first case? :-)

>Well, if ANL and DOE are flatly refusing to discuss these rats then
>how on earth are you going to get the names of those rats. Just pull a few
>names out of your pocket?

Do I look like stupid, to tell you? But see I learned about your activities
with Argonne just as I learned who your little trouble maker was behind=20
the name of "Karesz". Please don't underestimate me.=20

>>They spelled out to me, that I embarrassed their firm. So the point=20
>>above are quite miserable.

>Yes, employers don't like to be embarrassed.

So you agree, I was forced out, because of the content of my writings? :-)

>>Mr. Fekete should know better. He is posting from the very same remailer,
>>from where anybody can send whistle blower letters and his buddy Gabor
>>Fencsik actually posted his hate mails to Forum and GOD knows ;-) to
>>where else!!!!!!!

>For those who don't read the Forum. Whoever published under the name
>"Karesz" didn't post any "hate mail." He posted very funny, ironic little
>pieces about this whole affair. They were hilariously funny.

Of course I would stand up for my boy too. :-) And how come, than you=
forget his name? Getting old?

+ - Re: analyst23@aol.com (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)
At 12:36 PM 7/28/96 -0400, Zoli Szekely wrote:
>Analyst23 seems to me to be a cheap provocator
>who was hired by the accusators of Mr Nemenyi.
>He disguises himself as a defender of the
>accused, but he makes more damage than help.

        Honest to goodness! Sometimes I think that I am in a looney bin!
Analyst23=Lajcsi Pagony was hired by one of us!!?? I don't think that any of
us would exchange a word with the man.

        Eva Balogh
+ - Re: Do we want to become a Forum supplement? / Re: (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

George Antony
+ - Re: A growing list (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)
Eva Balogh wrote:

>         I heard that the origin of lecso is the Balkans. Maybe Serbian dish
> originally.

One can find an identical dish in Turkey, with variations of eggs or little
rissoles cooked in it.

George Antony
+ - Re: Disgusting food (was Re: A growing list) (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)
At 03:58 PM 7/28/96 -0700, Eva Balogh wrote:

>>>> What's the word for headcheese?
>>>... and puke from this again ;-(. The word is simply (?) 'diszno1sajt',
>>>isn't it!?
>>No,  it is diszno1fo3sajt!
>        Then what is "disznosajt." I am not crazy about it--but if I recall
>correctly one can find big pieces of different parts of the pig in it.

I think it probably is the same thing. Maybe diszno1fo3sajt is a 'kolozsvarism"

Gabor D. Farkas
+ - Re: analyst23@aol.com (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

On Sun, 28 Jul 1996, Eva S. Balogh wrote:
> At 12:36 PM 7/28/96 -0400, Zoli Szekely wrote:
> >Analyst23 seems to me to be a cheap provocator
> >who was hired by the accusators of Mr Nemenyi.
> >He disguises himself as a defender of the
> >accused, but he makes more damage than help.
>         Honest to goodness! Sometimes I think that I am in a looney bin!
> Analyst23=Lajcsi Pagony was hired by one of us!!?? I don't think that any of
> us would exchange a word with the man.

 Actually, given the weird twists of this saga my drusza may be onto
something. Of course the fact that he himself with the rest
first-generation round of defenders are doing more damage than help
already, one may rather suspect that they were the ones hired by the
opposing camp. Then it is only natural that they strike back, and let
loose the enhanced loony analyst23 - to provoce in the disguise of someone
hired by the other camp, so as to embarass them. I guess it's time for a
counterstrike - to hire someone in the disguise of someone hired to appear
as if hired by the opposing camp...

- --
 Zoli , keeper of <http://www.hix.com/hungarian-faq/>;
*SELLERS BEWARE: I will never buy anything from companies associated
*with inappropriate online advertising (unsolicited commercial email,
*excessive multiposting etc), and discourage others from doing so too!

Version: 2.6.2

+ - Re: Ideological babbling from the radical left (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)
Zoltan Szekely wrote:

> I borrowed my arguments from the experts of the FIDESz
> Polgari Part. Your critizism should be directed toward
> them.

>George Antony wrote:
> > Do you seriously claim that
> > new coalition stopped a growth that was about to take off (...)?

> It's not me, who claims that. It is the opinion of the
> Polgari Szovetseg in Hungary.

My criticism of unadulterated rubbish is directed at everyone who
repeats it like mantra without even thinking whether is makes sense
at all.

> > Instead, according to you, they stopped growth dead, for mere ideological
> > reasons.  They may be very low in your estimation, but no politician is
> > going to commit political suicide by unnecessarily impoverishing its
> > own electorate.

> Wrong! In the beginning of their 4 years they could do
> anything. Voters forgot it!

Sheesh, you just do not want to hear it, do you ?

Politicians much rather please their electorates than kick them in the
guts, and will only do the latter if absolutely forced to do so, regardless
when it happens during the electoral cycle.

> > Besides, you must come up with more substantial evidence than transparent
> > efforts by the opposition to wash its hands of the economic mess it took
> > Hungary into by rewriting history.

> The Hungarian opposition has no business with ideology
> at all. They don't use ideological arguments in their
> election programs, because they don't need such.

I suppose they told you that too.

Since you are such a sincere and trustful person, let me offer you an
exceptionally good deal on a very solid bridge around here ;-).

> > > One more question left here. What did you mean by this?

> > >> The FORUM has been taken over by a noisy group of
> > >> political extremists (Nazis and their fellow travellers) [etc.]

> > Not that it has anything to do with the issue on hand, but no.  I am usuall
> > trying to choose my words carefully, and if I had wanted to say that I woul
> > have done so.

> I quoted this from you in order to show up, how easy it is
> to be caught in pure ideological argumentation and name
> calling even for some respectable economists.

You just have to be resigned to the fact that there will always be people,
myself included, who call something that looks like a duck, walks like a duck
and quacks like a duck a duck, even if it calls itself a hairy-nosed wombat.

George Antony
+ - Re: Disgusting food (was Re: A growing list) (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)
At 03:58 PM 7/28/96 -0700, you wrote:
>        Then what is "disznosajt." I am not crazy about it--but if I recall
>correctly one can find big pieces of different parts of the pig in it.
>        Eva B.

Disznosajt - is (at least according to my fam) the head of the pig, (after
disznotoros), which gets boiled down to what my great grandmother still to
this day believes to be beyond recognition.  (I have to add, that this is,
despite the fact that three generations have attempted to prove her theory
and/or beliefs wrong) since, all of our three generations, still to this
very day, recognize the ear, eyes, not to mention all the hair)....

Then when it is cooled and combined with a handful of this and that, comes a
compacted concotion of all of the above in an aspic type form...(kocsonya).
When it has properly cured, (whatever that may mean), one ends up with

While I truly consider my stomach to be made of cast iron, and will, and
have tried anything presented to me at least once.... this is definately not
one of my favs.  In fact..... I especially find the hairs attached to ears
and nostrils incredibly disgusting... (from the pig, in an aspic form on
bread.. that is).

Hope this helps Eva???

+ - How about an agreed-upon definition of "anti-semitism?" (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)
Eva Balogh wrote:

>> Just now I received documents from "The National Archives
>>of the United States" about the American Expeditionary Forces in Siberia
>>in June 1919.

>        I just happen to know something about this subject because my B.A.
>honors thesis happened to be on Canadian-Soviet Relations between 1917 and
>1921. The Canadian forces also took part in the effort of trying to save
>Russia for democracy. The Canadian forces happened to be in Archangel and
>the Kola Peninsula, alongside the American Expeditionary Forces. Therefore I
>read many, many dispatches, similar to the quoted below.


>        The fact was that these military men had practically no knowledge of
>Russian conditions and sent back so-called political reports which bore no
>resemblance to reality.

Oh I see. We can not trust the US. Intelligence Section either?

>They of course didn't speak Russian and had contact only with a few Russian
>politicians on the spot who did. They complained bitterly about the ineptitude
>of non-Bolshevik politicians who couldn't get along and who, by American-
>Canadian standards, were terribly disorganized.

So what is the point? Eva Balogh is trying to explain the racial, religious
make-up of the Bolshevik leadership? :-)

>Times or not. If it did, the next task is to check the actualy situation in
>Omsk in April 1918: whether it really bears out Mr. Wilton's contention. Mr.
>Nemenyi has no training in history but even without training common sense
>would dictate to check his sources and not to accept the contents of all
>documents without thorough research after the truth. But he doesn't do that
>because what he really wants to hear is exactly of what Captain Montgomery
>Schuyler and Robert Wilton are saying. He is satisfied and he is happy: they
>support his beliefs!

So in order to publish anything you have to be "TRAINED". Good choice of
I was not trained of course if I see the names of the Council of People's
Commissars, like Trotsky, Zinoviev, Kamenev, Joffe, Sverdlov, Uritsky,
Sokolnikov, etc. I just tell myself: NPA. you are not "TRAINED" so they
are possibly American Indians. :-)

>>This document were declassified on the 27th of 1953. Anybody can obtain
>>such documents now.

>       These documents have been available for a very long time and anyone
>can study them either on the spot or can get copies of them. However, only
>specialists, specifically working on specific topics, would request such
>documents. It is therefore somewhat baffling to see Mr. Nemenyi requesting
>such documents.

May be I am "TRAINING" myself to become one day as smart as Eva Balogh. I
know it is not possible, but at least I try. ;-)

>And, by the way, antisemitism of this sort is abundant in published as well
>as unpublished American and British documents. Even democrats like Masaryk
>and Benes were not entirely free, as it is abundantly clear from the
>published British documents, of antisemitic feelings. But these were
>different times, before the rise of Hitler and the holocaust.

Eva Balogh is trying to say, after Hitler and the holocaust, the American
historians used trained self control to state race, and religion in their

>>See my stand is different. I research history, not like Eva Balogh, who copie
>>all the orthodox views of politically correct explanations of history.

>        You are no researcher. You have no idea what research is all about.
>To pick a few documents, without ever checking their accuracy is no
>research. Even ordering a few documents from the National Archives will not
>make you a researcher or a historian. Just a maniacal antisemite who hangs
>on to every scrap of paper which supports his views.

I never sad I am a researcher! Don't put words in my mouth. I sad I research.
History is my hobby, nothing more. But believe me, I do have a little idea
about research. And your name calling is becoming habit on your part.

+ - Really me myself, cross my heart! (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

>>Mr. Fekete should know better. He is posting from the very same remailer,
>>from where anybody can send whistle blower letters and his buddy Gabor

 FYI: I am not posting from any remailer. (And if I did you wouldn't know
it ;-(.)

I'm sorry! You are right. c2.org is only your alternate address. :-) But see
those remailers are not fool proof. ;-)

+ - Good news - (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)
Updated Sun Jul 28 19:40:00 EDT 1996

Olympic Women's Soccer Tournament Sunday's Results


   China 3, Brazil 2
   !!! United States 2, Norway 1, Final in OT !!!

      This is much more interesting than anything about Nemenyi,

+ - Re: Nemenyi (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)
At 07:24 PM 7/28/96 -0400, you wrote:
>I thank you - - your time was well spent!
>Dear Marina:
While I must agree with your statement as above... I also have to add that I
am sorry for anyone who would have been compelled to spend valuable time
from their short life on such.   I tend to agree with Gabor's wife.

What has become incredibly evident to me is that; some people read what is
written; others will make sure that what is written gets interpreted in
another way; while others simply ignore all and keep writing...  In short, I
truly feel that NPA is no different from our fav ol ' Doc.  (I am sure that
you must remember him... right?)  No matter what one writes or says or
produces to be evidence... another entirely lenghtly saga will be born from
it.  Some people are just born manipulators.  Manipulators of life, of
words, of history, you name it!

What troubles me most is, that the manipulators become parasites.  And when
I see that they tend to live off the energy and knowledge of others to the
point when they succeed to draw life from those others.... truly saddens my

In closing, I guess that I have deduced just that in a few days browsing....
In long, I would hope that the manipulated ones will wake up in time to
recognize that they are indeed being manipulated...which hopefully will
silence those, whom are the manipulators?  After all, all others on the
sideline (constituting the silent 46% minority from July 28th's posts)  am
sure are intelligent enough to have by now drawn their conclusions...

If not, I think it's time to call NBC, ATV, or the like...  We could all
become really rich.. by shear suggestion of a new Soap Opera... As
previously suggested, "as npa turns"?

+ - Re: Do we want to become a Forum supplement? / Re: (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)
George Anthony says:
At 10:02 AM 7/29/96 +1000, you wrote:
>                                     NO

Second that motion

>George Antony
+ - NPA -- the saga continues (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)
Eva Balogh wrote:

>>But you attacked the Hungarian Radio thinking,  they had
>>only my version, without any proof to back it up.

>You have a strange way of writing. I didn't *attack* the Hungarian
>Radio. I disapprove of the Hungarian Radio's practice of not checking their

You have a strange way of looking at my articles. I never attacked historical
facts, I merely disapproved how they were translated by TRAINED historians.:-)

>And, yes, I said, that if it turns out that the interview you gave
>is one-sided I will write a letter to Petofi Radio and point out to them
>that this is not acceptable journalism.

And you also wrote in Hungary # 732:

>But now I know what transpired and, yes, I will write to Petofi Radio and Mr.
>Arpad Szilagyi and will express my disapproval of their shady journalistic

So, did you do it?

>>And the letter stating,  there were "VADAK ~ ACCUSATIONS" which were
>>proved to be true. But you wrote to Forum, that  I just left my  firm
>>voluntarily possibly, because of lack of work. So you lied! Also ANL.

>Again, you have a little problem with writing and thinking. Yes, I
>said that there was the possibility that you were laid off because of budget
>cuts. I didn't lie. I simply offered a possible explanation.

Without knowing if it was true? How about a "icipici" lie? :-)

>>You are dragging ANL. down,  by foolishly posting letter like this.

>I don't think that ANL can be dragged farther down than you have been
>dragging it.

Look who's talking?

+ - Re: New Thread / Same Old Topic (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)
At 06:06 PM 7/27/96 -0700, Eva Balogh wrote:

>        Of course, it isn't. In this country property taxes paid to the town
>in addition to grants from the state government take care of public
>eduction. By the way, considering that I am not married and I have no
>children and 75 percent of my property taxes (of close to $4,000/year) goes
>to education, I think that in the last twenty years I have paid fully for my
>own public education. Add to this, my yearly alumni contribution to Yale and
>Carleton Universities!

You don't feel put out by having had to pay for your own public education,
do you?  And, by the way, everyone who owns property pays school tax.
Whether you're married or not, or have children or not, is irrelevant.
However, you can consider yourself lucky if you don't have children because
they cost a lot of money, above and beyond the property tax.

>        No, what I meant was that it was an "existing socialist" system
>where, I am very sure my parents paid dearly for the few years of "free"
>public education I received. They lost several apartments, they lost a
>factory, and they lost quite a few acres of land. Believe me my education
>wasn't exactly free.

Historical circumstances are often not what we would want them to be.
Should I list all the injustices that my parents had to endure?  They were
different from your parents but they were injustices just the same.

>        I paid my debt fifty times over!! With the ruined lives of my
>parents and my forced emigration in addition to all the stolen property from
>my family.

Your emigration was forced?  That's a new one!  Forty years after the 1956
Revolution and a few confused people are calling it a SZABADSAGHARC, and now
Eva Balogh says that her emigration was forced.  It may have looked like the
best option to many, but I don't think anyone was forced to leave.

Nobody likes to see lives ruined and no one is in favour of stolen property.
Remember that your parents were not the only ones whose lives were ruined
and there is no consensus on what stolen property means.  Some people are in
favour of property rights and some believe that property *itself* is theft.

I'm beginning to think that your opposition to social programmes is more
emotional than intellectual.  You seem to have a chip on your shoulder about
what happened in Hungary 40 years ago.  It's obviously had an effect on your
world view.  No wonder you seem to fly off the handle whenever you see
someone defending social programmes.  You see the programmes as the thin
edge of the 'socialist-communist-bolshevik-Maoist-Marxist-Leninist' wedge.
You think that the next one will lead to all your property being taken away
from you, as happened to your parents.  You should relax and enjoy life.

>And by the way, I am one of the very few people I know on the
>Internet who actually invested the meagre compensation I received in the
>Hungarian stock exchange, trying to help the Hungarian economy. I didn't
>sell my shares to speculators and exchanged them to American dollars.

See!  You can be nobel when you want.

>>The federal and provincial governments in Canada are not cash cows.
>        You don't have to give me lectures on this subject. I know it better
>than you do that there is no free lunch.

It was just a free and friendly reminder.

>        Elite, my foot. A very large percentage of American and Canadian
>adult population receive college education.

I'm sorry, but it has nothing to do with your foot.  It's true that a large
percentage of Americans and Canadians get a college education.  It's also
true that the working poor and the lower middle class subsidize the college
education of the well-to-do.  Just because you don't understand how that can
be, or because you can't figure out how the taxation system serves the rich,
doesn't make it false.

Joe Szalai
+ - Analyst23 seems to me to be a cheap provocator (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)
Eva Balogh wrote:

>Honest to goodness! Sometimes I think that I am in a looney bin!
>Analyst23=Lajcsi Pagony was hired by one of us!!?? I don't think
>that any of us would exchange a word with the man.

If analyst23 is Lajcsi Pagony, then Eva must be right. As far as
I followed their postings, they are not in good relation. :-)

Furthermore Eva's gang is full, I don't think they take any more
members. ;-)

+ - How about an agreed-upon definition of "anti-semitism?" (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)
Eva Balogh wrote:

>>Furthermore Eva exclaimed that time privately, that she doesn't
>>know much about the case, but in the latest time Jews wrote their
>>own history. What the hell does it mean?

>At that time I didn't know much about the case, but since then I
>have checked out the details, and I came to the conclusion that the
>charges were trumped up.

Where did you researched this info? From the works of Eotvos or Bary?

>As for the semi-incomprehensible sentence: "but in the latest time
>Jews wrote their own history. What the hell does it mean?" Here is the
>simple explanation.

So you want to explain an antisemitic view of yours? ;-)

>blah blah.....
>historiography, especially German. In one of his essays he bemoaned
>the fact that since the mid-1800s almost all Jewish history has been
>written by Jews and as a result certain tendencies could be discerned
>in, for example, the description of medieval Jewish life....blah, blah

You know what? I take your explanation. I'm for tolerance. :-)

+ - Compatriot searching (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)
Dear Sir/Mme.:

Could you introduce me some Chinese students or scholars in Hungary as
I want to make communication with them. I'm a student too.

Anyway, E-mail address is ok to me.

Thank you very much in advance.

Yours truthly

WEI Qiang
+ - Re: Disgusting food (was Re: A growing list) (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)
At 08:23 PM 7/28/96 -0400, Aniko wrote:

>While I truly consider my stomach to be made of cast iron, and will, and
>have tried anything presented to me at least once.... this is definately not
>one of my favs.  In fact..... I especially find the hairs attached to ears
>and nostrils incredibly disgusting... (from the pig, in an aspic form on
>bread.. that is).
>Hope this helps Eva???

        Maybe I am thinking of something else. Maybe something which has to
do with the stomach. Maybe the "icipici, not so icipici" pieces of meat and
fat are put into the stomach. What is that called?

        Eva B.
+ - Re: Nemenyi (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)
At 08:23 PM 7/28/96 -0400, Aniko wrote:

>In closing, I guess that I have deduced just that in a few days browsing....
>In long, I would hope that the manipulated ones will wake up in time to
>recognize that they are indeed being manipulated...which hopefully will
>silence those, whom are the manipulators?  After all, all others on the
>sideline (constituting the silent 46% minority from July 28th's posts)  am
>sure are intelligent enough to have by now drawn their conclusions...
>If not, I think it's time to call NBC, ATV, or the like...  We could all
>become really rich.. by shear suggestion of a new Soap Opera... As
>previously suggested, "as npa turns"?

        I hope Aniko is right. The silent majority by now have drawn their
own conclusions, I hope the right ones.

        And by the way, I can go on for a while with all this nonsense and
then, very suddenly, I decide that I had enough and refuse to continue. I
guess, if you want to make a generalization that is a "typical" Hungarian
reaction. I think I have reached this point.

        As for your "as npa turns," I found it hilariously funny. It
reminded me of an old Carol Burnett show in which she called that particular
soap opera: "as the stomach turns." Well, anyone can draw one's own
conclusion what I have in mind.

        Eva Balogh
+ - Re: Good news - (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)
At 08:29 PM 7/28/96 -0400, you wrote:
>      Updated Sun Jul 28 19:40:00 EDT 1996>
>Olympic Women's Soccer Tournament Sunday's Results
>   Semifinals
   China 3, Brazil 2
>   ----------------------------------------------
>   !!! United States 2, Norway 1, Final in OT !!!
>   ----------------------------------------------
>      This is much more interesting than anything about Nemenyi,
>                                                              Amos
Ciao Amos:

Well.. thanks for a breath of fresh air as they say, at least for your very
last statement.

Now, what I really need is some really super positive vibes, along with same
sort in cheers, so that Hungary will do what they are set to do so... in
Kayak and Canoe...  All those guys/gals!   Come on you all... let's put "As
NPA turns" on a rerun until at least the next week is over????  c2/K1/K2/K4
- ARE truly up for a big races...and any/all the cosmic energy will
undoubtadly help???

BTW;  Bailey smoked!!!! Any comments on that amazing race?  And our rowing
doubles?  ....

+ - Re: Nemenyi (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)
At 07:24 PM 7/28/96 -0400, Marina wrote:
>>I don't have the stomach to do more of this. My wife thinks I am crazy
>>wasting this time on Nemenyi. She is probably right.
>I thank you - - your time was well spent!
>>Sorry for the size of this posting. I won't do it again.
>>Gabor D. Farkas
        Me too! Most of the quotes were before my times or at the time of
the publication I simply skipped them. But put together it makes very
interesting reading.

        Eva B.
+ - Do we want to become a Forum supplement? (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)
George Anthony says:
>At 10:02 AM 7/29/96 +1000, you wrote:
>                                     NO

>Second that motion

Third that motion
+ - Nemenyi (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)
Aniko wrote:

>If not, I think it's time to call NBC, ATV, or the like...  We could all
>become really rich.. by shear suggestion of a new Soap Opera... As
>previously suggested, "as npa turns"?

You want the subject to die off?  It is easy. Just tell the gang not to
write about NPA. I did not start it on this platform. But I answer to
every postings dealing with me.

+ - Re: The Nemenyi files (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)
Eva Balogh had this pearl:
>         For those who don't read the Forum. Whoever published under the name
> "Karesz" didn't post any "hate mail." He posted very funny, ironic little
> pieces about this whole affair. They were hilariously funny.
Yeah!! Just like the story about the blowing gerbil. (Sz. Zoli)
+ - Re: analyst23@aol.com (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)
At 07:48 PM 7/28/96 -0400, Zoli fekete wrote:

> Actually, given the weird twists of this saga my drusza may be onto
>something. Of course the fact that he himself with the rest
>first-generation round of defenders are doing more damage than help
>already, one may rather suspect that they were the ones hired by the
>opposing camp. Then it is only natural that they strike back, and let
>loose the enhanced loony analyst23 - to provoce in the disguise of someone
>hired by the other camp, so as to embarass them. I guess it's time for a
>counterstrike - to hire someone in the disguise of someone hired to appear
>as if hired by the opposing camp...

Continue with the story, Zoli.  I'm working on the film rights for all this.
It will be another cheap, Hungarian thriller. (PG)  For a special, special
effect, all copies of the movie will be badly dubbed.

Any financial backers out there?

Joe Szalai
+ - Re: Ideological babbling from the radical left (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)
As in the letter of Antony Gyuri:
> >George Antony wrote:
> > > Do you seriously claim that
> > > new coalition stopped a growth that was about to take off (...)?
> > It's not me, who claims that. It is the opinion of the
> > Polgari Szovetseg in Hungary.
> My criticism of unadulterated rubbish is directed at everyone who
> repeats it like mantra without even thinking whether is makes sense
> at all.
Gyuri, you're stealing away some hard facts of
the Hungarian economy. It's you're business,
but I guess in a democracy it in not a good
idea to dismiss the opposing economical views.

> Politicians much rather please their electorates than kick them in the
> guts, and will only do the latter if absolutely forced to do so, regardless
> when it happens during the electoral cycle.
Wrong! The first year is always different. The
liberals wanted to force, e.g., Antall into a
'shock therapy' in the first year of his leader-
ship and they accused him to miss a 'historical
chance', because he did not comply. Why?

> You just have to be resigned to the fact that there will always be people,
> myself included, who call something that looks like a duck, walks like a duck
> and quacks like a duck a duck, even if it calls itself a hairy-nosed wombat.
The trouble is that you call a duck everything
which is not in resemblance with you.

Too bad that you spoil your intelligence on it.

                                       Sz. Zoli
+ - Re: Disgusting food (was Re: A growing list) (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)
At 06:13 PM 7/28/96 -0700, Eva Balogh wrote:

>        Maybe I am thinking of something else. Maybe something which has to
>do with the stomach. Maybe the "icipici, not so icipici" pieces of meat and
>fat are put into the stomach. What is that called?

I never thought that the outside of the disznofosajt would be stomach but I
remember that when I bought it at the store (I did like it and bought it
under my mother's protest), the slices were not equal in diameter. The thing
did not have the shape of the regular "felvagott" but more the shape of a
ball. Also, the outside was thicker. So maybe it was stomach.

Gabor D. Farkas
+ - Re: Nemenyi (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)
D.oc  Farkas did a small research in the archives:

> Since I received a few requests to prove that Nemenyi is an antisemite, I
> went back to the Forum archives to find out a little more about Nemenyi and
> his writings. At the beginning I didn't know how to search the archives
> efficiently, so I went fishing, looking for his name. Surprise, surprise, on
> 12/9/94 Zoli Szekely, at that time  writes to him,
> as follows:
> "It seems you lost your legendary cold blood. I did not call you a Nazi or a
> fascist. All I said was that the ugly guessing game about the biological
> origins of the central figure of Christianity is close to the views of
> Rosenberg, one of those convicted in the Nuremberg trials.".

This debate had nothing to do with Jewish issues. It was about
the Christianity, precisely about the birth of Christ. It
happened in the Advent of 94, 2 weeks before Christmas. I can
testify that Nemenyi was involved in this Christian topic
very much. His encyclopedic involvement is his specific
characteristics. He must have a legendary library. I have never
known anybody who could communicate so many quotes in his
wide-range topics as Nemenyi could. (The only Peter Esterhazuy
is the exception in the Hungarian literature, but he never
gives the sources of his intensive qouting around in his books,
as Peter Nemenyi does.)

In this specific debate I found Nemenyi's views about the
birth of Christ highly nonstandard. I know, he is not alone
about the questioning of the historical facts of Jesus' birth.
I was kind of sensitive about this issue because of Christmas.
Nevertheless, I never called Nemenyi an anti-Christian, not
even an anti-semite, Nazi or fascist. Because he is not.

He may have nonstandard views about history, but is it a
good reason to excommunicate him?
                                                   Sz. Zoli
+ - Re: Hungarians athletes cut . . . (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)
Subject: Re: Hungarians athletes cut . . .

For a truly global covarege of the Olympic games I recommend the

International Herald Tribune. No more dream team rubbish. In

New York City area it cost only $ 1.25. It is edited in Paris for a

worldwide readership. It is written by New York Times, Washington

Post and International Herald correspondents. A Washington Post

journalist characterized the NBC program as an orgy of American

gold medal ceremony. Suprise, I am not the only one who feels

this way.

By the way the NYC edition of the Herald don't have the expatriot

American focus, which dominates the Paris edition.

                      Meantime: Good Luck Hungarians!

                                            Hajra Gyerekek!

                                                    Tibor Szekely c/o

Irena Milyavskaya
+ - Re: Disgusting food (was Re: A growing list) (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)
At 06:13 PM 7/28/96 -0700, Eva Balogh wrote:

>        Maybe I am thinking of something else. Maybe something which has to
>do with the stomach. Maybe the "icipici, not so icipici" pieces of meat and
>fat are put into the stomach. What is that called?

I never thought that the outside of the disznofosajt would be stomach but I
remember that when I bought it at the store (I did like it and bought it
under my mother's protest), the slices were not equal in diameter. The thing
did not have the shape of the regular "felvagott" but more the shape of a
ball. Also, the outside was thicker. So maybe it was stomach.

Gabor D. Farkas

Gabor, you are absolutely correct!!!  My job during disznotor was to clean the
inside of the pigs stomach with a dull table knife, next to the artesian well
since I needed plenty of water to do the job right.  By the way, our
"headcheese' as it's called in English never had hairs or objectional pieces of
the pigs head like eyes in it....it was a clean carefully made product with
lots of root vegetables in the stock to give it a balanced flavor.  The ball
like stomach was pressed into a flatter shape with weights after it was

Don't knock it, until you've tried it!  [WINK]

Bob hosh

+ - Re: analyst23@aol.com (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)
At 09:46 PM 7/28/96 -0400, Joe Szalai wrote:

>Continue with the story, Zoli.  I'm working on the film rights for all this.
>It will be another cheap, Hungarian thriller. (PG)  For a special, special
>effect, all copies of the movie will be badly dubbed.
>Any financial backers out there?

I am making phone calls to all the European bank hegemonies right now.

Gabor D. Farkas
+ - ol ' Doc's cousin Arlomeister [was: Re: Nemenyi ] (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)
Aniko wrote:

At 07:24 PM 7/28/96 -0400, you wrote to Gabor Farkas:
>>I thank you - - your time was well spent!

>Dear Marina:
>While I must agree with your statement as above... I also have to add that I
>am sorry for anyone who would have been compelled to spend valuable time
>from their short life on such.   I tend to agree with Gabor's wife.

>What has become incredibly evident to me is that; some people read what is
>written; others will make sure that what is written gets interpreted in
>another way; while others simply ignore all and keep writing...  In short, I
>truly feel that NPA is no different from our fav ol ' Doc.  (I am sure that
>you must remember him... right?)  No matter what one writes or says or
>produces to be evidence... another entirely lenghtly saga will be born from
>it.  Some people are just born manipulators.  Manipulators of life, of
>words, of history, you name it!

Aniko, you are right  and I agree with Gabor's wife too.
But I think that Gabor is right as well! Gabor made his point for everyone to
"Arlo" has flooded the scm and hungary list, and his "M.O." more and more
reminds me of fav ol ' Docs' too. [ Remember him..? How can I forget??? ]

>What troubles me most is, that the manipulators become parasites.  [...]




"Some of us drink
 from the fountain of knowledge,
 others just gargle!"
+ - Re: analyst23@aol.com (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

On Sun, 28 Jul 1996, S or G Farkas wrote:
> At 09:46 PM 7/28/96 -0400, Joe Szalai wrote:
> >[never-ending saga film in the works]
> >Any financial backers out there?
> I am making phone calls to all the European bank hegemonies right now.
 But clearly, it's GOT to be the Tel Aviv - New York axis, doesn't it!?

- --
 Zoli , keeper of <http://www.hix.com/hungarian-faq/>;
*SELLERS BEWARE: I will never buy anything from companies associated
*with inappropriate online advertising (unsolicited commercial email,
*excessive multiposting etc), and discourage others from doing so too!

Version: 2.6.2

+ - Re: PROTEST NBC-TELEVSION (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)
I enclose a protest letter I mailed today to NBC:

From: Tibor Szekely  Chem. Eng.

X-To: NBC Comment Line
30 Rockefeller Plaza
NY NY 10112
Re: 96  Olympic coverage

                  Dear Sir/Mme !

   I am a great fan of the Olympic games. I watch commercial television

very rarely. The games
caught me once in London, in 1988 I watched the New York Korean channel

for good coverage,
in 1992 I was connected to the Triplecast. This year I watched great

number of hours of NBC
Olympic broadcast because I had no other choice. I never wrote

complaints to TV stations.
The only reason I make an exception because of the extreme rage Your

shallow program brought
on me. Despite of these rages I kept tuning to channel 4 because I had

no choice. In the other side
of the Atlantic cable viewers had a choice of 4-5 stations to view the

games simultaneously.

   Let me give You few of the  complaints.

  - Your statistical works on the screen or on line are totally


  - Choosing ex-athletes for sportcasting is a poor choice. Try to

listen to Robert Frost when he

reads his own poems and see the effect you made. Ex-Olympians who

become a coach later can

help You better.

- Your coverage of rare sports events are unratable. Your greco- roman

wrestling segment consisted of

a crying competitor private messages to his mother. Your women field

hockey snap shot showed cheer-

fool women hugs with artistic camera work. In the nineties we still

have sexism in sport journalism?

Why You had to set us up for this rabbish in your coming-up


 - A great 17 years old Californian shooter won a medal. A true amateur

hero. You were completely unprepared.

 You mumbled

some gossips. Why you did not bought some segments from foreign media?

You  could have barter Your

crying wrestler segment for it. No matter how much I dislike

trashcasting, it is one of our best export


 - As a Europian American I am very proud for American victories.

Thomas Dolan is my personal hero.

Your primitive ignorance of the global nature of the games shows

shallow chauvinism. I was still ambi-

valent to comment on this until I read the Washington Post

characterizing NBC as an orgy of Ameri-

can gold medal celebrations.

  -As far us how much You focused on the events: How is Janet Evens toe

and G. Hall Jr grandpa?

 I protest for insulting  the intelligence of the American TV viewers!

  Many of my friends share my views. We perhaps still in the

significant minorities. I am not asking
You to change your programming entirely to my taste. All I am asking to

use some more sanity in your
Sydney coverage. I will get back to you in 1999 inquiring about your

planned coverage. At this time
I compiled a list of Your advertisers. At this time I made a decision

to decline to be interviewed for the
NBC on any topics until my complains resolved.

                                     Sincerely Yours:

Tibor Szekely  c/o Milyavskaya